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Have you found the cause of the breakage?


It is obvious that It was due to careless packing.


Not yet,we'II let you know when we find out the reason.


Would you agree to a replacement?


lf there are no other choices,l'd have to.


Yes,but you must make the replacement quickly.


No ,we'd rather you to sell these goods at a discount,


What you say is partly true.


I am for your idea.


What was the percentage of breakages and leaking?


About 25% were broken and 20% were leaking.


There is no leaking,but 30% were broken.


What will happen if the importer finds the shortage of commodities?


They can ask for compensation.


They can ask for refund.



A:We are sorry to tell you that the goods you sent us are not in conformity with the specifications of the contract.

A:我方很遗憾地告诉你,你方运来的货物与合同 不相符。

B:You don't say.


A:As soon as the shipping arrived at our port we had it inspected.To our disappointment.we found a short-weight of 35 tons.

A:货物一到,我们就做了检查,令我们失望的是, 我们发现缺重35吨。

B:That's very strange. 35 tons is no small quantity and can't get lost on route.Where can these 35 tons have gone"'


A:Our clients expressed their dissatisfaction. They strongly demand that you compensate for the loss.


B:We're sorry for this. We'II find out the reason soon and give you a reply immediately.




1. It would be highly appreciated if you could look into the personal computers, which should have reached our destination two weeks ago. 我方订购的个人电脑应在两周前到货,请查询有关交货情况。

2. It is regrettable to see that the chemical content of Item 022 is not up to the percentage contracted. 很遗憾,022项货所含的化学成分没达到合同规定的百分比。

3. There is a discrepancy in colors between the received materials and the samples. 收到的材料和样品颜色不同。

4. While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add to the cost of the goods. That is why we have to raise a claim on refunds for the loss incurred. 订货时,我们已强调任何交货延迟将无疑增加货物的成本。故此,我们必须索回由此产生的损失费。

5. I am writing for a replacement of the dictionary included. 特函要求替换随信寄去的字典。

6. Would you please correct your shipment by sending the order No. 2530 by the first available vessel? 请把我方2530号订单项下的货物用第一艘可订到仓位的货船运来,以纠正你方发货错误。

7. We feel it necessary to inform you that your last delivery of our order is not up to the usual standard. 我们有必要通知你们上次交货达不到通常标准。

8. Upon inspection, it was found that the total content had been short-delivered by 1.5 tons. 经检验,这批货短交了1.5吨。

9. On comparing the goods received with the sample supplied, we were sorry to notice the great differences in the designs of the machines. 比较收到的货物和样品,发现机器在设计上有很大的差异,甚感遗憾。

10. After having the boxes examined we found that they were not strong enough for long distance delivery. 经检查,我们发现箱子不够坚固,不宜做长途运货之用。


G: Mr. Wang, we regret to inform you that the toys you shipped us do not accord with the required specifications in the contract, and we are compelled to lodge a claim against you.

乔治:王先生,我们很遗憾地通知你,你 运送给我们的玩具与合同要求的规格不符,我们不得不同你们提出索 赔。

W: Can you explain to me exactly what the matter is?

王:具体是什么情况,你能给我解释一 下吗?

G: After the arrival of the goods, we are surprised to find that some of them are seriously damaged. This is the certificate by the security department.

乔治:货物到达后,我们惊奇地发现其中 一部分严重受损。这是货物安检部 门的相关证书。

W: Our packing is always very strong,and suitable for long distance transportation. There ought not to have issues.I am in the opinion that this may be caused by careless handling.

王:我们的包装是很结实,而且适合 长途运输的,不应该出现问题。 我觉得可能是由于操作不慎造成 的。

G: No, after the arrival of the goods, I supervise there almost every day. And the certificate also clearly tells that due to the improper packing, the goods are damaged in transit.

乔治:不是的,货物到达后,我几乎天天 都在码头监督。并且这个证书上也 明确说明了由于包装不当,造成了 在运输中货物受损。

W: Well, in view of our long and friendly relationship, I will meet your claim.


G: Thank you for your friendly attitude.


W: Then how do you want to solve it? I wish to hear your opinion.

王:那你们想要怎么解决呢?我想听听 你们的意见。

G: I think since you admit it is your fault, you should take full responsibility.

乔治:我觉得既然这是你们的原因引起 的,你们应该负全部的责任。

W: We will try our best to compensate you. We will give you reduction of 5% on price, and send the technical personal to repair the defective goods. How do you think about the suggestion?

王:我们会想办法补偿你们的。我们给 你们降价5%,另外派技术人员把 坏的玩具修理好。你觉得这样怎么 样?

G: That is great. But I do hope you will take care of your packing later.

乔治:这样很好。不过还是希望你们以后 注意产品的包装。

W: Thank you for your warning. We will. We didn't expect this situation, either. There will be no such thing again.

王:谢谢你的提醒,我们会的。出现 这样的情况是我们也没有预料到 的。以后不会出现这样的情况 了。



20 January

Kee & Co., Ltd

34 Regent Street

London, UK

Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of 20 January 2004. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mention that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.

We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.

Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.

The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will meet with your approval.We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Smith Chief Seller










T: Hello, I'm Tom. Here is my card.


L: Hello, I'm Lin Yang, the sales manager. What can I do for you?


T: We are interested in your products, and hoping to develop direct contact with you. We believe this will be of great benefits to both of us.

我们对你的产品很感兴趣,想和你们建立 直接的联系。我们相信这会对我们双方都 有好处。

L: We are looking forward to trading with people in any country on the basis of equity and mutual benefit, and our foreign trade is expanding every year. I'm glad to do what I can do for you.

我们很期望与任何一个国家的人民在平等互 利的基础上建立贸易关系,我们的对外贸易 每年都在不断扩大。我会很高兴尽力为你做 些事情的。

T: That's great. We are willing to exchange with you what we have for what we need.I hear your company mainly handles foodstuff. Is that right?

太好了,我们想和你们互通有无。听说你们 公司主要经营食品,是吗?

L: Yes, that's right.


T: Can you give me an introduction of your company and your product?


L:Sure. Our company is a joint-venture. Many of our advanced equipments are imported from Germany. Our raw materials all come from regular channels, and our products all pass strict inspection, so they are both tasty and safe.

当然。我们公司是一个合资企业。许多先进 的设备都是从德国进□的。我们的原料都来 自于正规渠道,产品都要经过严格检验。因 此我们的产品既美味又安全。

Well,I believe they must be supreme in quality. With the communication between our countries becomes increasingly close, I think we need your product. Can I place an order of 100 tons for your products?

哦,那我想你们的产品质量一定都很好。我 们两国之间的交流日益密切,我想我们需要 你的产品。我可以订购100吨的产品?

We can easily supply that. If our transaction goes smoothly, we can give you a discount.

我们很容易能供应那些。如果我们的交易顺 利的话,我还可以给你们一个折扣。

Thank you. I'll come this afternoon to sign a contract.


That's good. See you in the afternoon.


See you.


相关专题 外贸英语贸易