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1. Issue task (30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。

2. Argument task (30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。






1. 观点要有深度,论证要有说服力;

2. 组织要有条理,表达清晰准确;

3. 语言流利,句式复杂,词汇丰富。



一 教育类 1. A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.”

2. While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.

3. In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.

4. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.

5. Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past.

6. It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears.

7. Some educational systems emphasize the development of students’ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.

8. It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

9. How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.

10. Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.

11. The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas—not to prepare them for a specific job.

12. Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Othervise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.

13. Although innovations such as video, computers, and the internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.


二 学习类 1. We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose vies contradict our own. Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.

2. No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.

3. Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible.

4. Students should memories facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.

5. Scholars and researches should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.

6. In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information.

7. Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.

8. Students should bring a certain skepticis to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

9. There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer’s expectations or desires.

10. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

11. Critical judgment of work, in any given field has little value unless comes from someone who is an expert in that field.

12. People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good.

13. Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways.

14. The study of ac academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.

15. The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work with in their academic fields is more of personality than of training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things.

16. As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.

17. It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.


三 行为类 1. Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, they in fact, prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

2. Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy.

3. Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.

4. The concept of ‘individual responsibility’ is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.

5. People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.

6. In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political— the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of vies. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.

7. It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.

8. Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.

9. Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity.

10. People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it.

11. No amount of information can eliminate prejudice because prejudice is rooted in emotion, not reason.

12. The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed in particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.

13. Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes.

14. In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority.

15. It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual.

16. Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and--, eventually, --to change it.

17. Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work.

18. If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.

19. People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms, we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else.

20. People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems, faced by their predecessors. Thus illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.

21. Moderation in all things is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, ‘Moderations is most things,’ since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus.

22. Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one’s friends, to one’s school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.



1.sentence variety

最好长短句结合,ets藐视总用短句的人:Since most of the sentences are short and choppy, the ideas they try to communicate are also choppy.

2.insightful position


3.conveys meaning skillfully

可用于论证的一切技巧(估计老美自己用起来也得费点心思)。比如文章的行文方向,起承转合不用明显的标志词(first, second, however, on the other hand, the second example illustrating my point),而是依靠论述的内在脉络(只可意会不可言传)自然而然的引到下一块内容。

4.compelling reasons


5.persuasive examples






8.connecting ideas logically

using transitional phrases起承转合词,过渡句,或有此种作用的句子,总之起到help organize the ideas and move the argument forward。





A recent study reported that pet owners have longer, healthier lives on average than do people who own no pets. Specifically, dog owners tend to have a lower incidence of heart disease. In light of these findings, Sherwood Hospital should form a partnership with Sherwood Animal Shelter to institute an adopt-a-dog program. The program would encourage dog ownership for patients recovering from heart disease, which should reduce these patients' chance of experiencing continuing heart problems and also reduce their need for ongoing treatment. As a further benefit, the publicity about the program would encourage more people to adopt pets from the shelter. And that will reduce the incidence of heart disease in the general population.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

新GRE Issue写作范文透析


“The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.”



Sample Essay

The intensity of today's media coverage has been greatly magnified by the sheer number and types of media outlets that are available today. Intense competition for the most revealing photographs and the latest information on a subject has turned even minor media events into so-called “media frenzies”. Reporters are forced by the nature of the competition to pry ever deeper for an angle on a story that no one else has been able to uncover. With this type of media coverage, it does become more and more likely that anyone who is subjected to it will have his or her reputation tarnished, as no individual is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The advances in technology have made much information easily and instantaneously available. Technology has also made it easier to dig further than ever before into a person's past, increasing the possibility that the subject's reputation may be harmed.



The above statement is much too broad, however. “Anyone” covers all people all over the world. There are people whose reputations have only been enhanced by media scrutiny. There are also people whose reputations were already so poor that media scrutiny could not possibly diminish it any further. There may very well be people that have done nothing wrong in the past, at least that can be discovered by the media, whose reputations could not be diminished by media scrutiny. To broadly state that “anyone” subjected to media coverage will have his or her status sullied implies that everyone's reputation worldwide is susceptible to damage under any type of media scrutiny. What about children, particularly newborn children? What about those people whose past is entirely unknown?


Another problem with such a broad statement is that it does not define the particular level of media scrutiny. Certainly there are different levels of media coverage. Does merely the mention of one's name in a newspaper constitute media scrutiny? What about the coverage of a single event in someone's life, for example a wedding or the birth of a baby? Is the media coverage of the heroic death of a firefighter or police officer in the line of duty ever going to diminish that person's reputation? It seems highly unlikely that in these examples, although these people may have been subjected to media scrutiny, these individual's reputations are undamaged and potentially enhanced by such exposure.






每个评卷人对你文章的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence。


为了达到公平,ETS公布了它考试的所有写作题库,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对题库中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。

3. 新GRE写作评分注重三方面

首先,从ETS公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:①、逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);②、文章的组织(要求well-organized);③、语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure等)。

4. 尽量提高AI部分的写作能力而力保AA部分满分



GRE issue写作优秀实例:钱是否花在当下


“It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.”



In this contradictory era of pleasure and pain, loyalty and treachery, joy of life and fearof future, which arise a considerable of problems government has been bored by. No matter how serious and urgent one aspect turns out to be in a certain period,government is supposed to call for a balance between allocating money for immediateproblems and spending it on long-term research when making budget.

To be responsible for current citizens, government should solve those existing socialproblems, such as unemployment, illiteracy, and social crimes, in order to oil the socialmachine. To some extent, increasing the amount of jobs may get more benefit thanitself, because it is a way to release social pressure and dissatisfaction of thoseunemployed workers who may eventually become a ticklish factor to society.

Additionally, illiteracy is to society as the shortest baffle is to a cask. And it could donothing but lengthen the shortest baffle to the same length as the other baffles if morewater is supposed to be poured in this cask. As a malignant tumor, social crimes do harm to the economy and security of our society and, in some cases, is a potential fuse especially when there is an internal or external opposition to the government, so, to keep society stabilized and booming, government has to pay more attention to social crimes.

If not, citizens may feel under peril and lose confidence to the ruling class. As a result, for saving money, the government is bogged down in Sargasso Sea of troubles.Nonetheless, the governors are not born only for today’s people. That is to say,another significant and meaningful responsibility of government is to try its best to supply our posterity a society that consists of people who are well educated and obtain a desirable job or career, less juvenile crime and drug, and stable economy. As

H.W.Beecher pointed, “We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.”It is true that long-term research could not give out an immediate value, for example,how to afforest a wasteland, but we shouldn’t be so narrow foci and misprize the real value normally coming up in about decades or more. “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”, said by Kierkergaard. The phrase “be lived forwards” here, in this case, means digging out the profit in future, the same as futures. Although no one knows whether or not the future is in concord with what we expect, we still could invest in it based on a pile of wide investigation and a cogent demonstration rather than a gambling.

Simply put, without spending money on immediate and existing social problems, our society cannot keep flourish and robust. Without investing on so many long-term researches, we will live no guarantees and aimless. Therefore, to ensure the stability and health as well as lasting development of our society, spending money on immediate social problems and investing on long-term researches weigh the same.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:竞争利弊问题

题目: “Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.”



Darwin suggested that the process of evolution is one based on competition. This deadly competition weeds out the weak and only the fittest of the species survives. Humans, being the product of millions of years of evolution, are by nature, competitive beings. Yet, humans are also social beings. Like the bees in the hive, we are not very successful living completely on our own. We need to cooperate with other individuals for our survival. Thus, a conflict ensues, between our innate competitiveness, and our need to cooperate. There are pros and cons associated with both. However, it is my belief that overall, competition, is more detrimental than beneficial to human society.

First, let us try to identify why there is competition in the first place. In an environment abundant with resources, where supply outstrips demand, there is very little need for the inhabitants to fight with each other over them. This is not the case on planet earth. Resources are limited, and there is constant jostling to get to the front of the queue to get acquire them. For example, thousands of prospective students apply to gain entrance to top universities around the world, but there are only a handful of places in those universities. Thus, there is competition to get into to these hallowed institutions of higher learning.From a utilitarian perspective, competition is a good thing. In evolution it is responsible for the elimination of “weak” genes. In the business environment, it gets rid of the weaker players. In politics, it weeds out unpopular candidates. In academia, it gets rid of weak students.

Furthermore, competition leads to self improvement. Businesses will strive to offer better products and services at lesser prices. The consumer reaps rich rewards from this competitive spirit. Politicians strive to do the utmost for the people, so they would get reelected. Students excel in there studies, trying to outdo each other.

Thus, ostensibly, competition is responsible for the betterment of the society as a whole. However, this is just the superficial view. Underneath the surface, competition, in every aspect, is slowly eating away at the very fabric of the society.

While it is true to say that competition in corporate world has brought great benefits to the consumer, the society as “Missed A here”whole is playing a great price for it. Most businesses are exploiting cheap labour in the third world to maximise their profits. There are thousands of sweatshops run by well known western corporations in countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh and China. People are forced to work in squalid conditions, often 16 hours a day. They are lucky to receive a dollar a day for there labours. The moment a government in any of these countries try to improve the working conditions of the employees, these multinational giants flee the country, often leaving whole communities facing financial ruin. The corporations are aware that there are plenty of other labour markets that could be exploited with gay abandon.

That is just the human cost. What about the environmental costs? Competition has forced many corporations to “stream line” their operations. Environmental standards are normally the first victims of this “stream line” process. A significant amount of environmental pollution and land degradation has been blamed on industry, yet the factories keep producing more and more. Thousands of items go unsold each year due to competition. Only a fraction of this merchandise is recycled. The rest goes to the already overflowing landfills.

In politics, the detrimental effects of competition are blatant. Politicians often resort to popular yet socially damaging policies to gain votes. These measures include imprudent spending to rabble rousing. The current volatility in Israel and Palestine, the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, and the famine in Zimbabwe are all, at least partially, problems created by politicians to get elected.

It has been said that education is one sphere where competition has always had a beneficial influence. Even this claim is dubious. Due to competition students are less likely to exchange ideas with one another, thus enriching the student population as whole. Furthermore, competition drives students to study well to pass exams, but not to gain wisdom. Students spend many hours preparing for standardised tests; tests which many believe are inherently flawed. Thus, it is often not the most intellectual student who succeeds, but the most competitive.

Competition is an inborn human trait. It has some positive qualities, but overall, it does far more harm than help to the society. As intelligent beings, humans can transcend their evolutionary weaknesses. Thus, humans should rely less competition and more cooperation for the sake of the society.


GRE写作ISSUE作文评分标准解析 规定时间内写出高分作文要做到这几点




In addressing the specific task directions, a 6 response presents a cogent, well-articulated examination of the argument and conveys meaning skillfully.

A typical paper in this category exhibits the following characteristics:

1.articulates a clear and insightful position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task

2.develops the position fully with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples

3.sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically

4.conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety

5.demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English(i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics), but may have minor errors。

标准解读 要点 1: articulates a clear and insightful position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task

关键词:insightful ,position,in accordance with

1. insightful即Data Mining(数据挖掘)。

GRE写作强调思辨,挖掘题目的核心概念十分必要。 例如GRE作文题库中有一道题目:事物的差异性重要还是相似性重要? “insightful”的分析应当是通过similarity 和 difference的现象看到背后所体现的本质--矛盾(paradox)的思想。 具体来说就是要学会观察相似事物的差异性,以及差异事物的相似性,辩证地分析事物。 因此本题真正考查的是“看待事物的方法论”, 而非简单的选择“哪一个重要”。

2. position

在GRE issue写作里,position不等于attitude,即立场不等于态度。 这又是GRE作文中对于逻辑辩证点的考查。 很多高分GRE文章都是对一个事物的利弊进行具体问题的具体分析,而非进行倾向性的态度传递,这也符合事物的基本规律,即任何事物都具有两面性。 TOEFL独立写作非常强调态度的传达,但GRE作文更强调分析事物的方法论和论证过程。

3. in accordance with

指切题(on-topic)的论述:论点、论据,论证要和题目要求一致,这个评分点和上文中insightful的要求一脉相承。 许多GRE issue题目的含义很难依赖字面意思来理解, 题目的“隐藏逻辑”和“隐藏含义”要求考生首先要准确地“审题”、思考题面背后的含义, 然后选择相关的论点和论据进行支撑。

要点 2: develops the position fully with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples

关键词:reasons, persuasive

1. reasons=reasoning

GRE作文强调推理,并且推理的过程远重要于推理的结果。在GRE作文里,解释Why比给出What 更重要,因为考官是通过审视推理过程来判断考生的逻辑陈述能力。 因此建议考生在准备GRE作文时,应把重点放在分析推理上,而不是频频给出各类结论。

2. persuasive=relevant


要点 3: sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically

关键词:analysis, logically

1. analysis


2. logically

“GRE写作的逻辑”包含形式逻辑和内容逻辑: 形式逻辑就是指文章起承转合的逻辑信号、逻辑连接词。它们连接不同的内容,使行文显得有层次。内容逻辑就是指文章含义推导过程的严密性,和我们后文即将解读的排序方式是高度相关的。

要点 4: conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety

关键词:effective, variety

1. effective

有效的--所谓有效的词汇,是指根据语境所选择“恰当的用词”。 在GRE写作里考生不需要哗众取宠地用“大词、难词”来显示词汇量。 真正的高手能够用简单而精确的词语来阐述深刻的道理。

2. variety


要点 5: demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English (i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics), but may have minor errors

关键词:standard written English, may have minor errors

1. standard written English

即使用标准的书面英语。英语口语体不合适用于GRE这类准学术型的分析性写作中。 因此考生应注意标准的书面英语的语法,用词和文法。

2. may have minor errors

GRE作文允许有错误的存在。 考官认为,一篇满分的文章可以有错误,尤其是个别的拼写错误、语法错误和用词不当。这不影响一篇文章得高分。只要这篇文章准确地提炼了要点、做到了精确的对应匹配、逻辑性强、语言水平高即可。

GRE Issue写作范文详细解析


“People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.”

Sample Essay

Teamwork as a whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of “synergy”, where the total of the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. But the idea that people work more productively in teams rather than as individuals is going to vary greatly between the types of teams that are organized, the end reward or motivation for both the team and the individuals, as well as the individuals themselves.

Regarding individuals, some people are born with the desire to succeed, no matter what the situation or task that they are facing. These people may evolve into the classic “Type A” personalities that work ferociously because they are driven by an internal fire that says they must always be doing something, whether individually or as part of a team. Other people may desire to be less socially involved or are very highly competitive with other people. For these people, their work is most productive as individuals, because the very idea of cooperating with other people limits their effectiveness and efficiency because they simply do not want to be a part of the team. Whether this mindset is innate or developed over time does not matter, it is merely the state of their being and neither motivation nor rewards can generate inside them the desire to work collectively as a team.

Some people are highly motivated by social interaction and the desire to work with others towards a collective effort. Obviously these individuals are at their most productive when working as part of a team. Organizational behavioral studies have shown that Asian cultures are much more likely to develop this type of collective behavior as opposed to the more individualistic behavior associated with Western cultures. It could naturally be assumed then that there may be cultural values that can determine whether people are at their most productive individually or as part of a team.

Another variable is the end reward that is involved with the task at hand. Will the rewards be greater if the team works together towards a common goal, or are the rewards more geared toward individual performance? To the extent that the individual is motivated by the end reward, obviously his or her performance inside of a team may be more or less productive with respect to the entire team, depending on how the performance is rewarded. Individual goals may interfere with the group performance. Synergies may not be achieved because the individuals are not working towards a whole “sum” but rather towards an individual reward. Productivity thus will vary for each person as a team member or as an individual depending on the degree to which that person is motivated by an individual or overall team reward.

Finally, the degree of productivity of a person will depend upon the type of team that is organized. Is the group composed of equally contributing individuals? Does the group have an outstanding leader that can motivate both the individuals and the team as a whole? From a pure productivity standpoint, the presence or absence of a charismatic and exceptional leader can make all the difference whether a person would be more productive as a part of a team or as an individual. Personality types that work well together can prove to be much more productive as part of a team than as individuals, and vice versa.

Fundamentally, measures of productivity depend greatly on the individuals themselves. The dilemma facing leaders in all areas of life is how to best assess these individuals to determine how to best harness their capabilities to reach their ultimate productive capabilities. Whether a person is more productive alone or while working in concert with others is one of the great challenges that leaders and managers must face to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently.









Too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. Society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its citizens.

I must say that I reject this statement. While it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I don’t think so. To do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; I think most people would reject that.

Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.

Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really make people happy?

What we already have, we have. And since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mass destruction. Doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bully stance of “I am bigger and better and I have more toys and so I win” to a place where everyone wins.

Technology is the thing that will allow people to do that. But, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. We have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it can bring. And there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has already experienced. When technology is pushed to the outer edge, that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. This has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different environment. It gave us telecommunications, new fabrics and international cooperation. Paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hosptal, are a direct development of that technology. None of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if we had not pushed for technological advancement. If we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now are the bedrock of the 21st century.




I must say that I reject this statement.

Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I don’t think so.

Technology has helped, and it has hurt.

Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.




2、在陈述idea的过程中,体现出critical thinking才是成功的关键。我们在课堂上对critical thinking这一概念做过多次详细的解释,现在请大家一起来体会这一概念在文中的运用。


(表明立场)I must say that I reject this statement. (让步)While it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, (折回自己立场)that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it.


(概述科技的两面性)Technology has helped, and it has hurt. (具体讨论科技的贡献)Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. (具体讨论科技的危害)But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. (表明已考虑到科技的危害,但是依然坚持自己立场)And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.


(提出反方的立场)Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. (通过具体论据反驳反方的观点)But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really make people happy?


(在第三段驳论的基础上进一步立论)What we already have, we have. And since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mass destruction. Doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bully stance of “I am bigger and better and I have more toys and so I win” to a place where everyone wins.


Technology is the thing that will allow people to do that. (指出支持观点存在的一点不足)But, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. (解决方案)We have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it can bring. And there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has already experienced. When technology is pushed to the outer edge, that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. This has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different environment. It gave us telecommunications, new fabrics and international cooperation. Paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hospital, are a direct development of that technology. None of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if we had not pushed for technological advancement. If we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now are the bedrock of the 21st century.





每个评卷人对你文章的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence。


为了达到公平,ETS公布了它考试的所有写作题库,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对题库中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。

3. 新GRE写作评分注重三方面

首先,从ETS公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:①、逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);②、文章的组织(要求well-organized);③、语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure等)。

4. 尽量提高AI部分的写作能力而力保AA部分满分




The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

“Most companies would agree that as the risk of physical injury occurring on the job increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. Hence it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer: they could thus reduce their payroll expenses and save money.”

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.


This argument states that it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer because by making the workplace safer then lower wages could be paid to employees. This conclusion is based on the premise that as the list of physical injury increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. However, there are several assumptions that may not necessarily apply to this argument. For example, the costs associated with making the workplace safe must outweigh the increased payroll expenses due to hazardous conditions. Also, one must look at the plausability of improving the work environment. And finally, because most companies agree that as the risk of injury increases so will wages doesn't necessarily mean that the all companies which have hazardous work environments agree.


The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment. Clearly one could argue that if making the workplace safe would cost an exorbitant amount of money in comparison to leaving the workplace as is and paying slightly increased wages than it would not make sense to improve the work environment. For example, if making the workplace safe would cost $100 million versus additional payroll expenses of only $5,000 per year, it would make financial sense to simply pay the increased wages. No business or business owner with any sense would pay all that extra money just to save a couple dollars and improve employee health and relations. To consider this, a cost benefit analysis must be made. I also feel that although a cost benefit analysis should be the determining factor with regard to these decisions making financial sense, it may not be the determining factor with regard to making social, moral and ethical sense.


This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment. This is not the case. Companies look at other considerations such as the negative social ramifications of high on-job injuries. For example, Toyota spends large amounts of money improving its environment because while its goal is to be profitable, it also prides itself on high employee morale and an almost perfectly safe work environment. However, Toyota finds that it can do both, as by improving employee health and employee relations they are guaranteed a more motivated staff, and hence a more efficient staff; this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.


Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer. For example, in the case of coal mining, a company only has limited ways of making the work environment safe. While companies may be able to ensure some safety precautions, they may not be able to provide all the safety measures necessary. In other words, a mining company has limited ability to control the air quality within a coal mine and therefore it cannot control the risk of employees getting blacklung. In other words, regardless of the intent of the company, some jobs are simply dangerous in nature.


In conclusion, while at first it may seem to make financial sense to improve the safety of the work environment sometimes it truly does not make financial sense. Furthermore, financial sense may not be the only issue a company faces. Other types of analyses must be made such as the social ramifications of an unsafe work environment and the overall ability of a company to improve that environment (i.e。, coal mine)。 Before any decision is made, all this things must be considered, not simply the reduction of payroll expenses.


1. 字数高达599words, GRE充分体现了字数为王的判分倾向。

2. 标准的五段制,首段、GRE末端,中间三段,看上去很美。

3. 没有陈词滥调、GRE满篇废话的模板式语言。


1. 首段再现了原TOPIC的推理过程,GRE并指出其assumptions多有不适;尤其令阅卷人高兴的是:首段在最后简化罗列了推理中的三个问题。要知道美国人就喜欢的作文---总分式,在首段就把三个ideas罗列出来,然后在中间三段分别展开,先总后分,一目了然。

2. 中一的TS -- “The first issue to be addressed is whether increased labor costs justify large capital expenditures to improve the work environment.”可谓是一针见血,一剑封喉。对于这样严重的推理漏洞,如果不首先指出,其argument必然软弱乏力。此所谓Topic中的 “必削点”,不可不察。

3. 中二的TS – “This argument also relies on the idea that companies solely use financial sense in analysing improving the work environment.”这可谓是剑走偏锋,独辟蹊径,出人所料。文章竟然批评了Topic以钱为本经营理念,提出了要以人为本,这样写是有一定风险,毕竟这不是Issue。那本文是如何化险为夷的呢?且看本段最后一句“this guarantees more money for the business as well as more safety for the employees.”我不由得长舒一口,人家再次回归了,又回到了Topic中以“Money”为本的推理。

4. 中三的TS – “Finally one must understand that not all work environments can be made safer.”这充分体现了作者不只是坐而论道的arguer,而是关心其可行性的现实主义者,考虑到方案本身的可行性和局限性。

5. 末端不但对首段提出的论点做出了重复性的总结,GRE而且又不厌其烦地把中间三段的ideas一一罗列。如此“啰嗦”估计令某些同学略有不齿,但这恰恰是美国人的最爱,cultural shock了吧?


1. 中间段一,运用了“设例”GRE(假设的情况),$100 million啦、$5,000了,很幼稚是吧?可美国人喜欢啊;咱中国的学生,尤其是理工科的,喜欢用一些相当高深的例子,有没有想过那些阅卷老师能看懂吗?尤其是在极短时间内,他们IQ又不高,知识又不多,联想又不丰富……

2. 中间段二,运用了“具例”GRE(具体的例子),举一个妇孺皆知的Toyota例子把想说明的问题统统道出,再次体现出美国人喜欢浅显易懂的事例。

3. 中间段三,运用了“泛例”GRE(某一类人、团体或组织),通过采煤行业指出了计划可行性的所受到的制约,一个多么质朴无华的泛例,充分地考虑到了阅卷老师的理解能力。

以上这一切怎能不让美国阅卷者频频颔首,GRE啧啧称善呢?他或她手中的笔在纸上划出了一条美丽的弧线 —— 6



很多人苦恼句子写不长,一句话写下来才6~7个词不到,而且这还是用了前面说的in the first place的用法。怎么办?


例子:Firstly, I agree with you.


那好,首先,我再重申,不要去用那种很无聊的用in the first place替换firstly,因为这两个词都只不过是表达你下面要表达的内容的逻辑顺序,先说哪个后说哪个,重要但不是最重要的,别人要知道的是你首先要表达的到底是什么。如果你要想与众不同点可以把firstly改成primarily?词就显得高级了点。(但对老外来说差不多就是了)

再者就是重点了,写一个句子前你要问自己三个问题:1)你同意他到什么程度?非常同意,敷衍地同意,还是完全彻底的同意 2)你在哪个方面同意他?物质上,精神上,还是肉体上 3)同意他什么东西?他的意见,思维,行为,还是其他。4)什么样的意见?In short,当你写到这个同学的这个层面上的时候,只能说明你有了你要表达意思的框架,那你要表达的细节呢?相信大家其实都已经想好细节了,或者想都不用想心里一下就有谱了,但是因为是英语,所以大家怕于表达,哪怕是中文也懒于表达,为什么不表达出来呢!表达出来不就有字数了吗!而且把这些细节写出来,你整句话的表达就非常到位了,读者也能一下准确接受到你要表达的意思和深浅。而且这样的细节本身并不是为了凑字数用的,本来就是一种表达的需要,别人需要的是从你那里得到尽可能多的细节和信息。比如老板问你最近公司财务如何,你说还不错,老板会觉得你在敷衍他,因为你没有告诉他细节而他想知道的也是细节。同样的东西,写一句话你能尽可能得多问自己几个问题,多扣那些细节出来,那你表达不就到位了吗?



Primarily, I totally agree with your unique opinion mentally.

这样句子就要八个词了,而这时候你只是不带感情的表达了你的意思,如果要再带上感情的表达,不就又有字数又有感情色彩了吗?这时候,还有一个问题,就是agree with其实还不准确,没有力度,或者说不够细节化,没有一种倾向性强烈的感觉,如果改成support,虽然这个词很简单,但是明显比agree with更给人以力度,也更有倾向性,让人更明白你是支持他的而不仅是同意而已,这就涉及到用词到位准确的问题,这在后面的内容会提到。

Primarily, I totally support your unique opinion mentally, whether rightly or wrongly.




第一,用词要准确到位,尽量不要用那些很泛意思的词,比如说do, is, make, get等

例子:I walk along the river under the moonlight.. (walk,river)

请注意walk这个词,让我们假想你是在忙完一天繁重的工作后,诗情画意的沿小河走,这时候walk便不足以表达你的放松和惬意,用中文说此时的 walk就是散步,为什么不用amble呢?此时的amble更能说明你此时的心情而不仅仅是泛泛的走而已。同样的道理,river是泛指所有的河流,不分大小粗细,而如果你此时想那天你走的就是一条小溪而且那时确实很浪漫,brook是不是比river更加细节化而准确了呢?当然这都是基于你对词汇的掌握量和掌握的准确度有关,所以还是要下苦功夫去读去背。


I amble along the brook under the moonlight.


而用泛词或者不准确的表达会出现你的表达不准确甚至出丑,比如说你挤牛奶,写了get some milk from cattles,或者make some milk from cattles,翻译成中文就是从牛那儿搞点牛奶,或者取点牛奶,而且cattle是泛指所有的牛包括公牛和母牛(cow),是不是很可笑而且很不地道,文章自然也大失色彩,让人判为低级。


很多时候的使用往往可以收到很好的效果。副词就是形容一个状态或者行动的词,它可以表示程度,情况,方面等等,所以一句话里加上一两个副词很多时候可以让表达更准确。当每句话都用副词的话,句子不就很千篇 一律了?副词和一些副词词组的替换使用可以克服这个问题。

比如前面的agree with的那个例子,mentally就很准确的告诉了别人你同意的是在精神的层面上,物质上等等其他的不一定同意,因为没钱或者其他原因,这就限定和细节化了你所要表达的意思的范围。而如果当你发现你已经有一句了hastily,而后面那句还要表达草率的程度时候,不妨换个in hasty,这样词就避免了重复。

To sum up, 要准确的表达你的意思,一定要做到的两点就是第一能尽可能多的在句子中填加你要表达的细节,这些细节表达了你所到说的意思的程度和范围等等,第二就是要用词准确到位,不要为了凑字数而去凑字数,而要想的是最准确的告诉读者你所要表达的所有意思。这也是交流的关键。


1. complexity


2.insightful position

在有全面深刻理解的基础上,观点最好新颖独到(对ets来说),但必须保证能自圆其说。5分文的要求是well-considered position,因此只要求多论述几个理由,多考虑几个方面,表明你确实好好思考过,而不强求对论述题目有全面深刻的认识。看看ets范文的3篇5分文,你就能感觉的它们和6分文在思考深刻全面上的差距。所以,若对某方面论题不了解,还有一个月就要上考场的话,就不必花大时间饿补相关知识,只需看看别人的提纲,结合自己肚里的东西(足够),整理出自己的提纲,GRE考场上有条理性的加以论证。但切记,既然在这个给分点上你已经失去了优势,就应该在其他给分点下功夫:论述结构,论证技巧以及语言运用。

3. conveys meaning skillfully

可用于论证的一切技巧(估计老美自己用起来也得费点心思)。比如文章的行文方向,起承转合不用明显的标志词(first, second, however, on the other hand, the second example illustrating my point),而是依靠论述的内在脉络(只可意会不可言传)自然而然的引到下一块内容。总之是看不到transitional phrases确能明显感觉到论述的方向及其改变(例ets范文2, 6分文的第二段首句的作用)。再比如巧妙地运用引言代替自己的reason(如ets范文1的As the head once said)。再有一个深受老美喜爱的论证技巧:vivid metaphor(如ets范文1的to inspect only one's toenails is to ignore the whole body),使枯燥的reason生动形象。总之,此点是用来筛选6分文的,故对5分文作者不要求。5分文的要求是conveys meaning clearly,所以把话说清楚别词不达意,茶壶煮饺子倒不出来就行。

4. compelling reasons

这是最重要的一个得分点。就是你的理由及其论证,目的是让读者认可你的理由,从而接受论点。5分文要求logically sound reasons,结合ets范文可看出6分文要求理由非常有说服力,而5分文要求理由合常理,读者认为没错即可。

5.persuasive examples

用来支持reason的,使抽象的reason更具体,更易被读者理解,从而产生共鸣,或使其更可信,更有说服力。可用的例子有自己的经历,引言。在范文里Ets重点表扬过两种举例方式:1). extended examples(见范文1, 6分文),叙述例子的过程就是reason的过程;2). examples are varied(见反问2,6分文),举各个领域的例子或例子涉及的范围很广。恰切的例子一定要论述充分(不然ets都替你可惜)。5分文要求well-chosen examples, 4分要求是relevant examples,因此,要达到5分要求,例子一定得典型,多少有点说服力。个人经历是最好的例子,但不能是特例。

6. well-focused

简单说就是不跑题。中心论点明确,全文不跑题;各段主题句明确,围绕主题句论述。使读者读完后对行文脉络,各段段意有清晰的印象。5分的要求是:is focused,内容上不如6分文联系那么紧密,但也应给读者留下同样的印象 。





怎么模仿,首先要分析文章,分析每一句和上一句是什么关系。我给大家举个例子:美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句都包含了整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence.。
















TOEFL作文考:“吃饭是在家里吃好,还是到饭店里吃好”; GMAT考和商业有关的:“产品制造出来是延续时间很长的好,还是延续时间不太长的好”;GRE作文:“在我们这个社会中间,现在专业人士太多了,而有综合知识的人太少了。你认为我们是更需要具有专业知识的人呢,还是需要具有广博知识的人?”

TOEFL考生活、学习;GRE 考日常学术行为。但是不管它出什么题目,总是会摆出两种态度供你选择。另外,GRE的作文题目是提前发给你的,考试时出的题目绝不会超出它事先发给你的题目。它决不会出让学生看不懂的题目。所出的题目永远是世界性的,不涉及民族、宗教、政治色彩。

考察普林斯顿所出的全部范文后发现,美国人百分之七八十喜欢倾向于一种模式。讨论在哪里吃的问题时,要不在家里吃,要不在饭店吃,但是你不要又想在家里,又想在饭店(A OR B)。

当然他们也比较认可中间的态度(C),也就是说,我既要A又要B,我是A和B结合起来产生C。事实上,好多中国学生结合 A、B写是能写出好分数的。当然也有些题目是没有C这种态度的。






A man suffers from inescapable pain, a torturing split between the sunken flesh and the arrogant soul. So sunken the flesh is that a man indulges himself into lust, sloth, greed and hatred, so arrogant the soul is that he never abandons his rights of morality, religion, passion and freedom. A man is never a demon, nor is he an angel.



The existence only exists in people's perception, which, by nature, is of vanity.




Time for individuals is consecutive and irreversible, but for the universe, just a repetitive circle.



Citizens, apart from claiming to have rights, in fact, have no capability to exercise their rights. Therefore, they select a government.



Others bestow you an identity, and thus, they are the hell.



Nothing is politics but the struggle of power and the balance of interests.



Education, by means of confinement, enlightens people to inherit and then to overthrow the past.



Government is a necessary evil, ensuring the justice but at the cost of individual freedom.



By the guidance of idols, people are not perplexed; yet, they always destroy the idols and replace them with new ones, for idols are created to be destroyed.



Human beings are always in a fight with external world. Some have compromised, and some still persist. The compromised are not blessed to live; and the persisted, not necessarily martyrs. Or even, the compromised are indeed heroes, and the persisted, fading away. The world does not change. We do.



Superficial confrontation indicates the similarity of essence.



Technology seemingly pushes humans forward, yet forward to the unknown; humanities mirror humans into the past, the past of existence and hope.



The prerequisite of rational critical thinking is the arduous training and undistinguished inheritance.



The greatness of individuals lies in the uncompromised struggle against the collective conformity. They fight for freedom, a freedom banned by the collectivism.



Laws prohibit human’s evils. It is the invention from government. By laws, humans do not turn to demons; morality glorifies humans, turning them into angels.




Never/neither/nor/seldom /rarely/on no account + is…



Were(Had) it…,something would......


It is people who…/ it is something that…



However/No matter how/ whatever/no matter what ….


Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.


although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that



Can you imagine that…?/ How can one imagine…?



…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)

7、The more…the more…句式的使用。

人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦 等等。

8、Not only…but also的使用。





There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…


So powerful the scandal is that Watergate became the talk of the world.如此..以至于..

















1.ossify /‘ɑs?fa?/ vt. & vi. 骨化,硬化;使僵化

【解词】oss-=骨头;同根词osseous 骨的,骨质的,多骨的。

【例句】Without this intermediation, money would not change hands, economic growth would stall and society would ossify. 没有这种媒介,货币就无法交换,经济增长就会停滞,社会就会僵化。

2.prolix /‘prol?ks/ adj. 好长篇大论的,冗长的


【例句】He found the narrative too prolix and discursive. 他觉得这篇论文太啰嗦、太不着边际。

3.jocular /‘d?ɑkj?l?/ adj. 爱开玩笑的,滑稽的,幽默的


【例句】she sounded in a jocular mood. 她听起来像是在开玩笑。

4.salient /‘sel??nt/ adj. 显著的,重要的,主要的;(指角)凸出的

【解词】sal-=salt-=leap,跳跃,-ent为形容词后缀。跳起来的,即“显著的,重要的”。同根词 assault 攻击,insult 侮辱(in-=on,跳到某人上面,即凌驾于某人之上,即“侮辱”)

【例句】It succinctly covered all the salient points of the case. 它简洁地报道了事情的所有要点。

5.qualm /kwɑm/ n. 疑虑;不安

【解词】源自古英语,最初时候的含义是“死亡,杀死,疾病,折磨”,之后程度减轻,用来形容“衰弱的感觉”,之后用其引申义表示“不安,怀疑”。同源词 quell vt. 镇压;减轻;平息;消除,quell最初的含义是“使死亡,使消亡”,引申为现在的“减轻,消除”。

【例句】He felt no qualms about borrowing money from friends. 他没有对于从朋友那里借钱感到不安。

6.doleful /‘dolfl/ adj. 悲哀的;阴沉的;忧郁的;寂寞的

【解词】dol-=grieve,悲伤;-ful为形容词后缀;同根词 condolence 哀悼,吊唁。

【例句】a doleful loss. 令人悲伤的损失

7.archetype /‘ɑrk?'ta?p/ n. 典型;原型

【解词】arch-=最初的(如archeology n. 考古学, 古物学),因此archetype 表示“原型”。

【例句】an archetype of the successful entrepreneur. 成功企业家的完美典范

8.stymie /?sta?mi/ vt. 妨碍,阻挠


9.inundate /‘?n?ndet/ vt. 泛滥;淹没;浸水

【解词】in-=里面,und-=wave,波浪,因此表示“使处于波浪中”,即“犯懒,淹没”。und-=wave的同根词,redundant 冗长的。

【例句】We've been inundated with complaints from listeners. 听众的投诉让我们应接不暇。

10.pernicious /p?’n???s/ adj. 很有害的;恶性的

【解词】per-=through,一直,nic-=nox-=hurt,poison,伤害,毒;-ous为形容词后缀,表示数量很多,或程度很深。因此这个词表示“很有害的”。nox-=noc-=hurt,poison,同根词 innocent 无知的,无辜的,无害的。noxious 有害的,有毒的。

【例句】the pernicious influences of the mass media. 大众传媒的有害影响。


1.solicitous /s?’l?s?t?s/ adj. 关心的,挂念的;热切的,渴望的

【例句】solicitous of his help 渴望得到他的帮助

2.discordant /d?s’k?rd?nt/ adj. 不和的,不一致的,不调和的;不谐和的

dis-=否定;cord-=heart; -ant为形容词后缀,因此这个词表示心思不一样的,即“不和的,不一致的”。

【例句】a study of children in discordant homes. 对有矛盾家庭孩子的研究。

3.unremitting /??nr?’m?t??/ adj. 不懈的

un-=not; re-=back,回来;mit-=send,因此这个词表示不倒退的,一直向前的,即“不懈的”。 【例句】adhere to the principle with an unremitting tenacity 百折不挠地坚持原则

4.thrifty /‘θr?fti/ adj. 节约的;茂盛的;成功的

名词 thrift n. 节俭, 节约;同源词 thrive vi. 兴盛; 兴隆(词根riv-=river,最开始的含义是“河流两畔,草木繁盛”,引申为“繁荣”)。

【例句】She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. 她是个很会持家的妇女, 每月都设法存些钱。

5.robust /ro’b?st/ adj. 强健的;健康的;粗野的;粗鲁的

robor-=strength, 同根词corroborate vt. 证实,支持(某种说法、信仰、理论等)。著名品牌“乐百氏”,就是这个词哦~

【例句】a robust and athletic young woman 一个强壮活泼的年轻妇女。

6.untoward /?n’t?rd/ adj. 不幸的;麻烦的;倔强的;困难的

un-=not; toward 朝向;因此表示“事与愿违的”,引申为“困难的,麻烦的”。

【例句】Untoward circumstances prevent me from being with you on this festive occasion.有些不幸的事件使我不能在这欢庆的时刻和你在一起。

7.laconic /l??kɑn?k/ adj. 简洁的,简明的


【例句】His laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic. 他简明的回答显得他对该话题缺乏兴趣。

8.illustrious /?’l?str??s/ adj. 著名的, 杰出的, 卓越的


【例句】All sorts of illustrious and influential persons lent their names to our national culture. 各种有名望有影响的人大声疾呼支持我们的民族文化。

9.circuitous /s?’kj??t?s/ adj. 迂回的;绕行的


【例句】They took a circuitous route to avoid reporters. 他们绕道避开了记者。

10.astute /?’stut/ adj. 机敏的,精明的,狡猾的

【例句】A good leader must be an astute judge of ability. 一个优秀的领导人必须善于识别人的能力。


1.squelch /skw?lt?/ vt. 镇压;消除;压碎


【例句】Squelch a rumor. 消除流言蜚语

2.deprecate /‘d?pr?ket/ vt. 不赞成, 反对

de-=反对,离开;prec-=pray ,这个词的最初含义是:祈祷恶魔离开,表达这种憎恶的感情,后来词义通用,表示“反对”。

【例句】He deprecates the value of children's television. 他贬低儿童电视节目的价值。

3.enamor /?n’?m?/ vt. 使迷恋,使倾心

en-=使动;amor-=amour,爱;因此enamor 表示“使迷恋”。

【例句】Her beauty enamored the prince. 她的美貌迷住了王子。

4.winsome /‘w?ns?m/ adj. 迷人的;可爱的;引人注目的

win 赢得,-some形容词后缀,因此表示“赢得人的心的”,即“迷人的,可爱的”。

【例句】a winsome smile. 一个动人的笑容。

5.compunction /k?m’p??k??n/ n. 内疚, 后悔, 懊悔


【例句】compunctions of conscience 良心的苛责

6.incisive /?n’sa?s?v/ adj. 敏锐的;深刻的;锋利的


【例句】an incisive mind; incisive comments. 锐利的头脑;尖锐的评论

7.aggrandize /?’ɡr?nd?zm?nt/ n. 增大,强化,扩大


【例句】All he desired was to aggrandize his estate. 他所希望的只是扩充他的家业。

8.bleak /blik/ adj. 荒凉的,无遮蔽的;阴冷的;黯淡的


【例句】a bleak urban landscape.凄凉的城市景色。

9.parsimonious /?pɑrs?’mon??s/ adj. 过分节俭的;吝啬的;小气的

源自名词 parsimony n. 异常俭省,极度节俭; par-=节俭,节约;-mony 为名词后缀。这个词还可以通过联想记忆法记忆,读音是不是很像“怕失money”。

【例句】A classic example comes from comedian Jack Benny, famous for his parsimony. 有个经典例子出自以吝啬著称的喜剧演员杰克·班尼。

10.glib /ɡl?b/adj. <贬>(演讲者或演讲)油腔滑调的;不诚恳的;肤浅的


【例句】You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue. 你倒真会说话!


第一段: 开头段。主要是归纳论点,说明论点有问题,存在逻辑漏洞,准备发起进。

第一层:This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…

第二层:To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…

第三层:However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is thereforeunconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.


One problem with the argument is that, the editorialobserves a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is thecause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possibleexplanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, politicalor economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors itis unfair to conclude that…

第五段: 结尾段。作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。我们通过一篇文章作为实例来介绍论证步骤和论证方法以及文章结构。

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