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The TV programme “Learning Chinese” monitored by Dashan, a Canadian with rich Chinese learning experience. Boardcasted at 9:15 and 15:15 between Tuesday and Saturday on CCTV 9, an international channel, is convenient for you to access. Chinese communication, Traveling Chinese as well as sports Chinese, started at Olympic Games, are including it the program. It’s so interesting and lively that make learning and understanding more easilier. By the programme, you not only can understand China culture, but also master Chinese well.


优点:本文作者用了几处的同位语, a Canadian, an international channel和过去分词做定语,monitored b, started at 2008和过去分词做状语,broadcasted at 9:15等;另外动词access也用得比较好。

不足:句子的写作基础不够扎实,第1.2.句子没有主语;词汇部分错误较多,Boardcasted拼写错误,应为 broadcasted, monitored ,are including和more easilier以及by the programme都用的不恰当,应分别改为hosted, are included, more easily(easier) 和through the programme.

Saving resource

Seeing the water was still running, Tom went on walking and Mary turned off the water tap. Tom thought it was not his business, so he didn’t turn off the tap.

It can’t fail to find that Mary has done a right thing. Because saving resource is everyone’s business.

It’s also easy to find some example. Some crazy children didn’t want to wash their cloths, so they used washing machine to wash their own cloths. Another example, one student in class turned on all the lights and fans.

In my opinion, wasting resource is a bad action. Most resource is limit. If we often waste them, they will be used up one day. So all of us should learn to save resource, like turn off the tap after using.




1. 文章内容单薄,空洞,没有偏重。对Mary 或Peter行为的评述及自己理由讲得过于简单;在叙述身边所发生的类似的故事时所举之例不能称为“故事”,况且举了例子之后又没有交代通过例子想传达什么思想;最后的“感受与启发”,感受就是“这个行为不好”,启发就是“我们应该节约资源”,没有自己的想法,空喊口号。

2.词汇的使用错误较多。Cloths,应为clothes, limit 应为limited, it can’t fail to find主语应该是sb,最后的like turn off the tap应该是like turning等。


篇2:基础写作 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

1. 基础写作

2. Now there is a TV show named “Communicate in Chinese” can help you to improve your Chinese. It often plays at 9:50 and 15:15 from Tuesday to Saturday on the international channel 9 CCTV. The three parts of it are “ Social Chinese, Tour Chinese and Sport Chinese” and the last one will start to be played at the beginning of the Olympic Games in 2008. The DJ is an Canadian man named Da Shan Who has ample experience in learning Chinese. So this TV show is easy to understand and learn and it also can make you know more about Chinese culture.

评语:句子结构有问题,还有中英文表达不准确。11 分

Save the Source

From the passage we know that peter didn’t turn off the tap which was used by others because he thought it was none of his business. But Mary turned off it and felt disappointed about Peter .

From my point of vies, I think highly of Mary’s action. Because we live on the same earth, saving sources is our duty. Peter is a boy without any duties. Peter is a boy without any duties and doesn’t fit in our society.

In my campus, students around me always do their best to save the source. They turn off the light when they leave the classroom, they collect waste paper for recycling, they collect the used batteries as well. So precious is the source that we can’t afford to waste it. All of us will try our best to establish a source.

评论:summary 写得比较全面到位,下面的感言主要是用词不够准确,最后一句表达意思不清楚。 得分:19分


篇3:基础写作2 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

1 基础写作:

Here, I (would like to) introduce to you a TV program named Learning Chinese, which is on the (去掉)CCTV 9, the (an) international TV chennel (channel). From Tuesday to Satuaday, at 09:15 and 15:15, the program would be (is broadcast) on TV. The program is hosted by Da Shan, a Canadian, who has a lot of experience in learning Chinese. Including Communicate in Chinese and Travel in Chinese, the program add (added) the (去掉) Sport (Sports) in Chinese during the (Beijing) Olympic games. This program is not only easy and insterenting to under and studay, but also help the world know more about Chinese culture.



The mind (sense) of responsibility

Peter went on walking when he saw water was still running, and said it is (was) none of my (his) business. (While) Mary rush (rushed) to turn the tap off, and was very disappointed when hearing what Peter said.

I was very disappointed when I knew what Peter did. Peter thought he wasn’t resposible for the running water. However, we can solve this matter very easily. (两句的逻辑关系不能用However)

This story reminded me of a experience that happened to me. One day, on my way home, I happened to see a crowd of people. When I rush to see what happened, (was happening) I found that a man (was) lying on the ground, and (去掉)asking for help. However, the people didn’t come to offer their help. In the end, the doctor came and found that the man was out of breath.

From the two stories, I thought we must be responsible in our mind.



篇4:考点3 形容词和副词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

考点3 形容词和副词

1. Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .

A. friendly B. various C. common D. changeable

2. - How is everything going on with you in Europe?

- Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, .

A. though B. instead C. either D. too

3. The house smells as if it hasn’t been lived in for years.

A. little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white little

4. - Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

- Yes. I’ve never been to one before.

A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting

5. Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way to the Home Circle Building.

A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily

6. It is any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much.

A. no B. such C. nearly D. hardly

7. Excuse me, but can I borrow your pencil-box?

A. blue cheap plastic B. cheap blue plastic C. plastic blue cheap D. plastic cheap blue

8. Mr. Evans is wise than smart. Few people can solve such a problem.

A. no less B. no more C. less D. more

9. They found there was to weigh such an elephant.

A. big enough nothing B. nothing enough big C. enough nothing big D. nothing big enough

10. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels desire to go to bed. A. the most B. more C. worse D. the least

11. John is the tallest boy in the class, _______, according to himself.

A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot eight

C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as

12. Jenny has a good appetite recently. She kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting.

A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest

13. I think whoever makes contributions to the company than others should get income.

A. greater; the higher B. more greater; a higher

C. greater; the highest D. more greater; the highest

14. Of the two sisters, Betty is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

A. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest

15. You’d better go and buy some tomatoes for the dinner party, for you see, there are ____ tomatoes left in the basket than I imagined.

A. far more B. far fewer C. many more D. many fewer

16. - Are you satisfied with his work?

- Well, I’m afraid it couldn't be .

A. any better B. the best C. any worse D. the worst

17. Shanghai has a larger population in China.

A. than any city B. than any cities C. than any other city D. than all other city

18. Her health is __________.

A. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sister’s B. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sister

C. poor as her sister, if not poorer D. as poor, if not poorer than, her sister’s

19. Many students signed up for the race meeting to be held next week.

A. 800 meter-long B. 800-meters-long C. 800 meter-length D. 800-meter-length

20. - Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for?

- I had planned to, but I was£50 .

A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short

21. A sheep __ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than on ordinary.

A. fed; one B. feeds; the one C. fed; that D. feeding; it

22. The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

A. ours B. those of ours C. it had for ours D. it did for us

23. I’m certain David’s told you his business troubles. , it’s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though

24. There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we gave up.

A. eventually B. unfortunately C. generously D. purposefully

25. At times, worrying is a normal, response to a difficult event or situation --- a loved one being injured in an accident for example.

A. effective B. individual C. inevitable D. unfavorable

26. - Would you like , sir?

- No, thanks. I have had much.

A. some more oranges B. any more oranges C. some more orange D. any more orange

27. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and, , she gets well paid for it.

A. sooner or later B. what’s more C. as a result D. more or less

28. My mother always gets a bit if we don’t arrive when we say we will.

A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient

29. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen this year.

A. the best B. better C. the most D. more

30. - Have you been in New Zealand? - No, I’d like to, .

A. too B. though C. yet D. either

31. Mr. Smith owns collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

A. larger B. a larger C. the larger D. a larger

32. If it is quite to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.

A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable

33. - Have your working conditions improved?

- No, than before. I' m afraid.

A. no better B. a little better C. not worse D. no worse

34. , the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.

A. General speaking B. Speaking general C. Generally speaking D. Speaking generally

35. Follow your doctor’s advice, your cough will get worse.

A. or B. and C. then D. so

36. - Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

- Of course. You can never be careful with that.

A. enough B. too C. so D. very

37. Your uncle seems to be a good driver, I wouldn't dare to travel in his car.

A. even so B. even though C. therefore D. so

38. No one has been able to prove that fish is better for the brain than many other kinds of food.

A. some B. so C. as D. any

39. - Could you tell Lucy about the meeting when you see her?

- Sure, I will I see her.

A. certainly B. fortunately C. probably D. immediately

40. - Where does she work?

- In a bank. She did when I last saw her, .

A. however B. through C. yet D. anyway

41. In time of danger, it’s important that we keep .

A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent

42. - What do you think of my garden, Tom?

- I doubt whether there’s one elsewhere.

A. a good B. the better C. the best D. a better

43. Thanks to the satellites, football games come to us on TV.

A. lively B. live C. alive D. living

44. As far as I' m concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, .

A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are

C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life

45. I won’t love you even if you fail in the coming exam.

A. any more B. any less C. no more D. no less

46. - It’s your favorite?

- Maybe, but it’s the place that I want to visit.

A. worst B. last C. best D. latest

47. The little girl couldn’t work the problem out. She wasn’t clever.

A. that B. much C. enough D. too

48. We are moved because Mr. Smiths always prepares his lessens into the night.

A. deeply; deeply B. deep; deep C. deeply; deep D. deep; deeply

49. I’d like to sleep with the window .

A. open wide B. open widely C. wide open D. opened wide

50. My brother was still studying into the night while I was asleep.

A. late; sound B. lately; wide C. deeply; far D. far; late

51. He lives in the house where he was born.

A. already B. yet C. still D. ever

52. I’m glad to say that she has already finished 50% of the book in three days.

A. no less than B. no more than C. not more than D. much less than


1.多个形容词修饰同一名词的排列顺序,口诀如下:限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。





5.常修饰比较级的副词:much, still, far, even, any, no, a little, a lot, a great deal.

6.比较级前可用:even,some,a bit/little,much,a lot,far,by far,no,not,any修饰,表程度。

最高级前可有序数词,by far,nearly, almost,by no means,not really,not quite,nothing like来修饰。


篇5:高中英语写作训练教学的实践与探讨 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


执笔人: 湖州二中 周萍


















(1) 周萍 中教一级 曾有论文发表在全国核心期刊<中小学外语教学>上,并有多篇论文在市教学论文评比中获奖;

(2) 莘勤 中教二级 论文在市教学论文评比中获二等奖.




执笔人: 湖州二中 周萍


















(1) 周萍 中教一级 曾有论文发表在全国核心期刊<中小学外语教学>上,并有多篇论文在市教学论文评比中获奖;

(2) 莘勤 中教二级 论文在市教学论文评比中获二等奖.




篇6:时态 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



本章要求学生掌握中学阶段常用的八种时态, 即:一般现在时, 一般过去时, 一般将来时, 现在进行时, 现在完成时, 过去完成时, 过去进行时, 过去将来时。





1.Do you know something about “tense”?


2.You are right. For example:

I'm working.我正在工作。

I worked yesterday.我昨天工作。

I will work.我将要工作。

How many tenses have you learned ?


3.Now let's have a discussion on every tense.


I think the present indefinite tense is the easiest tense of all. Do you know what it means ?

我想一般现在时是所有时态中最容易的, 你知道它的含义吗?

4.What's the form of the verb ?


5.Very good ! Do you know how to use “am, is, are”?

Here's a saying:

(I)我用 am(you)你用 are, is连着他、她、它。单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are。

Can you learn it by heart ?


6.Do you know what sound“s” or“es” makes ?


你应当记住“清-清, 浊-浊, 元-浊”。现在我解释一下:

清-清 即:“s”或“es”之前的音素如 果是清辅音的话, “s”或“es”读作[K](清)。

浊-浊 指“s”或“es”之前的音素如果是浊辅音的话, 则“s”或“es”读作[L](浊)。

元-浊 如果“s”“es”之前是元音音素, 则它读作[L](浊)。


7.一般现在时表示经常性动作或状态外, 常与什么副词连用呢?

8.一般现在时除表示经常性动作或状态外, 还有其他用法。它能表示将来时, 但它是有条件的, 这个条件有两种情况:A.是在条件状语从句中, 如果主句是一般将来时或一般现在时。B.是表示计划、打算、有规律动作。你能想出几个例子吗?

9.I think you have known something about the present indefinite tense. But I have one more point to tell you.

That is:Sometimes the present indefinite tense is used in the object clause when the past indefinte tense is used in the main sentence, Can you show me an example?

10.So much for the present indefinite tense. Let's come to the present continuous tense. Do you know the form of the verb when it is used as the present continuous tense?

11.You are right. Then what kind of adverbial is used?


12.现在进行时有一个特殊的意义, 它可以表示将来发生的动作。但是这些动词必须是表示位置移动的单词。例如:go, come, start, leave 等。 Would you please give me two sentences?

13.Very good. Now shall we talk about the future indefinite tense?This kind of tense refers to an action that is going to happen in the future. Would you please say more?

14.一般将来时除去will do结构外, 还有其他结构, 也可表示将来时, 但注意这些结构有其他意义在里边。如: be going to do…表示动作将要发生, 表示主观打算。

be to do表示安排、计划好的动作, 表示命令、可能等意义。

be about to do…表示眼下即将发生……

Can you make some sentences?

15.The past indefinite tense expresses an action happened in the past. It's usually used with the adverbials such as yesterday, last month( year, week), the day before yesterday, … ago, in 1968 etc.它的谓语动词形式是什么样的呢?

16.Now let's come to the present perfect tense. In this tense, the action also happened in the past, but the action has something to do with“now”.

现在完成时动作发生在过去, 但它对现在有影响。谓语动词的形式为have done, done代表过去分词。have还有一种变化, 即has。has用于第三人称单数, 其他人称用have, 请你给出几个现在完成时的句子。

17.请你根据刚才的句子, 归纳一下现在完成时有几种含义?

18.现在完成时的这两种含义非常重要, 要认真领会。这里引出了两个概念:延续性动词与非延续性动词。即:点性动词与线性动词。所谓点性动词就是不能延续的动词;线性动词就是可以延续的动词。延续性动词用于现在完成时的第二种用法, 点性动词用于第一种用法。

19.点点结合, 线线结合是完成时中一个重要原则, 这个问题往往是学生容易出错的地方。请把下列句子的错误改正过来:

A.He has come for 3 hours.

B.The girl has waited since two years.

C.The old man has died for ten years.

D.I have bought the book for two months.

20.那么,在英语中,同一种意思,既有点性动词,又有线性动词的实例很多。Now would you please show the continuous verbs of the following ?

A.join the army

B.join the Party

C.come back

D.borrow a book

E.buy a book

F. leave

G.go out




K. arrive

21.在完成时的句子中, 同一种意思可以有几种英语表达方法。如:


A.I have been a League member for 5 years.

B.It's five years since I joined the League.

I joined the League 5 years ago.

I have been a League member since 5 years ago.

Now I give you some sentences and please try to express the same meaning in other ways.

A.He has been here for 2 hours.

B.They've been away since 1960.

C.The film has been on for one hour.

22.Now let's do some other exercises. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs.

A.I ____ (lose)my pen.

She ____ ( lose) her pen yesterday.

B.I ____ (be)to the Agricultural Exhibition.

I ____ (go) to the Agricultural Exhibition last week.

C.The car ____ (stop).

The car ____ (stop) just now.

D.A: ____ you ____ your lunch ?

B:Yes, I ____ .

A:When ____ you ____ it ?

B:I ____ it about half an hour ago.

23.Now let me say something about “have been to” and“have gone to”.

have been to 意思是“去过”。

have gone to 意思是“去了”。









24.通过练习,对现在完成时和过去时有了足够的认识, 你能说出它们的异同点吗?

25.Very good !Here's a drawing to show the difference between the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense.

e.g.He was a student in the past.

e.g. He has been a student for 2 years.

26.现在来谈谈对比时态问题。所谓对比时态是指两个动作同时存在, 但有时间前后。这样的时态有过去将来时、过去完成时。

27.过去完成时也可跟另一个时间进行对比, 含义仍然是到过去某个时间为止, 如它与 by the end of…, by the time when…


A.They had completed the program by the end of the last year.

B.The train had left by the time when we arrived at the station.

28.You are right. The present continuous tense expresses an action happening at a present moment or during a present period of time, while the past continuous tense refers to the past.

e.g.My daughter was reviewing her lessons at eight last night.

What were you doing while I was watching TV ?


1.I think“tense” is a certain form of a verb. It changes according to the time of the action.

我想“时态”是动词的某种形式, 它随动作的时间而发生变化。

2.We have learned eight tenses. They are: the present indefinite tense, the past indefinite tense, the future indefinite tense, the present continuous tense, the present perfect tense, the past continuous tense, the past perfect tense and the future-in-the-past indefinite tense.



4.一般现在时, 谓语动词要随主语人称而变化。be动词有三种变化形式, 即am, is, are;行为动词有两种变化形式, 即:原形和第三人称单数。


A.动词后面直接加“s”, 如works, plays, learns。

B.以[K][CM], [DN],[M],[L] 结尾的单词, 词尾加“es”, 如果词尾有“e”, 则只加“s”, 如:misses, finishes, teaches, loses。

C.如词尾以辅音字母+y结尾, 应变y为“i”, 再加“es”, 如: flies, carries。


6.啊!我明白了, 像 works, 由于 s之前是k, 读作[E], 是清辅音, 所以s读作[K];又如:learns s之前是浊辅音[Q], 所以它读作浊辅音[L]; plays s之前由于是ay字母组合, 读作元音音素[-!], 所以s读作[L]这叫做“元-浊”。

7.与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:often, usually, sometimes, always, seldom, twice a week, every day…

8. A.If it is fine tomorrow, I will go out for a picnic.


B.When they leave school, they will go back to the factory.(时间状语从句一般现在时表示将来)

C.The train starts at ten o'clock in the morning.

(计划, 有规律的动作表示将来)

9.Yes, I can. Here's a sentence.

The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. Here“rises”is the present indefinite tense. This tense is used because it happens regularly.


10.The form of the verb is“be doing”, and“be”can be changeable.

For example:am, is, are. I think the present continuous tense expresses an action happening at present time or during present period of time.

For example:

He is reading a book now.

We are learning BookⅡthis week.

11.现在进行时与 now, at the present, this year(week, month)等时间状语连用。


A.He is coming to see me tomorrow.


B.They are leaving Shanghai for Beijing.他们要离开上海去北京。

13.OK ! The future indefinite tense is connected with the future time, such as, tomorrow, next week(year, month), the day after tomorrow, from now on, in a month (year) etc.

它的动词结构是will do 有时第一人称单复数用shall do。

14.Yes, I can.

A.We are going to help the farmers on the Red Star Farm.


B.The boys are to go to school next week.


C.We are about to leave, so there is no time to visit him now.

我们就要离开了, 所以现在没有时间去看他了。

15.一般过去时, 谓语动词的形式应该用过去时。即:原形动词后加ed, 还有一些特殊形式的动词。如:go----went, see----saw, do----did, read----read, give----gave, sit----sat。


16.我清楚了, 现在完成时谓语动词形式have done, 可以这样理解:have是“变量”;done是“常量”。

A.We have cleaned the room now.


B.He has cleaned the room now.


C.They have been here for 3 hours.


D.The professor has worked in this university since 1969.



一种是动作发生在过去, 动作不延续, 但对现在有结果和影响。如句子A、B表示打扫房间的动作发生在过去, 但强调的是现在房间已经干净了。

另一种是动作从过去开始一直延续到现在, 对现在有结果和影响, 如句子C、D。

18.点性动词应当与点性时间状语连用, 线性动词与线性时间状语连用。点性时间状语有:now, today, already, just, before, never, ever, always, yet等, 线性时间状语有for…, since…等。

19.A句中应当把come改为 been here, come为点性动词, for为线性时间状语。

B句有两种改法,一是将since改为for, 意思是“已经等了两年了”。另一种是在two years之后加ago, 意思是“自从两年前就开始等, 一直等到现在。”

C句将 died改为 been dead, 因为 for ten years是线性时间状语, die为点性动词, 不能延续, 而 be dead是线性动词, 可与 for短语连用。

D.将 bought改为 kept或 had。 buy为点性动词, have(keep)为线性动词。

20.Let me have a try.

join the army----serve in the army

join the Party----be a Party member

come back----be back

borrow a book----keep a book

buy a book----have a book

leave----be away

go out----be out

die----be dead

open----be open

begin----be on

arrive----be here

A.He has been here since two hours ago.

It's two hours since he came.

He came here two hours ago.

B.They went away in 1960.

They have been away for 40 years.

It's 40 years since they went away.

C.The film began an hour ago.

It's one hour since the film began.

The film has been on since one hour ago.

21.A.He has been here since two hours ago.

It's two hours since he came.

He came here two hours ago.

B.They went away in 1960.

They have been away for 40 years.

It's 40 years since they went away.

C.The film began an hour ago.

It's one hour since the film began.

The film has been on since an hour ago.


A.have lost; lost

B.have been; went

C.has stopped; stopped

D.Have… had


did… have



A.I have been to Hainan four times.

B.He has gone to the South.

C.Have you ever been to Tokyo ?

D.Xiao Li has been to his office. You can find him there.

E.Where have you been ?

F. Where has he gone ?


25.图A表示动作发生在过去,处于静止状态, 而图B表示动作发生在过去,但它指向现在,对现在有结果和影响,最后强调的是现在。


I said that I would go to that island.

“said”在前,相对它来讲,would go在后。

可当一个动作发生在过去而另一个动作发生在它之前, 那么这个动作则要用过去完成时。如:

I said that I had finished the composition.

said发生在过去, had finished在它之前发生, 称之为过去的过去。





1.----Can I join your club, Dad? [ ]

----You can when you ____ a bit older.('94)

A.get B.will get

C.are getting D.will have got

2.----I'm sorry to keep you waiting.('94) [ ]

----Oh, not at all. I ____ here only a few minutes.

A.have been B.had been

C.was D.will be

3.I don't really work here;I ____ until the new secretary arrives.('94) [ ]

A.just help out

B.have just helped out

C.am just helping out

D.will just help out

4.I need one more stamp before my collection ____ . [ ]

A.has completed


C.has been completed

D.is completed

5.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ____ at a radio shop at the time.('97) [ ]

A.has worked

B.was working

C.had been working

D.had worked

6.----Is this raincoat yours? [ ]

----No, mine ____ there behind the door.('97)

A.is hanging B.has hung

C.hangs D.hung

7.----Nancy is not coming tonight. [ ]

----But she ____ !('98)

A.has written B.wrote

C.had written D.was writing

8.Shirley ____ a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.('98) [ ]

A.has written B.wrote

C.had written D.was writing

9.----Hi, Tracy, you look tired. [ ]

----I am tired. I ____ the living room all day.('98)


B.had painted

C.have been painting

D.have painted

10. The price ____ , but I doubt whether it will remain so.('99) [ ]

A.went down

B.will go down

C.has gone down

D.was going down

11.----Bob has gone to California. I hear. [ ]

----Oh. I wonder when he ____ .('96海淀)

A.has left B.leaves

C.left D.was leaving

12.----Have you got your test result ? [ ]

----Not yet. The papers ____ .('96海淀)

A.are not correcting

B.have not corrected

C.are still being corrected

D.have already been corrected

13.----Why weren't you at the meeting ? [ ]

----I ____ for a long----distance call from my father in Australia.('99西城)

A.waited B.was waiting

C.had waited D.have been waited

14.The telephone ____ four times in the last hour, and each time it ____ for my roommate.('99西城) [ ]

A.has rung; was

B.has been ringing; is

C.had rung; was

D.rang; has been

15. Two million tons of oil ____ exploited in this area that year.('99西城) [ ]

A.was B.has been

C.were D.have been

16.----What time ____ Tom tomorrow? [ ]

----At 3:00 p.m.('99西城)

A.do you meet

B.will you meet

C.would you meet

D.are you meeting

17. That was not a good place to go skating. You ____ your leg. [ ]

A.can break

B.could break

C.could have broken

D.could have been broken

18.---- ____ the sports meet might be put off. [ ]

----Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A.I've been told

B.I've told

C.I'm told

D.I told

19.----Your phone number again? I ____ quite catch it. [ ]

----It's 9568442.

A.didn't B.couldn't

C.don't D.can't

20. As she ____ the newspaper, Granny ____ asleep. [ ]

A.read; was falling

B.was reading; fell

C.was reading; was falling

D.read; fell

21.I don't think Jim saw me; he ____ into space. [ ]

A.just stared

B.was just staring

C.has just stared

D.had just stared

22.----Who is Jerry Cooper? [ ]

---- ____ ? I saw gou shaking hands with him at the meeting.

A.Don't you meet him yet

B.Hadn't you met him yet

C.Didn't you meet him yet

D.Haven't you met him yet


1. I'm afraid I can't get in all the wheat within such a short time unless you ____ to help me tomorrow.(come)

2. They left for Beijing last week and we ____ then so far.(not hear)

3.When we reached the airport, we were surprised to find that Uncle's plane ____ . (land)

4.I ____ he had finished his work.(think)

5.We ____ the problem for quite some time, but we any conclusion yet.(discuss, not reach)

6.He said this book would be published if the writer ____ .(agree)

7.John works very hard. In fact, I think he ____ right now.(study)

8.The little boy didn't see me, he ____ a golden fish in a basin.(watch)

9.I have to make a quick phone call. Can you wait a few moments ? It ____ long.(not take)

10.They ____ themselves on the beach when the train ____ .(enjoy, come)



1~5 AACDB 6~10 ABDCC 11~15 CCBAC

16~20 BBAAB 21~22 BD


1.come 主句用将来时, 从句用一般现在时表示将来。

2.haven't heard so far与现在完成时连用。

3.had landed 在 reached之前发生, 故用过去完成时。


5.have been discussing, haven't reached 讨论从过去开始一直到现在, 但是到目前仍没有结论。

6.agreed 主句是过去时, 从句动作受它影响。

7. is studying

8.was watching 没有看到我, 那时正观看金鱼。

9.won't take

10.were enjoying, came


篇7:It 句型 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

It 句型归纳

1. It is +adj.(+for sb./sth.) + to do sth.

用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult,possible,

important, impossible, necessary, good, bad, exciting,

interesting, surprising等。如:

It is necessary to change your job.

It was very hard for them to walk such a long way in

the snow.

2. It is +n.(+for sb./sth.) + to do sth.

用于此句型的名词有: pity, shame, pleasure, one’s duty, one’s

job, fun, joy, good manners, bad manners等。如:

It is a pity for you to have missed such a wonderful


It is bad manners for the young to take up the seats

for the old.

3. It is +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.


kind, nice, wise,

silly, polite, impolite, friendly, foolish, clever等。如:

How silly it was of you to give up such a good


It is friendly of the family to try to make me feel

at home in their house.

4. It is +adj.(+n.)+doing sth.

此句型中的形容词和名词常见的有:no/little use, no/much good,


It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

5.It takes sb.+一段时间+to do sth. 表示“做某事花费某人多长时间”。如:

It took us half an hour to ride to the town by the


6.It is +及物动词的过去分词+that从句

此句型中常见的及物动词的过去分词有:said, told, known, reported,

recorded, thought, believed, considered等。如:

It is reported that the Russian President will visit

China next week.

7.It +不及物动词+that从句

此句型中不及物动词常见的有:seem, happen, appear, matter等。如:

It seems that there will be a heavy snow tomorrow.

It happened that I met my good friends in the museum


8.强调句型:It is+被强调部分+that/who从句


It was under the bed that my brother hid the ball

this morning.

It is Mr Bell who/that often comes and looks after

the old man.

9.It is/has been+一段时间+since从句。如:

It is /has been three years since we saw each other


10.It is (high) time that sb. did sth.



It’s six o’clock.It is high time that we went home



篇8:省略 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)




1. 名词所有格后修饰的名词在以下情况可以省略


These are John's books and those are Mary's (books). 这些是约翰的书,那些是玛丽的书。


at the doctor's 在诊所

at Mr. Green's 在格林先生家

to my uncle's 到我叔叔家

at the barber's 在理发店

2. 冠词的省略


The lightning flashed and thunder crashed. 电闪雷鸣。(thunder前省略了定冠词the)

2)在the next day (morning, week, year...)等短语中,有时为了使语气紧凑定冠词the 常可以省略。如:We went to the farm to help the farmers with the harvest (the) next day. 第二天,我们去农场帮助农民收庄稼。


She sings best in the class. 她在班上唱歌唱得最好。


Our teacher came in, book in hand. (=Our teacher came in, with a book in his hand.)



Child as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他还是一个孩子,却懂得很多。

3. 介词的省略

1)both 后常跟of短语,其后可以接名词复数形式,也可以接代词宾格复数形式。接复数名词时,介词of可以省略,但接代词宾格时,of不能省略。如:

Both (of) the films were interesting. 这两部电影都很有趣。

She invited both of us to her birthday party. 她邀请我们俩去参加她的生日派对。


These shoes are worn out. They have lasted (for) a long time.



The letter was posted (by me) yesterday. 这封信是昨天寄出去的。

4)和一些动词搭配构成的短语中的介词,如:consider... (as)..., prevent / stop... (from)doing..., have trouble / difficulty... (in) doing...,spend... (in / on) doing... 等中的介词可以省略。如:

Trees can prevent the earth (from) being washed away. 树能阻止泥土被冲走。

Can you stop him (from) going swimming in the river? 你能阻止他下河洗澡吗?

I have some difficulty (in) answering the question. 回答这个问题我有点困难。

4. 动词不定式中的省略

1)有些动词,如:believe, find, think, feel, consider, imagine, prove等后作宾补的结构

to be + n. / adj. 中的to be可以省略。如:

I consider him (to be) lazy. 我认为他懒。

His mother found him (to be) a clever boy.他母亲发觉他是一个很聪明的孩子。

2)感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等以及使役动词let, make, have后作宾补的动词不定式中的不定式符号to要省略,但变为被动结构时,to必须保留。如:

They made the boy go to bed early.他们强迫这个男孩早睡。

The boy was made to go to bed early. 这个男孩被迫早睡。


3)在can not but, can not choose but, can not help but之后的动词不定式一般不带to; but之前有实义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 时,也不带to, 否则要带to。如:

We have nothing to do now but wait. 我们现在除了等没有别的事可做。

I can not but admire his courage. 我不能不钦佩他的勇敢。

He has no choice but to accept the fact. 除了接受这个事实他别无选择。


I'm really puzzled what to think or say. 我真不知道该怎么想,怎么说才好。


I came not to scold but to praise you. 我来不是责备你,而是赞美你。

5)在why, why not 引导的特殊问句中后跟省略to的动词不定式。如:

Why talk so much about it? 为什么大谈这个事呢?

Why not try it again? 为什么不再试一试呢?

6)动词不定式中动词原形部分是否省略,主要看句子前面是否已出现过同样的动词。如果句子前面出现过同样的动词,为了避免重复,句子后面的不定式常省略动词原形,而保留不定式符号to。如:They may go if they wish to(go). 如果他们想去,他们就可以去。

Don't go till I tell you to.直到我告诉你去,你才可以去。

在一些动词afford, agree, expect, forget, mean, pretend, remember, want, refuse, hope, wish, would like (love), try等后跟动词不定式作宾语,不定式中的to可以承前(后)省略。如:

-Will you go to the cinema with me? 你愿和我一起去看电影吗?

-Well, I'd like to (go with you). 我愿意。

I would do it for you, but I don't know how to (do it for you).


在某些形容词,如:afraid, glad, willing, happy, eager等后承前省略动词原形,只保留不定式符号to。如:-Will you join us in the game? 你愿和我们一起做这个游戏吗?

-Sure, I'll be glad to(join you in the game). 当然,我愿意。

有些动词,如:tell, ask, allow, expect, force, invite, permit, persuade, order, warn, wish, would like, forbid等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语、主语补足语时,不定式承前省略动词原形, 保留动词不定式符号to。如: He didn't come, though we had invited him to (come).



-Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? -No, but I used to be (a teacher). 不,我以前是。



1. 简单句中的省略

1)感叹句中常省略主语和谓语。如: What a hot day (it is)!多热的天啊!

How wonderful!多妙啊!

2) 在一些口语中可以省略某些句子成分。如:

-(Will you) Have a smoke? 你抽烟吗? -No. Thanks. 不,谢谢了。

(Is there)Anything else to say?还有别的要说吗?

2. 并列句中的省略

1) 如果主语不同,而谓语动词中的一部分相同,则省略谓语动词中相同的那部分。如:

John must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing her homework.


2) 主语相同,谓语动词也相同,则二者都可以省略。如:

His suggestions made John happy, but (his suggestions made) Mary angry.


3) 主语相同,而谓语不同,则可以省略主语。如:

Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but (he) soon returned to his old ways.



Jack will sing at the party, but I know John won't (sing at the party).


3. 复合句中的省略

1) 名词性从句中的省略

(1)作宾语的what从句中的谓语动词与主句的相同,则what从句可以省略谓语,甚至主语。如:Someone has used my bike, but I don't know who (has used it).


He has gone, but no one knows where (he has gone).



(I'm) Sorry I've kept you waiting so long.对不起,让你久等了。

(3)在某些表虚拟语气的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,从句谓语动词中的助动词should可以省略。如:It's important that we (should) speak to the old politely. 我们对老人说话要有礼貌,这很重要。

2) 定语从句中的省略

(1)在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which, who (whom)常可以省略。如:

The man(who / whom) I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。

Where is the book (which) I bought this morning?今天上午我买的那本书在哪儿?

(2)关系副词when, where, why以及that在the time(day, morning, afternoon, evening, night, week, month, year等) when, the place(desk, table, room, spot, house, town, country, school等)where, the reason why, the way that结构中引导限制性定语从句时,在非正式场合下,可以省略关系副词when, where, why, that。如:

I shall never forget the day (when) we first met.


The reason (why) he came so early is his own affair. 他来这么早是他自己的事。

The way (that) you answered the questions was admirable. 你回答这些问题的方式令人钦佩。



(1)在as, before, till, once, when, while等引导的时间状语从句中。如:

While(I was) waiting, I was reading some magazines. 我一边看杂志,一边等。

(2)在though, although,等引导的让步状语从句中。如:

Though (they were) tired, they went on working. 虽然他们累了,但他们仍继续工作。

(3)在if, unless(=if... not)等引导的条件状语从句中。如:

You shouldn't come to his party unless (you were) invited.


(4)在as, as if, as though引导的让步状语从句中。如:

He did as (he had been) told. 他按照被告知的那样去做了。

He paused as if (he was) expecting her to speak. 他停下来,好像是在期待她说话。

(5)在as(so)... as..., than引导的比较状语从句中。如:

I know you can do better than he (can do). 我知道你能比他做得更好。

This car doesn't run as fast as that one (does). 这辆小车不及那辆跑得快。


在一些交际用语中的某些动词,如:think, suppose, expect, believe,guess等后常常和so, not等连用,以替代上文出现的内容。如:

-Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting? 你认为他会来参加这个会议吗?

-I suppose not. 我认为不会。


篇9:表语 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



通过本章学习, 使学生明白表语的概念及表语的用法。




1.在谓语一章中我们已分析过表语, 最常见的是 be动词及 become。

2.在使用中我们常见到不定式用在be动词后边作表语。由于不定式表明一个具体的动作, 当放在be动词后边时表示即将要去做的事。请将下列句子翻译成汉语并作分析:


A.The news sounds inspiring.

B.His absence is disappointing.

C.We are interested in the story.

D.After a long walk, we all felt tired.

E.He has got married.

一般来说~ing形式作表语表示主语的特征, 具有影响别人的能力;~ed形式作表语表示受到影响而呈现的状态。

4.A句是动名词作表语, 表示主语job的内容。

B句是现在分词作表语, 表示主语result 的特征。

动名词与现在分词作表语的不同就是前者是表内容, 后者是表特征。

5.这是一个含有主语从句和表语从句的复合句, 在后边的章节中会作进一步阐述。

1.表语表明主语的身份、状态、样子、方位、处所, 除了be, become这两个系动词外, 还有一些本身既是行为动词又是系动词的词。


A.I am to go to town.


B.My work is to clean the classroom.


3.A.这消息听起来挺鼓舞人心的。是现在分词作表语, 表示本身具有影响别人的特征。


C.我们对这故事感兴趣。过去分词作表语, 表示故事有趣, 使得我们对它感兴趣, 因此用过去分词。

D.走了一大段路, 我们都感到累了。过去分词作表语, 是走路使得我们累, 我们才感到累。

E.他结婚了。表示一状态, 过去分词作表语。 get married是个词组。

4.同样都是~ing 形式作表语, 遇到这样的句子, 怎样解释?

A.My job is running the machine.

B.The result is exciting.


Why he hasn't come is that he has something important to do at home.


1.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____ it more difficult. [ ]

A.not makeB.not to make

C.not making D.do not make

2.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour. [ ]

A.pay B.paying

C.paid D.to pay

3.Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous, but which do you think ____ ? [ ]

A.tastes best B.smells most

C.drinks mostly D.sounds best

4.----Hello, Tom, where were you last night ?---- ____ . [ ]

A.To Brown's

B.To the Browns'

C.In Brown's

D.In the Browns'

5.Thank you very much indeed. That's ____ of you. [ ]

A.kindest B.most kind

C.the kinder D.the most kind

6.The meeting was put off, ____ was exactly ____ we wanted. [ ]

A.it;that B.as;that

C.which; what D.this ;what

7.His suit has become loose. He seems ____ weight. [ ]

A.to lose B.being lost

C.losing D.to have lost

8.----Did you enjoy yourself at the party? [ ]

----Sorry to say I didn't. It was a meeting than a party.

A.more ofB.rather like

C.less of D.more or less

9.----Where is George? He said he would meet me here at 3 O'clock. [ ]

----He seems ____ with Mr Brown in the office.

A.to talk

B.to be talking

C.to have talked


10.They found there was ____ to weigh such an elephant. [ ]

A.big enough nothing

B.nothing enough big

C.enough nothing big

D.nothing big enough

答案:1~5 BCADB 6~10 CDABD



倒 装


A. Who invented the machine?

B. What impressed you most?

C. What has happened to Tom?

D. How many people took part in the demonstration?

E. Which team won the game?

(二)there be结构是倒装句,除be以外,live, happen, exist, lie, remain也都可以充当该结构的谓语

A. About 2, 300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.

B. There happened to be nobody in the bedroom.

C. For there lay the Combs-the set of combs that Della had worshipped for many months in a shop window.

(三)only放在句首修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时要倒装,其他情况就不构成倒装式了。如果谓语动词是单个实意动词,倒装时加do的相应形式(即do, does, 或did)

A. Only in this way can you succeed.

B. Only yesterday did I hear of the accident.

C. Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work.

D. Only my parents know the secret. (不倒装)


hardly, scarcely, never, not, not until, not only, seldom, little等。

A. Never shall I forget it.

B. Not a single mistake did he make.

C. Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.

D. Not only was everything he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship.

E. Not until quite recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like. 请注意下列这组句子。

A. She didn't change her mind until yesterday. (正装句)

B. Not until yesterday did she change her mind. (倒装句)

C. It was not until yesterday that she changed her mind. (强调句不倒装)


A. He has been to Beijing, So have I.

B. They like English very much. So does John.

C. Society has changed and so have the people in it.


A. There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby couch and weep. So Della did.

B. I said I was going to visit him. So I did.

C. He studies hard. So he does.


If it had not been for their assistance, we couldn't have got over the difficulties. (正装句)


Had it not been for their assistance, we couldn't have got over the difficulties. (倒装句)

If there should be a flood, what should we do?


Should there be a flood, what should we do?(倒装句)


A. Proud as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me.

B. Small as it was, the army had great fighting capacity.

C. Child as he is, he knows a lot.


A. Long live the solidarity of the people of the world!

B. May you both be happy!


A. On the ground lay an old sick goat.

B. There, on the shore, were nine savages, sitting round a fire.

C. From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor's voice: “Good morning. ”

D. Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms.


This they kept for themselves.

All this he fixed together with glue, string, wax and many wires.


A. So excited was he that he couldn't say a word.

B. So loudly did he speak that even people in the next house could hear him.


篇11:高三英语教学初探 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


周至四中 张荣利







(1)“点”: 归纳常用、常考重点词汇的基本用法、语法特点、适用条件以及相关知识点,特别是一些使用频率教高的动词,如 need, consider, suggest, expect, prefer 等。例如 suggest, 可表示“建议”,也表示“暗示”“表明” 等意义;还有suggest doing的结构, 以及做宾语从句时要用虚拟句型suggest that sb.(should)do 的结构,而作“暗示”、“表明”时则要用陈述语气;据此还可以联想到所带宾语从句中用虚拟语气的相关动词insist, demand, order, advice等。

(2) “线”:对有共同用法特点的词汇进行归纳、串联,形成知识链。如,既可作实义动词又可作系动词的词有:sound,smell,taste,get,become,turn,grow,come,fall,go,remain,look,appear,seem等。又如常用动名词(不能用不定式)作宾语的动词有:mind, enjoy, finish, imagine, suggest, avoid, practise, delay, appreciate, risk,等。

(3) “面”:由点及线,由线及面,培养发散思维和知识迁移的能力。对搭配能力强的词汇在复习时让学生先进行归纳复习。如复习Put用法时,马上想到Put away,put aside,put sth.in order,put on,put up with,put through等 。再区别记忆。

(4) “分”: 英语近义、同义词的学习和归纳可以扩大知识面,增强语言的使用能力。如在复besides 用法时,可以联系except, but, except for, except that, but for, apart from, other than 等词汇的词义区别和用法。再如: dress, be in ..., put on, have on, wear等词汇都可以表示“穿戴”,但他们的意义和用法的区别在哪?



















语篇标志即:表明语篇内在联系的词语。如表示结构层次的firstly ,secondly ,finally等;表示逻辑关系的thus, therefore, so ;表示改变话题的by the way ,on the contrary,;表示递进的besides, what’s more ,further等;表示时间的before, after, so far, meanwhile ,later等;




















2、平行结构的一致:由and,but 连接或是比较状语结构是否前后一致;是否该省略“to”;是否是并列谓语;











1. 加强遣词造句的训练。把握五种基本句型结构,避免中式英语,力使句子语言生动、精练;

2. 练习篇章写作。循序渐进,仿写、改写、缩写、扩写,正确使用过渡词语;

3. 规范使用大小写和标点符号,避免非文字信息的丢分;

4. 注意人称、时态的一致和文章格式;

5. 学会审题,思路清晰,拟好提纲,避免要点错漏;

6. 字数适中,书写规范,卷面整洁。





篇12:补语 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



通过本章学习, 使学生了解主动语态句子中宾语补足语的概念、使用方法及被动语态中主语补足语的使用。


不定式、分词、形容词、名词及with sb./sth.+补语结构


1.We mean that part of the sentence which stands in the same relation to the object as the predicate stands to the subject.

2.A.At the meeting we elected him monitor.

把him与monitor扩展成一个句子则成为:He is a monitor.

B.What you said made Xiao Wang angry.

把Xiao Wang与angry扩展成一个句子则成为:Xiao Wang is angry.


4.Nouns used as objective complements.

Please do the following translations:






5.How many verbs can be followed the nouns used as by objective complements? And what are they?







7.Generally speaking, the following can be followed by adjectives used as the objective complements: find, make, keep, cut, paint, push, drive, leave…


A.Please call the students back at once.

B.He was seen to take his cap off.

C.It was John who took the baby upstairs.

D.I joined the two pieces of wood together.

E.Please keep yourselves off the grass.

F.We wished the talk at an end.

9.副词作宾语补足语比较难于掌握, 对高中学生来说, 多用于理解, 而不强求会用。



let, make, have, feel, see, watch, hear, observe, notice, 从日常应用的角度看, 记住上边的九个动词基本就够用了。


A.I can't have you say so.

B.You should try your best to make him understand that.

C.I noticed the thief steal into the room.

D.We observed the students do the physics experiment.

E.I felt my hands tremble.

能够跟不定式作宾补的词很多, 我们应当在使用中注意积累。


have, see, watch, feel, hear, notice, observe, keep, find, 注意make后边不能跟现在分词作补语。


在 have, make, see, watch, feel, hear, notice, observe, keep, find, get后

如: get one's hair cut

have one's hair cut

make oneself understood

keep one's mouth shut

find the work done

14.上述凡能跟宾语补足语的动词, 当它们出现在被动语态的句子中时, 原来被称为宾语补足语的部分则被称为主语补足语。需要指出的一点是, 原来不定式作宾补省略to的动词变成被动语态时, to不能省。

A.We call him Lao Wang.

主 谓 宾补

He is called Lao wang.

主 谓 主 补

B.We made him copy the sentence.

主 谓 宾 补

He is made to copy the sentence.

主 谓 主补

C.We asked him to sing us a song.

主 谓 宾 补

He is asked to sing us a song.

主 谓 补

需要说明的地方是have sb. do sth.一般不用于被动语态。 let sb. do sth.一般情况下也不用被动语态。


1.What do you mean by the objective complement?

2.在一个句子中谓语动词是及物动词时, 后边必须跟宾语, 如果宾语后边仍有一个能与它构成逻辑上主谓关系的部分, 我们则称其为宾语补足语。

C.We hear him singing in the hall.

把him与singing扩展成一个句子则成为:He is singing.



A.They made him chairman of the meeting.

B.I think(consider) your brother a clever boy.

C.The young father named his baby “Qiang-qiang.”

D.We call this lying.

E.Have you elected Ling-ling manager?

5.They are: elect, make, name, call, think, consider…


A.I found the classroom empty.

B.They dyed the silk red.

C.Don't cut the cloth too short.

D.Have you got everything ready?

E.The news almost drove him mad.


Don't swallow it whole.

I bought it cheap.

也即是说swallow与buy后边也可跟形容词作宾补, 只是不常用罢了。

8.We use adverbs as well as prepositional phrases to be the objective complements less frequently than we use adjectives.







9.We think it a bit difficult for us students to use adverbs to be the objective complements.


We saw him enter the hall.

I forced him to tell me the truth.

另外help后边的不定式不论是作宾语还是作宾语补足语, to省与不省没有关系。


A.I believe him to be honest.

B.He allowed me to use his car.

C.All parents forbid their children to play with fire.

D.Can you get some students to help me with the work?

E.What caused the Second World War to break out?


A.It's too cold inside, please keep the fire burning.

B.When I pushed the door open,

I found him lying in bed, sleeping.


A.He saw his face reflected in the water.

B.I heard it spoken of in the next room.

C.I'll get it done in one day or two.

D.How much will it cost to have it repaired ?

E.We observed the door unlocked.


A.He is seen to stand up and go out.


B.He was observed to open the window.


C.The students were watched to play basketball.


D.Air can be felt to be exist if you blow to your hand.

如果你对着手吹气, 就能感觉到空气的存在。

E.They were encouraged to practise speaking English.



1.Robert is said ____ abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. [ ]

A.to have studied

B.to study

C.to be studying

D.to have been studying

2.I saw the man ____ down and the driver ____ away. [ ]

A.knocking; driven



D.knocked; drive

3.----Is there anything I can do for you ? [ ]

----I'd like to have these materials ____ by ten o'clock.




D.to print

4.who did the teacher ____ an article for the wall newspaper? [ ]

A.has write

B.has written

C.have write

D.have written

答案:1~4 ADAC


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