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篇1: 介绍云南的英文导游词

Summer vacation, my mother took me to lijiang to play. Just boarded the plane, I began to repose. For a moment, I felt the machine moving, beginning is running slowly, after a turn, began to accelerate, more and more fast, more and more fast, suddenly felt a shock, wow, take off. I'm excited opened his eyes, looked at the plane gradually into the clouds.

My face toward the window, wow, beautiful, outside the clouds white light, changing. Some like Tibetan antelope running in the mountains, some like a little rabbit looked around got shot. All of a sudden, I a surprised, because, I saw two different cloud. A like a dragon, a like a tiger, as if in a illustrating. Historical stories I've ever seen the book says, if where went out of the phenomenon of dragon like tiger, where the ruler of will appear in the future. Nanjing, we will give a new leader? Consider also feel a little not credible.

Cloud look tired, I close my eyes and fell asleep. Feel sleep not long time, I was awakened by the radio, please the carry-on articles of the passenger take ordered off the plane.

Wow, lijiang!!!!!!

We got off the plane was the car received the inn, settled in the luggage, we're going to pull the city sea to riding experience the tea horse road.

Want to know what happened when we ride a horse, please listen to the next.

篇2: 介绍云南的英文导游词

Yunnan province, referred to as “yunnan, cloud, is located in the southwest border of the People's Republic of China. During the warring states period, is the land of yunnan tribe lived here. In yunnan, that is, ”the south of clouds“, the other is named after the deep is located in the south of yuengling. Provincial capital kunming. With a total area of about 39 square kilometers, 4.11% of total area, area of no. 8 in each provincial administrative region in the country. A total population of 43.16 million (20xx), 3.36% of the population and the population ranks as the 13th. And the yunnan province adjacent provinces of sichuan, guizhou, guangxi, Tibet, yunnan province is three neighboring Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The tropic of cancer crosses from southern province.

Yunnan province is a large country, and rich in resources, enjoy the ”kingdom of plants“, ”animal kingdom“ and ”non-ferrous metal kingdom“, ”flavor of the township“, ”natural garden“ reputation. Higher plants more than 18000, of which about 10000 species of tropical and subtropical higher plants. The province's forest area of 143 million mu, the total volume of 988 million cubic meters of wood, is one of China's four major forest region. Is rich in tobacco leaves, notoginseng, gastrodia elata, eucommia bark, amomum fruit, pepper and other herbs and tropical and subtropical fruit. Flue-cured tobacco and cigarette output ranking first in the country. Smoke of fiscal revenue accounted for about two-thirds of the public finance. Rich natural spices and oil plants, animal resources, birds and beasts are among the top of the country. Mineral resources, the province has 155 kinds, variety complete, non-ferrous metal in particular for the lead, zinc, tin, nickel, phosphate rock deposits is very big, is the important origin of phosphate rock in our country. Jinsha river, lancang river, nujiang river flows through the hengduan mountainous areas have their huge hydropower resources.

Yunnan frontier style, unique plateau lakes, karst wonders, tropical rain forest, snow mountain valleys, and all of the historical and cultural relics, a variety of climate, colorful ethnic customs, together become rich tourism resources.

China's market is in a transition phase, compared with the western mature market there is a big gap, and China's yunnan tourism in the same under the baptism of the economic transformation, so in yunnan tourism marketing will experience a primary stage to the market by the market, a senior phase transformation process. Although the tourism industry marketing consciousness is generally not strong, marketing ability is not high, and even some places also have no sense of tourism marketing, in some places because the government behavior factors system problems, money problems, the existence of the phenomenon such as interests outweigh the marketing problems, but we must see clearly, with China's accession to the WTO, international advanced concepts and successful operation with a sound of crying Wolf entered China, these advanced concepts and successful experience will be a man of insight through effective ”docking“ with Chinese characteristics, reasonable use to the practice of the market in China, so as to effectively promote the rapid development of China's economy. In China, the world of yunnan tourism resources of the country, and with the world's largest domestic tourism market, and it will become the world's largest destination countries in 20xx. Under this kind of the bidirectional interaction of supply and demand, China's yunnan tourism prospects.

篇3: 介绍云南的英文导游词

Yunnan called dian, during the warring states period, here is the land of yunnan tribe lived. Yunnan, meaning ”south of the clouds“, the other is named after the deep is located in the south of yuengling. Archaism cloud ”ten feet long, a day of yunnan in the sky“, she really close to the day. A strong crustal movement 3 million years ago, is located in the depths of the ocean of the valley, abrupt, made a peak valley, stream cyclotron singular plateau.

”Thousand pour sea, ridge mountain peak cluster planted into hh onion“. From south river town of only 76 meters above sea level of dating back to 6740 meters high politician meili snow mountain's peak, yunnan-guizhou plateau with an average of 6 meters per kilometer rhythm uplift, is just a ladder which beautiful.it's in nine hundred. Famous jinsha river, nu river, lancang river flow to the distance, almost side by side through here perilous peak valley, has a long history in the rivers and streams, lakes, hot springs, dotted, contributed to this amazing beautiful paradise.

The unique geographical environment to form the unique climate conditions in yunnan. ”Mountain four seasons, different weather“, a province with cold, warm, hot three zones climate, it is rare in the world. Advantageous geographical environment and climate conditions, making unusually rich animal and plant species in yunnan, there are more than 15000 kinds of higher plants, more than 250 species, a total of 766 kinds of birds, ”the plant kingdom“ and ”animal kingdom“ of reputation became yunnan.

In the arms of the magic, the beautiful red, inhabited by 26 ethnic groups, people of all ethnic groups the industrious and brave, unyielding and sing, unadorned passion. All ethnic groups because of the natural environment and historical development in different social and cultural forms, create numerous characteristic, rich and colorful ethnic culture, and with its unique customs and traditions, exotic life shed in shapes, bright and rich cultural heritage.

From the 99 world horticultural expo venue, the provincial capital of kunming, the ”moon“ Dali sites; From the plateau city of lijiang, the magic of ”shangri-la“ - zhongdian, the peacock in xishuangbanna of the dance; From the day the first one wonders ”of the stone forest, the manifold blessings that lie in: yuanmou earth forest, which are rarely seen in the“ three rivers ”and flow, the narrow river water fierce tiger leaping gorge, these elements of mountains and rivers scenery, such as a natural museum of nature, every visitors to come here, will be deeply felt it is a great and full of passion, deep and attractive magic land.

Yunnan magnificent unique scenic spots and the splendid history and culture, sightseeing and view and admire, all has the very high value. Today, yunnan “shakotan coast” has been open to the world welcome, welcome, guests from all directions.


Yunnan province, referred to as “yunnan, cloud, is located in the southwest border of the People's Republic of China. During the warring states period, is the land of yunnan tribe lived here. In yunnan, that is, ”the south of clouds“, the other is named after the deep is located in the south of yuengling. Provincial capital kunming. With a total area of about 39 square kilometers, 4.11% of total area, area of no. 8 in each provincial administrative region in the country. A total population of 43.16 million , 3.36% of the population and the population ranks as the 13th. And the yunnan province adjacent provinces of sichuan, guizhou, guangxi, Tibet, yunnan province is three neighboring Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The tropic of cancer crosses from southern province.

Yunnan province is a large country, and rich in resources, enjoy the ”kingdom of plants“, ”animal kingdom“ and ”non-ferrous metal kingdom“, ”flavor of the township“, ”natural garden“ reputation. Higher plants more than 18000, of which about 10000 species of tropical and subtropical higher plants. The province's forest area of 143 million mu, the total volume of 988 million cubic meters of wood, is one of China's four major forest region. Is rich in tobacco leaves, notoginseng, gastrodia elata, eucommia bark, amomum fruit, pepper and other herbs and tropical and subtropical fruit. Flue-cured tobacco and cigarette output ranking first in the country. Smoke of fiscal revenue accounted for about two-thirds of the public finance. Rich natural spices and oil plants, animal resources, birds and beasts are among the top of the country. Mineral resources, the province has 155 kinds, variety complete, non-ferrous metal in particular for the lead, zinc, tin, nickel, phosphate rock deposits is very big, is the important origin of phosphate rock in our country. Jinsha river, lancang river, nujiang river flows through the hengduan mountainous areas have their huge hydropower resources.

Yunnan frontier style, unique plateau lakes, karst wonders, tropical rain forest, snow mountain valleys, and all of the historical and cultural relics, a variety of climate, colorful ethnic customs, together become rich tourism resources.

China's market is in a transition phase, compared with the western mature market there is a big gap, and China's yunnan tourism in the same under the baptism of the economic transformation, so in yunnan tourism marketing will experience a primary stage to the market by the market, a senior phase transformation process. Although the tourism industry marketing consciousness is generally not strong, marketing ability is not high, and even some places also have no sense of tourism marketing, in some places because the government behavior factors system problems, money problems, the existence of the phenomenon such as interests outweigh the marketing problems, but we must see clearly, with China's accession to the WTO, international advanced concepts and successful operation with a sound of crying Wolf entered China, these advanced concepts and successful experience will be a man of insight through effective ”docking“ with Chinese characteristics, reasonable use to the practice of the market in China, so as to effectively promote the rapid development of China's economy. In China, the world of yunnan tourism resources of the country, and with the world's largest domestic tourism market, and it will become the world's largest destination countries in . Under this kind of the bidirectional interaction of supply and demand, China's yunnan tourism prospects.


【区域位置】云南省地处中华人民共和国西南边陲,位于北纬21°8’32’’-29°15’8’’和东经 97°31’39’’-106°11’47’’之间,北回归线横贯本省南部。全境东西最大横距864.9公里,南北最大纵距900公里,总面积39.4万平方公里,占全国陆地总面积的4.1%,居全国第八位。全省土地面积中,山地约占84%,高原、丘陵约占10%,盆地、河谷约占6%,平均海拔20___米左右,最高海拔6740米,最抵海拔76.4米。























公元1253年忽必烈率军征云南,破大理国,1267年封第五子忽哥赤为云南王,公元1274年忽必烈派赛典赤·赡思丁到云南。公元1276年,元朝已正式建云南行中书省为全国11个行省之一,从此“云南”正式作为省级行政区的名称,政治中心由大理迁至昆明。在经济上制定赋税,发展生产,兴修水利;在政治上,一改过去残酷屠杀的做法,代之以改善民族关系,兴办教育、安定政治形势的政策。突出的如五百里滇池,原常泛滥成灾,赛典赤征召民工,凿开海口,疏通螳螂川,使滇池水由海口经螳螂川流入金沙江通过长江汇入大海,海口使滇池水位保持平衡,既不会干枯,又免除了水患,使滇池周围皆为良田。赛典赤1280年病故于昆明后, “百姓巷哭”、“号泣震野”。今昆明市五里多小学内有赛典赤墓,历代常有人悼念。1290年首封皇长孙甘麻刺为云南梁王,是全省最高统治者,他的避暑行宫就在西山三清阁。


Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide. Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, which are the most famous here.

As we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a brief intoduction of Tengchong. Tengchong is located in the southwest of China and occupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. There are 23 nationalities here, such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When we mentioned Tengchong, three things will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having 10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100 years.

Later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now I can tell you something about the latter two ones. They all can reflect the long history Tengchong has. Tengchong is a city on boarder. And because of its location, it has been an important place for military reasons. And that’s a part of its history. It’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown of so many famous people. And another part of its history is that Tengchong is one trade center of jade between China and Burma. So don’t forget to get a round to the jade fair. I think you will feel interested.

OK, everyone, here is the Library of the Volcanoes. Now let’s have a look at .The volcanoes in Tengchong are famous in China, and it’s one of the four groups of volcanoes in China. The strong extravasations are the cause of the landform of Tengchong. There is a lieder in Tengchong saying that:” Such a place Tengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” It’s very vivid, from that you can see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchong now with high value of tourism and scientific research.

北京长城英文导游词 ·岳阳楼英文导游辞 ·重庆英文导游词 ·西藏英文导游词

And now let’s go to see the youngest volcano in Tengchong, we called it “打鹰” Mountain, which means hunting eagles. This volcano lies in the center of the whole place and stands in a height of more than 2600 meters. It looks sheer, tall and straight, just like the famous Fuji in Japan. And we always consider it to be Fuji second.

Everyone, pay attention to this kind of special stone. It looks like a very big stone, maybe it’s too heavy to carry. And now look at me, I can hold it easily. Aha, it’s light, lighter than I think. This kind of stone we call it “浮石”, which means a kind of stone can float on the water. It’s formed by the erupting of the volcanoes.

Everyone, please follow me. Now we will go to see the hot springs. There are all kinds of hot springs in Tengchong, which occupy a vast land. When you go there you can see a vaporous world just like a wonderland. The temperature of the water is very high. If you put an egg into the hot spring, after 10 minutes, you can get it out and eat it. Of course the taste is good, would you like to have a try?

Of course you can enjoy natural beauties as well. The pearl Spring drops big and small beads continuously, just like the pearls crawling in the plate. And 醉鸟 Swell, whoes name means letting the birds get drunk, has a strange function. When there are birds flying above it, the birds will fall down and fall asleep. It’s really interesting.

And after visiting these wonderful spots, we can have a rest, and maybe some of you want to have a bath in the hot spring. I suggest you do so, because the water here can cure disease which based on medical reasons.

300 hundred years ago, a famous traveler named 徐霞客 came here and was overwhelmed by the scenery of Volcanoes and Hot Springs, today the same scenery overmaster us.










石林位于石林彝族自治县境内距省会昆明市70余公里 冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春气候属亚热带低纬度高原山地季风气候,年平均温度约16℃,是一个集自然风光、民族风情、休闲度假、科学考察为一体的著名大型综合旅游区。石林,岩高数十仞,攀援始可入,其中怪石林立,如千队万骑,危檐逐窟,若九陌三条,色俱青,嵌结玲珑,寻之莫尽,后有伏流清冷如雪。相传有人与隆冬遥见石上有李二株,果实鲜红,临不及取,次日寻之不见,俗呼李子箐。”(《路南州志》,清康熙五十七年) 这段文字提到的李子箐,就是现在的石林景区,也称“大小石林”,这是见于史籍中对石林最早的描写之一。石林景区包括西北的步哨山、中心的大石林和小石林、南面的万年灵芝和东面的李子园箐五个片区,面积约12平方公里。深、幽、险、奇是石林景区的景观特征。

大石林 整个景区由密集的石峰组成,有如一片石盆地。这里的石林直立突兀,线条顺畅,并呈淡淡的青灰色,最高大的岩柱高度超过40米。其中有“莲花峰”、“剑峰池”、“千钧一发”、“极狭通人”、“象距石台”、“幽兰深谷”、“凤凰梳翅”等典型景点,最著名的当数龙云题词“石林”之处的“石林胜境”,而“望峰亭”为欣赏“林海”的最佳处。人们行走在峰林间,不几步便被石峰挡道,曲折迂回之后,又是另一种天地。初游大石林,如果少了导游,您可不能再没有一份导游图哦,因为在这迷宫一样的“秘林”里很容易迷失方向,大半天都难以走得出来。

小石林 与密集的大石林相比,邻近的小石林便显得疏朗、清雅、秀美。宽厚墩实的石壁像屏风一样,将小石林分割成若干园林。小石林中最有名气的景点当数“阿诗玛”,当夜幕降临,彩灯映照,更是五彩斑斓,妩媚动人。

步哨山 这里散落了许多造型怪趣的石峰,是整个石林景里地势最高。

李子园箐 李子园箐在环林路以外,方圆数十里的荒山野丘上,布满了奇柱异石,有聚有散,有起有伏,而且没有过多的高树与石林争高,保持着自然的风貌,身处其间,感受与大、小石林截然不同,全然一种原始和仓莽。在环林路东南约300米处的丛林石壁上,有一片古崖画,画着奔放粗犷的人、兽、物、星月等图像,据有关专家考证后认为,这属原始宗教内容,与广西左江崖画的人物极为相似。也许,这是远古彝人留给我们的言语吧!

万年灵芝 紧邻李子园箐的比目潭旁,石山顶上有一座高约15米的石峰,上大下小,犹如一朵巨大的灵芝,因而得名。夕阳西下,立于灵芝山顶,颇有“一揽众山小”的惬意之感。

乃古石林 乃古石林即黑松岩景区,位于石林景区以北8公里处。是大石林、小石林、李子园箐、万年灵芝、步哨山等片区之一。清康熙《陆良州志》说:“石门峰,沿西四十里地名石门哨。”最早叫石门,因俯视时象一片苍翠的松林而得名“黑松岩”,又因“黑”在当地彝语中称“乃古”,所以又叫乃古石林。

































云南省,简称滇、云,位于中华人民共和国西南边陲。战国时期,这里是滇族部落的生息之地。云南,即“彩云之南”,另一说法是因位于“云岭之南”而得名。省会是昆明市。 总面积约39万平方公里,占全国面积4.11%,在全国各省级行政区中面积排名第8。总人口4316万,占全国人口3.36%,人口排名为第13名。与云南省相邻的省区有四川、贵州、广西、西藏,云南省的3个邻国是缅甸、老挝和越南。北回归线从本省南部横穿而过。







独特的地理环境形成了云南独特的气候条件。“一山分四季,十里不同天”,一省兼有寒、温、热三带气候,实为世间罕见。得天独厚的地理环境和气候条件,使得云南动、植物种类异常丰富,有高等植物 15,000多种,动物 250多种类,鸟类总数达 766种,“植物王国”、“动物王国”的美名成了云南的代称。

在这块神奇、美丽的红土地的怀抱中,聚居着 26个民族,各族人民勤劳勇敢、自强不息、能歌善舞、朴实热情。各民族因所处的自然环境和历史发展的不同而呈现不同的社会文化形态,创造出无数特色鲜明、丰富多彩的民族文化,并以其独特、奇异的生活习俗和传统流下了形态各异、灿烂丰富的民族文化遗产。

从 99世界园艺博览会举办地的省城昆明,到“风花雪月”的大理名胜;从高原水城丽江、神奇的“香格里拉”—中甸,到孔雀曼舞的西双版纳;从“天下第一奇观”的石林、千姿百态的元谋土林,到世所罕见的“三江”并流,江狭水凶的虎跳峡,这些迥然相异的山川景色,如一个天然的自然博物馆,每一位来到这里的游客,都会深深地感受到这是一块博大而充满激情、深邃而富有魅力的神奇之地。


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