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雅思口语Part2话题范文:cafe you enjoyed

Describe a cafe you enjoyed

You should say:

what special features it has

what kind of food they offer

how often you go there

and explain why you enjoy going there


Ok right then, well the cafe that I’d like to talk to you about is one called Feibi Cafe, which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a few minutes’ walk from where I live.

And as for how often I go there, well I actually go there quite a lot, probably something like once or twice a week. Having said that though, it really kind of depends how busy I am. I mean, there are times when I don’t go for weeks on end because I’m simply too busy with stuff, but normally that’s not the case, and I’m there pretty regularly, as I just mentioned.

Anyway, regarding what kind of things they serve there, well it’s great, because they’ve got a really good selection of both Chinese and Western food, so there’s a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks, there’salso quite a lot on the menu, especially coffee, which you can probably imagine, what with it being a cafe and all. And I tend to normally always go for the Americano coffee, cos I think they do it really well, and so I’ve never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu.

But anyway, finally then, moving on to why I like this place so much, well I’d say it’s a combination of reasons, one of which would be that it’s really big and spacious, at least compared to most of the other cafes I’ve been to, so you never have to worry about not finding a place to sit. Although having said that, it can sometimes get pretty busy in the evenings, so I usually tend to go in the morning or afternoon. Anyway, another thing to mention would be that the food and drinks there are pretty good-value. Because I mean, most of the Western food there only costs between about 30 to 50 yuan, which is a lot cheaper than most of the other Western restuarants in the city. And the price of the coffee there is round about the same price as Starbuck’s, which some people might see as expensive, but considering the fact that you’re paying for the environment as well as the drink, I’d say it’s definitely worth it.

Oh and the other thing I really like about it is that you can spend as much time as you want relaxing there,without being bothered by the waiters. And the chairs there are nice and comfy, so it’s actually very easy to spend half the day there using the free wifi or doing whatever.

So yeah, I guess that’s about it!


Having said that though = 不过话又说回来

Although having said that = 不过话又说回来

something like = about

normally that's not the case = 一般不说这个样子

go for = choose

what with it being a cafe and all = 毕竟是个咖啡店

round about the same price = 差不多一样价格

considering the fact that = 考虑到

Oh and ...... = 啊对了,......

comfy = comfortable

nice and (adj.) = 如果你对这个事情很满意的话,这个形容词前面可以加一个“nice and...“ for example, ”the weather's nice and sunny today“ / ”my bedroom is nice and bright“ / ”the library is

雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an interesting place in your city

You should say:

Where is this place

what you can do there

who you like to go with

and explain why you think this is an interesting place.


Ok, I'd like to tell you about the temple of the Six Banyan Trees. It's located in the city center of Guangzhou and its not far away from Zhongshan 6 Road, near the People's Hospital. It's a good place to go to and climb to see the Flower Pagoda, which has eight sides to it. You can also go there to pray if you are a Buddhist. It is an active temple and is also the head of the Guangzhou Buddhist Association. You can also do a bit of shopping there if you like. Besides the souvenirs you can buy there, it also has a very lively fruit and meat market nearby, so if you just want to shop instead you can.

The main feature of this place is the pagoda because it's the tallest in the city. From the outside it looks like it has only nine stories, but actually it has 17 inside. It's quite old, and was built some time in the 10th century. The temple itself is even older than that-I think it goes back to some time during the Tang Dynasty, around 500 AD or something like that. It's called the six Banyan Trees because there used to be six trees there, and Su Dongpu, one of china's best-known poets in the Song Dynasty, celebrated them in a poem. You can also see one of the most beautiful golden statutes of Guanyin, who's a Buddhist Goddess of Compassion I would recommend this place because it represents real history in Guangzhou. A lot of people complain that Guangzhou is too concerned about money and business, and lacks culture, but I think there are several places that still remind people of its rich culture, and this is one of them。


Well, the interesting place in my city I think is the center park. First, the environment of the park is perfect. You know what, there are a lot of trees, flowers and grassland, and the fresh air always makes me comfortable. Second there are several famous restaurants in the park, and my friends and I eat a lot there, and you can enjoy the delicious food and the view in the park at the meanwhile. Finally, there are a big exercise plaza in the park, and I can do some exercise there, and sometime I could make friends there. My best friend Frank and I meet at the first time there. That’s why the center park is my favorite public place.


Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

You should say:

Where the place is

How you know the place

How you go there

Why you want to visit

Today, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my company/my house named “ABC”

As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my little trip to “ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.

The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I?m sitting in a garden of my own.

Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a personal project such asreading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by other people.

It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.

Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.


和作文很相似的,口语中对给定话题的回答要切入主题,否则就构成跑题。 什么是跑题?这个个问题的回答不如用具体的例子来陈述:

考题:Do you often listen to the music?

不少考生回答说: yes, I love to listen to the music.

这个答案是我在一家被称为最专业的雅思培训机构中某个老师的课上听到的。当然这个老师的口语很好,很令人感动,语音语调都很优美,但是他指导学生的回答出了毛病。 问题是:“你经常听音乐吗?” 这个问题的重点是:“经常”。考生需要回答的是“是否经常听?”


“I listen to the classical music four times every week and each time I listen to it for about thirty minutes. Actually, I have listened to Chopin for almost twelve years.”

这个答案,准确地回答了”often“的问题,而且用classical music 代替了music 使得答案显得更加具体细腻。


雅思口语Part2话题范文:cafe you enjoyed


Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

When and where you had the dinner

Who you ate the dinner with

What you ate

And explain how you felt with this dinner





Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.





Describe a long walk you ever had.

You should say:

when this happened

where you walked

who you were with

and explain how you felt about the walk





Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution

You should say:

? What the place is

? What type of pollution it is/ are

? Cause and effect of pollution

and explain how can this pollution be controlled.





As for the interesting animal, I’d like to tell you about the koi fish which is very popular in China, Japan and other Asian countries. As far as I know, the koi fish is colourful variation of the common carp. Some of the major colours are white, black, red, yellow and cream, so they look particularly fantastic.

The koi are hearty fish. They can thrive in cold, fresh waters. And they are opportunistic fish, which means they eat a wide range of food, including insects, fish eggs, juvenile fish of other species and a diverse range of plants. What surprise me most is that the koi fish can live up to 70-year-old, as long as human.

Chinese people feed the koi fish for more than 1000 years. In China, they symbolise bringing good fortune and wealth, that is probably the reason why some many Chinese people like to keep them as pets at home in the tanks or ponds, especially the businessmen. Besides, I once saw a great number of koi fish in the lake of Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, being fed by children and old people. They are very aggressive as they would struggle in water to get the food. Besides, they are quite human-friendly, they even are not afraid of being touched by people in the water.

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