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label 1. (n.) small piece of card or material attached to product to show name, price etc标签.

[同义词] tag, remark, brand

2. (v.) put a marker on a product贴标签

[例] The right products are all labeled with the capital letter “ R”.

lay-off/layoff 1. (n.) action of stopping a worker’s employment for a time, especially when there is little work to do临时解雇

[例] The large scale layoff of this area caused a workers’ strike.

2. (v.) dismiss temporarily临时解雇

lead time (n.) time needed to perform an activity产品从订货到交付之间的时间,[例] Actually we need a long lead time to perform it.

lease ] (n.) contract for renting property or equipment租约

[例] According to the bilateral agreement, the lease of this land will last 5 years.

leasehold (n.) property held by lease通过租契获得的财产

liabilities (n.) debts of a business负债

[例] The company cannot afford such large liabilities.

licence (n.) [US license] official document which gives permission执照

[例] You need an import licence.

[同义词] certificate, warrant, permit

license (v.) [US licence] give permission许可

licensee (n.) person who is given permission获许可的人

licensor (n.) person who gives permission许可人

life cycle (n.) concept of showing the different stages in a product’s life产品生命周期

[例] Usually, the mature stage is the most important in the life cycle of a product.

line [ lain ] (n.) 1. merchandise or services of a similar or related nature系列产品

[例] a complete line of small tools

[同义词] series, sequence

2.An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水生产线

[例] production line

liquidate (v.) close a company and sell its assets清算

liquidation (n.) process of closing a company清算

[例] The business went into liquidation.

liquidator (n.) person who supervises the liquidation of a company清算人

listed (adj.) registered列出的,上市的

[例] Shares can be bought in listed companies.

listed company (n) a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange 上市公司

[例] That firm is among the listed companies.

mass media (n) ways of spreading news and information to the greatest number of people , eg by television, radio or newspapers 大众传媒

[例] She got full financial aid to study in UBC , majoring in Mass Media.

mass production (n.) the manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques 大批量生产

[例] Mass production reduces unit cost substantially, reflecting the advantage of economy of scale.

Mass market 大众市场

middle management (n.) department managers中层管理者

senior management (n.) top managers高级经理

manager (n.) person who manages an organization or part of it经理

[同义词] administrator, executive, director

plant manager (n.) factory manager工厂经理

line manager (n.) manager who is in charge of accomplishing the basic goals of the organization生产经理

[例] All the sales performance will be reported to your line manager monthly.

margin (n.) difference between sale price and cost price利润

[例] Margin leaves the space for the dealers to pursue profits.

gross margin difference between manufacturing cost and sale price毛利

net margin difference between total cost (inc. overheads) and sale price净利

marketing mix (n.) combination of different marketing elements such as price, promotion, product, etc.销售组合

market penetration (n.) amount a product sells in a market畅销度

market segmentation (n.) division of the market into consumer groups市场分割

market share`(n.) percentage of a total market which one company or product holds市场占有率

up market (adj & adv.) luxury end of the market高端市场的

down market (adj & adv) cheep end of the market低端市场的

memo=memorandum (n.) a written record or communication, as in a business office 备忘录

[例] a memorandum about the meeting

minutes (n) an official record of the proceedings at a meeting 会议记录

[例] The secretary took the minutes of the meeting.

negotiation (n.) (often plural) act of bargaining磋商

[例] We are starting our annual pay negotiations next week.

notice (n.) 1. information about something that will happen通知

[例] The workers gave the management 24 hours’ notice of the strike.

2. information that a person will leave his employment (voluntarily or not)辞职通告

[例] I’ve heard that three more are going to give in their notice in May.

off-season (adj & adv) in the cheap, less busy season 淡季的

[例] The sweater is a real bargain for I bought it off-season.

opening (n.) job; vacancy职位空缺

[例] Is there any opening for the applicants?

operate (v.) run or work a machine/business运转

[例] The section head should make full function to operate daily production.

operating profits profits which result from day-to-day business营业利润

operative (n) worker工人

[例] She is a skilled operative.

option (n.) possibility, opportunity选择权,买卖特权

[例] We have the first option to buy the property.

[同义词] choice, alternative, selection

PA (n.)1. personal assistant 私人助理

2.personal account 个人账户

3.power of attorney 授权书;委托书

package (adj.) of a whole set整批的

[例] a package deal

[同义词] bundle, pack

benefit package 福利制度

packaging (n.) material used to wrap goods for display 包装材料

[例] It is necessary to improve the packaging.

packing (v.)包装 (n.) the way products are packaged包装(法)

[例] The packing of the candy is so trendy!

parent company (n.) company which owns more than 50% of the shares of another company母公司

[例] The parent company of the complex organization is located in the US.

part-time (adj.) working for only part of the working day兼职的

[例] Part-time employees now have to be nationally insured on exactly the same basis as full-time employees.

partnership (n.) business where two or more people share risks and profits合伙经营

[例] They are partnership so that they can share the risks and the profits.

patent (n.) official registration of a new invention专利

[例] This patent right is valid for 5 years.

peak (n.) highest point顶峰

[例] His business career has reached the peak.

[同义词] top, summit, pinnacle

pension (n.) amount of money paid regularly after a person stops work, either because of or age or illness养老金

[例] Is £140 per week, plus a pension, better than £200 per week without?

[同义词] annuity

perform (v.) do well or badly表现

[例] Sometimes employees don’t perform at the required standard because they don’t know what the standard is.

performance appraisal (n.) procedure for evaluating a person’s work based on how well or badly they have done their work绩效评价

[例] At the end of each year, they all have performance appraisals.

performance-related pay (n) pay given to employee according to his or her real performance in the job与业绩挂钩的发薪法

[例] It is fair to adopt a system of performance-related pay which will undoubtedly motivate our men.

portfolio (n.) range, collection of investment投资组合

[例] a portfolio of shares

positioning (n.) creating an image for a product in a particular sector of a market(市场)定位

[例] How to set up an appropriate positioning for this new kind of product is crucial to the sales volume of the company.

probation (n.) period of testing a new employee试用(期);见习(期)

[例] The newly recruited employees are still in probation.

[同义词] trial, apprenticeship

promotion (n.) 1. act of giving someone a better job晋升

[例] He got a promotion for the high sales volume this month.

2. all means of communicating a message about a product or service促销

[例] The failure of the new product promotion lies in the business secrets release by someone.

qualification (n.) required education, ability or experience资格

[例] He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification.

[同义词] suitability, fitness, eligibility

quality (n.) the value/worth of a product/service 质量

[例] The efficiency just shows the inter-relationship between quality and quantity.

quality assurance (n.) all activities and functions concerned with achieving a high level of quality质量保证

quality control (QC)checking that the quality is high enough质量管理

[例] As a quality manager, you should guarantee the quality control.

quote 1. (v.)to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.报价

[例] Could you quote for the contract in dollars?

quotation (n.) 1.estimate of cost 报价单2.listing of the price of on the Stock Exchange股票牌价

ask for a quotation 要求对方报价

rally (n) a notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline 价格骤然回升

[例] a rally in share

rate of return (n) the amount of profit ,dividend or interest received from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the original investment 收益率

[例] Your investment will absolutely receive a poor rate of return.

range (n.) series of products which the customer can choose from(产品)系列

[例] This type of shoes covers a wide range of color and size.

rebate (n) a deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment 退款

[例] He is qualified for a tax rebate according to the new policy.

recession (n.) period of low economic activity不景气,衰退期

[例] There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.

[同义词] depressed market

representative (n.) salesperson销售代表

retailer person who sells goods direct零售商

[反义词] wholesaler 批发商

ROI (return on investment)投资回报

risk capital (n.) money for investment in projects with a high risk but also with a potential for a high return风险资本

[例] The higher profits you can get from risk capital, the higher risk you might have.

segment (v.) divide a market into different parts分割市场

[例] segment markets into several parts

share (n.) 1. market share市场份额

[同义词] portion, part, division

2. small part of a company’s capital 股份

shareholder (n.) person who owns shares in a company股东

shift (n.) part of the working day in a factory班制

[例] You need to decide some time before next Monday if you want to work the early shift or the late shift.

To change shifts 换班制工作

shoot up 猛涨

[例] The demand of this medicine has shot up recently due to SARS.

shop floor (n.) place where goods are produced in a factory车间

shortlist 1. (n.) list of successful people who go through to the next stage of a selection process供最后选择的候选名单2. (v.) to select people to go through to the next stage选出最后候选人

[例] Here are the candidates whom we’ve shortlisted.

slogan (n.) a phrase which is used to sell a product口号, 标语

[例] They created an attractive slogan so that the book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.

[同义词] logo slump [ slQmp ] (n.) rapid decrease暴跌

[例] a slump in sales

[同义词] depression, recession

spin-off (n.) by-product 副产品

[例] This material is a spin-off from space industry.

sponsor (n.) person or company which pays for an event (sports, culture etc.)赞助商

[例] Sponsor of the meeting will declare the final winner of this competition.

[同义词] patron sponsorship [`spCnsEFIp] (n.) act of sponsoring赞助

[例] That company took the sponsorship of the Shanghai Education Exhibition. stake [ steik ] (n.) a share or an interest in an enterprise, especially a financial share 股份

[例] I have a stake in that company.

stand (n.) table for display in an exhibition展台

[例] to set up a stand at a business exhibition in a foreign city

subordinate 1. (n.) person below another in the company hierarchy下属

[例] To get on well with your subordinate is not a very easy thing.

[同义词] inferior, junior, subaltern

2. (adj.) lower下属的

[例] subordinate position

[同义词] inferior, lesser, lower

subsidiary (n.) company which is at least 51% owned by a parent company子公司

[例] The multi-national company’s profits are mostly from its overseas subsidiaries.

[同义词] associate company,branch

supply 1. (n.) provision供给

[例] We are subject to the laws of supply and demand.

2. (v.) provide something供给

supplier (n.) person/company which supplies goods or services供应商

[同义词] stockist

target customer the aimed customer 目标顾客

target market the aimed marked 目标市场

[例] Out target market next year is South America.

tariff (n.) tax or charge paid to enter a market关税

[例] tariff barriers tangible asset (n) assets that have material form 有形资产

[例] Next week we will assess the tangible assets of that company for the liquidation.

corporation tax tax on profits公司所得税

income tax tax on personal income 个人所得税

value added tax (VAT) tax on goods and services增值税

tender 1. (n.) offer for a contract at a certain price投标

[例] The purchaser invited tenders from 3 suppliers.

2. (v.) offer a price and conditions for a contract投标

tertiary industry service industry 第三产业

[例] Tertiary industry is the pillar industry for many industrialized nations.

turnover (n.) 1. total amount of sales营业额

[例] Our turnover in 1991 was 25% up on 1990.

2. speed at which staff or stock change周转,流通量

[例] Because of the poor management, there is a large turnover in this company.

unemployment (n.) state of being without a job失业

[例] In the time of financial crisis, the unemployment rate is surprisingly high.

unemployment benefit (n.) money paid by the state to people without jobs失业救济

vacancy (n.) job which needs to be filled (职位)空缺

[例] The vacancy needs a very competent and aptitude candidate.

venture (n.) risky business project风险,投机

[例] We need venture capital to start.

[同义词] adventure, speculation, hazard

voucher (n.) coupon 优惠券

[例] a gift voucher

volume business (n) trade in a large scale 大批量交易

[例] We only deal in volume business ,having no interest in such trading.

wage freeze (n.) decision by management not to increases wages工资冻结

[例] The decision of wage freeze this year annoyed the blue-collar workers.

warehouse (n.) building where goods are stored 仓库

[同义词] depot

withdrawal (n.) 1.act of taking away撤消

[例] The employee who feels underpaid is likely to show dissatisfaction by withdrawal from the job.


[例] withdrawal of assets

work in progress (WIP) ( n) 在制品

[例] He wrote this goods as WIP in the accounts

working conditions (n. pl) general physical state of the place where people work, including things like noise level, hazardous conditions, or heat 工作环境

[例] Workers are going on a strike because of bad working conditions.

write-off (n.) loss/cancellation of a bad debt注销 (v.) cancel/remove a debt from the accounts注销

[例] The debt has been written off.

yield (n.) usable output from a process产量,收益

[例] There has been a considerable increase in the yield of the mines.

zero defect (n.) manufactured product which meets the specified quality standard无事故, 无疵残

[例] They improved the technique and got zero defect this year.

zero inventory (n.) management philosophy and practice based on no waste and constant improvement of productivity零库存

[例] The leaders should instill zero inventory into their employees regularly.


consultancy (n.) a business or agency offering expert or professional advice in a field咨询公司

[例] open a financial consultancy

consultant (n.) one that gives expert or professional advice咨询官

[例] She is the No.1 marketing consultant , esp. in promotional strategies.

consumer (n.) person who buys goods or services消费者

[例] In this theory the consumer is assumed to be rational.

deal [ di:l ]1.(n.) 1.business agreement交易

[例] We set up a deal with our agents.

2. (v.) trade, buy and sell做生意

[例] He deals in gold.

[同义词] trade, bargain, negotiate

dealer (n.) person who buys and sells商人

[例] a foreign exchange dealer

[同义词] merchant, trader, tradesman

debit 1. (n.) money which is owed借方

[例] The debit column is the left-hand column in accounts.

2. (v.) debit an account记入借方

[例] debit$5 against a person's account

debt (n.) money owed 债务

[同义词] liability, obligation, due

to get into debt 负债

to be out of debt 不欠债

to pay off a debt 偿清债务

decline 1. (n.) slow fall下滑

[同义词] decrease

2. (v.) fall slowly下滑

[同义词] decrease

[例] When the income level of the consumers declines, the market price for house will fall accordingly.


deduct (v.) subtract from the total figure 扣除

[例] After deducting all the costs, we actually made a loss.

[同义词] subtract, take away

default 1. (n.) failure to meet the terms of a contract未履行

2. (v.) to fail to meet the terms of a contract违约

[例] In the end they have to meet a default.

defect (n.) fault, something wrong in the design of a machine缺陷

[例] There is a small defect in this product.

deficit (n.) amount by which expenditure is higher than income赤字

[例] They have incurred trade deficit for several years.

[同义词] shortage, shortfall,deficiency

deflation (n) a reduction in the amount of money circulating in a country’s economy, so that prices fall or remain steady 通货紧缩

[例] Under the policy of deflation , prices have fallen back to a normal level

delegate 1. (v.) to give authority and responsibility to someone to act on one’s behalf委派为…代表 2. (n.) person to whom authority and responsibility are given代理 3. (n.) person representing an organization at a meeting or conference大会代表

[例] We note that you will have delegated your Miss Chris to attend the Shanghai Fair.

delivery cycle (n.) time from receipt of customer order to shipment供货周期

[例] We should try to shorten the delivery cycle.

demand (n.) 1. request for payment请求偿付

[例] First demands were issued to all late payers.

2. need for products and services at a certain price需求

[例] We are having difficulty meeting demand.

department (n.) part of an organization部门

[例] The employment manager would like to talk to some of the company’s supervisors and department heads.

[同义词] branch, division, subdivision

deposit (n.) 1.money placed in a bank account存款

[例] Once your deposit in our bank exceeds 50,000 USD, the monthly 20 USD account maintenance fees will be exempted.

deposit account account earning interest有息存款,储蓄存款

[例] We require 7 days’ notice of withdrawal on this deposit account.

2. money paid in advance in order to reserve a product押金

depot (n.) warehouse仓库

[例] The goods are temporally stored in the depot near the port.

depreciation (n.) reduction in the value of an asset贬值

[同义词] devaluation, deflation

devaluation (n.) the deduction in the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值

[同义词] depreciation, deflation

managing director UK [US Chief Executive Officer] 执行总裁

direct selling (n.) selling directly to a customer without going through any middlemen直销

[例] Direct selling can save a lot of money.

discount 1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price打折

[例] You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer.

2. (v.) reduce the full price打折

[同义词] rebate

dismiss (v.) remove from employment, sack (inf)解雇

[例] You are dismissed for your poor performance and bad working attitude.

[同义词] discharge

dismissal (n.) act of dismissing解雇

[例] These rules are formal-such as the procedure for dismissal.

[同义词] discharge

dispatch 1. (n.) sending goods to a customer送货

[例] dispatch department

2. (v.) send goods to customers送货

down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase, with the balance to be paid later头期款购买时的部分付款

duplicate (n) an exact copy of a document such as a letter, a report, a receipt , and invoice etc.副本

[例] Keep the duplicate for your reference.

[同义词] copy

duty-free (adj.) exempt from customs duties 免税的

[例] duty-free merchandise

economic efficiency (n.) the ratio of outputs to inputs经济效益

[例] The economic efficiency is higher this year than last year.

economic sanctions (n) measures taken to force a country to obey international law, by stopping or reducing trade with that country. 经济制裁

[例] The UN decided to life the long-term economic sanctions on Iraq.

embezzle (v) to take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust 挪用公款

[例] The GM is charged with embezzling funds from the company’s account.

enduser (n.) person who actually uses a product or service最终用户

[例] We should carry on a survey among our product’s end users to collect the feedback.

end-product (n) the final article produced by the manufacturing process 制成品

[同义词] finished goods

enter (v.) go into进入(市场)

[例] We entered the market in 1980.

enterprise (n.) a business organization企业

entitle (v.) to give a right to授权

[例] We feel we are entitled to make this request.

[同义词] qualify, authorize, empower

entitlement (n.) a person’s right权利

[例] He has the entitlement to sell the house.

expansion (n.) increase in size扩展

[例] The firm is planning for rapid expansion of its market.

[同义词] enlargement, amplification

expenditure (n.) amount of money spend花费

[例] Capital expenditure is the money we have spent on fixed assets.

[同义词] spending, expense

expenses (n. pl) money paid for covering extra costs费用

[例] The fee did not include travel expenses.

expertise (n.) particular knowledge or skill专门技术

[例] One of the advantages of using an employment agency is that it offers expertise in an area where the employer is not regularly in the market.

expire (v.) to come to an end; terminate到期

[例] My passport expires in a month.

[同义词] terminate

facilities (n. pl) equipment or buildings used in the production process设备

[例] The club has many convenient facilities.

fast –moving consumer goods (n) cheap, everyday items that are bought and used up quickly 快销消费品

[例] You cannot set batteries a so high price, they are fast-moving consumer goods and you will lose long-established market.

faulty (adj.)( of product) having defects (产品)有瑕疵的

[例] sorry for our faulty pilot products

[同义词] defective, imperfect

feasibility study (n.) investigation of a project to see if it is worth pursuing可行性研究

[例] Feasibility study is always done before the project is formally carried out.

fee [ fi: ] (n.) money paid for service provided by a professional person such as a lawyer or a doctor对职业性服务的报酬

[例] The commission fees are usually higher in the foreign bank than those local bank.

[同义词] payment, reward, remuneration

feedback (n.) information about the results of an activity, given to a person so that changes can be made反馈

[例] After the session we will give you feedback on your performance so that it can be improved.

finances (n. pl) money available经费

[例] the poor state of the company’s finances

[同义词] resources, funds, wealth

firm (adj) (of price) steady or rising steadily 坚挺

[例] Gold shares remained firm today.

flagship (n.) the main or most successful product in a range 旗舰,同类产品中佼佼者

[例] Their cars are flagships among all the products in this city.

flawed (adj.) having defects有瑕疵的

[例] I am writing to apologize for our flawed samples.

flexitime (n.) (also flextime) flexible system of working in which workers can choose what time to start and finish (see also core time)弹性上班制

[例] With the flexitime system you can choose your start and finish time.

fluctuate (v.) rise and fall rapidly波动

[例] Workers certainly don’t want their pay to fluctuate wildly.

[同义词] vacillate,waver, vary

fluctuation (n.) sudden movement波动

[例] It is difficult to estimate the price fluctuation of the market.

franchise 1. (n.) licence to sell under a brand name特许经营

[例] The small company has got the franchise to sell products of IBM.

2. (v.) give a licence to someone特许经营

franchisee (n.) person who pays a royalty for a franchise特许经营人

franchiser (n.) person who receives the royalty特许 经营授予人

globalization (n.) to make worldwide全球化

[例] The globalization of economy is a trend at present and in the future.

go public (v.) to offer a company’s shares for sale on the stock market for the first time股票上市

[例] Our company’ shares will go public next month.

gross profit profit calculated as sales less direct cost of sales毛利

group (n.) several companies joined together集团

[例] The group profits were down in the last year

guarantee 1. (n.) a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service(质量) 保证书

[例] The new television had a guarantee with it.

[同义词] warranty, guaranty

2.(v)to assume responsibility for the quality or performance of承担(品质)保证[例] Each item is unconditionally guaranteed for 6 months.

[同义词] warrant, certify, pledge

headquarters (n.) a center of operations or administration总部

[例] The company has its headquarters in the suburbs.

human resources (n.) workforce of an organization人力资源

[例] Human resources management can also reflect the company culture.

hype [ haip ] (n.) exaggerated statements in advertising大肆宣传

[例] We should not use hype in advertising to cheat our customers.

implement (v.) put into action执行

[例] All the prevailing regulations should be implemented in our practice.

[同义词] execute, carry out

implementation (n.) putting into action执行

incentive (n.) something which motivates激励

[例] We need to offer incentives to people joining the company.

[同义词] inducement, motivation

income (n.) 1.wages and salary工资

[例] Employees expect their incomes to be maintained and carry on rising.

2.money received through operations or investment收入

index (n.) statistical figure showing relative increase or decrease指数

retail price index indicator of the rate of inflation零售价格指数

indicator (n.) something which is significant指标

[例] A key indicator is the inflation rate.

inflation (n.) state of rising prices通货膨胀

[例] Inflation is the cause of this economic recession.

instalment (n.) any one of the parts of a payment spread over a period of time分期付款(一期款项)

[例] We're paying for the ‘telly’ by monthly instalments.

[同义词] part-payment

insure (v.) protect against loss, injury or death by paying a sum of money投保

[例] insure one's house against fire

[同义词] guarantee, warrant

insurance (n.) protection against loss, damage, injury or death by paying a sum of money保险

[例] In modern society, the concept of insurance is widely accepted and many people will pay a lot for their insurance annually.

interactive (adj.) acting or capable of acting on each other互动式的

[例] an interactive training

interest (n.) a percentage of the capital paid by a borrower to a lender利息

[例] As the borrower company is full of potentials, so the interest for lending money to it is highly secured.

interest rate (n.) percentage charge to be paid on money borrowed利率

introduce 1.(v.) launch投放(市场)

[例] introduce a product on the market

2.(v)To present (someone) by name to another in order to establish an acquaintance.引见

[例] He introduced his friend to me.

[同义] launch

inventory (n.) items held in stock, work-in-progress and finished items,stock存货

[例] Inventories of last year are stocked in that warehouse.

capacity inventory (n.) inventory to store ,present capacity for future use库存能力

invoice 1.(n.) note requesting payment发票

[例] We’ll prepare the invoice ready for you, so you can do the payment as soon as possible..

[同义词] bill

2. (v.) send an invoice to someone 开发票

job description written statement of what the job holder actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed职位描述

joint venture (n.) agreement between two or more companies to cooperate in a large business project合资企业

[例] It belongs to a joint venture company.

A Sino-American joint venture

just-in-time (n.) system to keep inventory at minimum level by having material arrive at each operation just in time to be used零库存管理

[例] Just-in-time system reduces the cost of stock and increases the flexibility of management.

key [ ki: ] (adj.) important, main重要的,主要的

[例] This client is a key account;key points

kickback (n) a return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement 回扣

[例] He was charged with receiving kickbacks from local businessmen.

knockdown (adj.) (of prices) very low(价格)极低的

[例] You buy the right for its knockdown price.



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1. 文体介绍

正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:


(2)说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。






subject: Introduction

Dear Mr.Smith,

This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours faithfully,

Yang Ning






(2)subject: Introduction

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

Yours faithfully,

Yang Ning







1. 表示上升:Increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, climb (动词);An increase, a growth, a jump, an upward trend (名词词组)

2. 表示下降:fall, decrease, go down, slide, collapse, decline, drop (动词);A collapse, a decrease, a fall, a decline, a drop (名词词组)

3. 表示波动:from…to…, between…and…(在......之间); at the start of…, at the end of …, throughout (自始至终)…(时间);a fluctuation from … to …, fluctuate …(波动,起伏)

4. 两个必记介词:...to...(到某一点),...by...(涨了多少)

5. 最高,at the top (peak) of,最低,at the bottom of

1. 描写程度大小:slightly, gradually, slowly, steadily(程度较小);considerably, dramatically, greatly, markedly, obviously, quickly, rapidly, sharply, significantly, suddenly(程度较大)

2. 表示顺序:first, firstly, initially, secondly, to begin with, then, next, after, followed(-ing), at last, afterwards(以后、后来), first and foremost(首要的)

3. 表示时间:before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when, whenever, as soon as, just as…

4. 表示对比:however, on the other hand, whether, despite, in spite of, though, although, but, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, even though, compared with, in contrast, nevertheless, alternatively(二者选一)

A. 中文:工业在91-间进口与出口上升幅度均较大,但进口低于出口;二者基本属于波动上升态势,91年最低,01年最高,进出口最低最高值分别是......。

英文:The performance of manufacturing sector during the decay is more better than agricultural. Both exports and imports show significant upward trends, and exports act better than imports, but the distance between them is much less than the agricultural’s. The fluctuations for both sectors are steadily. The bottoms for both parts are in 1991, while the tops are in .

B. 中文:农业在此区间内虽呈现上升态势,但速度没工业快,且进出口额度差距较大;92年前后仅出口值出现下滑,至94年前后恢复上升,而到二者又呈现下滑趋势,且没出现恢复状态。

英文:On the other hand, the agricultural sectors show increased slightly during the ten years. The same as manufacturing sectors, agricultural’s exports also performed better than its imports and the gap between them is at least 3 billion dollars. Both sectors dropped during 1992 to 1994 and then rised again. The same dropping situation appeared after , which marked at the top of both sectors are in 1999.

A. 表示结果:as a result, as a consequence, thus, so, therefore, it follows that, eventually, then, thereby

B. 表示总结:in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to conclude, in short, in a word


Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。

Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。

Your price is feasible (infeasible). 你方价格是可行(不可行)的。

Your price is workable. 你们出价可行。

Your price is realistic (unrealistic). 你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。

Your price is reasonable (unreasonable). 你方价格合理(不合理)。

Your price is practicable (impracticable). 你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。

Your price is attractive (not attractive). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is inducing (not inducing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is convincing (not convincing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is competitive (not competitive). 你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。

The goods are (not) competitively priced. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。

Price is turning high(low). 价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is high(low). 价格高(低)。

Price is rising (falling). 价格上升(下降)。

Price is up (down). 价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is looking up. 价格看涨。

Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨.

Price has shot up. 价格飞涨。

Price has risen perpendicularly. 价格直线上升。

Price has risen in a spiral. 价格螺旋上升。

Price has hiked. 价格急剧抬高。

Your price is on the high side. 你方价格偏高。

Price has advanced. 价格已上涨。

The goods are priced too high. 货物定价太高。

Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。

Price is leveling off. 价格趋平。

Your price is prohibitive. 你方价格高得令人望而却步。

The Japanese yen is strengthening. 日圆坚挺。

The U.S. Dollar is weakening. 美圆疲软。

Your price is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany. 你方价格比英、法、德的都高。

Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly. 由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。

Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries. 你们每公吨500美圆的价格是其他国家的两倍。

Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%? 你们能否把价格提高5%?

Words and Phrases

ceiling price 最高价,顶价

maximum price 最高价

minimum price 最低价

average price平均价格

base price 底价

rockbottom price 最低价

bedrock price 最低价

price 价格,定价,开价

priced 已标价的,有定价的

pricing 定价,标价

priced catalogue 定价目录

price of commodities 物价

pricing cost 定价成本

price card 价格目录

pricing method 定价方法

price list 定价政策,价格目录,价格单

pricing policy 定价政策

price format 价格目录,价格表

price tag 价格标签,标价条

price current (p.c.) 市价表



20下半年BEC商务英语报名时间暂未公布,根据历年报名时间预计7月-9月进行,广大考生可参考下半年报名时间:小编建议广大考生填写环球网校提供 免费预约短信提醒服务,我们待官方公布后会及时提醒2020下半年商务英语考试时间、报名时间通知,请及时预约,这是您及时获知消息的一种简单快捷途径哦!









1. Customer Relations: the importance of making customers feel valued

2. Company growth: the importance to a company of controlling expansion

3. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company

4. Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively

5. Project Development: how to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects

6. Purchasing: how to evaluate and select new products

7. Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well motivated staff

8. Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises

9. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately

10. Communication Skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees

11. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertising

12. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock-market

13. Marketing: the importance to a company of offering its products on the world-wide web

14. Staff Training: how to evaluate the effectiveness of company training programmes

15. Company Growth: how to decide when it is the right time for a business to expand

16. Public Relations: the importance to a company of sponsoring well-known personalities from the arts and popular culture

17. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected

18. Information Management: how to analyse and make effective use of information

19. Sales: the importance of brand image in ensuring that products or services sell well

20. Technology: the importance to a company of keeping up-to-date with internet developments


Career development

Ex: The importance of having a career plan in order to achieve high levels of success at work.

The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career.

How to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companies.

○1 When people first entering a company, many dream that they will one day be running a major business, wielding power and influencing market. But only a few of them succeed. For the rest, compromise, mediocrity and alternative career will be their lot.

○2 If you want to climb up to the summit, the first thing you have to do is having a career plan. It should be a long-run plan and be set out one step after another. Maybe you can start with increasing your sales volume by 10%. Make a marvelous proposal of the problem happens to your department and draw the manager’s attention to promote you to the Manager Assistant. Then you know what you should do, work hard, be creative and wait for the next promotion. See, step by step, you will achieve high level of success at work.

IV. Training

Ex: How to monitor internal staff training scheme effectively.

The importance of a cumulous program of staff training within a company.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of company training program.

○1 Staff training is a win-win situation. It both benefit the company and the staff members. It offers opportunities to staffs who want to acquire some specialized skills and improve themselves. It also increase the efficiency which means more profit to the company. Moreover, the company can pass its corporate culture to the staffs during the training.

○2 As for the internal staff training, the training and Enterprise Councils should take this responsibility. Before the training, they first have to do a survey to find out which training course is welcomed by staff, compare it with the company’s objectives, and then make a final decision. Second, they will select a trainer and make a schedule for the course. It can be an on the job training, which means employees learn while undertaking the job, or off the job training, which means employees are trained away from the actual job. It really depends.

○3 After the training, the HR Department should arrange interviews with the employees who took part in the training and get feedbacks to improve the training in the future. The evaluation system also contains evaluate the performances of these staffs and make comparisons between the previous performances and the present ones. If the present performances are better and staffs make more profits than before, the training program can be seen as effective, especially when the company’s output is well over its input.


1.Staff management: how to ensure effective lines of communication between the workforce and management

As the leader of the company you should open up a channel for the workforce and management to communicate directly. For example you can hold a monthly meeting within the company, which is attended by both the reps from workforce and management. They are allowed to talk with each other openly and freely to exchange views and opinions. They can also set common objectives.

You should achieve this effectiveness by making use of up-to-date technologies. For example you can set up a forum on the intranet of your company so that every member can air and exchange their views on the forum. In this way a effective line of communication will be set up.

You should set up an incentive system to make your staff talk with their line managers.

2. Finance: how to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts

you should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation. This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base. And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.

In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments. The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.

3. International sales: how to decide which sales incentives to offer a new foreign customer



Dear Sir,

I am pleased to advise that a trade mission from Australia comprising 12 members from leading chemical manufactures will visit the Republic of China during November, 1993.

In this connection, Mission Member Mr. Bernard Rogers, South Australian Manager of Bank of New South Wales, would very appreciate the pleasure of calling on you at your office at 11:00 18th November, 1992 to discuss matter fo mutual interest. The visit would last up to half an hour.

I would appreciate your kind advice as to whether the proposed appointment would be suitable for you.

I wish to thank you in advance for any assistance you can extend to the visitor.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Mr. Kotwal,

This is to introduce to you Mr. D. S. Lee, the son of a very close friend fo mine.

Mr. Lee has just passed this MBA from the Institute of Manatement. Two years ago he passed his B.E.(Mechanical) from I.I.T. with distinction. Besides having a brilliant academic record, he is of cheerful disposition and can get along easily with people. He is now looking for a suitable job and I thought I should send him to you just in case you have an opening for a young man of his qualification.

I trust you will be able to spare a few minutes to talk to him about his interests and areas of specialisaton. If there is no immediate vacancy in your company, I should be grateful if you could refer him to some other organization.

And what about the holidays we planned for October which is just two months away? If you convey your firm 'yes' by return mail, I shall go ahead with the arrangements.

With kind regards and best wishes.

Yours sincerely





剑桥商务英语证书考试的报名方式是由教育部考试中心所属教育部考试中心海外考试报名信息网提供的全国统一网上报名。网址为:bec.neea.edu.cn/或bec.neea.cn 。



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bidder (n.) person who makes an offer投标人

[例] The company will go to the highest bidder.

bill 1. (n.) written list of money to be paid帐单

[例] This bill does not include VAT.

2. (v.) send a bill to someone开帐单

bill of entry (n.) a detailed list of goods prepared by the exporter or importer for examination by customs 报关单

[例] I will prepare a bill of entry , together with other required documents for the declaration of this batch of imported goods.

bill of lading(B/L) (n.) a document that shows details of goods being transported. It is a receipt from the transporter to the sender and entitles the receiver to collect the goods on arrival.提单

billboard (n.) large roadside advertising poster(户外)广告牌

[例] The billboard of KFC is obvious everywhere.

blue chips (n.) shares with the highest status as investments, usually shares of well-established companies蓝筹股,热门的股票

[例] Wise investors will show great interest in blue chips.

bond (n.) contract document promising to repay money borrowed by a company or government债券

[例] Most bonds are unsecured and do not grant shares in an organization.

bonus (n.) additional payment奖金,红利

[例] Our department manager has been given an annual bonus for his good performance.

[同义词] dividend

book ] (v.) to arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) in advance; reserve 预订

[例] The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.

books (n. pl) the financial records of a company公司帐目

[例] The books of the company clearly reveals its bad debt.

book value (n.) value of assets as recorded in the company’s books帐面价值

[例] Except at the time of purchase of the asset, the book value of the asset is seldom the same as its market value.

bottom 1.(adj.) lowest最底处的

[例] rock-bottom price

2. (v.) bottom out, reach the lowest point 跌至底点

bounce [ bauns ] (v.) refuse to pay a cheque and return it to the bearer because there is not enough money in the payer’s account支票被银行退票,跳票

[例] Two of my cheques were bounced last week.

branch 1.(n.) local office of a large business分公司

[例] We have branches throughout the country.

brand loyalty (n.) customer desire to continue buying the same brand品牌忠诚度

[例] They managed to set up the brand loyalty of their consumers.

break even (v.) balance costs and revenue, not make a profit or a loss收支平衡

[例] We just broke even last year.

breakeven point point at which revenue equals costs 收支平衡点

brochure (n.) publicity booklet giving information about a product or service(宣传产品的)小册子

[例] They asked for a brochure about our services.

[同义词] leaflet, pamphlet, booklet

broker (n.) person who buys and sells shares/currency etc.经纪人

[例] That firm is acting as a broker.

[同义词] agent, middleman

budget (n.) plan of forecast income and expenditure收支预算

[例] Generally a functional budget is draw up for each functional area within an organization.

buyer’s market (n) a situation where certain products are in plentiful supply, resulting in low price and good credit term for buyers 买方市场

[例] Too many entrants into this market created a buyer’s market in TVs.

[反义词] seller’s marker

by-product (n.) substance produced during the making of sth else 副产品

[例] Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of the coal gas.

[同义词] spin-off

campaign [ kAm5pein ] (n.) plan of action(商业)活动

[例] advertising campaign

candidate (n.) person who puts himself/herself forward for a job候选人,应聘者

[例] Several managers normally interview one candidate because this increases the likelihood of making a good choice.

[同义词] applicant

capacity (n.) amount which can be produced生产能力

[例] We are working at full capacity.

capital (n.) money, property and assets used in a business(投入)资本

[例] One company can open just one capital account in the bank according to the Chinese regulation.

captive market (n) a situation where buyer’s have no choice of goods or have to deal with only one seller 垄断市场

[例] This firm is the only manufacture of CD players in the country and gains a lot from such captive market. [同义词] monopoly

case study (n.) a training technique based on solving a case or problem facing an organization案例分析

[例] In MBA study, we should learn how to make good case study.

cash 1. (n.) money in notes and coins现金

[例] Carrying cash is very dangerous and inconvenient for foreign travelers.

[同义词] money, currency

2. (v.) exchange a cheque for cash兑现(支票)

catalogue [US catalog] a sales publication which lists products and prices产品目录

[例] When doing import trading, you should get to know the exporter’s catalogue.

[同义词] list, inventory

channel (n.) means by which goods pass from one place to another(销售)渠道

[例] The main distribution channel is through supermarkets.

Distribution channel 分销渠道

chart (n.) diagram which displays information visually 图表

[例] Please draw a chart on sales volume of this month.

[同义词] diagram,graph线性图

bar chart uses columns to show relative heights直方图

flow chart shows process from first to last step流程图

organization chart (n.) a chart which shows how a job relates to other jobs and where it fits in the overall 组织机构图

[例] Please give me an organization chart of that company .

pie chart shows data in a circle cut up into segments圆型图

cheque (n.) [US check] note ordering a bank to pay money to the person/company whose name is written on the cheque支票

[例] You need to have the drawer endorsed first, then go to the bank to encash the cheque.

circular (n.) a copied leaflet which is sent to people 传单,大量分发的广告页

[例] Have you seen the circular handed out in the street?

[同义词] notice, advertisement

claim[ kleim ] 1. (n.) request for money索赔

[例] We put in an insurance claim after the accident.

2. (v.) ask for money索赔

[例] We claimed $50,000 for the damaged car.

clear (v) 1.to dispose of goods 抛售

[例] The stock sold their goods at cost price in an attempt to clear old stock.

2.to pass goods through customs 清关

[例] clear the goods

client (n.) person or company buying a service客户

[例] Nowadays good service is a very important aspect to the bank’s clients.

commercial (adj.) of or relating to commerce 商业的

[例] commercial area

[同义词] trading, mercantile

commission (n.) proportionate amount of money paid to a sales person/agent, usually a percentage of the sales made佣金

[例] We offered the agent a 10% commission.

public limited company (plc) company whose shares can be bought on the Stock Exchange股票上市公司

compensate (v.) give something such as money to someone for loss or damage补偿

[例] The director decided to compensate those who had been hurt in the working accident.

compensation (n.) something, usually money, given to someone for loss or damage 赔偿(金)

condition (n.) 1. general state 状态2. term of a contract 条款


absenteeism (n.) regular absence from work旷工

[例] If motivation decreases, absenteeism is likely to increase.

account executive (n.) an advertising executive who looks after a particular client(广告或服务业)业务经理

[例] Jack is the account executive of this advertising company.

accounts payable a list of amounts owned to a business to suppliers of goods and services 应付帐款

[例] add an entry to accounts payable

accountancy (n.) work of an accountant会计工作

[例] At the end of a year, the accountancy of a big company is always very burdensome.

accountant (n.) person qualified to keep a company’s accounts会计师(员)

[例] To be a good and competent accountant, accounting principle should be strictly followed.

accounts (n. pl) financial records of a business帐目

[例] The bank would like to see the accounts.

accounts receivable应收账款

accounts payable 应付账款

acquire (v.) buy, obtain购得、占有

[例] We acquired a company, shares, etc.

[同义词] obtain, get, procure

acquisition the act of acquiring 收购

[例] The good news from TCL: the acquisition of Schneider!

[同义词] merger, takeover

administration (n.) organization and control of a company经营、管理

[例] The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the company.

[同义词] management

administer (v.) organize, control: 管理

[同义词] manage

after-sales service (n.) service offered by a supplier to a customer to maintain or repair the product supplied售后服务

[例] Nowadays many enterprises began to compete in the field of after-sales service.

against all risks (adv.) (of a marine insurance policy) providing insurance for all types of loss or damage全保险.

[例] We insuranced the cargo against all risks.

agent (n.) person who represents a company代理(商)

[例] Our company’s agent in Middle East has developed a widespread and mature business there.

[同义词] representative, deputy

allocate (v.) give money or other resources in certain proportions分配

[例] In the budget we allocated most of the money to marketing.

[同义词] assign, designate, allot

allowance (n.) something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose津贴

[例] An expenses allowance is paid monthly to each trainee.

Housing allowance 住房津贴

Dressing allowance 服装津贴

Education allowance 教育津贴

anti-dumping (adj.) of ways in which a country protects its economy by preventing other countries from dumping in it. 反倾销

[例] anti-dumping laws

application form (n.) pre-printed form to make a request for a job申请表

[例] Please fill in this application form at first.

appoint (v.)choose someone for a job任命

[例] We have decided to appoint a new sales manager.

[同义词] assign, designate

appointee (n.) person chosen for a position or job被任命者

[例] He is lucky to be the appointee of this project.

appointment (n.) 1. choice of someone for a new job任命

[例] The appointment of area financial controller implies he has been promoted.

2. arrangement for a meeting约定(会议)

[例] We fixed an appointment at four o’clock.

arbitration (n.) process of settling a dispute仲裁

[例] We shall have to resort to arbitration.

[同义词] judgement, adjudication

asset (n.) something of value which is owned by a company资产

[例] Their company’s major asset is its property.

[同义词] property

associate company (n.) a company of which more than 20%, but less than 51% of the share capital is held by another company .联营公司

[例] This firm is an associate company , not a holding company.

current assets (n.) assets in daily use by a business 流动资产

fixed assets (n.) property and machinery固定资产

[例] Plants and machines are fixed assets.

frozen assets (n.) assets which cannot be sold, usually because there is a dispute冻结资产

intangible assets (n.) assets which cannot be seen (such as goodwill, patents etc.)无形资产

liquid assets (n.) cash or bills which can be easily converted into cash流动资产

[例] The amount of liquid assets is important to a company.

tangible assets (n.) assets which can be seen (such as property, machinery etc.)有形资产

ATM (n.) automatic teller machine 自动取款机

[例] You can draw cash from any ATM at any time in Shanghai by using this Visa Card.

[同义词] cashpoint

audit (n.) examination of the accounts of a company审计

[例] We require an audit confirmation from your account opening bank.

auditing (n.) official process of checking the accounts of a company to see if they represent a true picture审计

[例] The bank is under its annual internal auditing.


backlog (n.) build-up of work or orders which have not been processed积压的工作(或订单)

[例] The failure of the project was due to backlog of superior orders.

back-up( back up ) (n,v) to make a cope in case the original one is lost or damaged 备份

[例] I made a back-up of that document in case of some unforeseen damage to it.

bad debt (n.) debt which will not be paid呆帐

[例] The obvious decrease of bad debt avoided the bankruptcy of the big nation owned enterprise.

balance (n.) amount which makes the total credits and debits equal收支平衡(差额)、结余

[例] Additional balance statement will charge 10 USD.

[同义词] equilibrium, equipoise, evenness

balance of payments (n.) international financial position of a country (account of imports, exports and invisible earnings)贸易收支差额

balance sheet (n.) statement of the financial position of a company or business at a certain moment资产负债表

bank (v) to deposit something in a bank 存入

[例] You have to bank a certain amount of money in order to avoid being overdrawn.

[同义词] deposit

bank book (n.) a book that lists all payments into and withdrawals from a customer’s bank account 存折

[例] You can insert your bank book into this machine which will automatically update it.

bank statement (n.) written statement showing transactions and balance of an account银行结单,银行对账单

bankrupt 1. (adj.) unable to pay debts破产的

[例] He was declared bankrupt.

[同义词] insolvent

2. (v.) force someone to become bankrupt使破产

[例] The high interest rates have bankrupted my business.

bankruptcy (n.) state of being bankrupt破产

[同义词] insolvency

bar code (n.) a series of lines printed on a product that can be read by a machine connected to a computer system to give a price or reference number 条形码

[例] The invent of bar code has greatly speeded up the economy of supermarkets

bargain 1. (v.) discuss in order to reach agreement on price conditions讨价还价

[同义词] haggle, negotiate

2. (n.) item at a good (cheap) price物美价廉的商品

[例] The cardigan is real a bargain for I just pay half of its previous price.

bargaining (n.) discussing in order to reach agreement 讨价还价

[例] The buyer and seller finally agreed to the price level after 2 hours’ bargaining.

b/e (abbr) bill of exchange 汇票

bear market (n.) period when share prices are falling熊市

[例] Unfortunately, you confronted bear market.

bid [ bid ] (n & v) offer to buy something at a certain price出价、投标

[例] Those potential buyers of the company bid against each other.

takeover bid (n.) 出价收购

bidder (n.) person who makes an offer投标人

[例] The company will go to the highest bidder.




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银行倒闭 bank failures

跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)

商业银行 commercial bank

商业票据 comercial paper

利润 profit

本票,期票 promissory notes

监督 to monitor

佣金(经济人) commission brokers

套期保值 hedge

有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balancetheory

外汇储备 foreign exchangereserves

固定汇率 fixed exchange rate

浮动汇率 floating/flexibleexchange rate

货币选择权(期货) currency option

套利 arbitrage

合约价 exercise price

远期升水 forward premium

多头买升 buying long

空头卖跌 selling short

按市价订购贡 market order

贡经纪人 stockbroker

国际货币基金 the IMF

七国集团 the G-7

监督 surveillance

同业拆借市场 interbank market

可兑换性 convertibility

软通货 soft currency

限制 restriction

交易 transaction

充分需求 adequate demand

短期外债 short term externaldebt

汇率机制 exchange rate regime

直接标价 direct quotes

资本流动性 mobility of capital


可以相信的证明 credentials

改革 fashion

被缠住 entangled

货币联盟 Monetary Union

再购协议 repo

精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading

欧元 euro

公共债务 membership criteria

汇率机制 REM

储备货币 reserve currency

劳动密集型 labor-intensive

贡交易所 bourse

竞争领先 frontrun

牛市 bull market

非凡的牛市 a raging bull

规模经济 scale economcies

买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads

期货(贡) futures

经济商行 brokerage firm

回报率 rate of return

贡 equities

违约 default

现金外流 cash drains

经济人佣金 brokerage fee

存款单 CD(certificate of deposit

营业额 turnover

资本市场 capital market

布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton WoodsSystem

经常帐户 current account

套利者 arbitrager

远期汇率 forward exchange rate

即期汇率 spot rate

实际利率 real interest rates

货币政策工具 tools of monetarypolicy


货币化 monetization赤字 deficit

经济不景气 recession

a period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployme


经济好转 turnabout

复苏 recovery

成本推进型 cost push

货币供应 money supply

生产率 productivity

劳动力 labor force

实际工资 real wages

成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation

需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation

双位数通货膨胀 double- digitinflation

极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation

长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation

治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation

最终目标 ultimate goal

坏的影响 adverse effect

担保 ensure

贴现 discount

萧条的 sluggish

认购 subscribe to

支票帐户 checking account

货币控制工具 instruments ofmonetry control

借据 IOUs(I owe you)

本票 promissory notes

货币总监 controller of thecurrency

拖收系统 collection system

支票清算或结算 check clearing

资金划拨 transfer of funds


manufacture n. 制造业

press n. 报刊,新闻界

printing n. 印刷业

producing n. 生产业

programming n. 编程

publishing n. 出版

science n. 科学

telecommunications n. 通讯,

trade union n. 工会

transporting n. 运输


accounts n. 会计部

administration n. 行政管理部

advertising n. 广告部

assembly line 装配线

assembly plant 装配工厂

canteen n. 餐厅,小卖部

clinic n. 门诊所

customer account 帐务部

distribution n. 分销部

financial services 财务服务部

forwarding company 运输公司

group n. 集团

head office 总部

headquarters n. 总部

human resources 人力资源部

maintenance n. 维修部

management n. 管理部

marketing n. 营销部

packaging n. 包装部

personnel n. 人事部

production n. 生产部

public relations 公关部

purchasing n. 采购部

quality control 质量管理部

research and development 调研部

sales n. 销售部

training n. 培训部

wages and salaries 工资部

相关专题 天津商务英语