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When you think about sustainability, what comes to mind—global warming, going green, doing your part to lessen your carbon footprint? How about relationships? We should compost old relationships and only get involved with organic people? Not exactly, no. Although the concept is intriguing, this would be implausible for most of us, given our cultural proclivity towards big “relationship footprints.”


If you have had a few relationships you know what I mean by “sustainability”—especially if they have been a source of pain or suffering to some degree. But what of the ones you wish to keep, nurture, and grow rather than watch die prematurely or unexpectedly? Instead of all that energy most of us spend putting ourselves “out there” on the emotional limb—oftentimes left with nothing more than a “seed”, or perhaps less some seeds,as the case may be—let's wise up and turn those seeds into wisdom. Let's get on with how to make our lives fertile so that we can more optimally attract and create healthier, more fulfilling, and sustainable relationships, ones that have the greatest potential for an amazing harvest, season after season to come.


Relationships can be complicated given the myriad of unique nuances that make up any one individual and the layers of experiences that create the filters we each see reality through. The real enigma seems to be a matter of skill and planning—how to create an optimal climate for potential growth within this human complexity. Just like plants, relationships grow and flourish under optimal circumstances and care. So, here are some pointers for how to sustain any great relationship platonic or otherwise), once you have carefully selected who you want to be in it with:


1. Respect:If you don't, you have no chance at real, lasting intimacy (in my not-so-humble opinion). If you respect yourself, just double it. Don't just talk about it either—this is an action item. Respect is not a feeling; it's a way of behaving!


2. Responsible communication:You get to choose from every word in the English language (or whatever language you share) in whatever tone you choose to communicate your thoughts and feelings to another, so choose carefully. You have no one to blame if you don't tell the truth or say what you want. My teacher says, “We are always doing one of two things; creating separation or connection.”What is your intention?


3. Integrity:Do what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it, as often as humanly possible. Nobody trusts a flake, nor does anyone want their vulnerable hearts to be in the care of one. If you love and respect someone, ACT like it!


4. Compatibility:If you are mad about the outdoors, can't live without reality TV, are a screaming liberal, or abhor people who over-accessorize or don't keep up on current events, then you probably wouldn't want to hang out with…me, for example. Just because someone has good energy doesn't mean you can do well together in real life. Watch what people do, not only what they say. Make sure they match or you'll be sadly disappointed, eventually bored, and even resentful. There are 7 billion people on the planet—check some more of them out and quit trying to make a person someone they are not!


5. Compassion:Walked a mile in their shoes, have you? I recommend, before you think you know whatever you think you know about the person you say you love, one of the most loving acts of all: understand as much as you want to be understood. Old adage for a reason. “Cause it's a damn good one!”


6. Expectations:The fastest way to get back to love in any relationship is to want nothing.Try it. No one is responsible for your happiness or anything else, unless expressly agreed to.


7. Consciousness agreements:One of my all-time favorites. Let people know what's important to you up front. As soon as possible, in fact. In any relationship the time to negotiate is up front, not after you are in deep! Two of my “needs” (if you can call them that) in a friendship are that a) we don't make unilateral decisions about ending the friendship, and b) if we have a problem we bring it to the other person as soon as possible. What are your non-negotiables?

观念协议:这一直是我的最爱之一。让人们预先知道对你来说什么才是重要的。实际上,越快越好。在任何一段交往关系中,得把原则性问题说在前,而不是等问题出现之后再来讨价还价!我在一段友情之中的两大“需求”(如果你能这么称呼的话)就是:1) 我们在终结友情这一问题上绝不单方面做出决定;2) 如果出现了问题,我们要尽快向另一方提出商议。你们的原则性问题又是什么呢? 更多信息请访问:www.24en.com/

These tools and skills have helped me immeasurably over the years and I rely on them all, as they are responsible for helping me maintain the loving, healthy relationships I have today! Remember, relationships take work; they are not just “add water” and people are not disposable. They are precious blessings, and in their presence I feel blessed to keep on my path to becoming the best version of myself, as well as have the privilege to witness those I love do the same!




1. Be grateful 要学会感恩

Slow down, look around you, and pay attention to the little details in your life – the delicate purple flower on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, the hot shower that washes away your long day, and the smile in your partner’s eyes…


When you have a grateful heart that is appreciative of life’s beautify, wonder and blessings, you’re automatically filled with happiness.


2. Choose your friends wisely 明智的选择自己的朋友

According to Harvard, the most important external factors affecting individual happiness are human relationships. So if you want to be happy, choose to be around people who are optimistic, who appreciate you as you are, and who can make your life richer, bigger, more fun, and more meaningful.


3. Cultivate compassion 培养同情心

When we try to step into other people’s shoes and understand a situation from another’s perspective, we’re more likely to handle the situation with compassion, objectivity and effectiveness. There will be less conflicts and more happiness.


4. Keep learning 不断学习

Learning keeps us young and dreams keep us alive. When we engage our brains and put them toward productive uses, we’re less likely to dwell on unhappy thoughts and much more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.


5. Become a problem solver 学会解决问题

Happy people are problem solvers. When they encounter a challenge in life, they don’t beat themselves up and fall into a depressive state. Instead, they face up to the challenge and channel their energies toward finding creative a solution. By becoming a problem solver, you’ll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to – and whatever challenges life throws your way.


6. Do what you love 做你想做的事情

Since we spend over one-third of our adult life working, loving what we do has a huge impact on our overall happiness. If this is not possible at the moment, then try to find enjoyment and meaning in your current work, or cultivate a hobby that involves doing something you love.


7. Live in the present 活在当下

When you feel depressed, you’re living in the past. When you feel worried or anxious, you’re living in the future. But when you feel content, happy and peaceful, you’re living in the present.


8. Laugh often 要经常笑

Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger or depression. Research has shown that the simple act of curving the corners of your mouth can increase your feeling of happiness. So don’t take life too seriously. Try to find humor and laughter in life’s everyday struggles.


9. Practice forgiveness 学会原谅

Resentment and anger are forms of self-punishment. When you forgive, you’re actually practicing kindness to yourself. And most importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s through our mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person.


10. Say thanks often 要经常说谢谢

Always be appreciative of the blessings in your life. And it’s equally important to express your appreciation to those who’ve made your life better in some way, big or small.



U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S. workforceis single -- and it may be because of work. Here are four reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to do about it.


1. “I don't have time to date.”


Many people who are single say their jobs don't leave them with enough time to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. You may have made a consciousdecision to make career your No. 1 priority. Or it may be that pursuing your dream job is easier than pursuing your dream partner. Whatever the reason, dedicating too much of your time and energy to your career will cause your dating life to flounder.


Solution: Make dating your work. Approach your social life with the same determination and commitmentyou apply to your career. You wouldn't expect to get ahead at work if you didn't put in the time. Make an investment in your coupled future by setting dating goals, like committing a certain number of hours a week to dating.


2. “My boss knows I'm single and singles me out.”


Singles are often expected to work late, travel for business, and take on last minute assignments because they don't have “family commitments.” For example, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell stated last year that the choice of Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary was an excellentone because she has “no family and no life” and could devote 19-20 hours a day to the job.

上司通常会因为单身的员工没有家庭负担,而期望他们工作到更晚、出差、承担最后一分钟的任务。比如,宾夕法尼亚州的州长Ed Rendell声称,Janet Napolitano作为国家安全部长是一个非常明智的选择,因为她没有家庭生活,每天可以工作19-20小时。

Solution: Value your dating commitments. If your boss asks you to work late, you don't always have to say “yes.” Saying that you already have plans is an acceptableexcuse. It's great to be able to put in the hours to get ahead at work, but make sure that you're not allowing work to get in the way of your other life goals.


3. “Everyone I know is taken/married/coupled up.”


While this may not seem to be a job-related issue, it could be. Statistics show that nearly half of all married couples met at work. So you're at a disadvantage if your work doesn't provide you with opportunities to meet and hang out with other singles.


Solution: Create your own dating pool. Branch out and try different approaches to meeting other singles. Join a local group/club, attend a different restaurant/bar, or join 40 million Americans using online dating and social networking sites to meetavailablesingles.


Going back to school can help you advance your career and give you a chance to interact with like-minded people. Use the free education-decision test to find out if going back to school is the right move for you.


4. “No one wants to date a ...”


Unfortunately, some jobs come with certain stereotypes that can make a prospective date run for the hills. For example, being a lawyer or therapistcould make you a dating pariah because nobody's idea of a good date is to argue or be psychoanalyzed!


Solution: Be yourself, not your job. If you have a job with a poor career dating profile, don't reinforce these prejudgments. Be aware of the stereotypes that go along with your job title and avoid discussing work-related topics until you and your date have a better understanding of each other.




Maturity is a state when an individual is in a position to realize what is happening around him/her, to understand the rationale behind those happenings and does not get too elated nor too depressed by final results. Thus he/she is in a position to absorb pressures and remain unperturbed by the situations around him/her. You can realize you have now matured by looking for following signs:


1. You listen more and talk less


When we realize as human beings we are built to hear more (because we have two ears) and speak less (we have one mouth/tongue); we gain more information and whatever we speak will be based on substantial reasoning. This will provide a glimpse of a thinking individual/rational person to the audience. Thus you shall be perceived more seriously, and in turn this will add to your confidence. It is the first sign of you becoming a more matured individual than what you were before.


2. You do not shy away from responsibilities


As individuals we play a variety of roles in our societal set up. Be it for our family, our community, our friends, our country or for the human race in general. Additionally, we, being the highly successful species on Earth, should also be responsible for other species of this planet, as well as for sustaining the planet for future life forms. When you think in these terms, you behave in a more responsible manner. You not only perform your duties for your family or country, you also take care of mother earth. This makes you a matured individual on this planet.


3. You are less argumentative and more accommodating


There are times when you think you are right in an argument but by winning an argument you may lose a friend. So, it may be advisable to refrain from arguing too much at these times. Quite often, when things are normal, the other person with whom there was an argument may realize your point of view, or it is also possible you understand his/her perspective better. For, just because someone is not agreeing to you, does not mean he/she is wrong. By arguing less, you are providing the required space and prestige to others, and at the same time you are buying more time for yourself to look at the other’s argument from another angle. And additionally, you command more respect from others. This shows you are now a matured individual.


4. You enjoy each season


Most of us have a likening for either summer or winter or spring or rains. That’s fine. But there is no need to get irritated whenever your favorite season has been replaced by another one. There is a cycle of seasons and life forms adapt to that. No one can control seasonal cycles and no one should control them. So if you are enjoying changes in season, however abrupt they might seem, you have grown into a matured individual.


5. You wear a smile on your face


Life is a topsy-turvy event. It doesn’t matter how hard scientists/researchers try to predict it, it remains unpredictable. You plan for today in the morning, and by the afternoon you have to modify it to accommodate something unplanned. Whatever the situation may be, wearing a smile has a positive impact on your body and mind. So, if you are being found mostly with a smile, you should consider this as a sign of getting matured.


6. You love children and elders


Most of us like to hangout with friends. Most of these friends are of the same age group. However, if you like to spend time with children and older people, you should consider yourself a mature individual. Quite often, spending time with people who are not in your age bracket helps you visualize life in an entirely different manner. These moments, later on, shall be counted in your experiences.


7. You save more than what you expend


This one does not need any detail explanation. Saving more than the expenditures will itself lend credibility to your maturity status.


8. You indulge more in reading


To be updated is of utmost priority in today’s knowledge-driven society. And probably one of the best ways to get informed is to read. If you are spending more time reading, this indicates you are serious about your business which is a sign of maturity.


9. You take care of yourself as well as others


In the run of life, you may give less importance to yourself relative to your family members. However, you must realize you are no less significant. Therefore, you must take out time for yourself, and take care of your body and mind. This will, in turn lead to better performance in your duties which will render you as a responsible and matured person.


10. You seek the signs of maturity


You’re reading this article; this action itself shows you are serious about being considered mature. You now seem to shoulder your responsibilities and want to know the meaning of your existence. Therefore, you are looking for things you should know/do in order to become a responsible and mature citizen. This is a sign of you now being a mature individual.


Maturity brings with it responsibility. With responsibility comes sensibility. Sensibility leads to confidence. So move with confidence to show the world you have now matured.





1.Self-Access 自检

Co-authors of the book “The Girl's Guide to Kicking Your Career Into Gear: Valuable Lessons, True Stories, And Tips For Using What You've Got (A Brain!) To Make Your Worklife Work For You,” Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio suggest that you begin by asking yourself what it is that you find frustrating1 about your job. Is it your boss? Your daily responsibilities? Your coworkers? Are you not making the money you feel you deserve?

《女性指南:如何让事业动起来--有价值的课程、真实故事、以及如何用你有的(脑子!)的建议来让你的工作生活为你打工》一书合著者Caitlin Friedman和Kimberly Yorio建议人你开始应该问自己对工作中哪个方面感到沮丧。是老板吗?是日常责任吗?是同事吗?你感到自己赚的钱合理吗?

“Depending on the source of the frustration2, make an action plan for yourself to change the situation,” says Yorio. “The next step is to ask yourself what you may be contributing to the situation. And then actively3 address the problem by asking for what you want, changing your job, confronting a coworker, or even start researching a new career.”


2.Overcome Fear 克服恐惧

Start by putting your fear into perspective. “Tell yourself that there is no fear bigger than the goals you have for yourself,” says Friedman.

客观看待恐惧。 Friedman说:“对自己说没什么恐惧会比对自己的目标更大。”

Whether your fear is public speaking, taking on a higher profile assignment, or asking for a much needed and deserved raise, you must face fear in order to move your career forward. “The point is not to ignore them because fears don't go away; they just get bigger and soon will be impacting your career,” Friedman.


3.Dust off Your Resume 重新拿出简历

If you've become comfortable in your present position, chances are you haven't looked at your resume in a while. People who advance are always ready for their next move. You simply never know when a new position may open up in your present company, or when a great opportunity will come your way somewhere new. Those who have their resume ready will be able to respond to new opportunities with relatively4 little effort compared to those who haven't updated their resume in several years.

Cheryl Palmer of Call to Career, a career coaching service, suggests maintaining a record of your accomplishments5 as you go along in your job to help you keep your resume up-to-date.


来自职业教练服务公司Call to Career的Cheryl Palmer建议人们在一边工作中一边对自己的工作成绩做好记录,使自己的简历一直处于最新状态。

4.Do Good 做好事

“If your job feels humdrum6 and you feel like you could do it with your eyes closed, but it's not feasible for you to look for greener pastures at this time, you might consider mentoring7 someone who is less experienced in the field to pass along what you have learned over the years,” says Palmer.


“You might also look at taking on collateral8 duties, such as chairing a committee or getting cross-trained in a new area.”


5.Be Open to Change 以开放态度对待变化

Finally, the only thing that may be standing9 between your present reality and your dream gig is limited thinking.


”If you aren't sure what it is you want then start tapping into your network,“ says Yorio. ”Ask everyone you meet what they like about what they do, and be open to new ideas and opportunities. People often get stubborn when it comes to how they see themselves at work, which makes it difficult for other people to help them think big.“




You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance1 where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss.

1. In a minute.

Sometimes you'll get called into the boss' office just as you're about to do something that you've been waiting to do. Bosses don't often view our personal wants as an important factor to the job, so when your boss calls you in to see them, it's not good to say you'll be there in a minute.



2. Ooh, ugly tie There may be times that your boss wears the ugliest tie on earth but it is not your place to tell them. They are aware how they dress and maybe the tie was a gift that they couldn't say no to wearing. Or maybe they just have bad taste, but that is their privilege2.



3. I hit your car.

Yes, it could happen that you bumped3 your boss' car in the parking lot. It's only right that you tell them what you did but it's still not the greatest thing to tell your boss.



4. Who's the guy I saw your wife with at the bar last night? This is one of those things that you really don't want to get involved with. If you tell your boss and then his wife proves you wrong, that could be the beginning of the end for you.



5 You're late.

Being late has come to be one of those privileges4 that may inconvenience you but is their seniority right. Telling them they are late could be seen as undermining5 their position over you.



6 No!

If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it. You could suggest someone else do it or declare how busy you already are, but to say no might not be appreciated.



7. How much do you make a year?

We all would love to know the truth about that one, and maybe some boss' are free to discuss it. But generally, it's a big no, no.



8. Can I have another raise?

Most companies have a set program for raises and you need to understand that plan so that you don't look foolish and ask for a raise out of turn. If you feel you're entitled6 then make sure you do a bit of research and find out the best time to ask.



9. You don't know that?

Most bosses like to feel that they know everything, although you and the rest of the office may differ in opinion on that issue. Try beginning your sentence with, ”You probably already know this “. This shows your boss that you respect their intelligence, even though you know better.



10 Oops, I forgot.

And we do get so busy that we can't remember everything, but some things may not be well received when we say that. So, instead of saying you forgot, try, ”I"m on it but I haven't got through to them yet'. It's like saying the glass is half full instead of half empty. They mean the same; one just sounds better.










































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