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Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce large volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are poisonous. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This will involve ever-increasing quantities of agriculture chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.

There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be lessened. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. This involves the processing of solid wastes “prior to” disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents (废料) , to permit the reuse of the water or best reduce pollution upon final disposal.

A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient (养料 ) or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste production into marketable byproducts. Other industries have potential economic uses for their waste products.

26. The purpose of this passage is_______.

A. to warn the reader of the dwindling water supply

B. to explain industrial uses of water

C. to acquaint the reader with water pollution problems

D. to demonstrate various measures to solve the pollution problem

27.which of the following points is not included in the passage?

A. Industrial development includes the simplification of complex chemical processes.

B. Diluting wastes needs certain amount of water.

C. Demands for water will go up along with the expanding population.

D. Intensive cultivation of land requires more and more chemicals.

28.The reader can conclude that_______.

A. countries of the world will work together on pollution problems

B. byproducts from wastes lead to a more prosperous marketplace

C. science is making great progress on increasing water supplieswww.examw.com

D. some industries are now making economic use of wastes

29.The author gives substance to the passage through the use of_______.

A. interviews with authorities in the field of water controls

B. opinion and personal observations

C. definitions which clarify important terms

D. strong argument and persuasions

30.The words “prior to” (Para. 2) probably mean_______.

A. after B. during

C. before D. beyond


26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C












Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution, which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always bad and usually foolish, but in the past human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has changed this. Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in killing people, but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change very old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted.

There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a big error. All ideologies are based upon dogmatic statements that are, at best, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them.

The movement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course very difficult problems remain in the world, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between different countries, but between man and the atom bomb.

1. This passage implies that war is now ___.

A. worse than in the past.

B. as bad as in the past

C. not so dangerous as in the past

D. as necessary as in the past

2. In the sentence “To do this, we need to persuade mankind” (Para 1), “this” refers to ___.

A. abolish war

B. improve weapons

C. solve international problems

D. live a peaceful life

3. From Paragraph 2 we learn that the author of the passage ___.

A. is an adherent of some modern ideologies.

B. does not think that adoption of any ideology could prevent war.

C. believe that the adoption of some ideology could prevent war.

D. does not doubt the truth of any ideologies.

4. According to the author, ___.

A. war is the only way to solve international disputes.

B. war will be less dangerous because of the improvement of weapons.

C. it is impossible for the people to live without war.

D. war must be abolished if man wants to survive.

5. The last paragraph suggests that ___.

A. international agreements can be reached more easily now.

B. man begins to realize the danger of nuclear war.

C. nuclear war will definitely not take place.

D. world opinion welcomes nuclear war














Most episodes of absent-mindedness forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered aroom-are caused by a simple lack of attention,says Schacter. “You’re supposed to remember something, butyou haven’t encoded it deeply.”

Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations. If you put your mobile phonein a pocket, for example, and don’t pay attention to what you did because you’re involved in a conversation, you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in you wardrobe (衣柜). “Your memory itself isn’t failing you,” says Schacter. “Rather, you didn’t give your memory system the information it needed.”

Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. “A man who can recite sports statistics from 30 years ago,” says Zelinski, “may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox.” Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on justthat.

Visual cues can help prevent absent-mindedness, says Schacter. “But be sure the cue is clear and available,” he cautions. If you want to remember to take a medication (药物) with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don’t leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.

Another common episode of absent-mindedness: walking into a room and wondering why you’re there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. “Everyone does this from time to time,” says Zelinski. The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you’ll likely remember.

1. Why does the author think that encoding properly is very important?

A. It helps us understand our memory system better.

B. It enables us to recall something form our memory.

C. It expands our memory capacity considerably.

D. It slows down the process of losing our memory.

2. One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that ________.

A. they have a wider range of interests

B. they are more reliant on the environment

C. they have an unusual power of focusing their attention

D. they are more interested in what’s happening around them

3. A note in the pocket can hardly serve as a reminder because ________.

A. it will easily get lost

B. it’s not clear enough for you to read

C. it’s out of your sight

D. it might get mixed up with other things

4. What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A. If we focus our attention on one thing, we might forget another.

B. Memory depends to a certain extent on the environment.

C. Repetition helps improve our memory.

D. If we keep forgetting things, we’d better return to where we were.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The process of gradual memory loss.

B. The causes of absent-mindedness.

C. The impact of the environment on memory.

D. A way if encoding and recalling.


1.[B] 事实细节题。根据第2段第1句可知,encoding是关注某事的一种特殊方式,这影响到以后是否能回忆起这件事来,因此B正确。

2.[D] 事实细节题。根据第3段第3句,“女性比男性的记忆力稍强,这也许是因为她们对周围的环境更加注意,而记忆正是依靠这个”,故选D “她们对于周围发生的事更感兴趣”。

3.[C] 事实细节题。根据第4段首句中说到的“视觉线索可以防止遗忘某事”可知破折号之后的警告“不要把药瓶放在药箱里,然后写一张纸条装进口袋”正是为了防止药瓶、提示性信条离开了视线,故选C。

4.[A] 推断题。根据后一段的前两句“心不在焉的另一个常见的情景是:走进房间,却不知为什么要进来。你很有可能是在想别的事”,可知本题答案为A。

5.[B] 主旨题。根据第1、3、5段的首句可以得出,本文主要讲的是精神不集中的原因,故选B。


American Football

American football is a unique sport-it is a game about gaining territory as much as it is about scoring points. When two teams step onto a football field,each is battling for every inch it can take from the other.Each team wants to defend the field that is behind it and invade the field in front of it. Ultimately,they want to gain enough ground to score a touchdown or field goal.

Ground Rules

Football is a game of inches played on a field measured in yards-English measurements are used to track movements on the field.Teams succeed based on how many yards they accumulate or allow. An official NFL (National Football League) football field is a rectangle that is 120 yards(110 m) long and 53 yards. I foot (49m) wide. Most fields are covered in grass and set in an outdoor (open-air} stadium. Some fields are made of artificial turf, which you'll find in many of the indoor stadiums.

The most essential piece of equipment in a football game is the ball.Official NFL footballs are handmade by Wilson Sporting Goods Co. The football is an oblong (椭圆形的) sphere and has a lengthwise circumference(周线) and a width-wise circumference in the middle of the ball.

With the equipment identified and the field set, we can now play a game.An NFL game is divided into four quarters with an extended halftime break between quarters two and three. Each quarter is 15 minutes long. lf the teams are tied after four quarters of play,they play an additional overtime period of 15 minutes. Inthe overtime, the first team to score wins.

While the game time adds up to one hour, it usually takes three to four hours to play a game. Teams can stop the clock by running out of bounds,throwing an incomplete pass, or calling a time-out, of which they have three per half. Time also stops for each of the two-minute warnings, observed two minutes prior to the end of the second and fourth quarters.

Who's Who

An NFL roster allows for no more than 53 players on a team. At any one time, only 11 players per team are allowed on the field. To understand an NFL roster, you have to identify the three teams within a team: theoffense. the defense and special teams. Each of these groups has specialized positions with a specific setof skills.


A team's offense is responsible for taking the ball down the field toward its opponent's end zone. To do this. the offense throws the ball from one player to another or holds the ball and runs forward. Here are the basic offensive positions.

Quarterback (QB)-This player throws the ball to receivers or hands it off to running backs. The quarterback is also known as the “field general,”because he's the on-the-field leader.

Offensive linemen-These players provide blocking for the quarterback and running backs. Individual linemanpositions include:

Center (C)-The center is located in the middle of the line. This player hikes the ball to the quarterback by bringing the ball up between his legs.

Guards (LG/RG)-These two players flank the center.

Tackles (LT/RT)-The tackles are positioned on the outside of each guard;teams have two tackles.

Receivers-Receivers run down the field and catch balls thrown by the quarterback. Receivers are either wide receivers (WR) or tight ends (LTE/RTE).depending on where they are positioned on the field.

Running backs-Running backs take the ball from the quarterback and run up the field. Depending on the fomation (arrangement of the offensive players, a running back might be called a tailback (TB), halfback (HB) or fullback (FB).


When a team does not have possession of the ball, it is on defense and uses various methods to prevent theother team's offense from scoring. These players must tackle the offensive player who has the ball to stopthe offense from advancing.Defense will also try to take the ball away from the offense.

Here are the basic defensive positions:

Defensive linemen-The linemen put pressure on the quarterback by trying to tackle him before he releases the ball. They also try to stop running backs.There are typically three or four defensive linemen.

Linebackers-When there are four linemen, there is a middle linebacker(MLB) and two outside linebackers (OLB). When there are three linemen. there are two inside linebackers (ILB) and two outside linebackers. Their job is to back up the linemen. as well as contain runners and cover receivers on some plays.

Cornerbacks (CB)-The cornerbacks prevent the wide receivers from catching the ball by breaking up passes from the quarterback.

Safeties-The safeties play deep behind the rest of the defense to prevent a long pass or run. A strong safety (SS) lines up on the side of the field where there are more offensive players. The free safety (FS) plays a deep, middle position.

Special Teams

If a team has to kick the ball, it uses its special-teams unit. This unit includes the team's kickers, theoffensive line, and players who run down the field to tackle a returner(see below).

Placekicker-The placekicker kicks the ball through the goalposts to score points and kicks the ball to theother team to start the game and after each scoring possession.

Punter-The punter free-kicks the ball if his team cannot advance the ball down the field.

Returner-During a kickoff or punt, the returner tries to catch the ball and return it as far as he can. A player can score a touchdown on a rcturn.

Moving the Ball and Finding the End Zone

A football game begins with a coin toss to decide which team will receive the opening kickoff. From the opening kickoff, the two teams battle to take possession of the ball. Possession means that a team's offensive unit has the ball.

A team can take possession of the ball in several ways:

Receiving a kickoff-A team receives a kickoff at the beginning of each half and after the other team scores.

Turnover-A team recovers a ball dropped by the other team (fumble)or picks off a ball thrown by the other team's quarterback (interception).

Safety-A player is tackled in his own end zone, meaning the end zone his team is defending, so the other team gets the ball though a free kick.

Punt-The defensive team stops the offensive team from getting 10 yards in three downs, and the offensive team free-kicks, or punts, the ball to the other team on third down.

Turnover on downs-The offensive team fails to advance the ball lO yands in four downs and has to surrenderthe ball to the other team.

For those new to the sport the last two scenarios on this list may not make sense. One of the most confusing concepts of American-style football is the down-and-distance system. Every time a team takes possessionof the ball, it is given a set of four downs, or attempts, to move the ball l0 yards. If the team can movethe ball lO yards or more Within four downs, the team gets another set of four downs to go another l0 yards, and so on. For instance, if a team advances 3 yards on first down, the next play is second down with 7 yards to go (second and 7); if the team then advances 5 yards on second down, the next play is third and 2; if the team then advances 2 or more yards on third down, the next play is back to first and lO, wich a whole new set of four downs during which to advance the ball.

1.The success of a team is measured by means of_______________________.

A) the yards it gains

B) the field goals it scores

C) the strategy it uses

D) the touchdowns it scores

2.When the teams need to play the overtime period,the team that__________________wins.

A) gains more ground

B) gets more touchdowns

C) scores before the other

D) gets the first penalty kick

3.How many timeouts are the teams allowed to have?

A) Two for each quarter.

B) Three for each half.

C) Three for each quarter.

D) Two for each half.

4.What is included in an NFL roster?

A) All the players on the team.

B) The substitute players and coaches.

C) Only the players allowed on the field.

D) The offense,the defense and special teams.

5.The role of the on-the-field leader is played by ______________________.

A) a receiver

B) a quarterback

C) a running back

D) an offensive lineman

6.Usually, offensive linemen consist of at least_______________players.

A) three

B) four

C) five

D) six

7.In the defense team, the deepest defensive position is played by_________________.

A) defensive linemen

B) linebackers

C) cornerbacks

D) safeties

8.Kicking a ball through the goalposts to gain points is the responsibility of____________________.

9.The right of a team's opening kickoff is usually determined by___________________.

lO.The offensive team will lose possession of the ball if it fails to gain lO yards in__________________.


1.[定位]根据题干中的success查找到第1个小标题Ground Rules部分的首段第2句。

解析:原文中的based on...表明判断一个队伍成功与否的标准是什么,因此based on后的介词宾语为本题答案。其他三个选项在该段均未提及。

2.[C][定位]根据题干中的overtime查找到第1个小标题Ground Rules部分的第3段末句。

解析:选项C是对原文该句的同义改写,为本题答案。其他选项与overtime period的内容无关,且在该段也未提及。

3.[B][定位]根据题干中的timeouts查找到第1个小标题Ground Rules部分的第4段第2句。


4.[D][定位]根据题干中的NFL roster查找到第2个小标题Who's Who部分的首段。

解析:在四个选项中,只有选项B没有原文依据,其他三个选项均可在原文找到部分或全部词语。其中,选项A不正确,因为一个橄榄球队的全体队员可能超过53人,但根据该段首句,roster里只能包括最多53个球员的名字,由此可见,选项A与原文不符;选项C中的only显然过于绝对,与该段首句不符;原文该段第3句暗示不论roster里面有多少成员名字,肯定得包括the offense,the defense and special teams,由此可见,选项D为本题答案。本题也可通过对比选项和原文,看看哪个选项与原文重合度最高,由此也可确定选项D为本题答案。

5.[B][定位]根据题干中的on-the-field leader查找到第2个小标题Who's Who部分的次标题Offense下第2段末句。


6.[C][定位]根据题干中的offensive linemen查找到第2个小标题Who's Who部分的次标题Offense下第3段。

解析:原文该段逐一介绍了各个offensive linemen的位置,以及每个位置人员的分配情况,只要将里面提到的数字简单相加:1个center+2个guards+2个tackles=5个,即可得出本题答案为选项C。

7.[D][定位]根据题干中的deepest查找到第2个小标题Who's Who部分的次标题Defense下末段首句。

解析:根据题干中的defense一词可将搜索范围限定于第2个小标题下,然后逐一在各个段落寻找与deep有关的信息,不难发现题干中的the deepest defensive position与原文deep behind the rest of the defense同义,因此本题应选D。


[定位]根据题干中的Kicking等词查找到第2个小标题Who's Who部分的次标题Special Teams下第2段。

解析:空白此应为名词(词组)。题干中的kick和goalposts只能同时在第2个小标题Who's Who部分的次标题Special Teams下第2段有关placekickers的段落找到,因此可以确定placekickers为本题答案。

9.[a coin toss]

[定位]根据题干中的opening kickoff查找到第3个小标题Moving the Ball and Finding the End Zone部分的首段首句。

解析:空白处应为名词(词组)或现在分词(词组)。原文该句中的with a coin toss to decide...表明开球权由a coin toss决定,因此,本题答案为a coin toss。

10.[four downs]


解析:空白处应为名词(词组),作in的宾语。题干中的lose possession of the ball与原文该段中的surrender the ball to the other team同义,由此可见,该句介绍了在什么情况下进攻的队伍将失去控球权,这正是本题要求查找的内容,因此原文中in后的介词宾语four downs为本题答案。


The newborn can see the difference between various shapes and patterns from birth. He prefers patterns to dull or bright solid colors and looks longer at stripes and angles than at circular patterns. Within three weeks, however, his preference shifts dramatically to the human face.

Why should a baby with so little visual experience attend more to a human face than to any other kind of pattern’? Some scientists think this preference represents a built in advantage for the human species. The object of prime importance to the physically helpless infant is a human being. Babies seem to have a natural tendency to the human face as potentially rewarding. Researchers also point out that the newborn wisely relies more on pattern than on outline, size, or color. Pattern remains stable, while outline changes with point of view; size, with distance from an object; and brightness and color, with lighting.

Mothers have always claimed that they could see their newborns looking at them as they held them, despite what they have been told. The experts who thought that perception (知觉) had to await physical development and the consequence of action were wrong for several reasons. Earlier research techniques were less sophisticated than they are today. Physical skills were once used to indicate perception of objects-skills like visual tracking and reaching for an object, both of which the newborn does poorly. Then, too, assumptions that the newborn’s eye and brain were too immature for anything as sophisticated as pattern recognition caused opposing data to be thrown away. Since perception of form was widely believed to follow perception of more “basic” qualities such as color and brightness, the possibility of its presence from birth was rejected.

31.What does a newborn baby like to see most’?

A) Bright colors.

B) Circular patterns.

C) Stripes and angles.

D) Various shapes.

32.The newborn pays more attention to a human face than any other kind of objects because ________.

A) he sees a human face more often than any other kind of pattern

B) he has an inherent ability to regard a human being as helpful

C) a human face is the most complex pattern he can see

D) a human face is often accompanied by a pleasant voice

33.Contrary to what they believe, mothers have been told that newborns ________.

A) care little about a human face

B) can’t track their movements

C) can’t see their faces

D) can easily perceive brightness

34.In earlier researches on the newborn’s perception, scientists ________.

A) ignored evidence contrary to their assumptions

B) believed that perception of form comes before perception of color and brightness

C) opposed throwing away effective data

D) proved that physical skills come after visual perception

35.The main idea of the passage is that ________.

A) research techniques are of vital importance scientific investigation

B) the findings of earlier scientific researchers often prove wrong

C) newborns can perceive forms from birth

D) more often than not the claims of mothers are reliable




The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meaning that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognize only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealizing terms in defining religion for example, true love of God, or the path of enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism, or wishful thinking.

By defining religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making claims about what it really is or ought to be. Religion is not an object with a single, fixed meaning, or even a zone with clear boundaries. It is an aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate, or transcend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Western or biblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only) or to church structure, which are not universal. For example, in tribal societies, religion unlike the Christian church usually is not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life.

In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures, the idea of a sacred cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety, some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the common foundation of religious life.

Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of language and thought. It is sometimes a highly organized institution that sets itself apart from a culture, and it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious experience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as many forms of religious expression as there are human cultural environments.

1. What is the passage mainly concerned about?

A. Religion has a variety of interpretation.

B. Religion is a reflection of ignorance.

C. Religion is not only confined to the Christian categories.

D. Religion includes all kinds of activities.

2. What does the word “observance” probably convey in Para. 1?

A. notice

B. watching

C. conformity

D. experience

3. According to the passage what people generally consider religion to be?

A. Fantastic observance

B. Spiritual practice

C. Individual observance of tradition

D. A complex of activities

4. Which of the following is not true?

A. It is believed by some that religion should be what it ought to be.

B. “The path of enlightenment” is a definition that the author doesn’t agree to.

C. According to the author, the committed believers define religion improperly.

D. The author doesn’t speak in favor of the definition of “the sacred”.

5. Which of the following is religion according to the passage?

A. Performance of human beings.

B. Buddha, monotheism and some tribal tradition.

C. Practice separated from culture.

D. All the above.














Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Travel-mate Wanted. You should write at least 150 word following the outline given below:


Travel-mate Wanted

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-4, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Is College Really Worth the Money?

The Real World

Este Griffith had it all figured out. When she graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in April , she had her sights set on one thing: working for a labor union.

The real world had other ideas. Griffith left school with not only a degree, but a boatload of debt. She owed $15,000 in student loans and had racked up $4,000 in credit card debt for books, groceries and other expenses. No labor union job could pay enough to bail her out.

So Griffith went to work instead for a Washington, D.C. firm that specializes in economic development. Problem solved? Nope. At age 24, she takes home about $1,800 a month, $1,200 of which disappears to pay her rent. Add another $180 a month to retire her student loans and $300 a month to whittle down her credit card balance. “You do the math,” she says.

Griffith has practically no money to live on. She brown-bags(自带午餐)her lunch and bikes to work. Above all, she fears she'll never own a house or be able to retire. It's not that she regrets getting her degree. “But they don't tell you that the trade-off is the next ten years of your income,” she says.

That's precisely the deal being made by more and more college students. They're mortgaging their futures to meet soaring tuition costs and other college expenses. Like Griffith, they're facing a one-two punch at graduation: hefty(深重的)student loans and smothering credit card debt―not to mention a job market that, for now anyway, is dismal.

“We are forcing our children to make a choice between two evils,” says Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law professor and expert on bankruptcy. “Skip college and face a life of diminished opportunity. or go to college and face a life shackled(束缚)by debt.”

Tuition Hikes

For some time, colleges have insisted their steep tuition hikes are needed to pay for cutting-edge technologies, faculty and administration salaries, and rising health care costs. Now there's a new culprit(犯人): shrinking state support. Caught in a severe budget crunch, many states have sharply scaled back their funding for higher education.

Someone had to make up for those lost dollars. And you can guess who―especially if you live in Massachusetts, which last year hiked its tuition and fees by 24 percent, after funding dropped by 3 percent, or in Missouri, where appropriations(拨款)fell by 10 percent, but tuition rose at double that rate. About one-third of the states, in fact, have increased tuition and fees by more than 10 percent.

One of those states is California, and Janet Burrell's family is feeling the pain. A bookkeeper in Torrance, Burrell has a daughter at the University of California at Davis Meanwhile, her sons attend two-year colleges because Burrell can't afford to have all of them in four-year schools at once.

Meanwhile, even with tuition hikes, California's community colleges are so strapped for cash they dropped thousands of classes last spring. The result: 54,000 fewer students.

Collapsing Investments

Many families thought they had a surefire plan: even if tuition kept skyrocketing, they had invested enough money along the way to meet the costs. Then a funny thing happened on the way to Wall Street. Those investments collapsed with the stock market. Among the losers last year: the wildly popular “529” plans―federal tax-exempt college savings plans offered by individual states, which have attracted billions from families around the country. “We hear from many parents that what they had set aside declined in value so much that they now don't have enough to see their students through,” says Penn State financial aid director Anna Griswold, who witnessed a 10 percent increase in loan applications last year. Even with a market that may be slowly recovering, it will take time, perhaps several years, for people to recoup(补偿)their losses.

Nadine Sayegh is among those who didn't have the luxury of waiting for her college nest egg to grow back. Her father had invested money toward her tuition, but a large chunk of it vanished when stocks went south. Nadine was then only partway through college. By graduation, she had taken out at least $10,000 in loans, and her mother had borrowed even more on her behalf. Now 22, Nadine is attending law school, having signed for yet more loans to pay for that. “There wasn't any way to do it differently,” she says, “and I'm not happy about it. I've sat down and calculated how long it will take me to pay off everything. I'll be 35 years old.” That's if she's very lucky: Nadine based her calculation on landing a job right out of law school that will pay her at least $120,000 a year.

Dependent on Loans and Credit Cards

The American Council on Education has its own calculation that shows how students are more and more dependent on loans. In just five years, from 1995 to , the median loan debt at public institutions rose from $10,342 to $15,375. Most of this comes from federal loans, which Congress made more tempting in 1992 by expanding eligibility (home equity no longer counts against your assets) and raising loan limits (a dependent undergraduate can now borrow up to $23,000 from the federal government).

But students aren't stopping there. The College Board estimates that they also borrowed $4.5 billion from private lenders in the 2000-2001 academic year, up from $1.5 billion just five years earlier.

For lots of students, the worst of it isn't even the weight of those direct student loans. It's what they rack up on all those plastic cards in their wallets. As of two years ago, according to a study by lender Nellie Mae, more than eight out of ten undergrads had their own credit cards, with the typical student carrying four. That's no big surprise, given the in-your-face marketing by credit card companies, which set up tables on campus to entice(诱惑)students to sign up. Some colleges ban or restrict this hawking, but others give it a boost. You know those credit cards emblazoned with a school's picture or its logo? For sanctioning such a card―a must-have for some students―a college department or association gets payments from the issuer. Meanwhile, from freshman year to graduation, according to the Nellie Mae study, students triple the number of credit cards they own and double their debt on them. As of 2001, they were in the hole an average $2,327.

A Wise Choice?

One day, Moyer sat down with his mother, Janne O'Donnell, to talk about his goal of going to law school. Don't count on it, O'Donnell told him. She couldn't afford the cost and Moyer doubted he could get a loan, given how much he owed already. “He said he felt like a failure,” O'Donnell recalls. “He didn't know how he had gotten into such a mess.”

A week later, the 22-year-old hanged himself in his bedroom, where his mother found him. O'Donnell is convinced the money pressures caused his suicide. “Sean tried to pay his debts off,” she says. “And he couldn't take it.”

To be sure, suicides are exceedingly rare. But despair is common, and it sometimes leads students to rethink whether college was worth it. In fact, there are quite a few jobs that don't require a college degree, yet pay fairly well. On average, though, college graduates can expect to earn 80 percent more than those with only a high school diploma. Also, all but two of the 50 highest paying jobs (the exceptions being air traffic controllers and nuclear power reactor operators) require a four-year college degree. So foregoing a college education is often not a wise choice.

Merit Mikhail, who graduated last June from the University of California, Riverside, is glad she borrowed to get through school. But she left Riverside owing $20,000 in student loans and another $7,000 in credit card debt. Now in law school, Merit hopes to become a public-interest attorney, yet she may have to postpone that goal, which bothers her. To handle her debt, she'll probably need to start with a more lucrative(有利的)legal job.

Like so many other students. Mikhail took out her loans on a kind of blind faith that she could deal with the consequences. “You say to yourself, 'I have to go into debt to make it work, and whatever it takes later, I'll manage.'” Later has now arrived, and Mikhail is finding out the true cost of her college degree.

1. Griffith worked for a firm that specialized in economic development in Washington D.C. because she needed money to pay for her debt.

2. The only problem the students are facing at graduation is the dismal job market.

3. One reason why colleges increase tuition and fees is that the state support is shrinking.

4. Nearly all the families can manage to meet the soaring tuition costs through various investment plans.

5. According to Nadine's calculation, she can pay off all her debt when she is ________ if she can get a salary of $120,000 a year right out of law school.

6. Students get money from not only federal loans but also ________.

7. The college department or association can get payments from the issuer if it sanctions credit cards decorated with ________.

8. O'Donnell thinks that the cause of her 22-year-old son's suicide is ________.

9. The author says that foregoing a college education is often not a wise choice because ________ of the 50 highest paying jobs require a four-year college degree except for air traffic controllers and nuclear power reactor operators.

10. Merit will have to start with a more lucrative legal job instead of her favorite position―a public-interest attorney because she has to ________.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2.

Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

Scientists say they have high hopes for a drug that could one day provide a new form of treatment for HIV-AIDS. A compound, which interferes with an elusive protein used by the HIV virus to infect human cells, has worked extremely well in monkeys. If the drug proves effective in human trials, scientists say, it could bolster(加强)the effectiveness of two existing AIDS drugs, particularly in fighting drug-resistant strains of the virus.

Researchers at the pharmaceutical(制药的)company Merck are very excited about an experimental drug, which has worked as well in monkeys infected with a primate version of the virus as any of the existing anti-AIDS drugs.

It works by blocking one of three proteins, or enzymes, the HIV virus uses to gain entrance into and infect human immune system cells.

Inhibitor drugs have been developed to block two of the proteins, to slow progression of the disease after infection. They have become standard therapy as a “cocktail” for people infected with HIV.

Those enzymes are reverse transcriptase (转录酶)and protease(蛋白酶). The first converts the virus' genetic material into that of its host cells. The second chops up the resulting larger proteins into smaller pieces, producing smaller viral particles that infect new cells.

The third prong of cellular attack is a protein called integrase(整合酶), which experts say has been harder to block. Once HIV fools host cells by changing its genetic information so it can enter them, integrase acts like a cut and paste operation in a word processor, deleting an immune cell's genetic material and replacing it with its own.

An integrase inhibitor would give doctors a third line of attack against HIV infection, according to virologist Daria Hazuda of the division of Virus and Cell Biology at Merck.

“This would offer a third class of anti-retroviral medications that can be combined with reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors. And since it is a new mechanism of action, these compounds are active against multi-drug resistant variants. So variants that are resistant to all current therapies have been selected in HIV-patients,” she said.

Current anti-AIDS drugs eventually become resistant to therapy, or stop working, because the virus changes its shape.

While researchers are encouraged by the success with the compound's effectiveness in monkey trials, developing a drug that is equally effective in humans can be difficult.

Steven Young is executive director of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at Merck. He says, if scientists find a compound that is equally effective in people, the company would ask U.S. regulators to speed approval of the drug.

“Yeah, I really think that's what we're hoping for,” he said. “I mean, we need to get data that show it has robust anti-viral effects in people. And if we're able to get that data, I think we would petition for fast track status.”

Dr. Young says an integrase inhibitor has the potential to prevent drug resistance.

“To ensure our best chance of preventing resistance, we would give this as part of a cocktail therapy,” he added. “And I think it's really our plan that we would test this with reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors, as well.”

47. If the drug proves effective in human trials, it could enhance the effectiveness of existing AIDS drugs in ________.

48. What has become standard cocktail therapy?

49. While integrase deletes an immune cell's genetic material and replaces it with its own, it acts like ________ in a word processor.

50. Why would anti-AIDS drugs stop working?

51. According to Steven Young, if scientists get the data that ________, they would petition for fast track status.

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Occasional self-medication has always been part of normal living. The making and selling of drugs have a long history and are closely linked, like medical practice itself, with the belief in magic. Only during the last hundred years or so has the development of scientific techniques made it possible for some of the causes of symptoms to be understood, so that more accurate diagnosis has become possible. The doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis of many illnesses with specific treatment of their causes. In many other illnesses, of which the causes remain unknown, it is still limited, like the unqualified prescriber, to the treatment of symptoms. The doctor is trained to decide when to treat symptoms only and when to attack the cause: this is the essential difference between medical prescribing and self-medication.

The advance of technology has brought about much progress in some fields of medicine, including the development of scientific drug therapy. In many countries public health organization is improving and people's nutritional standards have risen. Parallel with such beneficial trends have two adverse effects. One is the use of high-pressure advertising by the pharmaceutical industry, which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to the overuse of drugs generally. The other is the emergence of the sedentary society with its faulty ways of life: lack of exercise, over-eating, unsuitable eating, insufficient sleep, excessive smoking and drinking. People with disorders arising from faulty habits such as these, as well as from unhappy human relationships, often resort to self-medication and so add the taking of pharmaceuticals to the list. Advertisers go to great lengths to catch this market.

Clever advertising, aimed at chronic sufferers who will try anything because doctors have not been able to cure them, can induce such faith in a preparation, particularly if steeply priced, that it will produce―by suggestion―a very real effect in some people. Advertisements are also aimed at people suffering from mild complaints such as simple colds and coughs, which clear up by themselves within a short time.

These are the main reasons why laxatives, indigestion remedies, painkillers, tonics, vitamin and iron tablets and many other preparations are found in quantity in many households. It is doubtful whether taking these things ever improves a person's health; it may even make it worse. Worse because the preparation may contain unsuitable ingredients; worse because the taker may become dependent on them; worse because they might be taken in excess; worse because they may cause poisoning, and worse of all because symptoms of some serious underlying cause may be masked and therefore medical help may not be sought.

52. The first paragraph is intended to ________.

[A] suggest that self-medication has a long history

[B] define what diagnosis means exactly

[C] praise doctors for their expertise

[D] tell the symptoms from the causes

53. Advertisements are aimed at people suffering from mild complaints because ________.

[A] they often watch ads on TV

[B] they are more likely to buy the drugs advertised

[C] they generally lead a sedentary life

[D] they don't take to sports and easily catch colds

54. Paragraphs 2 and 3 explain ________.

[A] those good things are not without side effects

[B] why clever advertising is so powerful

[C] why in modern times self-medication is still practised

[D] why people develop faulty ways of life

55. The author tells us in paragraph 4 ________.

[A] the reasons for keeping medicines at home

[B] people's doubt about taking drugs

[C] what kind of medicine people should prepare at home

[D] the possible harms self-medication may do to people

56. The best title for the passage would be ________.

[A] Medical Practice [B] Clever Advertising

[C] Self-Medication [D] Self-Treatment


Work is a very important part of life in the United States. When the early Protestant immigrants came to this country, they brought the idea that work was the way to God and heaven. This attitude, the Protestant work ethic, still influences America today. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of the society. Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive. For most Americans, their work defines them; they are what they do. What happens, then when a person can no longer work?

Most Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to retire; but leaving one’s job, whatever it is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost without jobs.

Retirement can also bring financial problems. Many people rely on Social Security checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. When people retire, they receive this money as income. These checks do not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very rapidly. Senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet. The rate of inflation is forcing prices higher each year; Social Security checks alone cannot cover Medicare (health care) and welfare (general assistance) but many senior citizens have to change their lifestyles after retirement. They have to spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to but food, fuel, and other necessities.

Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement. They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. Some continue to work part time; others do volunteer work. Some, like those in the Retired Business Executives Association, even help young people to get started in new business. Many retired citizens also belong to “Golden Age” groups. These organizations plan trips and social events. There are many opportunities for retirees.

Americans society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and emotional needs of its senior citizens. The government is taking steps to ease the problem of limited income. They are building new housing, offering discounts in stores and museums and on buses, and providing other services, such as free courses, food service, and help with housework. Retired citizens are a rapidly growing percentage of the population. This part of the population is very important and we must respond to their needs. After all, every citizen will be a senior citizen some day.

1.The early immigrants considered work ___.

A.too hard




2.Why do Americans like working? Because working ___.

A.doesn’t only mean money but it is also psychological

B.can make life more comfortable

C.can prove people to be independent

D.gives people funny

3.We can safely put forward that retirees who ___.

A.have no financial problems still want to earn more money

B.have financial problems still feel lost

C.have no financial problems still feel lost

D.have no financial problems feels it’s hard to make ends meet

4.According to the passage the government ___.

A.hadn’t paid attention to the retirees’ problems

B.has already solved a lot of retirees’ problems

C.has just begun to pay attention to the retirees’ problems

D.won’t pay attention to the retirees’ problems

5.Which of the following is not steps taken for the benefit of senior citizens by the government?

A.New housing has been built.

B.The old are offered discounts in stores.

C.Senior citizens are provided free courses, food service.















22.Rene Coty and Charles Deschanel were both interested in ________.

??A)better quality in production

??B)increasing quantity in production

??C)having the government raise tariffs on foreign imports

??D)eliminating unions in France

23.The French government was reluctant to let the workers leave the country because ________ .

??A)it would enlarge the working force

??B)it would hinder the improvement of quality in industrial production

??C)it would hinder the increase in quantity of exports

??D)it would damage the imports

24.Rents in France ________.

??A)were extremely high

??B)were extremely controlled

??C)took as much as 80percent of the workers'income

??D)had doubled in two years

25.According to the passage,the French government ________.

??A)prohibited French to work abroad

??B)reduced taxes to fight inflation

??C)paid family allowances and benefits

??D)prohibited the French workers to join labor unions

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

Food can be divided into two basic categories:real food and pleasure food.Real food is fuel for the body's needs,while pleasure food, which is high in fat and sugar,is primarily for taste satisfaction.The categories are pretty obvious.Broccoli is real food.Cookies are in the pleasure group.

When you are hungry,you are faced with choices.If you aren't suffering from excessive hunger,you can be rational about them.Go to the refrigerator.What looks good?If you have chosen a real food,say,a turkey sandwich,you can be certain your body can use it for fuel.Eat it and enjoy.

Two hours later you are hungry again.Back to the refrigerator.What looks good?Ice cream.Stop!Employ your will power just a little.Ice cream is not what your body needs.Does something else look good?Yes,a piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk sound good too.Okay,go ahead,remembering that high-fat real foods should be eaten in moderation.

One trick is to eliminate pleasure foods from your kitchen.Instead,keep a variety of high-quality foods available at all times.In short,buy lots of delicious real food,food you really like,and get rid of the junk.

But what if you have ice cream on hand and nothing sounds good?Although you don't want to eat pleasure foods whenever the urge strikes,there is a legitimate place for them in your diet.If you have analyzed your feelings and there are no other needs imitating hunger, eat the ice cream.You have not failed.On the contrary,you have accepted your natural appetite,but not blindly.

Surprisingly,when you know you can eat anything you want,and that you never have to put up with unsatisfied hunger again,it takes a lot of pressure off.You will begin to want to eat what your body needs,and your body will begin to need foods that will lead to slimness.

26.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

? A)The author is against getting rid of pleasure food altogether.

? B)One can eat the high-fat real foods heartily since it is fuel for the body.

? C)Make sure to keep pleasure food such as ice cream in your diet.

? D)Of course you can sometimes have ice cream if you really want to.

27.What would be the best title for this passage?

??A)Real Food And Pleasure Food

??B)Reducing Weight

??C)Limit Your Consumption Of Pleasure Food

??D)How To Choose Food When You Are Hungry

28.Whatcan you assume from the last paragraph?

??A)Being able to eat anything doesn't necessarily imply pleasure.

??B)Real foods may lead to slimness.

??C)Eat only what your body needs.

??D)Be sure to satisfy your hunger whenever it strikes you.

29.What can broccoli be except ________ .

??A)ice cream


?C)a turkey sandwich

??D)a piece of toast

30.Judging from the fourth paragraph,what does“junk”mean?

??A)Food like ice cream.

??B)Food you do not like.

??C)Pleasure foods.

??D)Low-quality foods.

Questions 31to 35are based on the following passage:

Cloning,manipulating a cell from an animal so that it grows into an exact copy of that animal,is the forbidden fruit of biotechnology. Some scientists were so sure it could not be done that,in the 1970s,they discouraged moralists(伦理学家)from discussing its moral implications.Yet at the same time other scientists,secretly,in out-of-the-way labs,were getting ever closer to making clones.For ten years,scientists have been cloning sheep and cows from embryo(胚胎)cells.But so far Dolly is the only animal cloned from an adult cell,not from an embryo. She is living proof that scientists have solved one of the most challenging problems of cell biology.

The question now is how soon will scientists clone humans.“Nature”,the scientific journal that published the Dolly paper,commented,“Cloning humans from adults tissues is likely to be achievable any time from one to ten years from now.”Most scientists agree there is no insurmountable obstacle in human cloning.But a human clone,even though it might resemble the individual from whom it was made,would differ dramatically in personality and character,intelligence and talents.“You will never get 100 percent identity,”says psychologist Jerome Kagan of Harvard,“because of chance factors and because environments are never exactly the same.”

That,however,is small comfort to many people.Shortly after Dolly's birth announcement,President Clinton ordered a group of experts to come up with proposals for government action.With the cloning of humans within reach,whether it is to be banned or regulated is now on the nation's moral agenda(议事日程). Some regard the cloning of humans as inherently evil,a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.They measure the morality of any act by the intention behind it;still others are concerned primarily with consequences for society as well as for individuals.

For the moment it seems that the latest achievement in the biotech field has provided everyone with food for thought.

31.In what way is Dolly different from earlier clones?

??A)It is cloned from human embryo.

??B)It is cloned from a human cell.

??C)It is cloned from an adult cell.

??D)It is cloned from an adult embryo.

32.What is the prospect,according to most scientists,of making clones from adult human tissues?

? A)Such clones will be exactly like the one from whom it was made.

? B)It would be possible within the decade.

? C)There still exist some technical problems.

? D)It is impossible to make such clones in one to ten years from now.

33.Why did Clinton order a group of experts to make proposals for government action?

??A)He wants to quicken the pace of cloning research.

??B)The success of cloning involves serious moral evaluation problems.

??C)He wants to ban the human cloning research.

??D)He is worried about the funding of the further research.

34.“Food for thought”in the last paragraph means ________.

??A)worry for food

??B)increased food to be expected

??C)something worthy of consideration

??D)reasons for deep understanding

35.The best title for the selection can be ________.

??A)BiotechnologicalSuccess And Its Possible Consequences

??B)Dolly Is Only The Beginning

??C)The Definition Of Cloning

??D)Cloning Humans From Adults'Tissues

Questions 36to 40are based on the following passage:

Failure is probably the most fatiguing experience a person ever has.There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding,being blocked,not moving ahead.It is an evil circle.Failure breeds fatigue,and fatigue makes it harder to get to work,which adds to the fatigue.

We experience this tiredness in two main ways,as start-up fatigue and performance fatigue.In the former case,we keep putting off a task that we are forced to take up.Either because it is too tedious or because it is too difficult,we avoid it.And the longer we postpone it,the more tired we feel.

Such start-up fatigue is very real,even not actually physical,not something in our muscles and bones.The remedy is obvious,though perhaps not easy to apply:willpower exercise.The moment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of things I have to do, I clear my desk of everything else and attach the objectionable item first.To prevent start-up fatigue,always treat the most difficult job first.

Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.Here we are willing to get started,but we can't seem to do the job right.Its difficulties appear to be insurmountable and however hard we work,we fail again and again.The mounting experience of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burden of mental fatigue.In such a situation,I work as hard as I can,then let the unconscious take over.


36.Which of the following can be called an evil circle?





37.According to the passage ,when keeping putting off a task,we can experience ________.


?B)performance fatigue

??C)start-up fatigue


38.To overcome start-up fatigue ,we need ________ .




??D)strong willpower

39.The word“insurmountable”in the last paragraph probably means ________ .

??A)that can not be solved

??B)that can not be understood

??C)that can not be imagined

?D)that can not be objected

40.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

??A)It is easier to overcome start-up fatigue.

??B)Performance fatigue occurs when the job we are willing to take gets blocked.

??C)One will finally succeed after experiencing the evil circle.

??D)Fatigue often accompanies fatigue.

Part III Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

41.I haven't got the ________ idea of what you mean.Would you please make it clear to me?





42.We've ________ salt.Ask Mrs.Jones to lend us some.

??A)run away with

??B)run over

??C)run off

??D)run out of

43.He was always ill for a time,but he managed to ________ .

??A)pull on

??B)pull in

??C)pull up

??D)pull through

44.He ________ interrupted me by asking irrelevant questions.





45.The actors have to ________ before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.

??A)cover up

?B)make up

??C)paint up

??D)do up

46.When the whole area was ________ by flood,the government sent food there by helicopter.

??A)cut away

??B)cut down

??C)cut up

??D)cut off

47.They have left New York ________ good;they'll never go back and live there again.





48.The dress in the window ________ her eye when she passed it.





49.To develop lightindustry in abig way ________ to improving the people's livelihood.





50.As they haven't a child of their own,they are going to ________ a little girl.



