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Eg1. According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are “not merely trivial aberrations” because

(A) Automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the field

(B) The failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in mathematics

(C) The failures occur too often to be taken lightly

(D) Designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical difficulties

(E) Designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently

本题在原文中的定位为:Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations; they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics. 这个句子中间用分号隔开,分号前的部分对应着题干中的问题,分号后即是对前半句的解释,也就是说这个句子本身就是一问一答型,答案就是后半句话,在选择答案时我们只要看哪个选项是对这句话的变形即可。注意这半句话中chaos是一个关键词,that 引导定语从句,而这个定语从句中又有一个关键短语:result in,这个短语是表示结果的,然后看它的宾语是mathematics,而这个名词是不能被替换掉的,直接从五个选项中挑选,只有B说出了mathematics,无疑这就是正确答案了。解答本题时能看出mathematics这一重心之后,根本不需要自己进行任何总结和概括,看出哪个选项是对原句的变形就全部搞定了。我们再仔细看一下B答案,其中rely heavily on代替了原句中的chaos result in,而意义与先前保持一致。

Eg2. According to the passage, certain serious contemporary phot.raphers expressly make which of the following claims about their phot.raphs?

(A)Their phot.raphs could be created by almost anyone who had a camera and the time to devote to the activity.

(B)Their phot.raphs are not examples of art but are examples of the phot.raphers' impartial observation of the world.

(C)Their phot.raphs are important because of their subjects but not because of the responses they evoke in viewers.

(D)Their phot.raphs exhibit the same ageless principles of form and shading that have been used in painting.

(E) Their phot.raphs represent a conscious glorification of the mechanical aspects of twentieth-century life.

本题在原文中的定位为:Serious phot.raphers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themselves—anything but making works of art. 注意anything but 是“决不”的意思,B答案就是对这句话的变形,只不过是把原文中所列出的几种形式用examples概括罢了。在这个例子中还要注意的是原句中的anything but注定了其变形应该表示否定,按照这种理解很容易选出正确答案。

Eg3. According to the passage, what did Hargrave and Green do in the laboratory?

(A) They compared the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory with the natural grazing rates of these species.

(B) They hypothesized about the population density of grazers in natural habitats by using data concerning the population density of grazers in the laboratory.

(C) They estimated the community grazing rates of zooplankton in the laboratory by using data concerning the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton.

(D) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using data concerning the known population density of phytoplankton.

(E) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using laboratory data concerning the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species.

本题在原文中的定位为:Studies by Hargrave and Green estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers. 原句比较复杂,并且使用and then介绍操作顺序,在理解原句时要分清主要动作和次要动作,而选项中给出的句子都非常短,也就是要对原句进行压缩,找出主要动作。理解了这种变形之后,不难发现正确答案为E。


(1) 若在文章中看到虚拟语气,考虑直接取非反义理解,迅速把握作者态度。


例一:Perhaps, some scientists thought, migrants determine their ge.raphic position on Earth by celestial navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and plan, but this would demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. (选自N0.6题第一套section 1短文章)

这句话看似很长,翻译成为中文的意思是:“有些科学家认为,就像人类采用恒星和行星来定位一样,候鸟或许也是采用天体的导航才得以确定它们所处的地理位置,但这要求这类动物具有令人难以置信的地图感。”中文读过去都让人头疼。其实我们用虚拟语气取非的思想来处理,其要表达的意思就很简单,对前半句话取非,说白了就是前半句话是行不通的,也就是“migrants cannot determine their ge.raphic position on Earth by celestial navigation。”可以知道作者对这种解释持负评价。


例二:According to natural selection theory, a worker would enhance her fitness—or ability to propagate her genes—by hatching her own eggs in addition to or in place of the queen’s。(选自国内题1993年10月练习题section 5短文章)

这句话也是虚拟语气,我们直接取反理解,作者想要表达的就是 “a worker will not enhance her …”


(2) 在题干中看到虚拟语气,大多需要用到取非思想,与之相对应的一种题型是GRE阅读题中常见的一种,叫做“改进型取非题”。看例子之前,先简单解释下什么是“改进型取非题”。很简单,如果题干问“如果一个对象怎样会更好”则是改进型取非题,来看具体的例子:

例:It can be inferred from the passage that the “first theories” of grazer control mentioned in line 3 would have been more convincing if researchers had been able to(选自NO.6第二套section 1长文章),这是一个典型的改进型取非题题干,问的是第三行第一个理论怎样会更好。


按照此思路定位原文三行,看到后面有这样一句话“A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae。”注意看插入语部分的“but did not prove”,这个就是缺点,取非就是“prove”再看五个选项:

(A) observe high phytoplankton numbers under natural lake conditions

(B) discover negative correlations between algae and zooplankton numbers from their field research

(C) understand the central importance of environmental factors in controlling the growth rates of phytoplankton

(D) make verifiable correlations of cause and effect between zooplankton and phytoplankton numbers

(E) invent laboratory techniques that would have allowed them to bypass their field research concerning grazer control


(3) 取非的思路除了可以在虚拟语气中使用,还可以在另一种逻辑关系中使用,就是强对比的关系,也就是GRE阅读题中另一种常练习题型“强对比互取非题”,其主要特点是:原文中有强对比的双方,题干只问及其中一方,答案是对另一方叙述的取非;或者题干和原文存在强对比要素,如典型的时间要素,答案也是对原文的叙述取非。


例:The author suggests that, before the early 1950’s, most historians who studied preindustrial Europe did which of the following(选自NO.6第三套section 4 长文章)

思路:在题干中看到了1950’s,第一反应就是要回原文定位,发现原文只讲到了”in the early 1950’s”并没有”before”,这显然就是时间上一个取非的关系,我们把in the early 1950’s干的事情取个非,就是之前干的事情。答案就很好选了,在此不举出来了。








1. 备考时间较为充足的考生



2. 备考时间相对紧张的同学





“Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience,their ideas will have little use.”



Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years,scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.

The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.

During the passed centuries,the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology,which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems,we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas,which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology,more and more knowledge will be added to the old system. A new problem will come: how the newly obtained knowledge is organized. This problem will be clear when we make classification of the new knowledge according to the old knowledge system. If there is content of the newly-get that doesn't properly belong to any sort of the old system,it means a

new discipline will emerge. But could we just assert that the newly formed discipline doesn't possess any relationship with any of the old ones? Certainly not. This is because the new knowledge is obtained through the old methods,which obviously means the new knowledge do have some connections with some old disciplines,otherwise I am quite sure we could not find it!

From the above,we can easily reach the conclusion that every academic discipline has certain relationships with some other ones. The structure of human's knowledge is just like the complexity of a net! And also it is a natural trend that academic disciplines become more and more specialized.

With the depositing and specializing process of knowledge,it causes humans to accommodate themselves to this situation. Because the God gives every person a limited time and energy,it is necessary for a person,who wants to make progress in his discipline,to adjust his knowledge structure to adapt to his research domain,that is to say,to be more devoted to his own research area. On the other hand,if he cares too much for unrelated or less related area,he will probably not be able to bring innovation to his main academic discipline. Simply put,we almost cannot find a man who constructs the Theory of Relativity and in the mean time composes symphony like Mozart's! So we can say every scholar must be more devoted to his own discipline than to others,but a wider knowledge of other disciplines sometimes involuntarily invokes sparks of new ideas.



Although innovations such as video,computers,and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students,these technologies all too often distract from real learning.



Nowadays there is a growing concern about the role that innovations have played in the field of learning. While most people think that innovations benefit learning process in various ways,different opinions arise that these technology advancements actually distract students from real learning. On balance,according to my personal observation,whether innovations can be beneficial or detrimental to real learning depends on the students and the teachers,not on these innovations themselves.

To begin with,technological innovations do help teaching and learning in various ways.With the aid of these technologies,the process of teaching and learning can be shorter and easier than before. For instance,if a student want certain published papers of an academic discipline,he/she may look through considerable catalogs to find the ones he/she needs. However,with the help of Internet innovation,at present most of these papers are published online. Consequently,to find certain paper the procedure is much easier and shorter,the students just type the key words and other information of the paper,and then the system will search the database,and the papers are there waiting for them. As this new approach can save a lot of time for the students,he/she could have more time reading the papers and absorbing the knowledge rather than checking and looking for the papers that could be a waste of his/her time. This example aptly illustrates how technology advancement benefited the students and their learning process.

Secondly,while innovations can help learning in various ways,it is more important that the central role of the pursuit for knowledge and wisdoms are maintained. What real matters is not the approach but the purpose of learning. In India,where modern technologies are less applied to the learning process than in the US and other developed countries,still a lot of distinguished students achieved their academic goal with their hard work and desires to knowledge. In the US,where the software engineering students are given the most advanced facilities and apparatus for their learning and research,however,it is wildly accepted that they are far less outstanding compared to the Indian students of software,who may share computers in groups. From this comparison we can see that the real and core push of learning is the desire for knowledge,not the help of innovations.

In addition,if not guided properly,the technology advancement might inhibit learning.In other words,innovation can distract the students from real learning than helping them. It is obvious that a computer can help students of science to calculate mathematical equations but can also be used for recreation such as net surfing or computer games. It is highly possible that these students can spend more time and energy on recreations rather than learning when using a computer. Thus,learning is inhibited. Under this circumstance,guidance and restrictions are needed to ensure the right use of innovations for learning,or the consequence may be on the contrary to the students and teachers' desire.











有的同学很疑惑,为什么数学底子也不差,甚至还整理过机经,但是数学就是上不了170呢? GRE数学分数只跟你的正确率挂钩,数学难度不大,再加上有机经辅助,很多同学实战中一看到机经想也不想就点击,心算秒杀,殊不知,机经答案有时候不完全正确,况且还有变体的情况出现,所以小编在此奉劝各位,使用GRE数学机经的时候,不要死记硬背答案,不要纠结于题目细节,考试中遇见原题的变体也不要慌乱,保持心平气和地认真对待每一个题。合理使用草稿纸,不要弄得乱七八糟还得重新计算。摆脱对于GRE数学机经的过度依赖,你才能真正拿到数学高分。





1. 自己先做一遍:这一遍就是找出自己的错题,找到自己知识点的漏洞,熟悉ETS近期出题的思路方向。

2. 要记得百变不离其宗的道理,暂且不说知道完整题目对解题有多么大的好处,哪怕是变体再变也还是围绕题目本身提出来的,所以理解题目是根本,要学会活学活用,举一反三。

3. GRE数学机经的作用在于帮助你掌握最新考题的解题思路,而不是给你答案。机经不是直接背了就可以的,不要以为只靠机经就能拿到满分,心态一定要端正。



1.mediocre /?mid?’ok?/ adj. 中等的,普通的


【例句】But guaranteed, none of those people have a mediocre existence. 而且肯定的是,那些人中没有一个过平庸的生活。

2.visionary /‘v???n?ri/ adj. 有眼光的, 有远见的;空想的, 幻想的, 不切实际的


【例句】a visionary scheme for the future 对未来的不切实际的计划

3.symmetry /‘s?m?tri/ n. 对称(性);整齐,匀称

【解词】sym-=same; metry-=measure,两边的测量结果是一样的,引申为“对称,整齐”。

【例句】the narrative symmetry of the novel. 小说的叙述前后呼应

4.rigid /‘r?d??d/ adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的


【例句】rigid adherence to rules 严守规律

5.impenetrable /?m’p?n?tr?bl/ adj. 不能通过的, 不可理解的


【例句】poems of impenetrable obscurity. 极其费解的诗。 /d?s’ka?nt/ vt. & vi. 打折扣, 减价出售 vt. 不考虑; 不全信 n. 数目, 折扣

【解词】dis-=离开,count 计算,计数;数出来放到一边,引申为“打折,不考虑”。

【例句】discount a rumor. 对谣言漠然置之

7.compelling /k?m’p?l??/ adj. 引人入胜的;扣人心弦的;令人信服的,有说服力的

【解词】源自动词compel 强迫,迫使;com-=一起,完全;pel-=push; 完全地推,即“强迫”。而compelling 的意思其实是“迫使人相信的,使人不得不信的”,引申为“有说服力的,令人信服的”。

【例句】There is compelling evidence that the recession is ending. 有令人信服的证据显示工商业衰退即将终止。

8.utterance /‘?t?r?ns/ n. 发声,表达;言论;意见;言辞

【解词】源自utter 说,讲。

【例句】After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off? 经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?

9.ornament /‘?rn?m?nt/ n. 装饰;装饰物 vt. 装饰,修饰


【例句】He was an ornament to his country. 他是为国增光的人物。

10.labyrinthine /?l?b?’r?nθ?n/ adj. 迷宫(似)的,曲折的

【解词】源自 labyrinth n. 迷宫。

【例句】In any of these cases, people could do with a local expert to help them navigate the labyrinthine American health-care system. 在这些情况下,民众可以利用一位当地的专家来帮助他们进入这如迷宫般的美国健康保险系统。

11.indiscriminate /??nd?’skr?m?n?t/ adj. 不加区别的, 不加选择的, 不加鉴别的, 不分好坏的

【解词】in-=not; discriminate v.分别, 辨别;(dis-=分开;crimin-=cern-=sure, separate;搞清,区别)

【例句】She disapproved of her son’s indiscriminate television viewing. 她不赞成儿子不加选择地收看电视。

12.scarce /sk?rs/ adj. 缺乏的, 罕见的

【解词】s-=ex-=out; carc-=carp-=果实(本义为“撕扯”,引申为“采摘”,又引申为“果实”);没有果实,即“缺乏的”,后又引申为“缺少的,罕见的”。

【例句】Eggs are scarce and expensive this month. 这个月鸡蛋又少又贵。

13.overlook /?ov?’l?k/ vt. 忽视;俯视

【例句】Don't overlook the slower students. 别忽视后进同学。

14.deplete /d??plit/ vt. 〈正〉使大大的减少; 使空虚

【解词】de-=not; ple-=full,fill,满,填充;没有填满的,引申为“使减少,使空虚”。

【例句】Both teams were severely depleted by injuries. 两个队都因队员受伤而实力大减。

15.subordinate /s?’b?d?net/ adj. 级别或职位较低的, 下级的;次要的, 附属的

【解词】sub-=under; ordin-=order,顺序,-ate为形容词后缀,因此这个词表示“处于下面的顺序的”,即“次要的,附属的”。

【例句】A private is subordinate to a corporal. 列兵的级别低于下士。

16.diffuse /d?’fjus/ adj. 四散的, 漫射的 vt. & vi. (使)扩散, (使)弥漫, (使)传播


【例句】His talk was so diffuse that I missed his point. 他的谈话漫无边际, 我抓不住他的要点。

17.inhibit /?n’h?b?t/ vt. 抑制;禁止


【例句】A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy. 制造业规模太小有碍经济增长。

18.bland /bl?nd/ adj. 乏味的;冷漠的;温和的 vi. 变得平淡无奇;丧失特性

【解词】来自词根mel-=软的,如melt 熔化。原指说软话的,奉承,讨好,后指温和的。

【例句】This soup is too bland for me. 这汤我喝起来偏淡。

19.expel /?k’sp?l/ vt. 驱逐;开除


【例句】expel a student from a university. 把学生从大学里开除。

20.consensus /k?n’s?ns?s/ n. (意见等)一致, 一致同意


【例句】Notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict. 尽管有证据,人们普遍认为陪审团将无法作出裁决。


1.unsetting /?n’s?t??/ adj.令人不安的

【解词】源自unset v.弄乱。

【例句】This destructor would have to be called specifically before unsetting the parent class reference.这种解构器必须在解除父类引用之前进行调用。

2.spur /sp?/ n. 马刺;鼓舞,刺激

【例句】This book is a spur to the child's imagination. 这本书能促进孩子的想象力。

3.defy /‘difa?/ vt. 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅

【解词】de-=not; fy-=fid-=trust,相信;不相信,引申为“藐视,反抗”。

【例句】problems that defy solution 无法解决的问题

4.attribute /?’tr?bjut/ vt. 认为…是; 归因于… n. 属性, 特性

【解词】att-=to; tribut-=进贡,贡品;因此这个词的根本含义是“进贡给……”,引申为“归因于”。

【例句】The crown is an attribute of kingship. 皇冠是王位的象征

5.eclipse /?’kl?ps/ vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色 n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色

【解词】ec-=ex-=out; lips-=leave,离开;因此这个词的含义是“使离开,使出去”,引申为“使黯然失色”。

【例句】an outstanding performance that eclipsed the previous record. 杰出的表演超越以前的记录

6.compliance /k?m’pla??ns/ n. 服从,听从,顺从

【解词】源自动词comply v.顺从;com-=完全的,ply-=fold,折叠;完全的折叠,引申为身体的完全的鞠躬,引申为“服从,听从”。

【例句】Your compliance with his request pleased your father. 你父亲因你听从他的要求而感到高兴。

7.trivial /‘tr?v??l/ adj. 不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的


【例句】There are a few trivial slips in this lesson. 在这篇课文中有几个小错误。

8.delude /d??lud/ vt. 欺骗, 哄骗


【例句】She deluded everyone into following her. 她骗得每个人都听信她的。

9.dissent /d?’s?nt/ n. 意见的分歧 vi. 不同意, 持异议

【解词】dis-=not; sent-=feeling,感觉;因此这个词的根本含义是“感觉不同的”,即“不同意,有异议”。

【例句】Two members dissented from the majority. 有两个成员不同意大多数人的意见。

10.clumsy /‘kl?mzi/ adj. 笨拙的, 笨重的

【例句】a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter 一位好心但笨拙的侍者

11.intoxicate /?n?tɑks??ket/ vt. 使喝醉;使陶醉, 使激动不已, 使欣喜若狂


【例句】She was intoxicated with success. 她为成功所陶醉。

12.disdain /d?s’den/ n. 鄙视, 轻蔑 vt. 鄙视


【例句】Mrs Grey disdained to answer her husband's rude remarks. 对于她丈夫的那些无礼的话,格雷太太不屑回答。

13.inconsequential /?n’kɑns?'kw?n??l/ adj. 不重要的, 无足轻重的, 不值得考虑的

【解词】in-=not;consequential 重要的。

【例句】Your objections are inconsequential and may be disregarded. 你的反对意见并不重要, 不会受到重视。

14.conceal /k?n’sil/ vt. 隐藏;隐瞒


【例句】Cosmetics are often used to conceal facial blemishes. 化妆品常用来遮盖脸部色斑。

15.evade /?’ved/ vt. 逃避;规避;逃脱


【例句】You needn't evade the question. 你不必回避这个问题。

16.nullify /‘n?l?'fai/ vt. 使无效,作废;取消

【解词】null-=no,negative; -ify为动词后缀,表示使动。因此nullify表示“使无效”。

【例句】nullify one's efforts 使某人徒劳

17.embolden /?m’bold?n/ vt. 鼓励,使有胆量


【例句】His success emboldened him to expand his business. 他有了成就因而激发他进一步扩展业务。

18.scrutinize /‘skrut?na?z/ vt. 仔细检查,详审


【例句】customers were warned to scrutinize the small print. 顾客被告知仔细阅读附属细则。

19.radical /‘r?d?kl/ adj. 根本的, 基本的; 彻底的, 完全的


【例句】She is radical in her demands. 她的要求十分偏激

20.spontaneous /spɑn’ten??s/ adj. 自发的

【解词】spon-=promise;如sponsor 赞助商;承诺会给对方的,不需要对方索取的,引申为“自发的”。

【例句】a spontaneous display of affection. 爱意的自然流露。



GRE作文机经高效率提分用法指点 学会方法冲上4分不是梦





1. 备考时间较为充足的考生



2. 备考时间相对紧张的同学




能够able→ capable, in a(ny) position

一直all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually

许多地a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially

许多的a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)

总是always→ invariably

数量amount→ quantity

结果as a result→ consequently

本质上basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially

组成be, amount to→ constitute

下降become smaller→ be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等

变糟糕become worse→ deteriorate

在 之前before→ prior to

开始begin→ commence

更好better→ superior

习惯于be(come) used to→ be accustomed to

严重的,重大的big→ major, significant, substantial

执行carry out→ conduct, execute, commit, implement

更改change→ alter, alteration, modify, modification

办理,执行do→ conduct, transact(business)

未能do not→ fail to, omit to



“Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.”



The speaker makes a threshold claim that students who learn only facts learn very little, then concludes that students should always learn about concepts, ideas, and trends before they memorize facts. While I wholeheartedly agree with the threshold claim, the conclusion unfairly generalizes about the learning process. In fact, following the speaker's advice would actually impede the learning of concepts and ideas, as well as impeding the development of insightfuland useful new ones.

Turning first to the speaker's threshold claim, I strongly agree that if we learn only facts we learn very little. Consider the task of memorizing the periodic table of elements, which any student can memorize without any knowledge of chemistry, or that the table relates to chemistry. Rote memorization of the table amounts to a bit of mental exercise-an opportunity to practice memorization techniques and perhaps learn some new ones. Otherwise, the student has learned very little about chemical elements, or about anything for that matter.

As for the speaker's ultimate claim, I concede that postponing the memorization of facts until after one learns ideas and concepts holds certain advantages. With a conceptual framework already in place a student is better able to understand the meaning of a fact, and to appreciate its significance. As a result, the student is more likely to memorize the fact to begin with, and less likely to forget it as time passes. Moreover, in my observation students whose first goal is to memorize facts tend to stop there--for whatever reason. It seems that by focusing on facts first students risk equating the learning process with the assimilation of trivia; in turn, students risk learning nothing of much use in solving real world problems.

Conceding that students must learn ideas and concepts, as well as facts relating to them, in order to learning anything meaningful, I nevertheless disagree that the former should always precede the latter--for three reasons. In the first place, I see know reason why memorizing a fact cannot precede learning about its meaning and significance--as long as the student does not stop at rote memorization. Consider once again our hypothetical chemistry student. The speaker might advise this student to first learn about the historical trends leading to the discovery of the elements, or to learn about the concepts of altering chemical compounds to achieve certain reactions--before studying the periodic table. Having no familiarity with the basic vocabulary of chemistry, which includes the information in the periodic table, this student would come away from the first two lessons bewildered and confused in other words, having learned little.

In the second place, the speaker misunderstands the process by which we learn ideas and concepts, and by which we develop new ones. Consider, for example, how economics students learn about the relationship between supply and demand, and the resulting concept of market equilibrium, and of surplus and shortage. Learning about the dynamics of supply and demand involves (1) entertaining a theory, and perhaps even formulating a new one, (2) testing hypothetical scenarios against the theory, and (3) examining real-world facts for the purpose of confirming, refuting, modifying, or qualifying the theory. But which step should come first? The speaker would have us follow steps 1 through 3 in that order. Yet, theories, concepts, and ideas rarely materialize out of thin air; they generally emerge from empirical observations--i.e., facts. Thus the speaker's notion about how we should learn concepts and ideas gets the learning process backwards.

In the third place, strict adherence to the speaker's advice would surely lead to ill-conceived ideas, concepts, and theories. Why? An idea or concept conjured up without the benefit of data amounts to little more than the conjurer's hopes and desires. Accordingly, conjurers will tend to seek out facts that support their prejudices and opinions, and overlook or avoid facts that refute them. One telling example involves theories about the center of the universe. Understandably, we ego-driven humans would prefer that the universe revolve around us. Early theories presumed so for this reason, and facts that ran contrary to this ego-driven theory were ignored, while observers of these facts were scorned and even vilified. In short, students who strictly follow the speaker's prescription are unlikely to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge.

To sum up, in a vacuum facts are meaningless, and only by filling that vacuum with ideas and concepts can students learn, by gaining useful perspectives and insights about facts. Yet, since facts are the very stuff from which ideas, concepts, and trends spring, without some facts students cannot learn much of anything. In the final analysis, then, students should learn facts right along with concepts, ideas, and trends.











The more definitions a given noun has, the more valuable is each one. Multiple definitions, each subtly different from all the others, convey multiple shades of meaning. They expand the uses of the word; language is enriched, thought is widened, and interpretations increase or dilate to fill the potentialities of association. The very impossibility of absoluteness in the definition of certain nouns adds to the levels of connotation they may reach. The inner life of a writer often says more than most readers can know; the mind of a reader can discover truths that go beyond the intent or perhaps even the comprehension of the writer. And all of it finds expression because a word can mean many things.

1. In the context in which it appears, “shades” (line 2) most nearly means

A. reminders

B. nuances

C. obscurities

D. coverings

E. degrees

2. The passage suggests that a writer’s use of nouns that have multiple definitions can have which of the following effects on the relationship between writer and reader?

A. It can encourage the reader to consider how the writer’s life might have influenced the work.

B. It can cause the reader to become frustrated with the writer’s failure to distinguish between subtle shades of meaning.

C. It can allow the reader to discern in a work certain meanings that the writer did not foresee.

D. It allows the writer to provide the reader with clues beyond the word itself in order to avoid ambiguity.

E. It allows the writer to present unfamiliar ideas to the reader more efficiently.


The objective of this study was to evaluate how northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) locate truffles (Gautieria monticola), a subterranean and ephemeral but primary food source. Thus, we evaluated the importance of three factors to the foraging behavior of northern flying squirrels: (i) olfactory chemicals that emanate from truffles; (ii) the presence of coarse woody debris (decaying l.s), which are often associated with fungi; and (iii) we explored the potential role animal memory could play in truffle detection as well. In a foraging arena, squirrels successfully retrieved buried truffles that lacked aboveground cues in 19 of 30 trials and failed to search near treatments that lacked truffles alt.ether, confirming the importance of olfaction to squirrel foraging. However, squirrels also retrieved truffles that were associated most frequently with surface l.s (27 of 30). In addition, the initial detection rate of the truffle + l. treatment was significantly greater than the truffle-only treatment. Thus, although squirrels search for truffles primarily using olfaction, they may also benefit by searching near coarse woody debris on the forest floor as an aboveground cue to truffle locations. In addition, because 82% of Sierra Nevada truffle-fruiting locations that were marked in yielded truffles again the following 2 years, mycophagous animals like northern flying squirrels may benefit by memorizing fruiting locations and foraging at these same locations from year to year.







1. 整理错题词汇表


2. 背单词要背例句


3. 背GRE要选好词汇书




1. 快速读题技巧


2. 精简句子技巧






1. Psychology has slowly evolved into an______scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.

(A) independent

(B) unusual

(C) outmoded

(D) uncontrolled

(E) inactive

分析:按照解释模式,定语从句对scientific discipline的解释等价于scientific discipline的前置定语修饰内容,因此空格应该表达“独立起作用(functions autonomously)”的含义。A独立的;B不常见的;C过时的;D缺乏控制的;E不活动的。选项A正确。


2. Hydrogen is the ______element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

(A) steadiest

(B) expendable

(C) lightest

(D) final

(E) fundamental

3. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as______to increasingly expensive conventional housing.

(A) reaction

(B) an addition

(C) an introduction

(D) an alternative

(E) a challenge

4. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her______search for her daughter.

(A) extended

(B) agitated

(C) frantic

(D) comprehensive

(E) motiveless


5. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural___ doing so.

(A) aptitude for

(B) repugnance to

(C) interest in

(D) aversion of

(E) ignorance of

6. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was______by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.

(A) banal

(B) heretical

(C) unproven

(D) complex

(E) unorthodox


7. Although Johnson’s and Smith’s initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm______after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.

(A) revived

(B) emerged

(C) intensified

(D) flagged

(E) persisted

8. It is to the novelist’s credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically, without any______or playful supernatural tricks.

(A) elucidation

(B) discrimination

(C) artlessness

(D) authenticity

(E) whimsy

9. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its______provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.

(A) revolutionary

(B) specific

(C) implicit

(D) controversial

(E) particular



10. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an______process closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic.

(A) unreliable

(B) arcane

(C) arrogant

(D) elementary

(E) intuitive



1. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiment she let a number of______results slip by.

(A) inaccurate

(B) verifiable

(C) redundant

(D) salient

(E) anomalous

2. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of______, is the first step in learning to be creative.

(A) elegance

(B) resolution

(C) goodness

(D) originality

(E) sympathy

3. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly______source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.

(A) exploited

(B) quantifiable

(C) controversial

(D) inexhaustible

(E) remarkable

4. Because no comprehensive______exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.

(A) records

(B) instincts

(C) accounts

(D) remedies

(E) proposals

5. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of______.

(A) maturity

(B) fiction

(C) inventiveness

(D) art

(E) brilliance

6. Demonstrating a mastery of innuendo, he issued several______insults in the course of the evening’s conversation.

(A) blunt

(B) veiled

(C) fallacious

(D) boisterous

(E) disguised

7. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having______the conflicting elements of her life.

(A) affirmed

(B) reconciled

(C) highlighted

(D) resolved

(E) identified

8.Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to______them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.

(A) recognize

(B) hoard

(C) trample

(D) retrieve

(E) identify

9. The notion that cultural and biological influences______determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance.

(A) jointly

(B) completely

(C) directly

(D) equally

(E) evenly

分析:空格填入一个副词,修饰“决定(determine)”,并且与“文化和生物影响(cultural and biological influences)”以及“跨文化多样性(cross-cultural diversity)”有关。Is discredited by表示前后是对比关系,所以空格应该体现和“压倒性的(overwhelmingly)”相反的含义。A共同地;B完全地;C直接地;D平等地;E最终地。D选项为正确答案。需要提醒的是,A选项是不对的,因为“共同”也存在某一个因素“压倒性”的情况。




1. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as______, even as a sign of madness.

(A) adventurous

(B) frivolous

(C) willful

(D) impermissible

(E) irrational

2. As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to______her sense of whimsy when painting it.

(A) inspire

(B) provoke

(C) suppress

(D) attack

(E) satisfy

3. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a______between them.

(A) generality

(B) fusion

(C) schism

(D) congruity

(E) dichotomy

4.By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king______the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.

(A) merited

(B) forfeited

(C) debased

(D) concealed

(E) relinquished

5. Vaillant, who has been particularly interested in the means by which people attain mental health, seems to be looking for______answers: a way to close the book on at least a few questions about human nature.

(A) temporary

(B) confused

(C) definitive

(D) personal

(E) derivative

6. Early critics of Emily Dickinson’s poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such______.

(A) astonishment

(B) craft

(C) cunning

(D) innocence

(E) naiveté

7. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to______ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.

(A) manage

(B) compress

(C) transcribe

(D) complicate

(E) amplify

8.Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite______them.

(A) enchanted by

(B) enamored of

(C) skeptical of

(D) offended by

E) reflective about


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