英语一轮复习讲稿Units 5&6, Book I

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篇1:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 9&10, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:disagree; depend; press; throughout; add; latest; feature; remind; appointment; obey; dare; case; emergency; whatever; particular; interview; department; electricity; wonder; defeat; force; succeed; skip; fur; lead; jungle; environment; tour; act; measure; adapt; original; devote; common; valuable; reduce; respond; amount; package; flat; material; topic; organize; brief

B. 短语:stay in touch with; call for; in case of; according to; take over; break down; in danger; die out; lead to; as a result of; take measures; adapt to; make a difference; devote…to; at present; set free; in the wild; throw away

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. depend:总是与on或upon连用。主要义项有:(1)依靠,信赖;(2)确信,相信,指望;(3)受……的影响,由……决定,取决于;(4)需要,依靠(提供资金、帮助等)。

相关归纳:(1)That depends/It (all) depends.那得看情况定。

Eg. -Is she coming? -That depends. He may not have the time.

(2)depend on/upon it请相信,没问题(用于句首或句尾)

Eg. Depend on it(=you can be sure), we won’t give up.

2. remind:v.主要义项有:提醒;使想起。作“使想起”解时,常用remind sb. of sb./sth.,意为“使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)”。

Eg. That smell reminds me of France.

3. wonder:可以用作动词和名词。作动词时,主要义项有:想知道;想弄明白;琢磨;感到诧异;非常惊讶。作名词时,主要义项有:惊讶;惊奇;奇迹;奇观;奇妙之处;能人;奇才。

相关归纳:(1)no wonder或It’s no/little/small wonder(that)…不足为奇;并不奇怪

Eg. It is little wonder (that) she was so upset.

(2)It’s a wonder(that)…令人惊奇的是;莫名其妙的是

Eg. It’s a wonder (that) more people weren’t hurt.

(3)do wonders(for sb./sth.)(为某人/替某事)创造奇迹;产生神奇作用

Eg. The news had done wonders for our moral. 这消息大大振奋了我们的士气。

(4)work wonders创造奇迹;取得优异的成绩;产生良好的效果

Eg. Her new diet and exercise programme had worked wonders for her.

4. succeed:v.到达目的;办到;做成;成功;有作为;接替;继任。success:n.(1)(不可数名词)成功,胜利,发财,成名;(2)(可数名词)成功的人或事物。

Eg. He is a great success as a teacher.(=He is successful as a teacher.)

相关归纳:(1)succeed in something在……方面成功

Eg. I did not succeed in my first lecture.

(2)succeed in doing sth.=manage to do sth.成功做成某事

Eg. He succeeded in climbing to the top of the mountain.

5. lead:v.带路;领路;引领;通向;通往;处于首位;处于领先地位;领导。n.领先地位;领先的距离;超前量。

相关归纳:lead to导致;造成(后果)(2)lead sb. to sth.使得出(观点)

Eg. What led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?

B. 重点短语

1. stay in touch (with)=keep in touch(with)(与……)保持联系

相关归纳:(1)get in touch with sb.与某人取得联系(2)lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系(3)be in touch with sb.与某人有联系(4)be out of touch with sb.与某人没有联系


2. call for:(1)+sth.需要,(公开)要求;(2)+sb.(去)接

Eg. I’ll call for you at seven o’clock.

相关归纳:(1)call at(火车等)停靠;(短时间)停留

Eg. This train calls at almost every station.

(2)call in收回;叫来;请来;来访;打电话来

Eg. Call in a doctor at once. 马上把医生请来。

Call in this evening if you can. 如果可能请今晚来一趟。

(3)call off取消;停止进行

Eg. They have called off their engagement.

(4)call on sb.拜访;看望(某人)

(5)call on/upon sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事;号召某人做某事

Eg. I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting. 现在请主席向大会致辞。(6)call sb. up打电话给;征召入伍

3. in case of假使;如果发生……

Eg. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.

相关归纳:(1)in this/that case如果这样(那样)的话;既然那样

Eg. He might not come this evening. In that case, we won’t hold the meeting.

(2)in case (that)假使;免得;以防万一

注意:in case (that)引导条件状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时表示将来。④

Eg. In case it rains, I won’t come back tonight.

(3)in any case无论如何;不管怎样

Eg. In any case you mustn’t tell a lie.

(4)in no case(=never)绝不

注意:in no case放在句首时,句子采用部分倒装语序。

Eg. In no case will we use nuclear weapons first. =We will in no case use nuclear weapon first. 我们绝不首先使用核武器。

4. according to据(……所说);按(……所报道);依照;按照

5. in danger在危险中

相关归纳:(1)be out of danger脱险(2)be dangerous危险的

6. as a result of由于……的结果

相关归纳:as a result结果

7. devote oneself to致力于;献身于;专心

Eg. She devoted herself to her career.


Eg. She devoted her life to helping homeless children.

(2)be devoted to喜爱;疼爱;忠于;致力于

Eg. They are devoted to their children.

Some of them were devoted to the study of natural science.

8. cut down砍倒;病死;减少

Eg. You should try your best to cut down the accident rate.

相关归纳:(1)cut up切碎;剪碎;摧毁

Eg. He was badly cut up in the fight. 他在斗殴中被打得遍体鳞伤。

(2)cut away剪去;砍掉;割掉;切除

Eg. They cut away all the dead branches from the trees.

(3)cut off砍下来;切断;阻碍;阻挡;堵塞

Eg. The new factory cut off our view of the hills.

(4)cut out剪下;删除

Eg. You’d better cut out the last paragraph of your composition.

(5)cut through抄近路;开辟(出路或通道)

Eg. I came by cutting through the lane.(抄近路)

C. 必背句型

1. be worth +doing值得做……

注意:(1)该句型中应使用动名词的主动式,不可使用被动式。(2)“很值得……”用be well worth,不可用very或quite。(3)be worth +表示钱数的名词或相当于“代价”的比喻性名词,意为“值(多少钱);值得”。

Eg. Our house is worth about $100,000.

This idea is well worth considering.

相关归纳:(1)be worthy of+n. (2)be worthy of being done(3)be worthy to be done

Eg. The article is worthy of careful study. 这篇文章值得细读。

=The article is worthy of being studied carefully.

=The article is worthy to be studied carefully.

=The article is worth studying carefully.

2. no matter引导状语从句:no matter与who, what, where, when或how连用,可以用来引导状语从句,该状语从句等于“疑问词+ever”引导的状语从句。(2)whatever, whoever等可以引导名词性从句,而no matter what, no matter who等不可(3)no matter who(what…)引导的状语从句中,多用现在时表示将来的动作。⑤

Eg. No matter what you say, I won’t believe you.

=Whatever you say, I won’t believe you.

III. 疑难突破

1. as many as, as much as

as many as意为“多达……;……之多”,常用在人或物的具体数量前,结构为:as many as +数词+复数名词。

as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示“总量”和“单位量”的大小,结构为:as much as +数词+复数名词


(1) _____ 250,000 people lost their homes in the earthquake.

(2) The rain is plentiful here, often ____ seventy inches every year.

(3) At the job, she could earn _____ eighty dollars a week.

(4) The civil war in that country lasted _____ 16 years.

2. much too, too much, too many

too much可独立作状语、主语、宾语或表语;又可作定语,修饰不可数名词。

too many可作定语,修饰可数名词。

much too只能用于修饰形容词或副词,不可修饰动词。

3. agree on, agree with, agree to

agree on表示在某一点上达成协议或取得一致意见。

agree with表示同意、赞成某人说得话,后接sb.或wh-从句,或表达意见、想法、观点、决定的词(opinion, view, idea, decision)。还可以表示“与……一致;适合”,此时,主语一般不是表人的词。

agree to后接计划、安排、建议、条件等词(plan, arrangement, suggestion, terms)。

agree to do表示“同意做某事”。


(1) I _____ what he said.

(2) After a further discussion, both sides _____ the date for the next meeting.

(3) They didn’t _____ each other on that point.

(4) A verb should _____ its subject in number and person.

(5) At last the teacher _____ give him another chance.

(6) Do you _____ the arrangement?

(7) They all _____ the matter.

篇2:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 13&14, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:fat; stomach; fever; ripe; ought; examine; plenty; diet; fit; gain; energy; soft; bar; fuel; chemical; balance; tasty; boil; mixture; sleepy; brain; steam; theme; parade; fighting; conflict; argument; major; probably; honour; ancestor; principle; nation; purpose; creativity; faith; commercial; joy; light; similar; generation; salute; kiss; cheek; nod; celebration; respect; gift; cycle; fool; invitation

B. 短语:ought to; plenty of; keep up with; make a right choice; short of; now and then; roll up; dress up; in one’s opinion; give thanks to; play a trick on sb; take in; cut… into pieces; lead a…life

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. fit:可作动词、名词和形容词。主要义项有:合身的衣服,适合,合适的,适合……的。

注意:fit用作名词时常与不定冠词连用;Eg. The coat is a bad fit.那套外套不合身。


Eg. This jacket fits me well.这件夹克很合我的身。

2. purpose:常用作名词,有两个义项:


Eg. For what purpose did you go to Africa?你到非洲去有什么目的。

answer/serve one’s purpose符合需要;carry out a purpose实现目标


Eg. What’s the main purpose of this building?这栋建筑物的主要用途是什么?

注意:on purpose(故意)的反义词为by chance或by accident“偶然”。

3. respect:可用作名词和动词。主要义项有:尊敬;尊重;考虑;重视。作名词时常为不可数名词,复数respects的意思是问候,问好,相当于regards, whishes。

Eg. Children should show respect for their teachers. 孩子应该尊敬老师。

My mother sends her respects to you.我母亲向你问好。

注意:respect构成的短语:pay respect to考虑;并重;with respect to关于;without respect to不管;不考虑;in respect of涉及,关于,在……方面;as respects就……而言,关于。

4. gift:用作名词,有两个义项:


Eg. He made a gift of $10,000 to his old high school.他给他的高中母校捐赠了10,000美元。


Eg. He is a boy of many gifts. 他是一个多才多艺的孩子。

gifted为形容词,“有天赋的,有天资的”。a gifted musician一位有天赋的音乐家。


B. 重点短语

1. take in:接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗

相关归纳:(1)take along带……一起去

Eg. It’s going to rain; you’d better take along a raincoat with you.

(2)take away拿走

Eg. The child was taken away from school.那孩子不被允许上学了。

(3)take back取回;归还

Eg. I take back what I said.

(4)take off除去;脱掉;动身;起飞(5)take on雇用,承担,呈现

Eg. The manager will take on a new secretary.

Don’t take on more work than you can do.不要接受超过你所能负担的工作量。

(6)take up拿起;占空间;消耗时间;开始从事;继续

Eg. John took up art while at school.约翰在学校期间开始学习艺术。

I’ll take up the story where I finished yesterday.我将在昨天结束的地方继续这个故事。

2. dress up:盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装

相关归纳:(1)be dressed up in穿着(2)dress down责骂某人;穿着随便

Eg. He dressed down while working in the field.在地里干活时他穿着很随便。

注意:表示“穿”的词的比较,可以从表示动作表示状态和所跟宾语三个方面去区别。表示动作的有:put on; try on;表示状态的有wear; be dressed in; be in; have…on; dress的宾语为“人”,其他动词的宾语均为衣物。

3. send away:发送, 派遣, 驱逐, 解雇

相关归纳:(1)send out分发;发出;派出;长出

Eg. The sun sends out light and warmth.

The trees send out new leaves in spring.

(2)send off为某人送行=see sb. off

Eg. Many of his friends went to the airport to send him off.

(3)send up发射;使上升

Eg. The good news sent prices up on the market.这个好消息使物价上涨了。

(4)send for派人去叫某人;派人去拿某物

Eg. Please keep these things until I send for them.请替我保存这些东西,等我派人来取。

注意:send away在表示“开除;解雇”时,其同义词为dismiss;反义词为take on或employ“雇用”。

C. 必背句型

1. only引导的倒装句型:只有only引导的状语成分位于句首时,主句才使用主谓倒装的句式,即一般疑问句的语序。

Eg. Only then did I realize that I was wrong.

2. instead (of)构成的句型:instead of后面可以跟名词、代词或动名词,同义词为in place of。另外,instead还可以用作副词,表示“代替,而是”的意思。

Eg. He will attend the meeting instead of me.

I was ill so he went to attend the meeting instead.

She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day.

3. each time引导状语从句:each time相当于连接副词的作用,引导时间状语从句。表示动作的习惯性、经常性,即从句描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。也可以用every time表示。

Eg. Every time I saw him, I was overcome by his brilliance.每次见到他,都为他的聪颖倾倒。

另外,the first time, next time, the time, the moment也可以用来引导状语从句。

Eg. Be sure to call on us next time you come to town.下次你进城一定要来看我们。

She rushed into the room immediately/the moment she heard the noise.

III. 疑难突破

1. keep up, keep sb. up, keep up with, catch up with

keep up“振作,使不低落”,后跟名词。

keep sb. up“使……迟睡”比较:stay up“熬夜,不睡觉”。

keep up with“赶上,不落后”,侧重于“不被拉下”。

catch up with“追赶上”,侧重表示“从落后的状态追赶上”


(1). _____ your courage/spirits.

(2). Go on in front, I’ll soon ______ you.

(3). Generally speaking, people in the country can ______ old customs.

(4). It’s wrong to ______ the children ______ so late.

(5). Teachers ought to especially care for those who can’t _____ the class.

2. check, examine, test, look up




look up:v.查阅(词典等工具书)以获取有关的信息。


(1). I ______ my schoolbag to see if I’ve left the pen.

(2). You must do an experiment to ______ what he said.

(3). A policeman ______ his bag to see if there were any drugs.

(4). When I ______ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy eggs.

(5). You’d better ______ the word in the dictionary if you don’t know how to use it.

(6). I can’t see things clearly, I’d like to go to the doctor’s to have my eyes ______.

篇3:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 11&12, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:suggestion; instrument; perform; characteristic; character; contain; spread; variety; universal; record; satisfy; desire; emotion; process; express; entertain; treat; literature; comedy; local; exhibition; power; magic; series; forehead; miserable; habit; whisper; stupid; announcement

B. 短语:in common; turn…into; a world of; on the other hand; at the same time; agree with; in trouble; come across; believe in; turn around; make friends with

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. suggest:v.(1)建议,提议;(2)推荐,举荐;(3)使人联想到;表明;暗示。常见搭配为:(1)+名词;(2)+动名词(3)+that从句。suggestion:n. 提议;建议;迹象

注意:(1)suggest作“建议”讲,后接宾语从句时,从句中用should do, should可以省略。

Eg. The doctor suggested that I not work any longer.


Eg. All the evidence suggests that he stole the money.

(3)suggestion作“建议”讲时,其后无论跟表语从句还是同位语从句,从句都应用should do, should可省略。

Eg. He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date.

2. treat:可作动词和名词。动词的主要义项有:以……态度对待;以……方式对待;医疗;医治;治疗。名词义项有:乐趣;乐事;款待。

相关归纳:(1)treat sth. as sth.把……看作;把……视为

Eg. I decided to treat his remark as a joke.

(2)treat sb./oneself to sth.招待;款待;请(客);买(可享受的东西)。

Eg. She treated him to lunch.

I’m going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes.

(3)a treat极为有效;棒极了

Eg. His idea worked a treat.他的主意极为有效。

3. habit:习惯

相关归纳:(1)be in the/a habit of =have the/a habit of有……的习惯(或脾气)

Eg. I’m not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment.

(2)get/fall into the/a habit of养成……的习惯

Eg. I’ve got into the habit of turning on TV as soon as I get home.

(3)break/get out of the/a habit of戒除……的习惯

Eg. I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.

B. 重点短语

1. in common:共用;公有

相关归纳:(1)have sth. in common (with sb.)(想法、兴趣等方面)相同

Eg. I have nothing in common with Jane.

(2)have sth. in common (with sth.)(东西、地方等)有相同的特征(或特点)

Eg. The two cultures have a lot in common.

(3)in common with sb./sth.与……相同

Eg. In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop.

2. ask sb. for advice:向某人征求建议

相关归纳:(1)give advice提出建议(2)take(accept, follow) one’s advice接受某人的建议

3. in trouble:处于不幸、苦恼、困境中;有麻烦

相关归纳:(1)get into trouble遇到麻烦;出事(2)take the trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳地做;不厌其烦地做

Eg. She didn’t even take the trouble to find out how to spell my names.她嫌麻烦,甚至连我的姓名如何拼写都不想搞清楚。

4. come across:(1)+sb./sth.(偶然)遇见,碰到,发现(2)被理解,被弄懂,给人以……印象,使产生……印象

Eg. He spoke a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.

She comes across well in interviews.

5. used to do:(用于表示过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经;过去常常

相关归纳:(1)be/get used to sth./doing sth.习惯于某事(做某事)(2)be used to do sth.被用来做……

C. 必背句型

1. even if/though引导的状语从句

注意:(1)只能说even though,不可说even although(2)在even if/though引导的状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。⑥

Eg. I’ll get there even though I have to walk.

相关归纳:(1)even so尽管如此;即使这样

Eg. He is a very nice person. Even so, I don’t really trust him.

(2)even now/then甚至到现在(或那时);即使是这样(或那样)

Eg. Even then she would not admit her mistake.

2. while引导的状语从句

注意:(1)注意while的不同含义:a. 表示时间,“当……时;在……同时”;b. 表示让步,“虽然;尽管”;c. 表示转折对比,“然而;但”。(2)while引导的状语从句用一般现在时表示将来的动作或状态。⑦

Eg. While I understand your opinion, I don’t agree with you.

While it’s winter here in our country right now, it’s summer in South Africa.

3. 部分否定句:如果句中使用了all, both, every,再使用否定词not,无论not出现在何处,该句都应视为部分否定句,译成“并不是……”。

Eg. Not all of us agree with him. =We don’t all agree with him.


Eg. None of us agreed with him.

4. 含有if only的句子:if only后常接过去时或过去完成时,表示强烈的愿望或遗憾。

Eg. If only I were rich.

相关归纳:(1)only if只有:only if引导的从句放在句首时,主句采用部分倒装语序。

Eg. Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.只有红灯闪亮时才有危及职工的险情。

(2)if not不然;要不

Eg. I’ll go if you are going. If not, I’d rather stay at home.

(3)if so:该短语常用来代替完整的句子,译法较活。

Eg. Have you got a free evening next week? If so, let’s have dinner.

(4)but for若不是,要不是:but for等于if it were not for…;if it hadn’t been for…。所在的句子常用虚拟语气。

Eg. But for your help, we wouldn’t have finished the work ahead of time.

5. when引导的句子:when作连词时,主要义项有:(1)在那时,突然……;

Eg. He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the should.


Eg. I’ll go to see you when you come back.


Eg. Call me at once when anything goes wrong with the machine.


Eg. She usually walks when she might ride.


Eg. Why did you write with a pencil when you know you should write in ink?

III. 疑难突破

1. believe, believe in


believe in sb./sth.表示“相信某人或某物的存在”或“信赖;信任;相信某人会成功”。


(1) Do you _____ God?

(2) They need a leader they can _____.

(3) You can _____ him this time but you’d better not _____ him.

(4) Don’t you _____ what I say? = don’t you _____ me?

2. at one time, at times, at all times, at a time, at no time, at the same time, for a time

(1)at one time(=once)“从前、曾经”。

(2)at times(=sometimes)“有时、间或”。

(3)at all times(=always)“一直、随时”。

(4)at a time(=each time)“一次、每次”。

(5)at no time“在任何时候都不、绝不”。

(6)at the same time“同时”。

(7)for a time“一度、一段时间”相当于for some time。


(1) In class you should listen to your teacher _____ not _____.

(2) We were good friends _____, but aren’t now.

(3) Please give me two books _____.

(4) We couldn’t say who came earlier. They almost arrived _____.

(5) You should _____ waste your time playing computer games.

(6) He was a professor of a university in Beijing _____. Now he studied in America.

3. power, strength, force:这三个词都有“力量”之意。





(1) Knowledge is _____.

(2) The boy lifted the stone with all his _____.

(3) She doesn’t have enough _____ to walk upstairs.

(4) Carrying this baggage requires a lot of _____.

(5) The _____ of the wind knocked over a tree.

篇4:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 15&16, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:dormitory; explain; recognize; surely; diamond; jewellery; franc; continue; lovely; debt; precious; positive; attend; earn; besides; ball; lecture; silly; author; outline; quality; experiment; glove; gas; liquid; advantage; disadvantage; application; engine; nuclear; comfort; unnecessary; successful; conduct; lightning; thunderstorm; string; charge; electric; shock; prove; tear; frame; handkerchief; control; sharp; foot; fasten; sense; shampoo; skin; drug; activist; doubt; cruel; view; conclusion

B. 短语:call on; bring back; day and night; pay off; at most; act out; a number of; a great number of; pick out; test on; bring out; try on; come up with; take care; dream of doing; build up; concentrate on; belong to; set free; end up

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. explain:用作动词,主要义项有:解释;说明(原因)。作及物动词,后面可跟名词、复合宾语、动词不定式和宾语从句作宾语。

注意:表示“向某人解释某事”时,sb.前必须使用介词to,即explain to sb. sth. /explain sth. to sb.。

Eg. He explained the outline of his plan to us.


2. recognize:用作动词,有以下义项:认出;承认;分辨出。

Eg. Do you recognize (=make out) his handwriting?

注意:recognize, realize和know的区别:recognize=know again; make out“认出;分辨出”;realize=come to know“意识到”;know“认识”

3. charge:可用作动词和名词。主要义项有:要价;向某人收费;记帐;谴责;命令;充电;管理;照顾;收费。

Eg. They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.

Please charge the money to my account.

He charged me with being irresponsible.他谴责我不负责任。

注意:in charge of“管理”和in the charge of…“……在某人的管理下”的区别。

Eg. I’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week, when the director is away.

The patient is in the charge of that doctor.

常用短语还有:free of charge“免费的”;take charge of“担任;管理”

4. comfort:表示“舒适;安慰”时为抽象名词,表示“令人感到安慰的人或事”时为可数名词。

Eg. He lives in great comfort. 他生活极为舒适。

It is a comfort to know that she is safe. 得知她平安无事,是一个安慰。

comfortable adj. 舒服的。

Eg. The chair is comfortable to sit in.

B. 重点短语

1. call on:号召, 呼吁, 邀请, 访问, 指派, 要(学生)回答问题

Eg. I’ll now call on Tom to answer.= I’ll now call on Tom for an answer.

相关归纳:(1)call at参观、拜访某地(2)call for要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物

Eg. This work calls for immediate action.

I’ll call for you at 6 o’clock and we’ll go to the cinema together.

(3)call up打电话;使想起;使回忆起

Eg. The music calls up old times.这音乐使人回忆起旧日时光。

(4)call in;请;要求退回;收回

Eg. The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.

(5)call off决定取消;下令停止

Eg. The football match was called off because of the heavy rain.

(6)call back叫回;再度访问;回电话

Eg. I was about to leave when he called me back.我刚要离开,他把我叫了回来。

2. pick out:精心挑选;辨别出;

相关归纳:(1)pick at申诉;指责;吃一点点

Eg. His mother picked at him for being lazy.

(2)pick on选择某人

Eg. The teacher always picked on me to answer a hard question.

(3)pick up拾起;让乘客上车;驾车接某人;恢复;偶然得到;接收广播

Eg. It’s easy for my radio to pick up VOA English.

He picked up some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.

(4)pick over慎重地调查;仔细地检查

Eg. He picked over a basket of apples.

3. pay off:还清(债务等)付清, 报复, 赢利

相关归纳:(1)pay back偿还(2)pay for付款;受到报应

Eg. You’ll have to pay for your crime.你将为你的罪行受到惩罚。

4. bring out:使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出

Eg. Difficulties can bring out a person’s best qualities.困难可以显现一个人的最佳品质。

相关归纳:(1)bring up抚养;提出;呕吐

Eg. He was ill and brought up his dinner.

(2)bring down使价格降低(3)bring about引起;导致=cause to happen

Eg. What brought about the forest fire?

(4)bring in引进;赚取(5)bring forward提出;提议

Eg. Now I’d like to bring forward the question of funds.我现在提出资金的问题。

(6)bring back带回;使忆起

Eg. The landscape brought back my hometown which I had left five years before.

注意:bring out在表示“出版”的意思时,相当于publish,为及物动词短语。而短语come out表示“出版”的意思时,为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。

Eg. When does John’s new book come out.

C. 必背句型

1. That’s …引导的表语从句结构:在该句型结构中,that’s…后面可以用why“那是为什么……”,how“那是如何……”,because“那时因为……”,where“那是……地方”,when“那时……时候”,what“那是……的”。

2. 表示“价值;花费”的句型:(1)be worth +money, sth. +cost +money的意思相同,表示“某样东西什多少钱”,而sth. cost sb. +money表示“某种东西花了某人多少钱”的意思。

Eg. How much did it cost to build the bridge?

Such difficult job costs a lot of time and effot.

表示“花费”的句型还有:sb. +spend +money/time +on sth./(in) doing sth.; sb. +pay money +for sth.; It takes sb. some time to do sth.; pay money for sth.; buy sth. for money

(2)be worth doing表示“……值得……”,需要用主动形式表示被动意义。

Eg. This book is well worth reading.

3. 祈使句+and/then/or/otherwise+陈述句结构:用and, then表示递进关系,“那么”的意思;

Eg. Work hard, and you’ll be successful in time.= If you work hard, you’ll…


Eg. Get ready or/ otherwise you won’t pass the test. = If you don’t get ready, you won’t… =Unless you get ready, you won’t …


4. to do作表语的句型结构:be to do结构可以用来表示安排、命令、职责、用途、命中注定要发生的动作等。

Eg. You are to be back by 10 o’clock.

I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in Hangzhou.

They were never to meet again.

III. 疑难突破

1. go on doing, go on to do, go on with, continue

go on doing sth.指继续做同一件事。

go on to do sth.指接着做另外一件事。

go on with sth.指继续同一件事,此时with后能接名词、代词,不能跟v.-ing形式。

continue继续同一件事,也可以是另一件事。该词有以下用法:a. continue +n; b. continue doing/to do; c. continue (to be) +adj.


(1). The rain _____ for three days.

(2). They _____ their game after lunch.

(3). He _____ writing/to write late into the night.

(4). The weather _____ (=remains) cold.

(5). After a short rest, they _____ working.

(6). After finishing the words, they _____ to go over the text.

(7). Einstein _____ his research.

2. take care, take care of

take care of“爱护;照顾”,后跟名词或代词,不可单独使用。

Take care“小心;注意”,后面可以跟动词不定式,也可以跟that从句。

注意:watch out和look out也有“当心;注意”的意思,但用法不同。这两个短语可以单独使用,表示警告,另外也可以构成watch out for…/look out for…表达“注意,留意”的意思。


(1). _____ that you don’t spoil your clothes.

(2). _____ not to drop it!

(3). She stayed at home to _____ the baby.

(4). ______ for a tall man in a black hat.

(5). ______! The train is coming!

篇5:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 19&20, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:protection; technique; irrigation; pump; seed; technical; import; production; method; root; insect; tobacco; golden; tie; discovery; garden; gardening; gardener; wisdom; practical; guide; firstly; sow; condition; soil; weed; remove; sunflower; humour; humourous; bitter; chalk; couple; minister; circus; intend; stage; nationality; certain; amuse; laughter; accent; actually; typical; tradition; rapid; appreciate; exist; phrase; suffer; operate; direction; brake; cyclist; fortunately; bicycle; silence; rude; confuse; confused

B. 短语:depend on; and so on; make fun of; date back; make use of; drive off; be on good; terms with sb.; look on… as; take notes of; stand for; go against; year after year; in the direction of; in surprise; to one’s joy

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. condition:可以用作动词和名词。主要义项有:条件;状况;状态;决定;调整状态。用作名词表示“条件”时可以构成以下短语:on condition that在……条件下;

Eg. We’ll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.

on this/ that/ no/ what condition在这种(那种,没有的,什么)条件下。

Eg. You should on no condition visit that place.

表示“状态”时可以构成的短语有:in good condition情况良好;

Eg. My car is old but in good condition.

in/ out of condition健康状况良好(不佳)

Eg. He is not in a condition to make a long trip.

注意:比较相似词语:situation形势,局势;state状态(Matter has three states.);surrounding环境

2. intend:用作动词,主要有“意欲;打算”“原本是要……;原意要……(常用于被动语态)”等义项。主要用法有:(1)intend to do

Eg. He intends to study abroad next year.

(2)intend sb. to do

Eg. He intends his son to manage the company.

(3)intend that…

Eg. He intends that the plan should be put into practice within a year.= He intends the plan to be put into practice within a year.

(4)be intended for/ as

Eg. This dictionary is intended for children.

(5)be intended to do

Eg. This was intended to be a picture of a cat.

注意:intend to do和mean to do有相同的用法。

Eg. I’ve made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to/ mean to.我错了,虽然我不愿意。

3. suffer:用作动词,主要义项有:受苦;患病;遭受;忍受等。表示“因……而遭罪,患……病”时,使用suffer from短语。

Eg. He is suffering from a bad cold.

The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.

4. operate:用作动词,主要义项有:运转;操作;起作用;经营;管理;动手术。名词operation手术,操作;operator操作员,接线员。

注意:operate在表示“操作;管理;经营”时,为及物动词,同义词有:run, manage等;表示“手术”时为不及物动词,跟宾语时需使用介词on。

B. 重点短语

1. go against:反对, 违反, 不利于

相关归纳:(1)go ahead进步;前进;可以

Eg. He is going ahead fast.

(2)go away离开;走开

Eg. Did you go away or stay at home in the vacation.

(3)go by走过;时间流逝

Eg. Several years went by before we met again.

(4)go down下降;落下;平静下来

Eg. The wind has gone down a little.

(5)go in for从事;参加

Eg. He goes in for sports every day.

(6)go off离去;进展;变坏;熄掉

Eg. The meeting went off very well.

The milk has gone off.

(7)go over调查;复习(8)go through经过;经历;调查

Eg. She went through the room but couldn’t find the missing ring.

注意:go还可以用作连系动词,构成短语:go bad“变质”;go hungry“挨饿”;go mad“发疯”。

2. make fun of:取笑

相关归纳:(1)make use of利用=make the best of

Eg. You should make use of this chance.

(2)make sure of弄准确

Eg. Will you make sure of his return?

3. look on… as把……看着。同义词组:think of…as…;regard…as…;treat…as…

相关归纳:(1)look on旁观

Eg. Two men were fighting while people looked on.

(2)look forward to希望;盼望

Eg. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

(3)look into往里看;调查

Eg. The committee is looking into the cause of the accident.

(4)look over瞭望;越过……看;检查

Eg. The secretary looked over the letters quickly.

(5)look through浏览;审查

Eg. I have to look through my notebooks for the exam.

4. stand for:代表, 代替, 象征, 支持, 做...的候选人

注意:此处的“代表”为“表示……意思”。如果表示“代表某人做某事”要使用on behalf of。

相关归纳:(1)stand alone孤立;卓越

Eg. She stands alone among her classmates.

(2)stand by站在一边;旁观;支持

Eg. Please remember I’ll stand by you whatever happens.

(3)stand out突出;引人注目;杰出

Eg. They were all attractive, but she stood out from the others.

C. 必背句型

1. 并列和伴随:并列成分表示几个动作接连发生,有先后顺序,并列成分的形式要一致;伴随状语则表示伴随动作和谓语动作同时发生。

(1) 并列谓语:He collected information, studied it, did experiments and learnt from the experiences of farmers.

(2) 并列状语:The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody’s way of dressing or telling an amusing story.

(3) 并列主语:You can feel what it is like to live in space, walk on the ocean floor or ski with polar bears at the North Pole.

(4) 伴随状语:A few minutes later everybody is quiet, listening and thinking about the comedians’ words.

2. not…but…与not only…but also…


Eg. She drives not carefully but slowly.

not only…but also…的意思是“不仅……而且……”,当not only位于句首时,该句应该使用倒装语序。

Eg. Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.

当not… but…和not only…but also…连接两个名词或代词作主语时,主谓一致遵循就近一致的原则。

III. 疑难突破

1. way, method, means

way可指一般的方法,也可指个人的或特殊的方法或方式。如:生活方式way of life。另外,当way作先行词时,定语从句引导词可以是in which也可以是that,也可以不用引导词。常用短语:in this way用这种方式;by the way顺便说;in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;in the way妨碍某人;lose one’s way迷路;on the/one’s way在路上;make one’s way前进。


means指具体的“方法、手段、工具”,其单复数相同。常用短语:by this means用这种方式;by all means无论如何;by means of以……方式;by no means一点也不。


(1). I think this is the best _____ to deal with the waste.

(2). Now teaching the text is done in a very lively _____ in English classes.

(3). He introduced the Western _____ of teaching in class.

(4). Follow her _____ of cooking.

(5). Every possible _____ has/ All possible _____ have been adopted.

2. create, invite, discover, find, find out




find out“查明真相;弄清”,同义词为make sure。


(1). The idea that God _____ the world is wrong.

(2). Thomas Edison _____ the first small electric lamp.

(3). They never _____ how to open the box.

(4). I was surprised when I _____ you in the bus.

(5). Did you _____ the book you lost?

(6). Please _____ who broke into the house last night.

篇6:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 21&22, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:unfair; customer; avoid; suitcase; manage; fold; vary; crazy; part; firm; handshake; bow; fist; bend; tap; gently; anger; useless; occur; focus; specific; amusement; souvenir; attraction; collection; castle; minority; cartoon; thrill; educate; conversation; coastal; divide; section; shuttle; butterfly; injury; rocket; helicopter; carve; achievement; civilization; prevent; handbag; twist; darkness; imagination; designer; endless

B. 短语:ahead of; give sb. a hand; get through; tear down; hold up; make a face; in order; cut off; tell the truth; take turns; stare at; a variety of

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. manage:用作动词,主要义项有:经营;管理;(同义词:operate);操纵;对付;设法做成;设法维持。名词:management经营;管理;处理;操作;manager经理。

注意:比较manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.设法做成某事;

Eg. He managed to organize a live concert.= He succeed in organizing a live concert.

try to do sth.表示尽力做某事,但不知道最终的结果;try doing sth.试图做某事;attempt to do尽力做。

2. occur:occur用作不及物动词,主要有以下义项:发生;(念头、想法等)想起;浮现;出现;存在。occur to sb.= come into sb’s mind想起,想到

Eg. An idea has occurred to me.

也可以使用句型:It occurs to sb. that…

Eg. It occurred to me that we should go there more often.

注意:下列动词或短语都有“发生”的意思,并且都是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态:happen, take place, break out, come about。

3. prevent:用作动词,表示“妨碍;阻碍;防止;预防”的意思。其常用结构有:prevent sth. 和prevent sb. (from) doing sth.。

Eg. We should do our best to prevent accidents.

Their prompt actions prevented the fire from spreading.


4. avoid:用作及物动词,主要义项有:逃避;避免;回避。可以跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语。

Eg. The car turned to the left to avoid a collision.

I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.

avoidable adj.可避免的;avoidance n.逃避;回避。

注意比较:fail to do sth.没有(没能)做成某事。

Eg. Never fail to write to me.

miss doing错过做……;躲过。

Eg. I missed buying the May number of the magazine.

escape doing逃离(灾难)。

Eg. He escaped being punished.

B. 重点短语

1. take turns:轮流, 依次

相关归纳:(1)by turns轮流=take turns at doing sth.

Eg. They laughed and cried by turns.

(2)It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事

Eg. It’s your turn to sing.

(3)in turn(s)轮流;依次;按顺序

Eg. They sang on the stage in turn.

(4)on the turn在转变

Eg. Their opinions are on the turn.

(5)out of turn不按顺序;次序混乱

Eg. Please don’t speak out of turn.

(6)serve one’s turn适合自己的需要

Eg. I think this book will serve my turn.


2. get through:到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通

相关归纳:(1)get across:过……的时候(不用被动语态);与……沟通

Eg. I just can’t get across to him.

(2)get along设法度过;相处(和with连用);进展(和with连用)

Eg. We’ll get along without that much money somehow.

How are you getting along with your work?

(3)get away离开

Eg. I’m afraid I can’t get away from the meeting.

(4)get down下来

Eg. The kitten climbed the tree and couldn’t get down.

(5)get down to开始做(to为介词)

Eg. He got down to business immediately he sat at the desk.

注意:(1)go through with/get through (with) = finish;(2)go through和get through在表示“通过”时,不用被动语态。

3. hold up:举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截

相关归纳:(1)hold back:缩回;制止;隐藏

Eg. You must be holding something back from me.

(2)hold off使……保持距离;拖延

Eg. Hold off for a minute.

(3)hold on继续;坚持;不挂断(电话);固定

Eg. The storm held on all night.

(4)hold on to抓住;执著于;固守

Eg. The little girl held on to the tail of his coat.

(5)hold out伸出;维持

Eg. Our food supplies won’t hold out long.

(6)catch/get/lay//seize/take hold of抓住

Eg. He was caught hold of by the arm.

C. 必背句型

1. as to的句型结构:比较as to和so as to的区别。(1)so as to后面跟动词不定式,相当于in order to,表示“为了……”的意思。(2)as to后面跟名词、短语和从句,在wh-从句、短语前的as to常可省略。

Eg. As to money, he is indifferent.至于钱,他漠不关心。

III. 疑难突破

1. divide, separate

divide vi.&vt.分开;分成……份。常构成短语:divide… into…“把……分成几份”;divide up分开。

separate v.分离;分手;隔开。常构成短语:separate…from…“把……和……分开”。adj.分开的;各自的。


(1). He _____ the apple into half.

(2). He _____ the profits with his partners.

(3). She _____ her spare time between reading books and walking.

(4). We talked until midnight and then _____.

(5). As we joined the big crowd I got _____ from my friends.

(6). England is _____ from France by the Channel.

(7). He decided to _____ the large house into flats.

2. injure, harm, wound, hurt


injure意义较广,着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。be slightly/seriously/badly injured受伤很轻/很严重/很重。injury n.

harm可以用于动词和名词,“伤害;危害”指精神上或物质上的危害;对……有害。短语:do harm to sb./do sb. harm对某人有危害。




(1). Tom fell down from the tree and _____ his legs.

(2). Smoking will _____ your health.

(3). She’s afraid that he would _____ the child.

(4). I _____ my eyes by reading in dim light.

(5). He got _____ in the war.

(6). He fell off the bike and _____ his arm.

(7). He didn’t want to _____ her feelings.

篇7:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 7&8, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:relic; pyramid; represent; include; ruin; burn; restore; portrait; recreate; unite; period; damage; project; brick; official; cave; pollution; breath; limit; continent; tie; athlete; medal; torch; dive; shooting; competitor; further; prepare; effect; compete; weight; position; point; title; gesture; facial

B. 短语:give in; give up; in ruins; bring…back to life; pull down; set up; in one’s opinion; with the help of; so far; make oneself heard; stand for; because of; would rather; take part; in preparation for; prefer…to…; have…effect on; by hand

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. include:v.主要义项有:包括;包含;使成为……的一部分


Eg. We all went, me included.

Six people were killed in the riot(**), including a policeman.

2. burn:可以作动词或名词。作动词时,主要义项有:着火;燃烧;烧伤;烧焦;发烫;渴望;有强烈的情感。作名词时,主要义项有:烧伤;灼伤;烧的痕迹。

相关归纳:(1)burn sth. down(被)烧毁

Eg. The fire burned down the house.

(2)burn sth. up被烧毁;被烧掉

Eg. The spaceship burned up as it entered the earth’s atmosphere.

(3)burn away(使)烧掉;烧光

Eg. Half the candle had burnt away.

(4)burn out/burn itself out烧尽;熄灭(

Eg. The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived.

5)burn out或burn yourself/sb. out耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累夸

Eg. If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll burn himself out.

3. breathe:v.主要义项有:呼吸;呼出


相关归纳:(1)hold one’s breath(由于激动、害怕等)不出声;屏息(2)out of breath上气不接下气;喘不过气来(3)short of breath呼吸短促

Eg. She was very short of breath.

(4)take one’s breath away令人惊叹;让人叹绝

Eg. My first view of the island from the air took my breath away.

4. prepare:v.使作好准备;把……预备好;防范;准备(n. preparation)

常见搭配有:prepare +sth./sb. (for sb./sth.;

Eg. A hotel room is being prepared for them.

The college prepares students for a career in business.这个学院是培养商务人才的。prepare +for sth.; prepare +to do sth.

相关归纳:(1)in preparation (for)(为……)准备

Eg. The team has been training hard in preparation for a big game.

(2)be prepared (for sth.)准备好;有所准备

Eg. I was not prepared for all the problems it caused.我对这事引起的诸多麻烦毫无准备。

(3)be prepared to do愿意

Eg. We are not prepared to accept these conditions.

5. point:v.指,指向;瞄准;对着,朝向。n.观点,论点;要点,重点;目的;意图;时刻;关头;得分;小数点

相关归纳:(1)to the point简明恰当;简洁中肯

Eg. The letter was short and to the point.(简明扼要)

(2)to the point of (doing) sth.达到某种程度;近乎

Eg. He was rude to the point of being aggressive.他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的程度。

(3)up to a point在某种程度上

Eg. I agree with you up to a point.

(4)point out指(给某人)看;(向某人)指出

Eg. I’ll point him out to you next time he comes in.

B. 重点短语

1. give up放弃;戒掉;认输

Eg. He doesn’t give up easily.

2. give in让步;屈服;投降;勉强同意;交上

Eg. Please give your work in before Monday.

相关归纳:(1)give away背弃;出卖;泄漏;暴露;赠送;泄露

Eg. She gave away state secrets to the enemy.

(2)give off(散)发出

Eg. She gives off a smell of rose.

(3)give back还给;归还;使恢复

Eg. The operation gave him back the use of his legs.

(4)give sb. a hand帮某人的忙

3.base sth. on/upon以……为根据(基础);把……建立在……

Eg. One should always base his opinion on facts.

4. so far迄今为止;到目前为止

相关归纳:(1)by far(常用来修饰比较级或最高级,用以加强语气)大大的:……得多

The last of these reasons is by far the most important.

(2)as far as the eye can/could see极目所尽(3)as far as I know就我所知(4)as far as I can remember(see, tell, etc.)尽我所记得的;依我看(5)as far as sb./sth. be concerned就……而言

Eg. As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like.

(6)as far as it goes在有限程度上(通常指不满意)

Eg. It’s a good plan as far as it goes, but there are a lot of things they haven’t thought of.

5. every four year每四年:every与数词或few、other连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,一般形成以下结构:(1)every+基数词+复数名词,意为“每……”;(2)every+序数词+单数名词,意为“每第……”;(3)every+other+单数可数名词,指“每隔……”;(4)every+ few+复数名词,译成“每隔几……”

6. make sure确保;一定要;保证做到;核实;弄清楚

相关归纳:(1)be sure of/be sure that有把握;确信。主语是人,表示主语感到“有把握,确信”。(2)be sure to do一定要;必然会。主语可以是人或物,表示说话人推测主语“一定要,必然会”。

Eg. He is sure to succeed.

C. 必背句型

1. 表示“尽其所能去做某事;尽力做某事”的句型:可用sb. do what one can to do或sb. do everything/all (that) one can do来表达。该句型中can后省略了do,不定式作目的状语。也可用do/try one’s best to do来表达

Eg. Whenever he met with difficulty, she would do what she could to help him.

2. 用why表示建议的句型:Why not+动词?或Why don’t you+动词?

3. be+介词+名词:可用来表示动作,名词前不能使用冠词。

Eg. It was under attack for 900 days,… be at work ;bi on business…

4. would rather…(than…):(1)would/had rather…(than)意为“宁愿……而不愿;宁愿;更喜欢”。(2)would rather后接从句时,从句中用过去时。

Eg. I’d rather you came tomorrow than today.

III. 疑难突破

1. farther, further:表示时间、空间和距离时两者可换用;表示“进一步、进一层、更多”时,只能用further。


(1) I could walk no ____.

(2) This problem will be _____ discussed tomorrow.

(3) No _____ explanation is needed.

(4) It means every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw _____.

2. bring, take, carry, fetch





3. prepare, prepare for, get (be) ready:

(1)get/be ready意为“准备好”,强调准备的结果。常见结构有:a. get ready (for sth.); b. get sth. ready; c. be ready (for sth.); d. be ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事)


(3)prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。

(4)常见结构:prepare sth.准备某物(事)prepare sth. for sth.使……为……作好准备prepare to do sth.准备做某事prepare for sth.为某事作准备prepare sb. for sth.使某人对某事有思想准备be prepared for sth.准备好应付某事


(1) Mother was busy ____ us lunch in the kitchen when I got home.

(2) The doctor told the nurses to _____ the operation at once.

(3) We _____ to do anything for the people.

(4) Will you help me ____ the party?

(5) Please _____ be seven o’clock tomorrow morning.

(6) The teacher is _____ the exam.

(7) The students are ____ the exam.

(8) Will you _____ her for the bad news that is coming?

4. win, beat:

(1)beat宾语只能是表示人的词或一个集体,“在比赛、战斗、争论中击败某人”应说beat sb. in…。

(2)win作“赢”解时,其宾语通常是war, battle, game, match, argument, medal等,不能时表示人的词。


(1) They do their best to _____ medals.

(2) We _____ their team by 10 points.

(3) Jim _____ Tom by a yard and _____ the race.

(4) Do you know who _____ the Nobel Prize for physics this year?

5. manage to do, try to do:

(1)manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.,表示“努力做成某事”。

(2)try to do sth.表示“试图、企图、努力”去做,不强调结果。

6. because of, because:


(2)because of是介词,用于名词、代词、what从句或动名词前。

篇8:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 5&6, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:hero; scene; career; role; award; prize; choice; degree; speed; studio; creature; adult; peace; industry; owe; accept; primary; determine; comment; interrupt; apology; apologize; fault; introduce; forgive; culture; manners; impression; behave; roll; dessert; custom; course; raise; advice; spirit; mix; extra; stare.

B. 短语:take off; go wrong; owe sth. to sb.; in all; stay away; lock sb. up; run after; bring sb. back; on the air; think highly of; be afraid to do sth.; can’t help doing; together with; leave out; stare at; make jokes about sb.; mean to do; mean doing; start with; ask for.

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. choose:v.主要义项为:(1)挑选,选择(2)决定,宁愿,情愿

choice:n.选择;入选者;精选品 adj.极好的;精选的

相关归纳:(1)cannot choose but to do除了……外别无他法;只得

Eg. He cannot choose but to obey.

(2)by choice出于自己的选择

Eg. I wouldn’t go there by choice.让我选择,我不会去那里。

(3)of choice (for sb./sth.)(用于名词后)精选的;特选的

Eg. It’s the software of choice for business use.这是商务专用软件。

2. speed:可以用作动词或名词。作动词时,主要义项有:(1)快速前进或移动;(2)快速运送。常见短语:speed up(加速;加快进度)。作名词时,主要义项有:速度;速率;进度

注意:speed前的介词with或at的选用:(1)表示抽象、模糊的速度时,往往用with。如:with speed, with all speed, with great speed

(2)表示极端或具体的速度时,往往用at。如:at full speed, at high speed, at top speed, at low speed, at ordinary speed, at a speed of…

3. determine:v.查明;测定;决定;决心;确定;安排。

常见结构:be determined to do/that-class有决心;下定决心

4. marry:常见结构有:

be married (to)与……结婚;嫁给……用于表示结婚的状态。

get married (to)与……结婚;嫁给……用于表示结婚的动作。

marry sb. to sb.把……嫁给

注意:(1)marry是及物动词,表示“与……结婚”,无须再用with或其他介词。(2)marry是非延续性动词,不可于表示一段时间的状语连用。(3)be married可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。

5. afford:主要义项有:(有时间)做;能做:负担得起(……的费用);经得起……;提供;给予

注意:afford通常与can, could, be able to等连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句。

Eg. We can’t afford to buy that expensive car.

6. advise:v.主要义项有:忠告;劝告;建议。主要搭配形式为:(1)+名/代词;(2)+动名词;(3)+疑问词+不定式;(4)+名/代词+不定式;(5)+that-从句;(6)+名/代词+wh-从句

advice: n.作“建议;劝告;忠告;意见”解时,是不可数名词,其后的介词多用on。也可用about。A/several piece(s) of advice一/几条建议


1. else:adj.其他的,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词或不定式之后;else的所有格是else’s。or else否则的话,要不然……

Eg. Where else did you go besides Beijing?

Get dressed quickly, or else you’ll miss the first bus.

B. 重点短语

1. owe sth. to sb./sth.或owe sb. sth.:归功于;归因于;起源于

Eg. He owes his success to hard work.

I owe everything to him.

2. on (the) air正在播送(电视、广播)

相关归纳:(1)off the air停止播送

Eg. Why has that station gone off the air?

(2)in the air不定的;未定的;(指意见等)传播的;散布的;(军)无掩蔽的;无掩护的(3)by air乘飞机

Eg. My plan are still in the air.我的计划还很渺茫。

3. think highly(well, a lot, the world…) of对……评价很高

Eg. He thinks the world of his daughter.他非常器重女儿。

相关归纳:not think much of…/think poorly(little, badly…) of对……评价不高

Eg. I don’t think much of her idea.我认为她的主意不怎么样。

4. stare at sb./sth.盯着看;凝视;注视

相关归纳:(1)glare at怒目而视

(2)be staring sb. in the face明罢着;显而易见;必定发生

Eg. The answer was staring us in the face.答案明摆在我们面前。

(3)be staring sth. in the face不可避免

Eg. They were staring defeat in the face.对他们来说,失败不可避免。

5. be busy with sth.忙于某事(表状态)

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事(强调动作)

keep busy doing sth.忙于做某事

6. mean to do sth.有意图或打算干某事

mean doing sth.意味着干某事

C. 必背句型

1. When等连词引导的状语从句中的省略:当when, while, until, if, unless等连词引导的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同或主语为it时,或从句的主谓部分为it和be动词时,从句的主语及部分谓语(be动词)可省略。

Eg. When (he was) asked, he gave good advice.

If (it is) necessary, we’ll have a meeting.

He will not go to the party unless (he is) invited.

2. 含有until/till结构的句子:(1)until/till引导的结构与肯定句连用时,主句谓语动词为延续性动词,其动作延续到until/till所表示时间就停止;

Eg. When Minzhi has to get off the bus, she walks till she finally reaches the town.


Eg. We didn’t go until he came back.

(3)强调not until/till有两种方式:a. not until/till放在句首,主句采用部分倒装语序,谓语动词用原形;b. 用It’s …that…强调句型。not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:“It is/was not until…that+主句部分(用肯定形式)”

Eg. Not until he came back did we go.

It was not until he came back that we went.

3. keep+复合宾语:keep表示“使继续处于某种状态”时,可以接复合宾语,其中的宾语补足语可以是:(1)现在分词;(2)过去分词;(3)形容词;(4)介词短语;(5)副词

Eg. We’d better keep the fire burning.

He couldn’t keep his eyes shut to all this. 他不能对这一切视而不见。

4. 英语中表达“……怎么样?”的结构:(1)How/What about…?常用来征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。about后接名词、代词或动名词,动名词可以有逻辑主语。(2)How do/does…like?用来询问对某事的感觉,即喜欢还是不喜欢。

Eg. How do you like the book?

(3)What is…like?用来询问人或事物的特征,即人的外貌或品德,以及天气状况。(4)How is/are…?的主语是人时,用来询问身体健康状况。

5. would like结构:(1)would like to do sth.表示主语“想要做某事”。(2)would like sb. to do sth.表示主语“想要别人做某事”。(3)请求对方做某事时,常用Would you like to do…?其答语为:Yes, I’d like to./Yes, I’d love to./Yes, I’ll be happy to./Sorry, but I’m busy.(4)请对方吃或喝点什么时,常用Would you like a/another…?对方的答语常是:Yes, please./Just a little, please./No, thanks. I’ve had enough./I’m full, thank you.

III. 疑难突破

1. reason, cause, excuse

(1)reason指产生某种行为或想法上的推理性理由,与conclusion相对。reason for表示“……的理由”。

(2)cause主要指导致某种结果,客观存在的原因,它是相对于effect来说的。cause of表示“……的起因”。



(1) The _____ of the fire was unknown.

(2) What’s the _____ for your hurry?

(3) When he is late, he can always find a(n) _____.

(4) The _____ why he was absent today is that his father died.

2. sick, ill

(1)sick可作表语或定语,作表语时,有时含有“恶心的,要呕吐的”之意;the sick指一类人,作主语时,谓语动词作复数;sick可以构成复合词,如airsick; seasick; carsick; sick还可以构成固定词组,如be sick for(渴望的);be sick of(对……厌倦)。

(2)ill作“生病”讲时,只作表语,不作定语;作“坏的,恶心的”讲时,只能作定语,不能作表语。Speak ill of sb.说某人的坏话;Ill luck!=Bad luck!


(1) He spends a lot of money on treating his _____ father.

(2) Don’t make friends with a person with a(n) _____ name.

(3) The _____ are taken good care of in this hospital.

(4) Don’t speak _____ of him.

(5) She sings badly. When I hear her sing, I feel _____.

(6) The girl is _____ in bed with a cold, and she is _____ for home.

(7) He is always complaining. We are _____ of listening to his complaint.

3. raise, rise

(1)rise(rose, risen)是不及物动词,主要意思为:升起;上升;上涨;站起来;起床

(2)raise(raised, raised)是及物动词,主要意思为:抬起;提高;饲养;养大。


(1) He _____ his voice so as to be heard.

(2) She _____ and left the room.

(3) She _____ four pigs and many chickens.

(4) The sun _____ and bathed the earth in its glow.

(5) The river is _____ after the rain. So we can’t swim in it.

4. spend, cost, take, pay

(1)sb. spend some time/money on sth.或sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.

(2)sth. cost sb. some money/time/life/health

(3)It takes sb. some time to do sth.或sb. take some time to do sth.或sth. take sb. some time to do

(4)sb. pay (sb.) some money (for) sth.


(1) It _____ him three years to write the book.(=He _____ three years to write the book.= The book _____ him three years to write. = He _____ three years writing the book.)

(2) Every year he _____ a lot of money on books/in buying books.

(3) This dictionary _____ me 100yuan.

(4) Making experiment like that _____ much time and labour.

(5) Careless driving may _____ you your life.

(6) They have decided to _____ 70,000yuan for the newly-built house.

(7) We’ll _____ you in a few days, when I have money.

5. accept, receive




(1) He told the headmaster that he had _____ an invitation to the meeting and asked her whether he could _____ it.

(2) Our suggestions were _____ at the meeting.

(3) I _____ my parents’ letter last Friday.

(4) Where did you _____ your doctor’s degree?

(5) We were warmly _____ at the factory gate.

(6) Did they _____ what you told them?

(7) She applied to join the Party and was _____.

6. the one, one, it, that的替代用法:都有可以用来替代前文出现的名词,是经常考查的代词,简述如下:

(1)the one用来替代同类事物中特指的一个,复数用the ones。





(1) The finger I put into my mouth was not _____ had dipped into the cup.

(2) I need a bike. Lend me _____

(3) I want to use your bike. Could you lend ____ to me.

(4) The study of idioms is as important as _____ of grammar.

(5) -Do you have a camera? -No, but Tom has ____. He bought ___ a week ago.

(6) When you see two spoons, the big ____ is for soup and the small ____ for the dessert.

(7) The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a little bit bigger that ____ besides them.

篇9:英语一轮复习讲稿Units 1&2, Book I


I. 词汇

A. 单词:honest; loyal; wise; smart; argue; fond; match; fry; saw; rope; movie; cast; survive; deserted; hunt; share; lie; adventure; error; closet; pronounce; broad; repeat; majority; total; equal; situation; trade; international; organization; government; tourism; communicate; exchange; service; signal; tidy; stand; independent; publish; expression; compare.

B. 短语:hunt for; in order to; care about; drop sb. a line; argue about sth.; even though; as … as possible; in total; make oneself at home; except for; stay up; end up with; a great many; the number of; more and more.

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. match: match可用作动词和名词。作动词时,主要义项有:与……一致;和……相似;和……相配(称);比得过。主要搭配形式为:match + n. + to/with +n 把……和……搭配起来/调和起来;match + n. + in/for + n. 与……匹敌,是……的对手,势均力敌。

Eg. Please match each picture with the correct sentence.

No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.


相关归纳:(1)be no match for敌不过

Eg. I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。

(2)match up to与……相当;符合……标准

Eg. The trip failed to match up to her expectations.这次旅行令她很失望。

2. share: share可用作动词和名词。用作名词时,主要义项为:一份;股份。 用作动词时,主要搭配和义项有:(1)share sth. (out)(among/between sb.)分给;分配;分派 (2)share sth. (with sb.)和别人分享;和别人合用;分给别人(3)share in sth. 分摊;共同承担

Eg. He shared his money out among his six children.

I’ll share the cost with you.

3. lie: 作动词时,主要义项为:躺着;位于;处于,保留,保持(某种状态);说谎

注意:lie作“说谎”讲时,是规则动词,过去式和过去分词为lied, lied;作其他意思讲时,是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词为:lay, lain

相关归纳:(1)lie down躺下(休息或养病)(2)lie with(责任等)在于 (3)give the lie to sth. 证实……是虚假的;证明不实;揭穿谎言

Eg. I’ll go and lie down for a bit. I’m a little dizzy.

The fault lies with me.

These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down.这些新资料表明失业率在下降的看法是不真实的。

4. compare: 主要义项有:比较;相比

相关归纳:(1)compare A with B把A与B相比较(指同类事物的具体比较)。(2)compare A to B把A比着B(3)compare to/with与……比起来(常用作状语,可位于句首或句末)(4)compare with/to sb./sth.与……类似(或相似)

Eg. Compare John’s answer with Henry’s, which is better?

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.

Compared to/with many people, she was indeed lucky.

This house doesn’t compare with our previous one.

B. 重点短语

1. as … as possible尽可能地……

注:as … as possible是as … as it is/was possible的省略,其中的possible用作表语,不可用副词possibly替代。

Eg. I’ll go to see you as often as possible.

2. forget to do sth. 忘记去做……,指忘了要做的事。

forget doing sth. 忘了做过……,指忘了已做的事或已发生的事。

Eg. Take care, don’t forget to write.

I forgot writing to him, so I wrote again.

具有相似用法的动词(短语)还有:remember, regret等。

3. more or less是一个固定结构,or不可换成and。more or less可以修饰数词,意为“大约”;还可修饰动词、分词、形容词,意为“或多或少,差不多,几乎”。通常放在系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,或放在动词之前,也可置于句末。

4. more than超过;很;非常;不仅

“more than +数词+名词”等于“over+数词+名词”,意为“超过”。more than用于修饰形容词、名词或动词时,要看作习语,意思是“不仅、很、非常”。

相关归纳:(1)no more than不超过 (2)more A than B与其说B不如说A。

Eg. His whole school education added up to no more than one year.

She is more hardworking than wise.

5. more and more越来越……


Eg. The more you read, the more you’ll get.

6. bring in吸引,引入;请……做,让……参加;提出(新法案);赚得,挣

相关归纳:(1) bring about导致;引起 (2)bring back把……送回;归还;使回忆起;恢复;重新使用 (3)bring down打垮;击败;降低;减少;(飞机)着陆;击落

C. 必背句型

1. so或neither(nor)引导的(倒装)句型:





(4)前句表述的人或物情况复杂,无法使用so或neither(nor)引导的倒装句型表达另一人或物情况相同,则用It is/was with sb./sth.

Eg. -Tom likes playing basketball but he can’t play well.

-So it is with me.


Eg. -She can speak French. -So she can.

2. so…that如此……以至于……

(1)so + adj/adv + that…表示“如此……以至于”,that可省略;当so和它所修饰的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句倒装。

Eg. So interesting is the book that I want to read it again.


a. so +few/many+可数名词复数+that

b. so + little/much+不可数名词+that

c. so + adj + a(n)+名词+that= such +a(n) + adj +名词+that

3.should have done sth.过去应该干么事

(1)should have done表示“过去应该做某事,而实际上没做”,含有责备的意味。

(2)shouldn’t have done表示“过去不应该做某事,而实际上做了”,也含有责备的意味。

Eg. You should have come here yesterday.

He shouldn’t have gone without telling us.


(1)基本结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其余部分

(2)被强调句子是一般疑问句时,其结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分(用陈述语序)?

Eg. Is it tomorrow that you will go to see him?

(3)被强调句子是特殊疑问句时,其结构为:疑问词+is/was+ it +that+其他部分(陈述语序)?

Eg. Where was it that you held the meeting?

(4)强调名词性从句引导词时,其结构为:引导词+it is/was +that+从句其他部分。

Eg. He asked where it was that you held the meeting.

(5)对not…until结构中until部分进行强调时,not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:It is/was not until…that+主句部分(用肯定形式)。

Eg. It was not until midnight that he went back home after the experiment.

III. 疑难突破

1. match, suit, fit





(1) His clothes don’t ______ his age.

(2) Does the time _______ you?

(3) The new coat ______ her well. It is neither too big nor too small.

(4) Which day ______ you, Saturday or Sunday?

2. alone, lonely


(2)用法:作形容词时,alone只能作表语,有时作宾补,不能作定语;lonely可以作表语和定语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone,或very much alone。


(4)固定结构:leave/let sb./sth. alone听任;别打扰;let alone更不用说。


(1) He feels ______ though he has two brothers.

(2) The old man lives in a ______ house in the forest ______.

(3) When he woke up, he found himself ______ in the room.

(4) Though he is ______ at home, he doesn’t feel ______, for he has many things to do.

(5) The baby can’t walk, let ______ run.

(6) Leave the machine ______. it’s dangerous.

3. although, though



(3)只能说as though(=as if);even though(=even if)。



(1) ______ they tried hard, they didn’t finish the work on time.

(2) They didn’t stop to have a rest ______ they were tired.

(3) He speaks English as ______ he were an Englishman.

(4) Even ______ he didn’t tell me anything about it, I know the whole thing.

(5) Child ______ he is, he knows a lot about computers.

(6) He said he would help me with my English; he didn’t, ______.

4. besides, except, except for, except that



except for说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,后接名词。

except that的用法基本同except for,但其后必须句子。它用来表示理由或细节,修下前面所说的情况。


(1) We all succeeded ______ Tom, so he is also glad.

(2) We all succeeded ______ Tom, so he is very sad.

(3) He is a good man, ______ hot temper.

(4) Your article is quite good ______ there are several spelling mistakes.

(5) Your article is quite good ______ several spelling mistakes.

5. a number of, the number of

a number of只能用作定语,修饰可数名词复数,意为“许多;若干”(=many)。number前可用large, small等修饰词。当它修饰主语时,谓语动词与它修饰的主语一致。

the number of的意思是“……的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用单数。


(1) ______ trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year.

(2) We have lived there for ______ years.

(3) ______ jobless people grows in the country at present.

(4) ______ students are playing football on the playground.

(5) ______ students in our class is over 70.

相关专题 讲稿英语