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团结小学 刘艳

本节课重点学习“There be” 句型。目的是通过这节课的学习,让学生们会用”There be” 句型描述一些内容,会变一般疑问句、否定句及其肯定与否定回答,达到语言运用的能力。

There be 句型是我们这单元学习的'重点也是难点,如何让学生在理解的基础上掌握There be 句型呢?课堂上我采用了合作探究法、讲练结合法教学,让学生通过合作探究,在自己悟句子的基础上来观察它的变化和用法,同时我依然用编口诀的方式来帮助学生理解记忆,再通过练习加以巩固,这样即调动了学生的学习积极性,又让他们轻轻松松地掌握本节课的内容。

优点:整节课流程紧密,教态、语言、语调自然大方; 利用实物,创设情景,运用形体动作,语言表情使there be 句型教学收效良好。


另外,在组织好每一项课堂活动的同时,应该把更多的表演机会留给学生。所以在最后的“Look and talk”这一环节,除了师生问答外,应该多叫几组学生到前边来表演。这样才能让学生成为真正的“主角”,让学生时刻处在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的活动中,努力建立平等和睦的师生关系,不断提高他们的学习能力。



Teaching content:

Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A 3a Reading

Teaching aims:

To read a past story (guess and how to get detail information)

To learn to help each other

Teaching difficult and key points:

How to improve the reading skills

How to retell the past story

The analysis of the textbook:

The past continuous tense is very important in this book, and how to describe the past events is kind of difficult for the students. But this passage can be divided into 3 parts and tells of the activities of different people before, when and after the storm.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in

The teacher shows the picture of our school and asks the Ss some questions.

Questions: where is it? What’s the weather like?

Then show another picture of our school.

Question: what’s the weather like?

Then the teacher compares the two pictures and let the Ss tell the process of the rainstorm.

T: How do you know there is a rainstorm?


T: During the rainstorm, what happens?


T: After the rainstorm, what happens?


Step 2 Pre-reading

Listen to the tape and answer these questions.

Questions: How many parts can the passage be divided into?

How to divide it?

Before During After

Pare 1,2 Pare 3 Pare 4

Step3 Careful reading

Step 4 Discussion

1. What other things can bring people closer together?

2. How can we help each other in times of difficulty?

Step 5 Retell the story

The teacher asks the students to retell the stories according to pictures.



英语阅读课的上法多种多样,但总体上是分为这几部分,导入,初读,细读,讨论,再加一个复述。而目前英语阅读学生主要有的问题有如下: 1. 词汇量有限,学生由于文章存在生单词,学生会觉得有障碍,从而失去兴趣。2. 缺乏有效的阅读技巧和策略。学生在阅读的时候,试图记住所有的内容,并逐字逐句地看,时间与精力过于集中于一些非考点的细节,而不善于通过整体阅读去把握文章观念和理念。3. 课外知识面狭窄,英美文化知识背景单薄。有些同学由于中西方文化差异,对文章理解完全偏离方向。




复述的过程可以再多叫几个同学上来,并及时点评。总而言之,作为一位老师,在教育的道 路上学无止境,可以多向同事学习取经,俗话说,教学有法,但教无定法,我们在教育的过程中还是需要根据学生实际,开动脑筋,激发学生的主动性。



Teaching content:

Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island? Section B 1a―1d

Teaching aims:

To know the kinds of the music

To describe the feelings that the music brings

To listen for details

Teaching difficult and key points:

How to express the feelings

How to listen for details

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in

The teacher lets the students listen to a song named Westlife and introduces the word BAND.

T: Nowadays, there are many programs coming out, such as The Voice of China, Happy boys, Super girls. Do you like them?


T: Today, we will have a game named I AM A SINGER. Next we have to finish four tasks and if you finish one I will give you one card. In the end you get I AM A SINGER, you will get a prize.


Step 2 Presentation

Listen to different kinds of music and describe their feelings.

Questions: what kind of music?

Why do you listen to it?

How does it make you feel?

Step 3 Listening

Before the listening, the teacher lets the students make a prediction.

Questions: How many people in the conversation?

What is the conversation about?

What should you pay attention to?

Then aske students to check their answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Music is beautiful and sweet, which can soften people’s heart. So it is time for us to help people in low spirits.





Step 5 Language points

1. must 表推测,“必须”。You must be a teacher.

2. play pop music

3. sound like +名词/句子

4. a good way to do sth.

Step 6 Homework








相关专题 句型刘艳