初三 Unit 14重难点解析

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【简介】感谢网友“饼干苏打”参与投稿,以下是小编收集整理的初三 Unit 14重难点解析(共7篇),希望对大家有所帮助。

篇1:初三Unit 8 重难点解析


1. Q: To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has come true. 请分析一下本句的结构。

A:本句是一个主从复合句。句中To be here at Christmas time是动词不定式作主语,is a dream是系表结构,that 引导的是定语从句,修饰dream。关于定语从句会在17单元学到。

2. Q: Some people even put up stocking for their pets as well. 句中as well表示“也”与其它几种表达方式有什么异同?

A: 汉语的“也”英语可用too, also, as well和either表示,其区别是:too是普通用词,常置于句子末尾且用逗号与句子隔开;also是比较正式的用语,它一般位于be动词、情态动词、助动词等之后,行为动词之前;as well用法与too相同,通常位于句尾,但前面一般不用逗号; either表示“也”时,一般只用于否定句中,且置于句子末尾,用逗号与句子隔开。试比较:

I would like to go fishing on Sunday, too.

He has also been to the top of Mount Tai.

He is a teacher, and a writer as well.=He is a teacher, and he is a writer, too.

The students didn't work out the problem. The teacher didn't, either.

3. Q: Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, ... even though引导什么从句?

A: even though作为连词,意为“虽然......;尽管......”,引导让步状语从句。如:

Even though he is poor, she still loves him.

4. Q: It is said that ... she was to have this special boy. 句中was to have是什么结构?

A: “be to + 动词不定式”这种结构常用来表示按计划安排将要发生的事情,是将来时态的另一表达形式。如:

They are to arrive in Beijing at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

The new shop is not to be opened untill next week.

篇2:初三Unit 2 重难点解析


1. [原文]Have you ever watched someone surf? (L. 6)surf是动词,在这里怎么用原形?

[精析] surf是省去to 的动词不定式,在这里作感官动词watch的宾语补足语。类似用法还有,感官动词look at, see, listen to, hear, 使役动词let, have,make等,后都可以接省去to的不定式作宾补。

2. [原文] Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. (L. 6) is enjoyed是什么谓语形式?all over是什么用法?

[精析]is enjoyed是被动语态形式。当主语为动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态形式,即be + 过去分词形式。这部分内容在今后还要学到。

all over是“全部、浑身、在各地”的意思,可单独使用,也可在其后接相应的词语。例如:

People all over the world love peace.全世界的人民都热爱和平。

He is wet all over.他全身都湿了。

all over the world 也可以用all the world, the whole world 来表示,但一定要注意冠词的位置。用all 时,冠词放在all之后,用whole时,冠词放在whole之前。

3. [原文] Every year...attract large numbers of tourists to the islands. (L. 6) large numbers of与a large number of 有区别吗?

[精析]没有。这两个短语都表示“许多”的意思,可以互换。如:Large numbers of / A large number of people came to the meeting from all over the country. 许多来自全国各地的人参加了会议。但是a number of / numbers of 与the number of是有区别的。作主语时,前者后接复数名词,谓语用复数形式;后者意思是“为……的总数”,后接复数名词,但谓语要用单数。试比较:

A number of students are playing in the playground.许多学生在操场上玩。

The number of students in the playground is about one hundred.操场上的学生(数量)大约有一百人。

4. [原文] For example, Jake Booth, a 21-year-old man, gave up his job in San Francisco a year ago. (L. 6) 21-year-old中的year怎么不加s?

[精析] 21-year-old是由数词 + 名词 + 形容词构成的复合形容词,其中year不可以用复数形式,词与词之间用连字号。试比较:

He is a 15-year-old boy.他是一个15岁的男孩。

The boy is 15 years old.这个男孩15岁。

另外,句中give up意思是“放弃”,作及物动词,后可以接动名词;也可以接代词,用宾格放于up之前。也可用作不及物动词。例如:

You should give up smoking. I gave it up last year.你应该戒烟。我去年就戒掉了。

She doesn't give up easily.她做任何事情都不会轻易放弃。

5. [原文] Although I haven't got a very good job, surfing keeps me very fit.( L. 6) although与though用法相同吗?

[精析] 有共同之处,也有不同点。两都可用来引导让步状语从句,表示汉语的“虽然……但是……”。但不能说although /

高频考点解读(Unit 2)


【考点一】 No matter ____you come, you will always be welcome.

A. what B. how

C. when D. whether


[知识拓展] No matter who (what, how, why, when, where, if, whether,how many,how much...)无论谁(什么,怎么,为什么,什么时候,哪里,是否,多少……)在句中作让步状语。可放句首,也可放句末。如:

a) You can' t go in, no matter who you are. 不管你是谁,都不能进去。

b) Don' t trust him, no matter what he says or does.不管他说什么或做什么,你都不要相信他。

c) No matter where you go, we'1l always be together. 不管你去哪里,我都和你在一起。

d) Mary always got to school on time, no matter if she went without breakfast. 玛丽不管是否吃了早饭,她都是准时赶到学校。

【考点二】 He has been to Beijing twice. (对划线部分提问)

_________has he been to Beijing?

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many times

[思路解析] 本句的意思是“他去过北京两次”,对次数提问,疑问词应用how many times,故本题答案为D。

[知识拓展] 1) how often是对动作发生的频率进行提问。如:

-How often do you have to take the medicine?这药需要多久服一次?

-Three times a day. 日服三次。

2) how long表示动作持续的时间。如:

-How long have you studied here? 你在这儿学习多久了?

-I have studied here for nearly 3 years .我在这儿学习3年了。

3) how soon表示再过多久,一般用将来时态。如:

-How soon will you go to Beijing? 你再过多久去北京?

-I'll go to Beijing in two weeks.再过两周我就去北京了。

【考点三】 -Who jumps_________in your class?

-Li Ming. He cleared the 1.6 meter mark last week.

A. high B. highest C. the most highly D. tallest

[思路解析] high表示“高的,高地”,既可以作形容词又可以作副词。highly adv. 表示“高度地,极为赞许”等,在这里表示跳得高,要用 high,又根据in the class所以用最高级,选B。

[知识拓展] think highly of somebody 意思是“高度评价某人”,speak highly of somebody意思是“称赞某人”。tall主要用来表示形容人或物的高低。

【考点四】 It is dark, but they go on_________. They never usually work so late, though they worked late last night.

A. work B. to work C. worked D. working

[思路解析] go on doing sth.意为“继续做某事”,go on to do sth.意为“接着做另外一件事”。根据题意,本题答案为D。

[知识拓展] 1) go on doing sth.是“继续做同一件事情,可能中间有间断”。如:

I'll stop here. Please go on reading. 我就说到这儿,请接着读吧。(老师在学生读的过程中插话)

2) “继续做某事”还可以用go on with sth. 来表示。如:

Go on with your work. 继续工作。

3) go on to do sth.通常表示“接着做另一件事”。如:

Stop writing now and go on to read the next passage. 别写了,接着读下一段。

篇3:初三Unit 7 重难点解析


1. 【原文】 I'll be able to write faster.(L.25 )句中be able to 与can的用法有什么区别?

【精析】can和be able to 都可以表示“能力”,can 是情态动词,不用于将来时态,表示将来要用be able to的将来时。如:

She can speak English very well. 她英语讲得不错。

I am sure I shall be able to speak English very well.我相信我将来英语讲得会很好。

注:be able to 有“经过努力之后能够......”的意思。试比较:

Mike could swim very well at that time. 迈克那时游泳游得很好。

Mike tried hard and was able to swim across the river at last. 迈克经过艰苦的努力,终于能游过那条河了。

can还可以表示“请求和允许”以及“可能”,be able to 没有这种用法。如:

Even experienced persons can make mistakes. 即使是有丰富经验的人也可能犯错。

2. 【原文】..., and the boy was too frightened to move. (L. 26)句中frightened 可以用afraid吗?

【精析】不可以。这两个词作形容词时都有“害怕”的意思。但frightened还可表示“受惊吓”的意思,而afraid 接从句有“恐怕”的意思。frightened 还可作定语,而afraid 则不可。试比较:

A frightened boy is crying. 一个受惊吓的男孩正在哭。

I'm afraid that I can't help you. 恐怕我帮不了你了。

The little girl was frightened / afraid of the police. 这个小姑娘害怕警察。

3. 【原文】 Tomorrow if possible. (L.28)句子的完整形式是什么?

【精析】此句完整的形式是I want it tomorrow if it is possible.“如果行的话,我明天要。”if引导的是条件状语从句,当它的主句是it + is + 形容词时,常省掉it is。

4. I want to learn how to run quickly and to eat healthily. (L. 28)句中的动词不定式都是做什么成份?

【精析】句中的第一个不定式to learn ... healthily作动词want的宾语;不定式短语how to run quickly和to eat healthily都作动词learn的宾语,其中how to run quickly是带疑问副词的不定式短语;to eat healthily省去了疑问副词how。整个句子的意思是“我想学习怎样能跑得快一点儿和如何能做到健康饮食。”

篇4:初三 Unit 14重难点解析

作者:刘世一 张志

1. 【原文】How about this pair?... How much are they? (L.53) 第二句中的they根据上下文应指代第一句中的this pair, 但为什么用they呢?

【精析】英语中的复形名词表数量时通常与a pair of或数词 + pairs of连用,其中无论pair是单复数,通常都用复数代词指代。trousers, shoes, glasses, scissors等一般用作复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词也用复数形式。如:His trousers are black.他的裤子是黑色的。但英语中这些由两个对称部分合在一起构成一件物品的名词,其前常与... pair of搭配表示数量,意为“一双;一条;一副”等,这时若在句子中作主语时,如果pair是单数形式,谓语动词就用单数;如果pair是复数形式,谓语动词就用复数。如:

That pair of scissors was so sharp that it cut his hands. 那把剪刀很锋利,剪伤了他的手。

Two pairs of your trousers are still at the cleaner's. 你的两条裤子还在洗衣店里。

2. 【原文】 What size do you need? (L.53)如何询问衣物的号码尺寸?

【精析】就衣服、鞋类等尺寸大小提问时,常用句式What size ...?通常情况下不可用How much或How many来代替。如:

What's the size of your gloves?你的手套是多大号码的?


What's the population of Germany?德国人口是多少?

What's the price of the house?这所房子多少钱?

What's the number of the teachers in your school?你们学校有多少名教师?

3.【原文】 Are you excited about going to Beijing?(L.53) 这句的动词是被动语态吗?

【精析】不是。句中的excited是动词excite的形容词,在句中作表词,可构成be excited about / at对......感到兴奋,be excited to do做......感到兴奋。如:

The excited old lady soon calmed down. 那个激动的老妇人很快就平静下来了。

4. 【原文】 It is a huge beautiful building. (L.56)句中的huge与big, large, great有什么区别?

【精析】 huge的意思是“巨大的;庞大的”,一般表示体积大,超过一般标准,常用于具体的事物、空间、距离、程度、容量等。例如:

The huge rock on the top of the mountain looks like a monkey. 这座山顶部的那块巨石看起来像只猴子。

The sun looks like a huge firing ball at the horizon. 太阳在地平线上看起来好像是一个巨大的燃烧着的火球。


This pair of shoes is too big for me.这双鞋我穿太大了。


This room is large /big enough to hold twenty people. 这间房间足以容纳20个人。

I found a large / big table in my room.我在我房间里看到一张大桌子。


She has a great many admirers. 她有很多爱慕者。

She lived to a great age. 她活到很大年纪。

篇5:初三Unit 15 重难点解析


1. 【原文】 How can you tell they are grateful? (L. 57)句中tell译为“告诉”句意好像不通,应该是什么意思?

【精析】 tell在此处不是“告诉”的意思,而是“判断;识别;区别”的含义。当tell与can, could, be able to等表示能力的情态动词连用时,强调辨别的能力,常用于tell sth. from sth. 结构,也可以直接跟宾语从句。例如:

Can you tell Gorge from his twin brother? 你能把乔治和他的双胞胎兄弟区分开吗?

Can you tell which answer is correct? 你能判断出哪个答案是正确的吗?

2. 【原文】 To help animals is helping people. (L. 57)请分析一下本句的句子成份。

【精析】本句是主系表结构。To help animals是不定式短语作主语,helping people是动名词短语作表语。不定式短语作主语可以用it来代替,将真正的主语放在句末。如本课中的But isn't it more important to help people than animals? 句中to help people than animals是真正的主语。

3. 【原文】 Mostly, vets helped heal horses.... (L. 58)heal与本课中的treat都有“治病;治疗”的意思,有什么不同?

【精析】 heal主要指通过治疗,而恢复健康。如:

A doctor's duty is to heal the sick.医生的职责是治病救人。


Doctors treated the patient very carefully. 医生认真地为病人治疗。

4. 【原文】 ... but the house broke in two, dropping her to the first floor and leaving the baby's bed hanging on the edge of the two-story house. (L. 60)请分析本句的句子结构。

【精析】 broke是谓语动词,三个分词短语作伴随状语,其中dropping her to the first floor and leaving the baby's bed是说明谓语动词broke的具体动作,hanging on the edge of the two-story house则是用来说明leaving的具体内容。

篇6:初三Unit 12重难点解析


1. 【原文】 ... and it has been visited by man already. (L. 46)句中man在此是什么用法?谓语是什么形式?

【精析】 man表示“(男)人”时是具体名词,前面要使用冠词或复数形式。man表示“人类”时,前不加冠词,为单数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Man can't live without air or water. 没有空气和水,人类就没法生存。

句子的谓语是现在完成时的被动语态,其结构是:have / has been done。如: About two hundred stamps have been collected by David. 大约有两百张邮票被大卫收集了。

2. 【原文】 No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed ... (L. 47 )请讲一下本句的主谓关系。

【精析】由形容词no修饰的词在句中作并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据离它最近的主语而定,即依据就近原则来确定。如:No food or drinks are in the fridge. 冰箱里没有食物和饮料。


Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in the computer room.

3. 【原文】 All the computers must be shut down ... (L. 47)与“关”有关的词语有哪几个?

【精析】 shut, close, shut down, turn off都有“关”的意思,但在具体语言实践中各有侧重。


Shut / Close the door. 关上门。

Close / Shut your books. 合上书。

Please shut down the lid of a box. 请把箱盖盖上。

shut down可以用来表示“关闭(电器类)”,还可以强调(工厂、企业)“倒闭;关闭”等。如:They've shut down their factory. 他们关闭了他们的工厂。

turn off 多用来表示“关上(电灯、收音机、煤气)”等,主要强调通过旋钮开关。如:Please turn off the lights in the room when you leave. 当你离开时,请把屋里的灯关上。

4. 【原文】 ... if you set your mind to do it. (L. 48)请讲述一下有关mind短语的用法。

【精析】 本课出现的set one's mind“专心做某事”,后跟不定式或介词on(to)构成的短语。如:

I've set my mind on this plan and don't want to give it up. 关于这个计划我已经下定决心了,不会放弃。

mind作为名词组成的短语还有make up one's mind意为“下决心”;keep...in mind意为“记住......;记在心里”;come into one's mind“(想法等)浮现于(某人的)心中”。如:

Tom has made up his mind to be a teacher in the future. 汤姆已经决定将来要作一名老师。

Please keep these rules in mind. 请记住这些规则。

A good idea came into his mind. 他想起了一个好主意。

篇7:初三Unit 11 重难点解析


1. 【原文】 Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow. (L. 41) in在句中表示穿,请归纳与“穿;戴”相关的一些词语。

【精析】 汉语的“穿;戴”可用英语in, wear, have on, put on, dress等词语来表示。in后可接表示颜色和衣物的词语; wear, have on侧重于穿戴的状态,wear 有时可用进行时态;put on强调动作;dress即可表示状态,也可表示动作,但后面不能接衣物名词,可接表示人的词语。试比较:

Mary was in a red coat when she came to see me. 玛莉来见我的时候穿了一件红衣服。

The old lady is wearing a new hat today. 这位老妇人今天戴了一顶新的帽子。

Gorge always has on a black jacket. 乔治总是穿着一件黑夹克衫。

Henry was putting on his coat when I called him. 当我给亨利打电话的时候,他正在穿衣服。

The boy is old enough to dress himself. 这个男孩子已经能自己穿衣服了。

2. 【原文】 It's best to plant trees ... (L. 41)请分析It's best to do ... 句型的结构并说说其用法。

【精析】 在该句型中,it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,当要表示不定式动作执行者时,用It is best for sb. to do sth.,相当于sb. had better do sth.的句型。如:

It's best for you to stay at home on the rainy day. /You'd better stay at home on the rainy day.在雨天里,你最好呆在家里。

3. 【原文】 Knock a long, strong stick into the earth ... (L. 41)这里的knock与以前所学表示“敲(门)”的用法不一样吗?

【精析】 是的。knock意为“敲(门)”时是不及物动词,后接介词at 或on。如:Who is knocking at / on the door? 谁在敲门?

本句中的knock是及物动词,意为“把......打(敲)进......”,在宾语后要加相应的介词。如:Tom is knocking a nail into the wall. 汤姆正在往墙里钉钉子。

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