案例一:模块二第二单元 (译林牛津版高一英语下册教学论文)

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【简介】感谢网友“shan75”参与投稿,下面是小编为大家推荐的案例一:模块二第二单元 (译林牛津版高一英语下册教学论文)(共12篇),欢迎大家分享。

篇1:案例一:模块二第二单元 (译林牛津版高一英语下册教学论文)


1) What are the boys doing when their parents come home?

They are playing with a soccer ball.

(How do you know it?)

“Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it …”(line 6)

2) How does the room look when the parents arrive home?

The room is in a complete mess.

(Can you describe it?)

pizza boxes on the floor dirty dishes in the sink

pieces of garbage and waste paper around the garbage can (line 18)

3) Why are the parents angrier with Daniel than with Eric?

Because they left Daniel in charge.

(What can you presume (推测) from this?)

Daniel is the older brother. Mom and Dad trust Daniel.

(Can you give some evidence (证据)?)

“We thought you could act like an adult …” (line 23, Mom’s comment)

“Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisions…”

(line 25, Dad’s comment)

4)Focus on the personality (个性) of every character hidden in the dialogue

Discuss the personality (个性) of every character in pairs

(Point out evidence while giving your opinion)

5)What is the misunderstanding (误解)?

Parents think that Daniel and Eric spend all the money on enjoyment and neither do they look after Spot or do they keep the room clean.

The truth is that they spend the money taking sick Spot to the clinic and the time looking after him instead of cleaning the house.

6)What deepen (加深) the misunderstanding?

Parents don’t give Daniel a chance to explain.

Daniel shows anger and chooses silence instead of tying to explain patiently.

7) Can you guess what will happen?

案例二:模块2第3单元 Reading The curse of the mummy

Activity 1:Try to predict what the article is about from the title.

Activity 2:Read through the article to check their prediction and match the given topics with the proper paragraphs. (信息匹配题)

a. There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb.

b. Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer.

c. Lord Carnarvon died after visiting the tomb.

d. Harward Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun.

e. Howard Carter is a world-famous explorer.

f. The “Curse of the mummy” remains a mystery.

g. More people died after Carter’s discovery.

h. People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations.

Paragraph 1________ Paragraph 5________

Paragraph 2________ Paragraph 6________

Paragraph 3________ Paragraph 7________

Paragraph 4________ Paragraph 8________

Activity 3:Can you sum up the main idea of each part?

Part one (1-2) (An introduction to Howard Carter.)

Part two (3) (Carter’s discovery.)

Part three (4-5) (The strange death.)

Part four (6-8 ) (Different opinions about the strange deaths.)

Activity 4:Focus on Part three and find out the strange deaths.

Characters Who was he? How did he die?

Lord Carnarvon Patron (赞助人)of Carter fever

George Gould Friend of the Lord fever

Richard Bethell Secretary of H C Heart trouble

Arthur Mace member of the team /

Activity 5:Which of the four words has the closest meaning to the word in the sentence “When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses.”

A. interrupt B. move C. worry D. change

Activity 6: Group work (Homework)

根据文章的篇章结构,设计任务型阅读(表格 类型)

案例三:(模块二 第三单元的涉及Reading阅读材料的词汇表单词)

(一)课前任务----- grouping the words


Please go over the vocabulary list of Unit 3 and group the words according to their part of speech.

Verbs动词 Nouns名词 Adjectives形容词 Adverbs副词 Phrases词组

preserve empty


result examine explorer

artist secretary

brave certain

adventurous bright curious present fresh scientific strangely

fully set sail

right away


Please go over the vocabulary list of unit 3 and tick the word you have already learnt.

(二)课中任务-----locating words and using words


步骤一: 朗读所罗列出的动词: preserve、empty、disturb、result。


We empty the tomb of everything it contained.

When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses.

If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.

When scientists examine mummies, they wear special clothing to protect themselves.



What does “empty” mean?

S: It means “remove”.

T: We usually empty a bottle, a glass, a purse,etc.


T: What if somebody wants you to empty your pocket?

S1:… S2:…

②关于 “disturb”一词, 老师设置的问题是:

Which of the four words is the closest in meaning to the word in the above sentence “disturb”?

A. interrupt B. move C. worry D. change


T: disturb somebody’s sleep disturb sb’s concentration disturb sb’s thought


T: What would you do if someone disturbs you when you are doing your homework?

S1:… S2:…

T: Students with good manners will try not to disturb others.

③关于“result”一词, 老师设置的问题是:

Please compare result in and result from in the following sentences.

Viruses can result in illness or even death.

Illness or even death can result from illness.


Carelessness often results in failure in the exam. →result from

Total blindness may result from the illness. →result in

④关于 “examine”一词,老师设置的问题是:

Can you explain the word in English ?

S1: look over carefully.


T: Describe the scene : A doctor and a patient.

S1: The doctor is examining the patient carefully.



T: Which of these words can be used to describe a person’s character?

S1: … S2:… …S3:

T: Which of these qualities are more important to us students? Why or why not?

S1: Curious.

T: We students should be curious about the new things, knowledge, etc.

T: Can you think of any other adjectives which we use to describe a person’s character?

S1:… S2: …

Pair work: Tell your partner what kind of person you are.

Reporting back: Can you tell me what kind of person she/he is?


首先是brainstorming: more job words

接着老师设置了一个pair work的任务:What job would you like to do in the future?

讨论完毕后,让学生反馈的形式是:What job would he or she like to do in the future?

最后是一个小组讨论题:As a student, how can you do your present job well?

4.词汇的巩固练习----Review some of the job words

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word according to the letter given:

Maybe you could be a good w_______---maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper, but you might not know it until you write a paper for your English class. Maybe you could be an innovator or an i________, maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or a new medicine or vaccine, but you might not know it until you do a project for your science class. Maybe you could be a m_______or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice, but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team. ……

(三) 课后作业------words used in context



1. ---Why do you want to know about Kate?

---Oh no reason. I’m just c____________.

2. ----Is everyone here?

----Yes, everyone is p__________. No one is absent.

3. ----If you are brave or adventurous, you can’t be a successful e___________.

-----I agree.

4. ----Why are you so busy?

----We are still dealing with problems r_________ from errors in the past.

5. ----Sorry to d_________ you. But could you sign this letter, Sir?




来源:高中英语园地 作者:佚名 日期:-01-12 21:27:57

Unit Two Growing Pains

Part One knowledge

I Word study

1.act n (戏剧的)一幕 vi 表现 行动

The time for talking is past ;we must ~ at once .

You acted =behaved wisely by ignoring such bad advice.

Who is ~ing Hamlet? He ~ed very well in the play.

act as

I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to act as interpreter.

2.surpsrise vt&n

sth ~ sb sb be ~ed (at) sth be ~ ing

to one’s great surprise

His not passing the exam, surprised us very much.

We were surprised at his not passing the exam.

To our great surprise ,he didn’t pass the exam.

3.explain ~ sth to sb/ ~ to sb that

He ~ed his plan in some details.

Could you ~ why you left without saying anything?

Please ~ this problem to us .

She ~ed the children that the school had been closed .

Explanation n

He left the room without explanation.

4.charge vt 要价

n 1) 负责,掌管 2)费用

~ (sb/sth) for sth

How much do you ~for mending shoes ?

I’m not going there again ----- they ~ed me five dollars for a cup of coffee!

in charge take charge of in charge of

under /in one’s charge

Leave a child in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

Who’s in charge here?

These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson .

The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it)

All goods are delivered free of charge.

5.reason n 理由 , 原因

for this /that ~

for some ~

the ~ for (doing ) sth

the ~ why +从句

Can you tell us the reason why you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday?

For some reason ,he won’t believe you .

reasonable adj.

NOTE : cause n 起因 vt 引起

the cause of sth

What ~ed the fire (to happen)?

What is the ~ of the fire ?

~ sb / sth to do sth

What ~ed us to think of your childhood?

6.punish vt

~ sb for (doing )

Xiao Li was punished by his parents for not passing the exam .

Scold/criticize/blame etc

punishment n unpunished adj.

7. trust n & vt

A good marriage is based on ~.

I put my ~ in you.

They are not to be ~ed.

You can’t ~ what the papers say.

Can I ~ trust you to post this letter ?

8.upset vt 1) 打翻 弄翻 打乱 2) 使。。。。 苦恼或心烦

~ one’s cup /the milk etc

A large wave ~the boat .

Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.

Sth upset sb sb be upset

The problem ~s him so much.

Don’t ~ yourself -----no harm has been done.

He was ~ at not being invited.

be emotionally upset 心烦意乱

9.rude adj. be ~ to do

He is a very ~ man.

Don’t be ~ to people

be rude /cruel /impolite to sb

be kind/polite/friendly to do

rudely adv rudeness n

10. score n &vt 1)得分 2)+twenty

a high /low ~

make a good ~ of 90 points

What’s my ~?

The final ~ was 4-3.

She ~ed 120 in the maths test.

a ~ of people =twenty people

three score an ten

scores of 几十(个)

There are three score students /scores of students in the classroom.

11. insist vt&vi 1)坚持(应该做)2)坚持认为

I insist that you should take an immediate action to put this right.

He ~s that I (should ) be present.

She ~ed that she had done right.

Insist on (doing) sth

She will ~ on getting up early and playing her radio loud.

He ~ed on going with me .

The university ~s on an interview before accept a new student.

12.arugement n. 争论 辩论

have /get into an ~ with sb about sth

We agreed without much further ~.

argument/discussion /quarrel /debate

argue vt

~ with sb abut sth

~ for /against sth

~ that-clause

We ~ed with the waiter about the price of the meal .

I ~ed that we needed a larger office.

13. suggest vt 1)建议 2) 表明 暗示

~ sth to sb

~ (to sb ) that …. (should) do

~(one’s) doing sth

What did you ~ to the manager ?

I ~ed to him that the problem (should ) be dealt with another way.

He ~ed that the wounded (should) be sent to the hospital without hesitation.

He ~ed taking the children the children to the zoo.

His cool response ~ed that he didn’t like the idea.

Are you ~ing that I’m not telling the truth?

suggestion (cn ) 建议-----同位语从句、表语从句同样要用(should)+动词原形

14 spare adj 空闲的,多余的

vt 抽出、分出时间或金钱

Do you carry a ~ wheel in your car?

I have no ~money this month.

in one’s ~time

I can’t ~ the time for a holiday at the moment.

Can you ~ me a few minutes for a talk?

Can you ~a cigarette for me?

15.forbit vt

~ sb (from) doing sth

~ sb to do sth

(doing) sth is forbidden.

I can’t ~ you (from) seeing that man again.

He was forbidden to talk to her.

Smoking/parking is forbidden here.

16 mark n 分数,标记,记号,标志

vt 作记号

She got 80 marks for geography.

White marks painted on the trees show the route.

Who made these dirty marks on my new book?

mark one’s name on one’s clothes --- --mark one’s clothes with one’s name

The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow.

Prices are marked on the goods.

be marked with

Each book is marked with an English letter.

17 test n&vt 测验

a driving test a blood test a maths test

test sth for …

test the water for pollution

test sb on sth

She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

have one’s eyesight/hearing tested


18 leave vt 1)离开 2)使…处于某种状态

leave (a place) for (another place)

She is leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.

leave sb/sth + adj/prep/doing/done

Who is left in charge?

You should not leave the old man alone at home.

The work is left undone there.

篇3:高一英语教学现状与思考 (译林牛津版高一英语下册教学论文)












在Word power板块的拓展词汇中避免冷僻词,代之以常用词








文化:丰富性和多样性,民族自豪感和本 土文化意识








1. Welcome to the unit:暂不调整,替换个别插图和说明。

2. Reading:适当加强对学生思维方面的训练。







3.Word Power:删减不常用的词,增加一些日常生活常用词汇。扩充构词法部分。

4.Grammar and usage:总体的语法体系暂不调整,适当调整练习形式与梯度。



(2)Skills building 1中的听力部分降低难度。缩短听力材料的长度,降低练习的难度。

(3)Skills building 2中的阅读材料中尽量避免超纲词。

(4)Skills building 3以写作来结束整个Task部分。如果教材原来未提供写作范文,则在这一部分增加写作范文。

6. Project:模块1和模块2的Project仍旧保留4P步骤,在模块3-5,增加一篇阅读。

7. Self-assessment:板块设计不变。根据前面各板块的修订,更新自我评估项目。


篇4:一模块二单元period 7 task 3教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

Skills building 3: writing a dialogue

Teaching objectives:

u To develop writing skills by reading the tips.

u To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.

Important and difficult points:

Writing a dialogue.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

The language you use in writing a dialogue:

l not too colloquialnot too redundant

l descriptive

Step 2 Reading

1 Read the instructions and know some tips of writing a dialogue.

2 Read Part A and discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.

a.‘Umm’ or ‘hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue. b. We shouldn’t use ‘My room is too dirty’, ‘My room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because in a written dialogue what has just been said shouldn’t be repeated.c. In a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of the sentence ‘I’m really very angry with you.’

3 Read again and do Part B.

A The sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:

Come and look.

Don’t you talk to me like that?

You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!B The sentences that show Jack’s mood:

This is so unfair! I’ll never have enough time.

But I don’t think you’re being fair at all!

Step 3 Reading the Thank-you letter

1 Work in groups of 3 and present a dialogue. Keep the tips in mind. 2 Get the students to know:

The following should be included in your dialogue. a. What happened between Christina and her mother?

b. What did Christina do then ?

c. How as the problem solved ?

Step 4 Consolidation

Role-play the dialogue in three.


Finish Workbook Writing on page 93.

篇5:一模块二单元period 7 task 2教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

Skills building 2: reading for gist

Teaching objectives:

To develop reading skills by reading four diary entries.

To understand the mood of the writer.

Important and difficult points:

Reading for gist.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Get students to read the instructions and know how to read for gist.

catch the gist or the main pointfocus on descriptive words or expressions

Step 2 Reading

1 Read the four diary entries and fill in the form.

Entries Main points The words telling the writer’s mood

The first diary entry

The second diary entry

The third diary entry

The fourth diary entry

2 Read again and answer:

1.Why did Christina call the radio show last week?2. What advice did George give ?3. Did Christina follow his advice? What did she do?4. How do they get on with each other?

Step 3 Reading the Thank-you letter

1 Get students to read and answer:

a What is the main idea of this thank-you letter?bWhich words or expressions are used to make the main point?

Step 4 Consolidation

Have you ever had a problem with your parents similar to Christina’s?

If so, how did you solve it?

If not, write a letter to Christina in the name of George.


1 Finish Workbook Exx B & C on page 84.

2 Review the words and expressions in this unit.

篇6:模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people-Project设计案例(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教学案例)

苏州工业园区第二高级中学 徐申叶




1. 知识目标


单词:orbit, astronaut, northeastern, army, fighter, pilot, project, candidate, survival, rocket, commander etc.

短语:make the dream a reality, survival skills, be qualified for, be described as, go down in history, look up to sb, live ones dream etc.

句型:Born in 1965, Yang wanted to fly since he was a young boy.

It was his high scores…that finally won him his position as China’s first astronaut.

Because of these qualities, his commanders were sure he would be successful.

2. 能力目标

1). 培养学生在阅读人物传记时把握细节、理解全文的能力。

2). 引导通过学习范文,模仿写作简单传记文体的能力。

3. 情感、态度价值观目标



1). 通过不同的阅读方法获取有关杨利伟的信息并进行信息处理。

2). 对杨利伟的故事进行深层理解、并对此用英语进行思考和表达。


1). 如何引导学生快速、准确地获取中心人物的相关信息。

2). 如何培养学生快速记录所读信息并用英语组织表达的能力。

3). 如何引导学生把握人物传记的篇章结构、掌握简单的人物传记的写作格式。


1. 总体思路


2. 教学过程

Step 1 Lead-in

开场白:Good morning everyone! What a special day it is! How lucky we are to have our English lessons on Christmas. So at the very beginning, I’d like to wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

导入:By the way, have you got any new year resolutions yet? What do you plan to do in the coming new year? Have you ever thought of reading some English books on famous explorers? You know the word “explorer”? What kind of people can be called “explorers”? Who is a typical example in your opinion? What makes you think so?



模块二第三单元已进入年末,通过同学生讨论新年计划:比如阅读一些文学作品来引出本课主题:探险者。同时,通过对什么是真正的探险者,谁是典型的探险者,以此来复习本单元中其他的一些著名探险人物,如:霍华德.卡特(Howard Carter)。在有效复习课文的基础上,激发学生对相关内容的兴趣,同时引出本课的主题,起到承上启下的教学功能。

Step 2 Fast reading

教师:Today the explorer we are going to come close to is a very famous Chinese. Look at the screen. Do you recognize the person in the picture?

学生:Yes, it’s Yang Liwei.

教师:Now let’s find out more information on Yang. Try to find out the answers to the following two questions.


1. How long did Yang’s space journey last?

2. What should be learnt in order to be an astronaut?



Step 3 While reading


1) Try to finish a CV for Yang Liwei on the paper.

Name: Yang Liwei Sex: Male

Born: ____________ Nationality: ____________

Education: - Trained to be an ____________

1983-1984 ____________ from the No.8 Aviation College

Work experience:

2003 Became China’s first astronaut

1998 Became a ____________ of Project 921

1983 Joined the ____________

Interests: Loves science and technology



2) Interview practice

教师:Suppose your partner is Yang Liwei. Interview him to get some useful information. Try to take notes while interviewing.


What is your job now, a pilot or an astronaut?

When were you sent into space?

Were you afraid before the sending up?

Where and when were you born?

What were you interested when you were young?

Is it easy to be an astronaut?




3) Mini-discussion

学生分组讨论(教师根据需要提供帮助):What spirit can we find in Yang Liwei? Which of Yang’s personalities attracts you most? Why?


在掌握文章细节的基础上, 组织学生围绕“主人公的哪一方面的特质最吸引你?为什么?”这一话题进行讨论,引出对人物的正确评价, 提升理解的深度,并以此激励学生通过自己的奋斗实现自己的梦想。

Step 4 Post-reading

教师:Now let’s have a look at the whole passage again, paying special attention to the writing structure of the biography. How many parts can we divide the passage into? What are they about? 学生完整阅读课文,了解文章结构。如果学生有困难,则适当降低任务难度,要求学生完成以下填空,同样也能达到了解文章结构的目的:

Part One: The most important achievement of the main character.

Part Two: The main character’s hard struggle to success. Usually it is written in time order.

Part Three: A thought-provoking conclusion: Yang is really worth our respect.

教师:You’ve all done a great job! Now let’s try to write a summary of Yang Liwei in pairs. One student writes the introduction in 3 sentences and the conclusion in 2 sentences, while the other student writes the body in 5 sentences.


教师:Now let’s share some of your writings. (呈现部分学生习作)



Step 5 Extensive reading, interviewing and writing

教师:First read the biography you’ve got and then take turns to interview your partner to get the information about the main character, eg. career, achievements, struggle, education and so on. Take down the information you have got from your partner. Write a brief biology based on the information you’ve taken down.(教师提供补充阅读材料并要求学生首先利用本节课前面环节中所学的方式进行阅读,此后通过采访式提问交换信息。)



此部分活动安排如下:发给每位同学两篇英文的人物传记:Hellen Keller(海伦 凯勒)和 Jay Zhou(周杰伦),要求学生以pair work 的形式各选其中一篇,先各自独立进行快速阅读获取文章信息,然后通过相互采访的形式获取另外一篇文章的信息,并做好相应的记录, 在此基础上借助所记录的内容仿写一篇简单的人物传记,学生也可以另选自己喜欢的人物,搜集信息并按照格式进行仿写。该环节旨在全面巩固本节课的阅读技能、促成学生能力迁移。

Step 6 Homework

1) Write down the biography in 3 paragraphs. Check your writing again by going through your partner’s original passage.

2) Read the passage carefully again, taking down the useful phrases and beautiful sentences.





Possible questions:

What is your job now, a pilot or an astronaut?

When were you sent into space?

Were you afraid before the sending up?

Where and when were you born?

What were you interested when you were young?

Is it easy to be an astronaut? …

( 该部分位于黑板左侧。)

Main structure of the passage:

Part One: The most important achievement of the main character.

Part Two: The main character’s hard struggle to success. Usually it is written in time order.

Part Three: A thought-provoking conclusion: Yang is really worth our respect.

( 该部分位于黑板右侧。)



一是根据《课标》,《课标》在“使用建议”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的灵活性和开放性。在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性。允许使用者根据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。因此,此教学设计着眼于把project 部分根据现在所教生源的实际情况,设当地化繁为简,将自由地采访各类专业人士改为指定的两篇人物传记,并在此基础上训练采访、速记、构思传记文体段落的初级写作等能力。





篇7:初二一到四单元知识点总结 教学案例(译林牛津版英语八年级)


1.Do you want some ?这里的some 是想要得到别人的肯定回答,所以用some而不用any.

2.something 不定代词,类似的还有somebody, someone, anything, everything等,和形容词连用时形容词放在不定代词后面。Nothing=not any thing 什么都没有了。No=not any

3.what about( doing)=how about(doing) ….怎么样

4.You are so kind=it is king of you to do sth.

类似的结构还有:it is+形容词 to do sth 如:

It is important for sb to sth对于某人而言做…很重要

It is easy for sb to do sth对于某人而言做…很简单

It is possible for sb to do sth对于某人而言做…又可能的

5.share 分享 share sth with sb和某人一起分享某物

Make good friends 交朋友 和某人交朋友 make friends with sb

6.say,tell,speak ,talk的区别

Say 指说话的内容,“don’t do it”he says.

Tell 指说故事讲笑话,tell jokes, tell lies

Speak 指说某种语言。Speak English, speak Chinese

Talk 指谈论,talk with sb 和某人谈论…

7.interest 有趣的人或物,兴趣,interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,用来修饰物,如,an interesting book一本有趣的书

Interested 有趣的,形容人。Sb be interested in…某人对…感兴趣

类似的还有:excite exciting excited; amaze amazing amazed bore boring bored

8.one of+可数名词复数 ,表示…的一个

Be willing to do =be ready to do 乐意做某事

help sb with sth; help sb to do sth帮组某人做某事

give sb sth = give sth to sb给某人某物

someone in need需要帮助的人=someone in trouble

9.voice ,noise he sound 的区别


grow up 长大 almost 几乎,most大多数,mostly副词,大多地,主要地 wear glasses 带眼镜

10.make 使役动词,使,让…

Make sb do 使某人做某事,让某人做。。。

Make sb +形容词,使某人怎么样make me happy 使我开心

Be made of 由…制成,看的出原材料

Be made from 由…制成,看不出原材料

a good sense of humour 幽默感

11.fit 动词 合适,适合。They do not fit well under his desk.

这件衣服不合适我。This clothes does not fit me .

Past 介词 路过,经过 walk past ,go past动词时pass。通过考试pass the exam

Cross动词 穿过,(表面)介词是across

Through 穿过(内部)go through 经历

Say a bad word about 说关于…的坏话

a true frieng挚友,真正的朋友keep a secret 保密

12.would like to do sth=want to do sth =feel like doing sth 想要做某事

learn about 了解

what is she like ?他是怎么样的

13.why not do sth为什么不做…=why don’t sb do…

be going to do sth =be planning to do sth 计划做某事

buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 买某物给某人

see a film 看电影 watch a movie看电影

year 8=grade8 the 8th grade八年级

mix with 混合。Be mixed with 混合

have lessons=attend lessons 上课

borrow… from …从。。。借。。。

near the end of 在…将要结束的时候

offer sb sth 提供某人某物

14.how much 多少,对时间和钱提问

Among 三者以上,both两者都

Sb spend +时间 (in)doing sth/on sth某人花费时间做

It takes sb+时间 to do sth 某人花费时间

Start 开始,finish 结束 start doing sth finish doing sth

Get up 起床 a lot of =lots of 许多,大量,即可修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词 many 修饰可数名词,much 修饰不可数名词

15.have a good time doing sth =have fun doing sth 做某事很高兴

after school 放学后,after class 下班

after-school 放学后的,形容词 after-class下课的,课间的

16.trip短途旅行,travel旅行旅游,交通,journey 长途旅行

have a trip to …到。。。的旅行 go on a school trip 进行一个学校旅行 take a boat trip 乘船旅行

17.be going to do 计划,打算做…

Need to do sth 需要去做… do exercises 做锻炼 keep fit 保持健康=keep healthy

Enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,享受某人自己的…

Help oneself 随便吃,随便喝;请自便

Enjoy doing sth =like doing sth = love doing sth 喜欢做某事

The top of … … 的顶部

It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees.

With 在这里表伴随状态,翻译的时候需要注意,这是一个带有大花园和许多树的美丽建筑,with表示有的含义。With your support ,we will win.有你们的支持,我们将会赢

18.how long 对长度提问。How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?

How wide 对宽度提问。 How wide is the bridge?

How far 对路程,距离远近提问。

How often 对频率提问。

19 含有动词不定式的固定结构

Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

Ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

Advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

quite =very 很,非常on the way 在路上 a little 有点

finally最后,最终= in the end 名词 final,决赛

get off 下车,get on 上车 by bus =take a bus 乘坐大巴车

the whole world=all over the world =around the world 全世界

arrive at +小地点 arrive in+大地点 get to sp =reach sp 到达

couldn’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事

can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事

couldn’t believe one’s eyes 简直不敢相信某人的眼睛

more than 超过。。。 places of interest 名胜古迹,复数加在place

just 仅仅, in just one day 仅仅在一天之类

learn a lot 了解许多 a lot 相当于副词,许多

main sights 主要景点 main 形容词 主要的 副词mainly主要地

put in 安装,put up张贴 ,挂 put on 试穿

go and see for yourself 你亲自去看看。亲自for oneself

独自 by oneself 自学 teach oneself

20.Take place 发生= happen

It is free for groups of 30 or mare students. free免费的

Free 免费的;自由的,空闲的 for free=free of charge 免费

in one’s free time = when sb be free= in one’s spare time


Far away from 离…远 join us 加入某人join sb

On foot = by walking = walk to sp 步行

21.instruction 说明指令。名词,词缀是ion,动词instruct

Had better do sth 最好做某事,最好不要做某事 had better not do sth

It says ,”do it yourself”这里的say的意思是写,说。不能用write和read。

Exactly精确地,准确地副词 ly 是词缀。形容词是exact

Repair=fix 修理 repair doing= fix doing

Decorate …with …用…装饰…名词是decoration

be crazy about =ba mad at 对….狂热,对…着迷

once 曾经;一次;一…就… another time另一次

make a mistake 犯错 put in a light 安装灯

a power cut 停电 hit a pipe 碰到水管

fill…with … 用…填满 用…装满…

be filled with = be full of 装满,充满

keep on doing sth 一直做某事,继续做某事

instead 相反,反而 instead of而不是

cut out 剪出

22.itis time to do sth =it is time for sth 该…. 是…时候了

be late for sth 做某事迟到 be late to do

stop dong sth 停止做某事( 正在做的事情) stop to do sth 停下来去做(未做准备要做的事)

decide to do sth 决定做某事

colour 名词颜色,动词 上色,涂色 colour the roses red

paint 名词油漆 颜料, 动词涂颜料,上色,涂漆paint the room

cover 名词 封面,盖子,动词 覆盖 cover the floor

stick 名词棍子,动词粘贴,过去式stuck sticker名词贴纸

篇8:译林牛津模块2 Unit 3 Important points 重点词汇句子(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教学案例)

Important points in Unit 3 Module 2


1. change our world for the better // change A into B / change A for B / change one’s mind //get changed

2. Great changes have taken place in our country. / just for a change/ keep the change / make necessary changes to sth

3. win a Nobel Peace Prize // win the Nobel Prize for Physics / Chemistry / Peace

4. one of the greatest composers of all time

5. have a great / good / bad effect on sb // have no / little / some effect on / upon sb


6. one of the most famous explores the world has ever known // It was the most important tomb that had ever been found. // …than any of us had ever seen before

7. be curious about the world // be full of curiosity

8. set sail for sp

9. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.

10. the well preserved bodies of dead kings

11. be known as mummies / for sth / to sb

12. We emptied the tomb of everything it contained. // empty sp of sth // sp be empty

13. right away / right now / immediately / in no time

14. fall ill / sick and die strangely // fall asleep / silent //

15. Upon entering the tomb // Upon/On doing sth Immediately / The moment +从句

16. lead sb to sp // lead sb to think / believe // lead to sth / sp

17. lead to illness / failure // lead to Rome // This is the road leading to the village.

18. be present at the meeting // people present at the meeting // the present situation

19. fall ill with a fever // be in bed with a bad cold / turn red with anger / be wild with joy

20. At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights went out in Cairo.

21. the following day // the day that followed // the accident that happened yesterday // the accident happening yesterday

22. die of heart trouble four months after the tomb was opened // die of +内因 die from+外因 die out 灭绝,死光// die away (声音)变小,(光线)减弱// die off相继死去

23. have something / nothing / little / much / a lot to do with the opening of the tomb

24. live on sth // He has been dead for many years, but his fame lived on.

25. some people say…,others believe …, still others believe…

26. a scientific explanation to sth

27. disturb sb / sth 打扰某人/ 搅乱某物

28. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.

29. If taken according to the instructions, the medicine id of great effect.

30. I will go there if invited.

31. Once seen, the park will never be forgotten.

32. When completed, the hall can seat 2,000 people.

33. While waiting for a bus, I met with a friend of mine.

34. Given more time, I could have finished it.

35. When scientists examine // examining mummies, they wear special clothing to protect themselves.

36. result in sth = lead to sth // result from sth = lie in // as a result = therefore // as a result of = because of = due to

37. What is certain , though, is that the mystery has never been fully explained.


38. All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off.

39. compare A with B // compare A to B // compared to/ with …

40. Words can’t express how excited I was!

41. make a great contribution to the world // make contributions to // contribute …to

42. …when referring to a woman

43. dream of being a teacher // dream of there being a good chance

44. has an exciting childhood

45. work as / serve as / act as a nurse

46. organize an air race for women

47. marry sb / get married to sb // have/ has been married to sb

48. the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic

49. contact sb / get in contact with / keep in contact with / lose contact with

50. go missing

51.Its makers spent a great deal of money building the ship.

52. set foot on / in

53. at full speed / at a speed of / with amazing speed

54. cause sb to do sth / cause sth / the cause of sth

55. Once the paper makers had shown people how to make paper, it was used all over the world.

P57 56. switch to / turn to farming / switch on/ off the lights

57. communicate with sb // communication

58. Yang Liwei went to space and returned, making the dream a reality.

59. turn one’s dream into a reality // make one’s dream come true // realize / live one’s dream // in reality = in fact = in effect = actually = as a matter of fact = in actual fact

60. be chosen to be China’s first astronaut

61. have fun // It’s fun to do sth / What fun it is to do sth

62. It made him China’s first astronaut and the 241st person in space.

63. Born in 1965, Yang has wanted to fly since he was a young boy.

65. be encouraged to do sth / into doing

66. join the army / club

67. go to university

68. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned survival skills.

69. three out of / in the 14 candidates

70. be qualified for sth / to do sth

71. It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as China’s first astronaut.

72. be in control of oneself

73. His name will go down in history with those of the first Russian and American astronaut.

74. be proud of being a Chinese / take pride in

75. look up to sb as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.

篇9:高中英语基础知识考点 教学案例(译林牛津版英语高一)

236.因..感激某人 be grateful to sb for sth/be thankful to sb for sth

237.养成..习惯 form/get into the habit of doing sth

改掉习惯 break/get rid og the habit of doing sth

238.cut sth in half=cut sth into halves

239.帮忙 lend a hand to sb 上交 hand in

240.hang 悬挂-hung-hung/hang 上吊-hanged-hanged

241.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth/碰巧… It (so) happens that…/

某事碰巧发生某人身上 Sth happen to sb

242.Hardly…when…/no sooner…than…(置于句首,前分句倒装,前句用Had done,后句过去时)

Hardly had he left When I came

243.在某方面有问题 have trouble with sth/

让某人做某事 have sb do sth=let sb do sth=make sb do sth

让某事被做 have sth done 使..处于某种状态 have sth doing

与…有关 have something to do with

244.收到某人来信 hear from sb

听见某人做某事(全过程) hear sb do 听见某人做某事(片段) hear sb doing

245.激烈的讨论 heated discussion

246.大雨/雪 heavy rain/snow

247.帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb out 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth=help sb(to) do sth

有用的 be of help=be helpful在..的帮助下 with the help of

248.犹豫做某事 hesitate to do sth

249.高度评价 think/speak highly of

250.举起/耽搁 hold up 别挂断 hold on 阻挡 hold back

251.为了纪念 in honour of

252.无论多困难 however difficult=whatever difficulty/

无论…however+形容词/副词 =whatever+名词

253.匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry

254.对..有大概的了解 get a rough/general idea of sth

255.不良作用 ill effect 副作用 side effect

256.设想做某事 imagine doing sth

257.对..产生影响 have an impact/influence on 给某人留下好印象 give sb a good impression

258.在某人20几岁时 in one’s twenties

259.depend on依靠=rely on be independent of 不依赖别人的,.独立的

260.把某事通知某人 inform sb of sth 使某人得到通知 keep sb informed of sth

261.比…次等 be inferior to 比…高等 be senior to 比…低 be junior to

262.坚持做某事 insist on doing sth

坚决要求做 insist that+句子(用should+V)

坚持..观点 insist that+句子(事实情况)

263.打算做某事 plan to do=mean to do= intend to do

264.对..感兴趣 take/show interest in=be interested in

265.参军 join the army 成为一员 join sb积极参加 join in=take part in

266.和某人开玩笑 play a joke on sb 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb=make fun of sb

267.靠左行驶 keep to the left

阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth=prevent sb (from)doing sth=stop sb (from)doing sth

与..保持一致 keep up with 赶上 catch up with 勿踏草坪 keep off the grass

268.拆毁 knock sth down=pull sth down 撞倒某人 knock sb down

269.认识某人 know sb了解某人 know about/of sb

270.一门关于..的知识 a knowledge of English

271.缺少 lack sth=be lacking in sth=be short of sth 由于缺乏 for lack of=be in absence of

272.持续 last for=run for=continue for=last

273.开会迟到 be late for meeting 晚做作业 be late with hoework

晚些到arrive late lately=recently(句子用现在完成时) later on稍后

274.同一类的 of a kind

275.lie 位于/躺-lay-lain lay 放置,孵蛋-laid-laid

276.通向,导致 lead to=result in

277.从错误中吸取教训 learn from one’s mistake 给某人一个教训teach sb. a lesson

278.请假 ask for leave 让某人独自呆着 leave sb. alone

279.抽出空闲时间 spare one’s leisure/free time

280.想要做…feel like doing=would like to do sth

281.很可能 be likely to do sth./It is likely that…

282.坐落在…be located in/by/on/near…

283.严密保管某物 keep sth under lock and key

284.look after 照顾 look around 环顾 look up 查询

look out 小心 look into 深入调查 look for 寻找

285.灰心 lose heart

286.茫然不知所措 be at a loss

287.使某人发疯 drive sb mad

288.主修 major in

289.大多数 the majority of…

290.make off with money 携款而逃 make out 辨认出 make up 编造,化妆

make up for ,弥补 be made up of 由…组成(物理变化)

be made up from 由…组成(化学变化)be made into 制成…

make it possible to do …/that+句子 使…成为可能

291.manage to do 没法成功做某事 try to do 尽力去做某事

292.用这种方式 in the way=in this manner=by the method

293.与…结婚 marry sb. =be married to sb.

294.做某事无关紧要 it doesn’t matter that…

295.怎么了?what’s the matter/the trouble/wrong with sb?

296.mean to do sth 打算做… mean doing sth 意味着…

What do you mean by doing sth.?指…

Every means +单数 All means +复数 by means of 通过,利用

297.提及做某事 mention doing sth

298.给某人留个条 leave a message for sb

299.在…中间 in the middle of

300.避免做某事 miss doing sth

301.错误的 by mistake 把…误以为… mistake A for B

302.没有心情做某事 be in no mood to do sth.

303.越来越多 more and more 越来越挤 more and more crowded

越…就越… the+比较级…the+比较级… more than+数词=over 超过

no more than =only

304.moreover 而且,此外 unless 除非 therefore 因此 in that =because 因为 otherwise=or 否则 once 一旦,曾经 that is to say 就是说

305.must be doing 一定正在做… must have done 过去一定做过…

can’t/couldn’t have done 过去一定没做过… should have done 本该做而未做…

306.be native to 土产的

307.如果有必要的话 if necessary 未必,不一定 not necessarily

308.没必要做某事 There is no need to do sth …

309.neither A nor B either A or B not only A not also B 谓语动词看B

A as well as B A together with B A with B 谓语动词看A

310.对…紧张 be nervous about…

311.不是别的,正是… no other than

312.注意 take notice of

313.到目前为止 by now=so far(句子用现在完成时) now that =since既然

314.反对某人做某事 object to doing sth

315.be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事 be obliged to sb for doing sth. 因某事感谢某人

316.observe a rule 遵守规则

317.在…场合 on the occasion of/in the situation

318.某人从未想到…It never occurred to sb that

319.对…开放 be open to sth. 把…对公众开放 open sth to the public

320.依照某人的看法 in one’s opinion

321.在…对面 be opposite to…

322.整齐 keep sth in order 混乱 out of order

目的在于 in order to do=so as to do

in order that+句子(can/could/may/might+ V) in order not to do=so as not to do

323.换言之 in other words 总而言之 in a word

324.喝着茶聊天 discuss sth over tea

325.在…中起作用 play a part in…

326.挑剔 be particular about…

327.pass away 去世 pass by 路过 pass on 传递

328.看见 case,point,pause,situation选where

329.特别的 be peculiar to

330.百分之四十 forty percentage of…

331.天气允许的话 weather permitting=If weather permits

332.说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth 说服某人别做某事 persuade sb out of doing sth

333.pick out 挑选出 pick the flower 摘花 pick up 捡起,无意间学会,接某人

334.按计划 as planned

335.受…欢迎 be popular with

336.人口多 the large population

337.没有…可能性 There is no possibility of doing

338.尽可能快 as soon as possible

339.练习做某事 practice doing sth

340.因为某事表扬某人 praise sb for doing sth

341.比起…更喜欢 prefer doing to doing prefer to do sth rather than do sth

342.perpare sth 直接准备… prepare for sth 为…做准备(间接的)

为某事做准备 make preparations for sth

343.出席 be present at 目前 at present=now(进行时) 不久 presently=soon(将来时) 当前的政府 the present government 在座所有人 everyone present

344.假装做某事 pretend to do pretend to be doing pretend to have done

345.以…自豪 be proud of=take pride in

346.profit 利润 interest 利益

347.promote 促进,发扬

348.保护某人免受…的伤害 protect sb from sth

349.证明是 turn out to be +形容词/n=prove(to be)+形容词/n

350.故意的 on purpose

351.put away 收好,放好 put down 写下,记下 put off 推迟 put out 熄灭

put up 举起,建造 put up with 容忍

352.在某方面迅速 be quick at (doing) sth

353.raise 举起(及物) rise 上升(不及物,指价格和太阳上升)

354.乐于做某事 be ready to do sth

355.sb realize one’s dream=the dream come true

356.reasonable 合理的,公道的

357.recall 回想 remind sb of sth 使某人想起…

358.refer to 提到,参考,查阅

359.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 reject doing sth 正式反对某事

360.regret to do (与说有关的V)talk/inform/say regret doing 后悔做…

remember/forget to do 记得去做某事(没做) remember/forget doing 记得做过某事

try to do sth 尽力去做某事情try doing sth 试用另一种方法

361.与…有关 be related to

362.relieve 缓解 relax 放松 release 释放

363.remain to be done 有待…

364.在维修中 under repair

365.抵制做某事 resist doing sth 防水 be resistant to water

366.the rest=the others(特指剩余的那些)

367.as a result 因此 as a result of 由于 result from 由于 result in 导致

368.冒险做某事 risk doing sth=run the risk of doing sth

369.为…留下空间 make room for…

370.交通高峰期 rush hour

371.on sale 廉价出售 for sale 上市=on the market

372.stand for 代表

373.search for sth=look for sth 寻找… search sb 搜身 search for sb=look for sb 寻找某人

be in search of 寻找

374.seat oneself 就座(表动作) be seated 表状态

看见seated, missing, lost必选

375.be second to none不亚于任何人 a second time 又一次再一次

376.see sb off给某人送行

负责--- I’ll see to it that(用一般现在时)

377.make sense有意义

378.sensible 明智的 It is sensible of sb to do sth sensitive敏感的 be sensitive to

379.开始着手做某事情set about doing=set out to do=get down to doing

Set off 出发,启程 set sth aside把…放置在一边 set up=build建立

380. sign 招牌,手势,标记 signal 信号 signature 签名

381. sometime 某个时候(将来时,过去时) 用when提问

Some time一段时间(完成时) 用how long提问

Sometimes有时(一般现在时) 用how soon提问

Some times几次(完成时) 用how many times提问

382. sooner or later 迟早 some other day 某一天 看见以上两个时间状语用将来时

看见the other day 用过去时

383. sb spend money on sth sb spend money in doing sth

384. 在现场 on the spot=on the scene

385. 用…代替… substitute A for B= replace B with A

386. such a beautiful girl= so beautiful a girl

Such…as 例如… such…that…如此…以致于

387.突然地 all of a sudden

388.suggest doing sth 建议做某事情

sb suggest that+句子(用should+动词原形)表示建议

sth suggest that+句子(事实情况)表示表明,暗示

389.养活一家人 support a family

390.确保 Make sure that+句子(一般现在时)

某人一定会做…be sure to do sth… 某人对…有把握be sure of doing…

391.使某人惊讶to one`s surprise

392.take in吸收 take off 飞机起飞,脱下衣服 take on呈现,雇佣

take up从事,占据,选学

393.量体温 take one`s temperature

394.think of sb想到某事情 think about sb为某人着想 think over仔细考虑

think+it+形容词+to do/that 认为…怎么样

395.young though he is=young as he is

396.turn to sb for help向某人求救 turn on打开 turn off 关掉

turn up 音量开大,出现 turn down 音量开小,拒绝

397.make oneself understood/heard

398.It is not until …that…直到…才The reason why…is that…

399.不值钱的valueless worthless

非常值钱的priceless valuable invaluable


401.visit sp=pay a visit to sp

402.等待某人做某事情 wait for sb to do sth

403.各行各业 all walks of life

404.警告某人某事情warn sb of sth warn sb to do sth warn sb not to do sth


406.被广泛使用be widely used

407.有消息传来 word came that保守诺言keep one`s word

408.值得做某事be worth doing/be worthy of+n/.be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done

409.积极参加体育活动 take part in the sports activities

篇10:主谓一致专项复习` (译林牛津版高一英语必修一教学论文)









主语为单数形式, 谓语动词用单数形式:主语为复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式。



单数形式表示复数意义的词有people, police, audience等。


形复意单(不可数)的词有:news, maths, physics等。


谓语动词的单、复数取决于最靠近它的主语,如there be句型或用连词either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also等。


(1)class, family, team, country, school等集合名词作主语时,如果指整体,用单数;如果指每个成员,用复数。

如:His family are watching TV in the sitting room.

His family is very big.

(2)trousers, shoes, glasses, socks, stockings, scissors单独作主语时,谓语动词用复数,但当它们与a pair of或pairs of连用时,谓语动词与pair的数保持一致。

如:The pair of glasses fits you well.

Several pairs of new shoes have been sent to the old men.


如:ours (=Our Party) is a great party.

Your shoes are black, mine (=my shoes) are brown.

5.当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, but, except, besides, as well as等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数按主语单、复数而定。

如:Mr Green together with his children goes to the park every Sunday.


如:The old are going to be looked after well.


如:A speaker and writer is coming tomorrow.(同一个人)

A speaker and a writer are coming tomorrow.(两个人)

8.Every A and every B/Each A and each B/No A and no B作主语时,谓语动词用单数,其中A、B代表单数名词。

9.The number of+...,谓语动词用单数。

A number of+...,谓语动词用复数,相当于a lot of。

如:The number of the students in our class is 50.

A number of students are learning Japanese now.


Behind the house are some trees.

11.表示数量的one and a half后,名词要用复数形式,但是其短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

如:One and a half bananas is left on the table.

12.几分之几/half of/part of/the rest of+n/pron.作主语,谓语动词由后面的n/pron决定。而one of+n/pron作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

如:Two thirds of the bread was eaten.


如:The doctor's is on the other side of the street.


如:Six miles is too far for an old man to walk.

15.关系代词who, that, which在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数与先行词一致。

如:Those who want to go have signed their names here.

16.疑问代词who, what, which作主语时,谓语动词根据说话人所表达的意思决定单复数。如:

Who live next door? It's Zhang and Liu./Who lives next door? It's Liu.

17. more than one + 单数动词

18. 在定语从句中,先行词是one of + 复数名词 + 复数谓语动词

19. The population of the city + 单数谓语动词

50% of the population + 复数谓语动词

20. This kind of book + 单数谓语动词

The books of this kind + 复数谓语动词

21.many a + 名词单数 + 单数谓语动词

Many a + 名词单数 and many a + 名词单数 + 单数谓语动词

Many a boy and many a girl has seen this film


例1 The rich ________ not always happy.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

解析the + adj.表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数,故选A。

例2 The Olympic Games _______ held every______ years.

A. is,four B. are,four C. is,five D. are,five

解析 每四年一次的奥林匹克往往看作复数。故选B。

例3 No one but her classmates ______it.

A. know B. knows C. is knowing D. are knowing

解析 当主语后跟有but引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单复数按but前面部分的单复数而定。故选B。

例4 解析表示一些钱的名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,故选D。

例5 No bird and no beast _______ on the lonely island.

A. are seen B. is seen C. see D. sees

解析 No...and no...作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选B。


例6 Look, here come some _______.

A. dog B. horse C. deer D. cow

解析 some后的复数名词只有deer,故选C。

例7 The number of students of this school ______ large.

A. are B. have not C. isn't D. aren't

解析 The number of+...,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,故选C。



(B) 1.The singer and pianist _____ asked to make a speech at the meeting yesterday.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

(A) 2.A large number of students in our class _____ girls.

A. are B. was C. is D. be

(B) 3.The paper for books and new papers ______ made of wood.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

(B) 4.What we need _____ good textbooks.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

(D) 5.Each of the ______ in the ship.

A. passenger has his own room B. passengers have their own room C. passenger have their own room D. passengers has his own room

(B) 6.What you said ______the matter we are discussing.

A. have something to do at B. has something to do with

C. had something to do with D. has been something to do with

(B) 7.Not only my brother but also I _____ good at painting. Both of us _____good painters.

A. are...are B. am...areC. is...is D. are...is

(B) 8.Three-fourths of the homework ______today.

A. has finished B. has been finished

C. have finished D. have been finished

(C) 9.Many people say 10,000 _______ a lot of money.

A. dollar is B. dollars are C. dollars is D. dollar are

(A) 10.Nobody but two students ______ left in the classroom.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

(B) 11.The police _______soon.

A. is coming B. are coming C. has come D. have come

(C)12.More than 60 percent of world's radio programs _____ in English.

A. is B. was C. are D. be


13.Tom and I are (be) going to see a film this evening.

14.The doctor and writer has (have) been here for two years.

15.There is (be) a pen and three books on the desk.

16.My family all like (like) to watch TV.

17.He or she has (have) gone there.

18.The news is (be) very interesting.

19.Three days is (be) not enough for us.

20.Neither of us enjoys (enjoy) climbing the tree.

21.Every door and every window is (be) to be cleaned.

22.Tom's new trousers are (be) blue.

23.None were (be) late for school yester day.

24.A cart and horse is (be) coming.

25.Tom,like Mary and Rose, has (have) an interesting book.

26.One of the windows is (be) closed.

27.All of my hope is (be) gone.

28.Everything goes (go) well with me.

29.Doing morning exercises is (be) good for your health.

30.What he said sounds (sound) reasonable.(有理的)

31.In the boat are (be) three young men.

32.“I” is (be) the ninth letter.



1. No one except my parents ____ anything about it

A. know B. knows C. is knowing D. have known

2.A number of students_from the south.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

3.The number of students from the north_small.

A.are B. is C. have D. has

4.Writing stories and articles_what I enjoy most.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

5.His “Selected Poems”___first published in 1965.

A.were B was C.has been D are

6.”All_____present and all_____ going on well.” our monitor said.

A. is; is B.are; are C. are; is D. is;are

7. The League secretary and monitor____asked to make a speech at the meeting.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

8.Mary as well as her sisters____Chinese in China.

A.are studying B.have studied C.studies D.study

9.He played on the____for two hours and when he returned he found halt his goods ______ stolen.

A. sand; were B. sand; was C. sands; were D.sands; was

10. I, who____ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your study.

A. be B. am C. are D. is

11.The rich ____ not always happy.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

12.___can be done_______ been done.

A. All;have B. All that;have C. All; has D. All that; has

13.John has two brothers, but either_out of work now.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

14. The police_____ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.

A. is searching for B. were searching for

C.are searching for D. were searching

15.He is the only one of the students who_elected.

A. are B. have C. has D. is

答案:1-5 BABAB 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 ADBBD


篇11:模块一第一单元school life(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

一. 单词掌握(夯实基础,打好地基)


experience n&vt 经历,体验 earn vt 获得,赚,挣得

respect n&vt尊敬,敬重 devote vt 致力于;献身

literature n 文学 literary adj 文学的

average adj 一般的,普通的;平均的

struggle n 难事;斗争;努力 vi 奋斗,努力;挣扎

encouragement n 鼓励 extra adj 额外的,外加的

donate vt 捐赠 independent adj 独立的

professor n 教授 inform vt 通知,告知

run vt 管理;操作 approve vt&vi 批准,通过;赞成,同意

charge n 负责,掌管 select vt 选择,挑选

vt 使承担责任,收费 poet n 诗人

composition n 作品;成分


fun n 有趣(注意:这是一个不可数名词,不可以说成a fun)

funny adj 有趣的

fix 固定,修理 achieve vt 赢得,获得,取得;实现,成就

achievement n 成就 drop vt 放弃 introduce vt 介绍

immediately adv 立即,马上 recently adv 最近,近来

culture n 文化 cultural adj 有文化的

development n 发展 display vt 陈列,展览

develop vt 培养,养成 anyhow adv无论如何

continue vt&vi 继续,持续 somehow adv不知为什么,不知怎么的

require vt 要求 somewhat adv稍微,有点

二. 短语与词组(基础提升,成就我的天下):

inform sb of sth 通知某人某事 be made up of 由组成

on the first day 在第一天 next to在的旁边

for one thing首先,第一点 make good use of充分利用

surf the internet网上冲浪 make full use of充分利用

devote to致力于,献身于 make use of利用

donate to捐赠给 on average平均

the best way to的最好方法 have effect on对有影响

according to 根据 any time 任何时间

upon doing sth=on doing sth一就 escape doing sth退出做某事

compare with与相比较 for free 免费

in charge of负责 used to do过去常常做

take charge of负责 be used to doing习惯于

in the charge of 受管理,被照顾 be used to do被用于

come up with提出,想出 make a speech about做关于的演讲

forget doing sth忘记做过了某事 regret to do sth遗憾要去做某事

forget to do sth忘记(去)做某事 regret doing sth后悔做过了某事

remember doing sth记起做过了某事

remember to do sth 记起去做某事

三. 词形转换(掌握方法,轻松填单词)

achieve(vt)achievement(n) develop(vt)development(n)

nature(n)natural(adj) scary(adi)scare(v)

please(v)pleasure(n) require(vt)requirement(n)

四. 语法与用法(掌握规则,看透考题)





such as如,像这样的

1. such as引导的是同位语,后面不能加逗号,但是for example是作插入语



1. 定语从句:在复合句中修饰某一名词或是代词的从句

2. 关系代词的种类及用法








例:The girl they are talking about is Amy=The girl whom they are talking about is Amy。





4.先行词是序数词抑或是有序数词修饰时,例the first time,此时用that不用which






Unit Two The Environment

Part One:Useful Words and Phrases

1. debate on/about sth beyond debate: 无疑义/无可争辩

2. environmental protection/conservation, environmental pollution

3. industrial waste

4. a friendly atmosphere

5. in addition=besides; in addition to… additional=extra

6. The earthquake wiped out the village.

7. follow our usual schedule

8. large amounts of poisonous chemicals

9. flow into the rivers

10. turn into a big problem

11. teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living

12. at the same time

13. turn into a big problem

14.Take responsibility for…; be responsible for…

15. rely on sb to do sth; rely on sb that…

16. be of (great/no) importance= be (very )important

17. hunt animals, hunt (for) a job

18. endanger your health; endangered species

19. advise/suggest doing sth; advise sb to do sth, suggest sb/one’s doing sth

advise/suggest +从句( 用should do表虚拟)

20. the remaining food; It remains to be seen whether they will succeed.

They remain seated on the sofa, chatting with each other.

21. prohibit…from doing sth (较正式,法规禁止) forbid/prevent….from doing sth

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?

I am talking to you today about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.

注: the way + ( in which /that ) 定语从句

2. With me is Mr. Lin (倒装) from the Society for Environmental Preservation.

3. Then we will open the floor for the discussion.

4. voice (表达)your comments or opinions

5. follow the usual schedule

6. The waste goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick. flow into the water

7. In addition(=Besides) , many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.

8. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.

lay, laid: 放/铺;产蛋 lay the table for dinner, lay the map on the desk, lay rails; lay eggs

lie, lied:说谎 lie, lay, lain: 躺, 位于

He found a book lying /laid on the desk.

9. This will have a lasting effect upon/on the number of fish left for us to eat.

10. People who need more land to live on and more food to eat.

注:不定式作定语,注意与前面名词的拱配要完整 This is a comfortable chair to sit in.

11. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.

倍数的表达: A +倍数+比较级+than +B;A+倍数+ as +原级+ as + B

A +倍数+ the +名词 + of + B (有时用 “what从句”或“one’s +名词”)

The population of China is double what it was in 1950.

12. My suggestion is that we (should) try to cut back on production

注:凡和“建议/命令/要求”意义有关的从句,用(should) do 表示虚拟.

13. It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.

14. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

15. As an economist, I’m often seen as being against the environment. (be against/for:反对/支持)

16. This doesn’t have to(不一定/必)be true.

17.What I’m here to say is that having worked side by side with many environmentalists(现在分词的完成形式作状语), I know a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time.

18. The people running these factories (“经营”,现在分词作定语) are concerned about environment.

We should produce less from materials taken directly from the environment.(过去分词作定语)

19. We need to stop thinking of companies as the enemy. (think of…as…:把…看作)

比较: think… (to be)… consider/treat/look on…as…

20. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides. (the key to doing sth)

21. preserve/protect the environment; environmental preservation/protection/conservation

22. What we need is more laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow.

23. This might make seafood more expensive, but paying a higher price for some things(主语) is not always bad for the economy.

24. pay higher taxes, tax sb/sth

25. Asking around(现在分词作状语), I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. (be willing to do sth)

26. While listening to a debate, remember each speaker’s speech is meant to convince you. (是以…为目的)

27. Just keep in mind (牢记)that you should not make a final decision until you have listened to both sides completely.

28. My aim in life is to save the environment for future generations.(不定式作表语)

29. We should pay more attention to what we eat. People should take responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean.

30. What if (要是…怎么样) we run out of space? What if the train is late?

31. run out: (vi)不接宾语, 无被动 Our food has run out.

run out of sth: (vt) 接宾语,有宾语

We have run out of our food 或Our food has been run out of.

32. My dad says he doesn’t mind a little bit of pollution, as long as (只要) it means people have jobs.

33. be in a good /bad state, state of mind

34. shock sb; a shock to sb

35. watch…closely:认真/细细致地; 比较: be/get close to…

36. clap sb on the back; give sb a clap

37. in the form of…; be stocked with…=be equipped with…

38. take measures/steps/actions to do sth

39. at national/international level

40. What (do you think) is the biggest danger to our environment today? (疑问前移)

Who (do you think) is the richest man in our village?

41. You can relax and be sure that there was no damage done to make space for your room.

. There was a short gentleman following her.

There be +sb/sth + doing /done /to do

do/cause damage to…; make space for…= make room for…:为…腾出空间

42. I’m delighter by your newspaper’s decision to start a campaign for protecting the environment.

43. The state(状态) of our parks is very shocking, with rubbish everywhere.(with复合结构表伴随)

44. I used to find a trip to the park very relaxing. Now I find it tiring because I have to pick up the rubbish where I am going to sit.(注:where/wherever引导地点状语从句)

This kind of plant grows where it is warm.

Please put the book where you took it.

45. bring shame on sb; It is a shame +从句, What a shame…!

It would be a shame if they were destroyed because of people’s activities in the park.

46. Having seen this, the customs officer asked the woman to come over to his desk.

47.On/Upon taking off his jacket( 一…就), a sleeping tortoise was found on his stomach.

48. Apparently he traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket.(伴随状语)

49. I like the idea of taxing factories that pollute although getting them to agree(主语,get sb to do sth ) would be difficult.

50. Having talked to you today(=After talking to you today), I think we should work on some projects

51. Desertification, the name for what happens when farmable land is turned into desert(名词短语作同位语), is a growing world problem.

52. China joined the Convention and has taken many steps to stop the process of desertification, including encouraging farmers to build fences which stop wind from blowing the dirt away, and providing money for people in dry areas to plant more trees.

53. There is also another resource in the fight against desertification, in the form of the China National Monitoring Center.

54. The center was set up in 1996 and is stocked with modern technical equipment for environmental research.

55. There are also things that can be done at a national or international level, such as sharing (such as为介词短语)information and solutions and using satellites to pick out areas likely to be affected by desertification.

56. From my point of view(=In my opinion), you should use recycled materials.

Personally, I agree with Wei Li, because I think he has the right idea.

It seems to me that due to(因为/由于) his mistake, we will get in trouble.

57. It is clear to see why the problems have raised concern both nationally and internationally.

58. Not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising, but (also) the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing.

注:not only于句首+倒装(采用疑问语序) + but (also)部分不变

59. This is not good news for the people who live in all the towns along the Yangtze River.

60. The pollution has resulted in unsafe drinking water which had led to health problems.

61. It also had harmful effects on the ecology of the area, killing many plants and animals.(结果状语)

62. Thankfully, many people have recognized the importance, and projects have been set up to deal with the problem.

63. Two special government projects are under way to protect the river.

64. Experts are now trying to work out possible solutions to the many problems.

65. This project resulted in farmers replacing the crops with trees or grassland.(动名词的复合式:one’s/sb doing sth)

66. The Yangtze River is home to a diverse range of fish and animals.

67. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning(介词) the Yangtze River.

68. We believe that the efforts of the Chinese people to protect the river(主语部分) will be appreciated for years to come (=for the coming years)by future generations.

make an effort to do sth; spare no effort (不遗余力)

appreciate (one’s/sb) doing sth

相关专题 牛津英语