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1. 主题段和主题句关键词


2. 时间线索和数字数据


3. 人名地名以及专有名词


4. 举例内容的主体部分


5. 新概念和核心概念


6. 重要的逻辑关系链



The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States was responsible for sweeping changes in attitudes toward the decorative arts, then considered the minor or household arts. Its focus on decorative arts helped to induce United States museums and private collectors to begin collecting furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork, and textiles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The fact that artisans, who were looked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century, are frequently considered artists today is directly attributable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century. The importance now placed on attractive and harmonious home decoration can also be traced to this period, when Victorian interior arrangements were revised to admit greater light and more freely flowing spaces.

The Arts and Crafts Movement reacted against mechanized processes that threatened handcrafts and resulted in cheapened, monotonous merchandise. Founded in the late nineteenth century by British social critics John Ruskin and William Morris, the movement revered craft as a form of art. In a rapidly industrializing society, most Victorians agreed that art was an essential moral ingredient in the home environment, and in many middle- and working-class homes craft was the only form of art, Ruskin and his followers criticized not only the degradation of artisans reduced to machine operators, but also the impending loss of daily contact with handcrafted objects, fashioned with pride, integrity, and attention to beauty.

In the United States as well as in Great Britain, reformers extolled the virtues of handcrafted objects: simple, straightforward design; solid materials of good quality; and sound, enduring construction techniques. These criteria were interpreted in a variety of styles, ranging from rational and geometric to romantic or naturalistic. Whether abstract, stylized, or realistically treated, the consistent theme in virtually all Arts and Crafts design is nature.

The Arts and Crafts Movement was much more than a particular style; it was a philosophy of domestic life. Proponents believed that if simple design, high-quality materials, and honest construction were realized in the home and its appointments, then the occupants would enjoy moral and therapeutic effects. For both artisan and consumer, the Arts and Crafts doctrine was seen as a magical force against the undesirable effects of industrialization.

1. The passage primarily focuses on nineteenth-century arts and crafts in terms of which of the following?

(A) Their naturalistic themes

(B) Their importance in museum collections

(C) Their British origin

(D) Their role in an industrialized society

2. According to the passage , before the nineteenth century, artisans were thought to be

(A) defenders of moral standards

(B) creators of cheap merchandise

(C) skilled workers

(D) artists

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Arts and Crafts Movement would have considered

all of the following to be artists EXCEPT

(A) creators of textile designs

(B) people who produce handmade glass objects

(C) operators of machines that automatically cut legs for furniture

(D) metalworkers who create unique pieces of jewelry

4. The word revered in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) respected

(B) described

(C) avoided

(D) created

5. According to paragraph 2, the handcrafted objects in the homes of middle- and working-class

families usually were

(A) made by members of the family

(B) the least expensive objects in their homes

(C) regarded as being morally uplifting

(D) thought to symbolize progress

6. The word extolled in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) exposed

(B) praised

(C) believed

(D) accepted

7. The author mentions all of the following as attributes of handcrafted objects EXCEPT

(A) the pride with which they were crafted

(B) the complexity of their design

(C) the long time that they lasted

(D) the quality of their materials

8. The word consistent in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) conservative

(B) considerable

(C) constant

(D) concrete

9. According to the passage , which of the following changes occurred at the same time as the

Arts and Crafts Movement?

(A) The creation of brighter and more airy spaces inside homes

(B) The rejection of art that depicted nature in a realistic manner

(C) A decline of interest in art museum collections

(D) An increase in the buying of imported art objects

10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?

(A) Private collectors in the nineteenth century concentrated on acquiring paintings.

(B) The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States, unlike the one in Britain, did not react

strongly against mechanized processes.

(C) Handcrafted objects in the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century did not use

geometric designs.

(D) The Arts and Crafts Movement believed in the beneficial effect for people from being

surrounded by beautiful objects.







所谓“新概念”是指当考生读到文章某个位置时,之前没有出现过的概念。这种新概念的出现(appearance),意味着已有的概念已经不能说明这里要阐述的问题,所以,新概念的出现必然也意味着一个重要信息的出现。而“局部核心概念”是指在连续的几个段落中集中阐述的主题概念,对于这种概念来说,无论是作为观点还是举例大家都应该注意(pay attention to),因为它显然是作为重点在文章中被强调的(emphasized)。



4、主题段和主题句的关键词(key words)


5、人名、地名和专有名词(proper noun)




实际上(in fact),TOEFL考试中考查这些例子具体内容(specific content)的时候非常少,而更多的是考查作者使用这些例子的原因(reason)或它们所证明的观点。因此,考生在快速笔记中只需要记录下例子是什么就可以了,至于例子中所阐述的具体信息,可以适当忽略(omit)。


Hormones in the Body

Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, the nervous system was thought to control all communication within the body and the resulting integration of behavior. Scientists had determined that nerves ran, essentially, on electrical impulses. These impulses were thought to be the engine for thought, emotion, movement, and internal processes such as digestion. However, experiments by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling on the chemical secretin, which is produced in the small intestine when food enters the stomach, eventually challenged that view. From the small intestine, secretin travels through the bloodstream to the pancreas. There, it stimulates the release of digestive chemicals. In this fashion, the intestinal cells that produce secretin ultimately regulate the production of different chemicals in a different organ, the pancreas.

Such a coordination of processes had been thought to require control by the nervous system; Bayliss and Starling showed that it could occur through chemicals alone. This discovery spurred Starling to coin the term hormone to refer to secretin, taking it from the Greek word hormon, meaning “to excite” or “to set in motion.” A hormone is a chemical produced by one tissue to make things happen elsewhere.

As more hormones were discovered, they were categorized, primarily according to the process by which they operated on the body. Some glands (which make up the endocrine system) secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Such glands include the thyroid and the pituitary. The exocrine system consists of organs and glands that produce substances that are used outside the bloodstream, primarily for digestion. The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system.

Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause immediate death. The most abundant hormones have effects that are less obviously urgent but can be more far-reaching and difficult to track: They modify moods and affect human behavior, even some behavior we normally think of as voluntary. Hormonal systems are very intricate. Even minute amounts of the right chemicals can suppress appetite, calm aggression, and change the attitude of a parent toward a child. Certain hormones accelerate the development of the body, regulating growth and form; others may even define an individual's personality characteristics. The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.

In fact, some hormone therapies are already very common. A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age. Known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the treatment was also believed to prevent weakening of the bones. At least one study has linked HRT with a heightened risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots-dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels-will form. Some proponents of HRT have tempered their enthusiasm in the face of this new evidence, recommending it only to patients whose symptoms interfere with their abilities to live normal lives.

Human growth hormone may also be given to patients who are secreting abnormally low amounts on their own. Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it. Growth hormone affects not just physical size but also the digestion of food and the aging process. Researchers and family physicians tend to agree that it is foolhardy to dispense it in cases in which the risks are not clearly outweighed by the benefits.

27. The word engine in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) desire

(B) origin

(C) science

(D) chemical

28. The word it in the passage refers to

(A) secretin

(B) small intestine

(C) bloodstream

(D) pancreas

29. The word spurred in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) remembered

(B) surprised

(C) invented

(D) motivated

30. To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must

(A) be part of the digestive process

(B) influence the operations of the nervous system

(C) affect processes in a different part of the body

(D) regulate attitudes and behavior

31. The glands and organs mentioned in paragraph 3 are categorized according to

(A) whether scientists understand their function

(B) how frequently they release hormones into the body

(C) whether the hormones they secrete influence the aging process

(D) whether they secrete chemicals into the blood

Paragraph 3 is marked with an arrow [→]

32. The word key in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) misunderstood

(B) precise

(C) significant

(D) simple

33. The word minute in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) sudden

(B) small

(C) changing

(D) noticeable

34. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

(A) Most moods and actions are not voluntary because they are actually produced by the production of hormones in the body.

(B) Because the effects of hormones are difficult to measure, scientists remain unsure how far-reaching their effects on moods and actions are.

(C) When the body is not producing enough hormones, urgent treatment may be necessary to avoid psychological damage.

(D) The influence of many hormones is not easy to measure, but they can affect both people's psychology and actions extensively.

35. The word tempered in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) decreased

(B) advertised

(C) prescribed

(D) researched

36. Which patients are usually treated with growth hormone?

(A) Adults of smaller statue than normal

(B) Adults with strong digestive systems

(C) Children who are not at risk from the treatment

(D) Children who may remain abnormally small

37.Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?

These sentences are highlighted in the passage.

(A) The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.

(B) A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.

(C) HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots-dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels-will form.

(D) Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.

38. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.The body is a complex machine, however, and recent studies have called into question the wisdom of essentially trying to fool its systems into believing they aren't aging.Where would the sentence best fit?Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

39. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The class of chemicals called hormones was discovered by two researchers studying a substance produced in the small intestine.

Answer Choices

The term hormone is based on a Greek word that means “to excite” or “to set in motion.”Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of treatments with growth hormone so that more patients can benefit from it.

Hormones can be given artificially, but such treatments have risks and must be used carefully.Hormones can affect not only life processes such as growth but also behavior and emotion.

Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system but also certain chemicals can affect bodily processes far from their points of origin.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of blood clots and heart disease in middle-age women.

Answer Keys


27. B

28. A

29. D

30. C

31. D

32. C

33. B

34. D

35. A

36. D

37. A

38. third square

39.1) Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system….

2) Hormones can affect not only life processes…..

3) Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of ….


“出题点在哪里”?从conversation题目来看,问题不重要,答案更加重要;答案的开始部分比较重要,因为这里是观点出现的问题,其后对于观点的解释相对次要; 不是每一个question + answer的回合都重要,有明确的如Wh—的问题的回合才有价值,其后的起到confirmation作用的内容并不重要;不是每一个观点都重要,确定的观点才应该引起我们的注意,所谓的sometimes, maybe 等词语相关的句子往往只是起到对主要观点的铺垫作用;

A. 预热(Warming up activities)

在任何一个讲座刚刚开始的时候,学生们通常都没有完全做好上课的准备,即使老师想要讲解非常重要的观点,大部分的学生也听不进去。因此,我们发现老师们通常都是先做一些review或者回顾background information 之类的事情,给学生们时间进入状态,通常这部分会持续30秒钟或者更长,我们经常听到的句子有:

Good morning, everyone! Everyone have a good weekend? As I said on Friday, I want to talk some about glaciers today …

Okay, class, we have been talking about traditional types of shelters… about the, uh, styles of houses used by traditional people, and today… today I’d like to talk a bit about …

B. 标记词(Signpost words)


在讲课过程中,讲师在提出观点以后通常都会给出非常详尽的解释,我们可以理解讲师的良苦用心,但是事实是就是这些解释往往让学生们更加糊涂,所以讲师有必要将学生从相对次要的信息理解过程中拉出来,专注地理解重要的信息和观点,不要“一叶障目,不见泰山。”新托福听力标记词可以细分为序数词(ordinal words)和连接词(transitional words)。例如:

First off, I should tell you that there's, umm, some disagreement in the art world about what is meant by the term folk art.

Now, uh, the second type of cave where you find fossils is called a natural trap.

Finally, I'd remind patients not to, not to expect miracles from herbs.

C. 口头禅(Tongue fillers)



Ok, everyone…..

What I want you to do next is….


D. 提问(Asking questions)





从conversation题目来看,问题不重要,答案更加重要;答案的开始部分比较重要,因为这里是观点出现的问题,其后对于观点的解释相对次要;不是每一个question + answer的回合都重要,有明确的如Why的问题的回合才有价值,其后的起到confirmation作用的内容并不重要;不是每一个观点都重要,确定的观点才应该引起我们的注意,所谓的sometimes, maybe 等词语相关的句子往往只是起到对主要观点的铺垫作用。

相比较来说,lecture 这种题目的出题点更加难以寻找。Conversation的话题内容毕竟都是campus talks,所以难度不会太大;即使偶尔有一两个问题比较难,考生也可以果断地选择放弃,将精力投入到下一个问题中去,所以基本不存在考生在对话题目中根本听不懂或者因为一处听不懂影响对全篇对话理解的情况。

然而,lecture的内容包罗万象,新托福的官方指南给出了46个学科,而实际考试中也可能出现更多的学科和话题;lecture也没有 conversation题目中相对明确的回合概念,很多时候我们不得不根据上下文进行推理,在托福听力考试过程中理顺 lecture 的主要内容。
















当然最重要的就是准备工作了。试想,在托福考试中,仅有15至30秒的准备时间内,流利答题,内容充实,从而拿到高分,没有一定的准备基本是不可能的(当然不包括有些在美国生活过的考生,他们在这样的语言环境中成长,自然有很多优势)。那么,是不是要因为一个小小的口语考试就放弃期待已久的留学梦呢?当然不是!既然我们不能依赖于现场发挥,那么就要通过平时准备来降低现场快速反应的高难度要求。准备工作,就是积累素材和锻炼反应速度。这是基础,是决定你流利程度和语言使用的关键,也是你拿高分的关键。我们可以多读些好文章,建议读ETS给的Sample Answer。这个对于口语所有题型的帮助是最直接的,但是材料有限。那么,针对校园类的话题可以多借鉴一下听力中Conversation对于问题的解决给出意见的句子。把好词好句储藏起来备用,取其精华,去其糟粕。对于开放性的独立口语题,要注重练习。因为我们说,考题还是有一定的重复几率的。考试的题型也相对固定,我们要利用这两点来增加得高分的可能性。



NO.1 | evidence-element


evidence 证据 | element 元素;

NO.2 | content -context


content 内容 | context上下文

NO.3 | abstract-aspect


abstract 抽象的 | aspect 方面

NO.4 | propose-compose


propose 提出 | compose 构成;作曲

NO.5 | dominant-dormant


dominant 占主导地位 | dormant 休眠的

NO.6 | foundation – function


foundation 基础 | function 功能

NO.7 | permeate-penetrate


permeate弥漫 | penetrate穿透

NO.8 | variability - vibration


variability 可变性 | vibration 振动




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