译林牛津 高一unit 2 课文词组及句型

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【简介】感谢网友“九天揽月”参与投稿,以下是小编为大家准备的译林牛津 高一unit 2 课文词组及句型(共6篇),希望对大家有帮助。

篇1:译林牛津 高一unit 2 课文词组及句型

Unit 2


P21 ●force sb. to do sth.

P22 ●be angry with sb. at/about over sth.

●What happened to their dog? (sth. happen to sb.)

●Mom and Dad arrive….a day earlier than expected. (P63)

●can’t wait to do sth. (导学 P21)

●Eric runs in…,followed by a dog, walking very slowly.

过去分词(表被动,完成), 现在分词(表主动,进行)作状语

●You weren’t supposed to….( be supposed to P63, 导学 P21)

●What did you do with the money…? -----How did you deal with the money…?

●The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor… (with+O.+O.C.表伴随)

● leave sb. in charge (导学P21)

leave+O.+O.C.(adj. doing, done,prep.phrase)

leave the door open leave me waiting leave the work half -done

●a person from whom we could expect… (expect sth. from sb.)

●the money with which you were to buy… is gone…(be to do, gone) P63

P23 ●bad behavior goes unpunished (P63) ●slam the door

●has his arms crossed (p63 have sth. done)) ●instead of shouting at me

●now that+cl. ●be rude to ●feel like (doing) sth.

●A be different from B

P25 ●shouldn’t have done ---should have done (p64)

●We didn’t think you would….(P64 否定前置)

● explain sth. to sb. explain to sb. sth,/cl. n .explanation

●argue with sb. about/over sth. n. argument

P26 ●differ ●be helpful to

P27 ●spoken English written English ●look up

P28 ●score a goal/point

P31 ●I still wish we could…, though. (though为副词) (P64)

● wish+that cl, 从句中常用虚拟语气,表很难实现或不可能实现的愿望.

I wish we could go outing to day. (现在)

I wish he would win in the contest. (将来)

I wish I had followed his advice. (过去)

P34 ●ride my bike ●be proud of ●do a good job

●All that worry was for nothing

P35 ●ask for advice take /follow one’s advice give advice on sth.

●advise sth. /doing /sb,. to do advise that sb. (should ) do

●all the time ●keep doing

P36 ●keep these things in mind

●What’s up?=What has happened?

●clean up ●make a bit of difference

P37 ●think of mum as friend again (think of…as…) ●Be busy with/doing sth.

●Solve the problem ●at the moment ●refuse to do

● Sometimes he acts as though he…( as though, as if 后接从句两种语气的用法)

It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了(可能性很大, 陈述语气).

She loves the boy as if she were his own mother. 她爱那孩子似乎她是他的亲生母亲(事实上不是, 虚拟语气)

●Recently he has been refusing…(P64)

●chat online ●allow him his freedom (allow doing, allow sb to do, allow sb th.)

●Help my son without harming…(导学 P22) ● forbid me form meeting ( 词组见下)

●Every time I watch a DVD…(every time, each time, next time…引导状语从句)


1. surprise

vt. You surprise me!

n. 惊奇, 吃惊 (u) He looked at me in ~.

可惊的事情, 意外的事情 (c) Don't tell him about the present -- it's a ~.

take sb. by surprise to one's great surprise in surprise

出其不意, 偷袭 使某人非常惊奇的是 惊奇地

2. charge

v. 1)收费 How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?



He was charged with stealing a car. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。

n. 1) 费用;价钱;索价

a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用

The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。

2) 责任;管理;照料 sb.be in charge of sth.-----sth. be in the charge of sb.

3) 控诉;指控;控告

3.mark n. 1)斑点;疤痕

You have a dirty mark on your face. 你脸上有个脏点。


It is dangerous to swim beyond this mark. 游泳超出这个标志是危险的。

3)表示;符号 a mark of respect 尊敬的表示


The teacher gave me a good mark for my story. 老师给了我的故事以好的评分。

Vt 1)弄污;使有斑点(伤痕等)

She marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.


2)表示;标志 留下痕迹;

He marked the floor with chalk. 他用粉笔在地板上作记号。


He marked the work 10 out of 10. 他给作业打了个满分10分。

4. interest n. 1) 兴趣 (u)

I find no interest in such things. 我对这些不感兴趣。

2) 爱好的事物;嗜好(C)

His two great interests in life are music and painting.


3)利益 4)股份 5)利息

vt 1)使…发生兴趣

American Football doesn't interest me at all. 美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。


Can I interest you in a cup of drink? 请你喝一杯饮料好吗?

5. insist v.

I insisted on his coming with us. (insist on doing) 我坚持要求他和我们一起来。

We all insist that we (should )not rest until we finish the work.


We all insisted that he was innocent. 我们坚持认为他是无辜的。

6.suggest v n. suggestion

He suggested going out for a walk. (suggest sth.) 他建议出去走走。

They ~ed a new program to the president. (suggest sth. to sb.)

He ~ed that they should go there by train. (建议)

His look ~ed that he was unhappy. (暗示, 表明)

7. fight v. - fought -fought , fighting 常与against, with,for连用)打仗;战斗

People often have to fight for their liberty. 人们往往不得不为自由而战。

The boy had to fight his way through the crowd to talk to the President.


n. 1)打仗;战斗 2)打架

The two boys had a fight. 两个男孩打了一架。

8 .forbid v. forbad/forbade; forbidden

His parents forbid him wine. (forbid sb. sth.) 他的父母不准他喝酒。

Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. (forbid sth./doing) 演奏厅内不准吸烟。

I forbid you to go swimming. (forbid sb. to do) 我不准你去游泳。

9.spare adj.

1)备用的 a spare tyre 备用轮胎


If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight? 如果你有空床的话,今晚我可以留下吗?

v. 1)赦免;饶恕;不伤害 He doesn't spare himself. 他律己甚严。

2) 免除;使省去 3) 分出, 腾出

Can you ~ me five minutes?

10. act n

1)行为;举动 a foolish act 愚蠢的举动


Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.


3)〈戏〉幕 Act 5 Scene 2 第五幕第二景

v. 1)扮演, 表演 He acted his part well. 他扮演的那个角色很成功。

2) 行动 Think before you act! 三思而后行!

3)表现;行为 to act bravely and quickly 表现勇敢、敏捷

4) 起…作用;产生…效果 Does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?


1. vacation be on~ 2 .bend –bent-bent

3. touch get/keep in ~with sb. lose ~with sb. be in /out of ~ with sb.

4. reason for this ~ he ~ for sth. 5.behavior v. behave

6. mad g ~ be ~ about 7. punish ~ sb. for sth. n. punishment

8.boring bored V. bore 9. mix A with B mix up n. mixture

10. score scores of 许多 v. ~ a point/goal 11. column columnist

12. valuable value invaluable

篇2:译林牛津 初一 7B Unit2词组、句型及语法提纲


1 点一些食物 order some food

2 犯了一个错误 make a mistake

3 用钱买… buy…with money

4 比…少 less…than…

5 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb.about sth.

6 京剧 Beijing Opera

7 这样的一幢高楼 such a tall building=so tall a building

8 去散步 go walking=go for a walk

9 我们中的人多数 most of us

10 与…靠近be close to

11 乘地铁 by underground(介词短语)

take an underground(动词短语)

12 空气污染 air pollution

13 玩得开心 have a good/great/nice time=enjoy oneself

=have(lots of) fun

14 国画 Chinese paintings

15 某人在作业方面需要帮助want/need help with one's homework

16 体育运动中心 sports centre

青少年活动中心 youth centre

17 举行一场晚会 hold a party=have a party

18 一组…;一群… a group of

19 给某人发一封电子邮件 send an e-mail to sb.

20 英国学生中的一个 one of the British/English students

21 艺术品 works of art

22 制定计划 make a plan

23 骑自行车 ride a bike(动词短语)

on a/the/one's bike=by bike(介词短语)

24 穿好色T恤衫的男孩 the boy in a red T-shirt

25 进行球类运动 play ball games

26 没关系;不要紧。 Never mind.=It doesn’t matter.=That's OK.

=That’s all right.

27 别的什么 what else=what other things

28 让我猜猜 let me guess

29 向某人道谢 say thank you to sb.

向某人问好 say hello to sb.

30 乐一整天/享受一整天 enjoy a full day

31 世界上最好的游戏 the best game in the world

32 带某人参观某地 show sb.around sw.

33 到达最近的城镇 get to the nearest town

34 带某人去某地 take sb. to sw.

35 想起、考虑 think of

36 许多要做的事 lots of things to do

37 住在像这样的地方 live in places like this

38 不必 don’t have to=needn’t

39 直到晚十点 until ten o’clock at night

40 在北京市中心 in the centre of Beijing

41 (来)对了地方 (be)in the right place

42 选择任何你喜欢的食物 choose any food you like

43 许多西方的餐馆 lots of western restaurants

44 教某人某事 teach sb.sth.

教某人做某事 teach sb.to do sth.

45 当地剧院 local theatre

46 一个给人们看戏或表演的地方 a place for people to watch plays and shows

47 将A与B匹配 match A with B

48 说普通话 speak Putonghua

49 种蔬菜和花 grow vegetables and flowers


1. There's no dog food. =There isn't any dog food.. 没有狗食了。

2. How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?我们可以用它来买多少罐狗食呢?

3. Maybe we can order a pizza. 也许我们可以去订个比萨饼。

4. Let's take them to the sports center. 让我们把他们带到运动中心去吧。

5. There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

6. Most of us live in places like this.=Most of us live in such a place.

7. You can shop until 10 o'clock at night. 你可以购物到晚上+点。

8. If so, you are in the right place! 如果这样的话,你就来对地方啦!

9. You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.

10. That is because you think football is the best game in the world!

11. Don't miss the great exhibitions.可别错过这些精彩的展览。

12. Would you like to go to the Palace Museum tomorrow?你想明天去故宫吗?

13. What time shall we meet in the morning?我们上午什么时候见面?

14. We shall be there at 9 a.m.to enjoy a full day there.

15. I'm going to show you around my hometown.我将带你四处看看我的家乡。

16. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

17. I'm going into town on my bicycle.我将骑自行车进城。

18. I think it is a wonderful place to live(in).我认为它是个很好的居住的地方。

19. The party was really great, wasn't it?这次晚会真的很棒,不是吗?

20. I really like the boy in the red T-shirt. 我真的喜欢那个穿红色T恤衫的男孩。

21. I'm afraid to be late.我怕迟到。

22. I sometimes go swimming in summer when it's warm and sunny.

23. How much does a bottle of orange juice cost? 一瓶橘子汁多少钱啊?

24. Let's take the exchange students to the Congqing restaurant instead!

25. I sent an e-mail to Mr Wu to say thank you because he helped us a lot.

26. That sounds great.

27. Why don't you go visit our local theatre with us?

= Why not go visit our local theatre with us?

= What about going our local theatre with us?

28. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see and to do.

29. I think thirtv of each will be enough.

30. There is nothing (=not anything) on the table now.


1)熟练掌握how much与how many的区别及用法

2) 熟练掌握no和none的用法与区别


4) 掌握冠词a, an,the及零冠词的用法。


篇3:译林牛津 初一 7B Unit1词组、句型及语法提纲


1 住在宫殿里 live in a palace

2 住在餐馆旁 live next to a restaurant

3 最大的一个 the biggest one

4 美国的首都 the capital of the USA

5 和朋友聊天 chat with friends

6 坐在地板垫上 sit on the big floor cushions

7 朝外面看… look out at…

8 与某人住在一起 stay with sb.

9 在河上方 over a river

10 我自己的卧室 my own bedroom

11 颐和园 the Summer Palace

故宫博物院 the Palace Museum

12 做晚饭 make dinner

13 与…不同 be different from…

与…相同 the same as…

14 在莫斯科市中心 in the centre of Moscow

15 在一条繁华的街道上 on a busy street

16 到达 arrive in(大地方)/arrive at(小地方)

=get to =reach

17 与某人分享某物 share sth.with sb.

18 在英语考试中位于第一名 come first in the English exam

19 (为某人)带个口信 take a message (for sb.)

留言 leave a message

20 在四月七日 on the 7th of April

21 休假/息一天 have a free day

22 长城 the Great Wall

23 带某人去某地 take sb to sw.

24 从某地打电话来 call from sw.

25 给某人回电话 call sb.back

26 最少;至少 at least

27 在底楼/一楼/二楼 on the ground/first/second floor

28 洗淋浴/洗澡 have a shower/bath

29 起居室、客厅 sitting room

餐厅 dining room

30 五十米长 50 metres long

31 在同时 at the same time

32 一个木制的房子 a wooden house

33 对某人友好 be friendly/kind to sb.

34 双层床 bunk beds

35 迫不及待做某事 can’t wait to do sth

36 叫某人做某事 ask/tell sb to do sth

叫某人不要做某事 ask/tell sb not to do sth

37 其它的地方 where else

38 想要做某事 would like to do sth=want to do sth

想要某人做某事 would like sb to do sth= want sb to do sth

39 在A与B之间 between A and B(若A 和 B是代词用宾格)

40 雨下得多。 It rains a lot.

41 请某人接电话好吗?(电话用语) May I speak to sb.?

42 听起来很棒 sound great

43 游泳池 swimming pool

44 足球场 football pitch=football field

45 住在某人楼上2层 live two floors above sb.

住在某人楼下2层 live two floors below sb.

46 看漫画书 read comics=read comic books

47 种花的最好的地方 the best place to grow flowers

48 在……的前面 in front of

49 其中的一位互派的留学生 one of the exchange students


1. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie?

2. What's your favourite?

3. The capital of Japan is Tokyo.

4. I climb a ladder to get into my house.

5. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.

6. I live with my family in a flat on a busy street.

7. A garden is the best place to grow flowers.

8. Stephen is lying on his bunk bed.

9. Sandy sits between Kitty and me.

10. The window is opposite the door.

11. I can't wait to see you.

12. I think you'll be tired after a long plane trip.

13. Where else are we going?

14. I'll take you to the Space Museum and we'll visit the Palace Museum on Saturday.

15. That sounds great. 听起来很棒

16. Amy get eighty points. She came fifth.

17. It's really different from the flats in Beijing.

18. I'll ask him to call you back.

19. What kind of home do you live in?

20. Wilson lives two floors above Wendy.


1. 介词的用法区别in front of , in the front of above/ on / over

2. 基数词、序数词的用法(特别注意基数词、序数词的读法和写法)

6,425,200= six million, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred

first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first

篇4:译林牛津 高一unit1 task1


Period 8 Task ( Reporting school activities )

Teaching Aims:

1) Get Ss to understand what is a programme

2) Practise Ss listening ability

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Review and lead-in

Ask Ss to remember a passage “My Final Year”. From this passage, let Ss understand after-school activities can also help Ss get into a good college. Then tell Ss

in the task we’ll report school activities in this unit and before learning it we must know the programme of school activities.

Step 2. Understand a programme

1. Ask Ss to read the introduction to programme, and find out:

a. What is a programme?

b. What does a programme include?

2. Take today for example. Ask Ss to complete the programme.

Date: 15th Sept.

Day: Thur.

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Classroom7

Event (activity): having English class

3. Listen to the tape

a. First make up a dialogue with a student. It’s about a programme of our school. At the same time, ask one student to the blackboard to fill in the form as the following.

Event Time

Get up 6.00 a.m.

Have breakfast 6.30 a.m.

Have classes 7.00 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

Have lunch 12.00 a.m.

Have classes 2.20 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Have supper 6.30 p.m.

Do homework 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Go to bed 11.00 p.m.

b. Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable on page 12.

Ask Ss to listen twice, then check with desk mate, at last listen again and check the answers together.

Step 3. Complete a timetable for a school programme

1. Ask Ss to read the timetable on page13, then listen to the tape twice.

2. Check the answers.

Step 4. Assignment

Ask Ss to make up a dialogue according to the timetable.

篇5:Unit2 Module7 学案(译林牛津版高二)


1. trial n. 试用;试验;考验;审判

This new drug is undergoing clinical trial.

on trial 在试验中;受审 He is on trial for murder.

trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索

It was by/through trial and error that I learnt most of what I know about gardening.

2. note v. 注意到,发现;记录

note sth. down 把……记下来 The policeman noted down every word she said.

note 作名词时的相关短语:

make/take a note/notes of... 把……记下来 take note of 注意到

take/make notes 做笔记 be noted for/as 因为/作为……而出名

leave a note 留下便条

She sat there taking notes of everything that was said.

Please take note of this announcement.

3. name v. 给……命名; 说出……的名字; 提名

name sb. sth. 给某人取名为…… name... after... 以……名字命名

The child was named after its father.

name 作名词时的相关短语:

by the name of 名叫……的 in the name of 以……的名义

4. wonder adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,神奇的 n.奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇 v. 想知道

注意 wonder 的重点句型:

It's a wonder that you recognized me after all these years. 奇怪的是……

(It's) no wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much. 难怪……

I was wondering whether/if I could borrow your car.

5. relief n

缓和,减轻 The pills gave her some relief.

轻松,宽心 Hearing the news.,he breathed a sign of relief.

救济物品,救济金 Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas.

to one's (great) relief 使某人宽慰的是

bring relief to sb. 给某人带来欣慰/解脱,减轻某人的痛苦

relieve v. 减轻(病痛、忧虑、负担等),缓解;救济

relieve pains/ anxiety/pressure/ traffic jams...

relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的负担责任等

6. pleasure n.

[u]愉快,高兴 He finds great pleasure in reading.

[c]乐事;趣事 It is a pleasure to work with you.

1) --- Thank you very much for your help.

---(It's) My pleasure.

2)---Could you help me with my English after school today?

---With pleasure.

7. point n. 点,位置;尖端;要点;分数

point of view 观点

on the point of 正要……的时候 She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.

to the point 中肯扼要;切中要害

There is no point in doing sth. 做某事是没有用或意义的

There is no point talking to her. She never listens.

8. adj.life-saving 救命的 blood-thinning 稀释血液的 bacteria-killing 杀菌的


1. ASA could reduce the risk of colon cancer by 40 per cent.


reduce the risk of doing sth. 减少做某事的风险

Eating a lot of green food helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

His good reputation is now at risk 处境危险

You have no right to take risks with our lives. 冒险

He saved his son at the risk of losing his own life. 冒着……风险

2. They were able to produce it in large quantities. 他们可以大量生产它。

in large quantities 大量地 in small quantities 少量地

注意:“quantities of+可数名词与不可数名词”作主语,后面的名词无论是可数名词的复数

还是不可数名词,谓语都用复数;“a quantity of+可数名词与不可数名词”做主语,谓语动


Great quantities of milk are needed in this city.

A large quantity of potatoes have been sold.

3. It was a dream come true.

a dream come true 是固定短语,意为“梦想成真”.

需注意的是如果come true 单独使用的话,后面不接宾语。如:

Owning a big house is now a dream come true, although I never thought it would come true.

4. It was fundamental to saving many thousands of lives...

be fundamental to doing sth./to sth. 对……是十分重要的或必不可少的

I think that hard work is fundamental to success.

5. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain.

block sb./sth. from doing sth. 相当于 prevent/stop/keep sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止……做

The tall building blocked me from viewing the beautiful scenery in the distance.

三、 重点句子


1. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probbability that you will find

aspirin and penicillin.(P18,L2)

2. In fact, 3500years ago, some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a

particular plant to reduce body pains.(P18,L7)

3. The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899 when the company Hoffmann worked for began

giving the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with patients.(P18,L17)

4. Not only has aspirin saved many people's lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there

are also other things that aspirin can help with.(P18,L20)

5. Lawrence Carven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of which

introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood.


6. The bacteria-killing medicine is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines in

contemporary society.(P19,L36)

7. He saw that the cells of the bacteria were clear, which meant that they were dead and that the

mould had killed them(P19,L39)

8. However, it was not until World WarⅡthat two other scientists managed to use new chemical

techiques to purify it. (P19,L46)

9. If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from illness including

pneumonia, an illness that affects the lungs.(P19,L51)

10. So, although Fleming discovered penicillin, it was over a decade before someone else turned

penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.(P19,L55)


1. They think that the use of acupuncture began during the Stone Age when stone knives or sharp-edged tools, called 'bian', were used to make holes on swollen areas of the body.(P30,L5)

2. Acupuncture involves putting stainless steel needles into the skin at certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved.(P30,L19)

3. In the West, accupuncture has become very popular, as has Chinese traditional herbal medicine.



1. The sun gives off energy in the form of heat and light.(P110,A1)

2. How did it come about that you were able to study overseas? (P112, C1)

3. It was Edward Jenner, a doctor in the countryside of England in the late 1700s, who brought the virus under control.(P114,L7)

4. He could have claimed that he owned the smallpox vaccine, and then the companies that made the vaccine would have had to pay him.(P114,L17)

四、 重点难点复习

1. 请用以下动词短语的适当形式填空。

focus on look out for carry out try out leave behind put off turn up split up

open up let out look around make out turn into decide on take down put through

1). How to desert farming land is a question worth discussing.

2). Sally her Christmas present with delight.

3). Be more careful next time. Never any of your things on the bus again.

4). A study in the USA showed that the medicine could prevent a stroke.

5). Teachers should students who may be having eyesight problems.

6). Jack showed me a weekly magazine mainly endangered animals.

7). Have they a date for the wedding?

8). You've got to buy a ticket to the castle.

9). We have the match until tomorrow because of the bad weather.

10). The missing letter eventually inside a book.

11). Everyone a cry of surprise upon hearing the news.

12). You should learn to important things in your English class.

13). It was too dark, and I couldn't the words written on the wall.

14). Fleming this mould on another bacterium.

15).Could you please me to the manager?

16). We were inti groups to discuss the question.

2. 翻译句子

1). 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于他的努力。

飞机定于五点到达伦敦。 (due to)

2). 政府应立即采取有效措施减少污染保护环境。(take measures)




6) 新来的秘书会减轻一些我们文案工作(paperwork)的负担。(relieve)


8) 凯特被大多数学生认为是全校最优秀的老师之一。(consider)

篇6:unit2 reading 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Teaching aims & demands:

To develop students’ ability of reading a play

To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

To form a positive attitude towards solving problems between teenagers and parents

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Revision: Guess the words

(1). a dirty or untidy state _______

(2). give a reason for something _______

(3). believe that somebody is good_______

(4). something worthless or of low quality_______

(5). a person between a child and a grown-up _______

(6). not polite_______

(7). without being punished_______

(8). grown-up_______

2. Group work

Talk about the four pictures on P21

List some problems with parents.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

(2) How to solve these problems.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

Step 2: Reading strategy

Please go through the Reading strategy and tell how to read a play.

1.It is often in the form of ___ _________.

2.It usually includes_________ ______, and each act can have_________ _______.

3.The words or speeches in a play are very________, and some of the words in a sentence are______ _____.

4.There are some helpful _____________in a play.

5.It should be_____ ________.

Step 3: Fast reading

Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.

How many acts are there in this play? And how many scenes in each act?

Step 4: Detailed reading

1. Listening and complete C1 on P24.

2. Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they do Feelings

Mom and Dad



2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Things they do Feelings





Step 5: Careful reading

1. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. what Mom and Dad did after they returned from vacation.

B. what Daniel and Eric did at home.

C. the reason why the dog was tired and hungry

D. a big quarrel that an American family had

2. Mom and Dad left Daniel in charge at home because ______.

A. he was an adult B. he was the youngest

C. they liked him very much

D. they thought he could take good care of everything while they were away.

3. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The children were very excited when their parents came back a day earlier than expected.

B. The children didn’t use the money for themselves.

C. Daniel was left in charge at home while their parents were away.

D. Eric wanted to tell his parents what had happened, but Daniel said they didn’t need to.

4. The main reason for their quarrel is that ______.

A. Daniel was too rude.

B. Eric didn’t tell his parents what had happened

C. the parents blamed Daniel without giving him a chance to explain

D. Daniel and Eric didn’t behave well at home.

Step 6: Post reading

Fill the missing words in the blanks to complete the summary of the play.

Mom and Dad arrived back from v_______ earlier than e_______ in order to give the boys a s_______. They got so a____. When they saw the house was in a m___ that Dad shouted at D____, the elder brother, who was in c______ of the house when they were away. Daniel s_______ the door to show his anger, because their parents never gave him a c_____ to explain. E___, the younger brother, wanted to explain to his parents what had h_______, but Daniel didn't think that their parents d______ to know the truth.

At the end of the play, both Mom and Dad thought maybe they were too h___on the boys. However, Dad decided to p_____ Daniel for his rudeness so that he would show r_____ for his parents in future.

Step 7: Discussion

1. If you were Eric or Daniel ,what will you do?

2. Find some adj. to describe good parents in your eyes.

They should be__________, __________, __________,__________...

3. How do you deal with the relationship between you and your parents?

We should _______, ________, _______, ________...our parents.

3. The word “family” means “f_______ a_____ m______ I l_____ y_____”.

Step 8: Homework

1. Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.

(Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.)

2. Reading comprehension

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current (当前的)activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation (动力)and desire(欲望) will increase.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit(限制) us or our course of action.

1. Our long-term goals mean a lot ________.

A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals

B. if we complete the short-term goals。

C. if we have dreams of the future

D. if we put forward some plans

2. New short-term goals are built upon________.

A. a daily basis B. your achievement in a week

C. current activities D. the goals that have been completed

3. When we complete each step of our goals, _____________.

A. we will win final success B. we are overwhelmed

C. we should build up confidence of success

D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals

4. What is the main idea of this passage? _____________

A. Life is dynamic thing. B. We should set up long-term goals.

C. Different kinds of goals in life. D. The limitation of long-term goals.

5. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _____________

A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals.

B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.

C. Life is a static thing, thus we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

D. We should often add new short-term goals to those which have been completed.

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