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Personality is to a large extent inherent―A?type parents usually bring about

A?type offspring. But the environment must also have a profound effect, since

if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a major fact

or in the lives of their children. ?

One place where children soak up A characteristics is school, which is, by

its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the w

in at all costs moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or a

gainst the clock produces a two?layer system, in which competitive A types seem

in some way better than their B type fellows. Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying: “Rejoice, we conquer!”?

By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations. It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on

those things they do well. The merits of competition by examination are somewhat questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful. ?

Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A youngsters change into Bs. The world needs types, and schools have an important duty to try to fit a childs personality to his possible future employment. It is top management. ?

If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time

might be spent teaching children surer values. Perhaps selection for the caring

professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy. It is surely a mistake to choose our doctors exclusively fro



When Gutenberg printed his first books he had no intention that they should be portable. They were made, after all, to compete with very weighty (and often chained)illuminated manus. The idea that you could walk around with a book did not come until l500 when Aldus Manutius stumbled upon this revolutionary?and liberating?notion. The first paper?light newspaper(Johann Caroluss The Relation in Strasbourg)did not follow until l609. In the computer world the same revolution?from heavy main frame to near weightlessness?is well under way. ?

Today s portables seem miracles of design and power. But, even as far as they have come, compare them with the ultra?light, ultra?cheap, ultra high quality information?bearing attributes of paper, the only problem is that the information on paper cannot be updated. Imagine a piece of electronic paper which could typeset itself by means of remotely fed data. The key elements of such an entity are already a reality at the Massachusetts Instltute of Technologys(MIT) Media Laboratory, enabling the prospect of portable information devices which are essentially weightless and omnipresent. The key breakthrough, which will start to be seen widely in l998, is a new type of ink: electronic ink. This magical stuff can be coated on to any surface, but, unlike normal ink, it can be electronically set. It is instantly changeable, erasable and resettable. The ink itself, a polymer material, is not expensive and requires no electronic power to maintain its image. ? This spells the beginning of the end of the published book. The conventional publishing industry is already dying. Books, magazines and newspapers have reached a plateau of sales in America of about$100 billion a year. Sales of fiat?panel displays, the basis of all notebook computers and the super?thin screens which are beginning to populate our desktops, are growing rapidly with sales approaching $30 billion, but such screens are still heavy, very expensive and po



Directions: Read the followi ng passages carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).


Culture shock is so named because of the effect it has on people when they enter a new culture. Experts have been interested in these effects and have agreed on

five basic stages of culture shock. These stages are general and should only be

used as a reference. Not every individual will go through each stage, and one s

tage may last longer that another for different individuals.?

The hardest thing for most travelers to deal with is the emotional “roller

coaster” they seem to be riding. One moment they feel very positive toward the

new culture, and the next moment very negative. It seems common that international visitors and immigrants vacillate between loving and hating a new country. Feelings of separation and alienation can be intensified if they do not have a sense of fitting in or belonging.?

Fatigue is another problem people face when entering a new culture. There can be a sense of a greater need for sleep. This is due not only to physical tiredness, but also to mental fatigue. This mental fatigue comes from straining to comprehend the language, and coping with new situations. ?

The impact of culture shock can vary from person to person. There can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture. Four factors which play into these are personality, language ability, length of stay, and the emotional support received.?

It is logical to think that when people are deprived of their familiar surroundings they will feel disoriented. One solution some have found is to bring a few small reminders of home. Pictures, wall hangings, favorite utensils, and keep

sakes are all good candidates to make things feel more fa



hat experiences influence subsequent behaviour is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. Learning could not occur without the function popularly named memory. Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. So?called intelligent behaviour demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning. The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory. Typically, the decision to cross a street is based on remembering many earlier experiences. ?

Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material. Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. Yet, dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive. In this sense, the ability to forget can be interpreted to have survived through a process of natural selection in animals. Indeed, when ones memory of an emotionally painful experience leads to serious anxiety, forgetting may produce relief. Nevertheless, an evolutionary interpretation might make it difficult to understand how the commonly gradual process of forgetting survived natural selection. ?

In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade. Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration. Without forgetting, adaptive ability would suffer; for example, learned behaviour that might have been correct a decade ago may no longer be. Cases are recorded of people who (by ordinary standards) forgot so little that their everyday activities were full of confusion. Thus forgetting seems to serve the surv


test 1

directions: read the followi ng passages

carefully. then answer the questions or complete

the statements in the fewest possible words (not

exceeding 10 words).

culture shock is so named because of the effect

it has on people when they enter a new culture.

experts have been interested in these effects

and have agreed on

five basic stages of culture shock. these stages

are general and should only be

used as a reference. not every individual will

go through each stage, and one s

tage may last longer that another for different


the hardest thing for most travelers to deal

with is the emotional “roller

coaster” they seem to be riding. one moment they

feel very positive toward the

new culture, and the next moment very negative.

it seems common that international visitors and

immigrants vacillate between loving and hating a

new country. feelings of separation and

alienation can be intensified if they do not

have a sense of fitting in or belonging.

fatigue is another problem people face when

entering a new culture. there can be a sense of

a greater need for sleep. this is due not only

to physical tiredness, but also to mental

fatigue. this mental fatigue comes from

straining to comprehend the language, and coping

with new situations. 

the impact of culture shock can vary from person

to person. there can be significant differences

because some people may be better prepared to

enter a new culture. four factors which play

into these are personality, language ability,

length of stay, and the emotional support


it is logical to think that when people are

deprived of their familiar surroundings they

will feel disoriented. one solution some have

found is to bring a few small reminders of home.

pictures, wall hangings, favorite utensils, and


sakes are all good candidates to make things

feel more familiar. another helpful

activity is to establish little routines that

become familiar over time. even better is

fitting things that were part of the regular

routine back in the home country into the

routine established in the new culture. this

will make people feel more at home.


1. according to para. one, experts have

interests in


2. emotional “roller coaster” refers


3. when entering a new culture, the problems

people face are


4. copying with new situation may result in


5. according to the author, the more effective

way to solve “cultural s

hock” is







1.【参考答案】 cultural shock’s effect on people.

【答题技巧】 联系上下文是寻找本题答案的方法。

【详细解答】 第一段的第一句话就提到:文化休克是由于它对接触一种陌生文化的人

们所造成的影响而得名。在第二句话中得知experts have been interested

in these effects and …此句中的these

effects虽然成为复数,但指的仍是第一句中:the effect it has on

people when they enter a new culture.答案由此而来。

2.【参考答案】 unsteadily feeling toward new culture

【答题技巧】 “由后向前归纳”是本题的技巧。

【详细解答】 本题问的是:情绪上的“环滑车”指的是什么?文中提到:one moment

they feel very positive toward the new

culture,and the next moment very negative.由

于是简短回答,我们便总结为“unsteadily feeling touard a new


3.【参考答案】 are emotional “roller coaster” and


【答题技巧】 从问题入手,深入下去是本题的捷径。

【详细解答】 从第三段的第一句话入手:fatigue is another problem

people face when entering a new


4.【参考答案】 the mental fatigue

【答题技巧】 由原因推向结果是解题的思题。

【详细解答】 本题只要注意到了第三段的最后一句:the mental fatigue

comes from s

training to comprehend the language,and coping

with new situations.答案便迎刃而

解。本句,the mental fatigue 是结果,coping with new

situation是原因之一,本题问题是coping with new


5.【参考答案】 fitting some regular routines into the

new culture.

【答题技巧】 浏览一个段落,通过比较得出结论是本题的关键。

【详细解答】 解决“文化休克”的最有效的办法是什么,文中

最后一段提到,one solution…is to…,another activity is

to …,even better is …,

据作者的口气,三个方案中,最有效的建议便是:fitting things that were

part of the

regular routine back in the home country into

the routine established in the new



test 1

directions: this part consists of one passage.

in each passage there are altogether 10

mistakes, one in each numbered line. you may

have to change word, add a word or delete(删去) a

word. if you change a word, cross it out and

write correct word in the corresponding blank.

if you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in

the right place and write the missing word in

the blank. if you delete a word, cross it out

and put a slash (/) in the blank.

few football grounds boast a more prestigious 

address than the bernabeu, lies as it does on

the 1. ____

castellana,the threelining highway that runs

through 2.____

the heart of madrid. 

as real date back to 1902, when the sociedad 3.



madrid football club was formed, it was not

until 

1920 when the club was granted permission to use

the 4. ____

real (royal) prefix. work began on the current

stadium in october 1944. the land had been


on three million pesetas; construction costs

totalled a 5. ____

further 38 million, a staggered sum for the

time. the 6. ____

cost of the new stadium led to claims, never

proving, 7. _____

that real had received financial aid from


franco’s government. under bernabeu’s


real madrid became the greatest club side ever,

won 8. ____

the european champions cup a record five times

in a

row between 1956 and 1960, a remarkable feat


is unlikely to be challenged. 

madrid lies, quite literally, at the heart of

spain.this is no small coincidence that the

capital’s 9. ____

leading football club is seen like a symbol of

all 10. ____

things spanish, just as fc barcelona is a beacon


the independent catalan spirit.



【参考译文】 没有别的体育场位置能与伯纳贝乌体育场位置相媲美了,它位于卡斯特拉


【试题分析】 本题辨析主句与分词状语关系的误用。

【详细解答】 lies as it does on the castellana


于前面few football grounds boast a more prestigious

address than the bernabeu是

比较级的句子,而且比较对象很明确:是few football grounds 与the


的误用,导致了句子结构的混乱。鉴于lies as it does…是对the b



【参考译文】 译文同上句。

【试题分析】 本题辨析分词作定语时的误用。




【参考译文】 尽管皇家马德里队的历史可追溯到19索西达德马里足球俱乐部队成立

之时,但是直到19,俱乐部才被允许在其名字之前 冠以“皇家”二字。

【试题分析】 本题辨析连接词的误用。

【详细解答】 real date back to 1920与it was not until

1920 that the club was g

ranted permission to use the



【参考译文】 译文同上句。

【试题分析】 本题辨析连接词的误用。

【详细解答】 强调句与定语从句的区别主要有两点:引导词与引导词前后的句子的结

构。强调句的连词除了强调人可以是who 以外,都用that。另外一点,强调句前半部分是

“it is…”,句意不完整,that后面的部分也不完整,只有将it is



【参考译文】 购买体育场地皮花去300万比赛塔,建造费用总共达3800万比赛塔。

【试题分析】 本题辨析介词的误用。




【参考译文】 在当时,这是一笔令人惊愕的数目。

【试题分析】 本题辨析同源的形容词的误用。

【详细解答】 以“ed”结尾的形容词主语一般修饰人,表示“感到……的”,以“ing”




【参考译文】 新建体育场的巨大耗资引起了许多传言,还说皇家马德里队曾接受过佛朗


【试题分析】 本题辨析做状语时,分词的误用。

【详细解答】 never proving是主句the cost of the new

stadium led to claims的分

词状语,proving的逻辑主语是that real had received

financial aid from general




【参考译文】 在伯纳贝乌的资助下,皇家马德里最终成为最优秀的一支俱乐部足球队,


【试题分析】 本题辨析分词在作状语时的误用。

【详细解答】 由won开始的状语短语,逻辑主语是real madrid,主语和won的逻辑关





【试题分析】 本题辨析作形式主语时代词的误用。

【详细解答】 本句是长句子,真正的主语是that后面的部分。为了保持句子的平衡,将

较长的主语放在后面,而将 it放在句首,做形式主语,是英语惯用的手段。而本句用this



【参考译文】 译文同上句。

【试题分析】 本题辨析将介语用作连词的误用。



barcelona is a beacon for the independent

catalan spirit是个句子,故like属误用,应改为as。



Test 3

When Gutenberg printed his first books he had no intention that they should be portable. They were made, after all, to compete with very weighty (and often chained)illuminated manus. The idea that you could walk around with a book did not come until l500 when Aldus Manutius stumbled upon this revolutionary?and liberating?notion. The first paper?light newspaper(Johann Carolus’s The Relation in Strasbourg)did not follow until l609. In the computer world the same revolution?from heavy main frame to near weightlessness?is well under way. ?

Today’ s portables seem miracles of design and power. But, even as far as they have come, compare them with the ultra?light, ultra?cheap, ultra high quality information?bearing attributes of paper, the only problem is that the information on paper cannot be updated. Imagine a piece of electronic paper which could typeset itself by means of remotely fed data. The key elements of such an entity are already a reality at the Massachusetts Instltute of Technology’s(MIT) Media Laboratory, enabling the prospect of portable information devices which are essentially weightless and omnipresent. The key breakthrough, which will start to be seen widely in l998, is a new type of ink: electronic ink. This magical stuff can be coated on to any surface, but, unlike normal ink, it can be electronically set. It is instantly changeable, erasable and resettable. The ink itself, a polymer material, is not expensive and requires no electronic power to maintain its image. ? This spells the beginning of the end of the published book. The conventional publishing industry is already dying. Books, magazines and newspapers have reached a plateau of sales in America of about$100 billion a year. Sales of fiat?panel displays, the basis of all notebook computers and the super?thin screens which are beginnin



Test 5??

Scientists often portray coral reefs as “rainforests of the oceans” for the reason that rainforests and coral reefs are habitats of most species on land and

in seas respectively. However, rainforests grow in nutrient?rich tropics, while

coral reefs lie in nutrient?poor waters. Therefore, how coral reefs manage to

thrive in the marine equivalent of a desert is a subject scientists have been studying. ?

Over the past decade, some scientists have worked out a theory that coral reefs maintain high rates of biological activity by efficiently recycling scarce nutrients. But two U. S. scientists in California are questioning this theory. Robert?

Carpenter of State University in Northridge and Susan Williams of State University in San Diego put forward the idea that long?spined black sea urchins may play a key role in enabling coral reefs to thrive. ?

The urchins specially feed on the algae which live on the coral. By doing so, they may greatly enhance the flow of dissolved nutrients, enabling the algae to maintain high rates of photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. Carpenter and Williams have gathered a large quantity of data over the past ten years in laboratory studies and field surveys at St Croix in Virgin Islands. However, they are reluctant to challenge the recycling theory headon. ?

Their findings are interesting enough to have attracted funding for them to continue their work at a research station in Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu in

Hawaii. They will try to discover to what extent the movement of water, rather




Test 1

Directions: Read the followi ng passages carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).?

Culture shock is so named because of the effect it has on people when they enter a new culture. Experts have been interested in these effects and have agreed on five basic stages of culture shock. These stages are general and should only be used as a reference. Not every individual will go through each stage, and one stage may last longer that another for different individuals.?

The hardest thing for most travelers to deal with is the emotional “roller coaster” they seem to be riding. One moment they feel very positive toward the new culture, and the next moment very negative. It seems common that international visitors and immigrants vacillate between loving and hating a new country. Feelings of separation and alienation can be intensified if they do not have a sense of fitting in or belonging.?

Fatigue is another problem people face when entering a new culture. There can be a sense of a greater need for sleep. This is due not only to physical tiredness, but also to mental fatigue. This mental fatigue comes from straining to comprehend the language, and coping with new situations. ?

The impact of culture shock can vary from person to person. There can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture. Four factors which play into these are personality, language ability, length of stay, and the emotional support received.?

It is logical to think that when people are deprived of their familiar surroundings they will feel





Years before President Bill Clinton came to Washington with his campaign pledge to spend an additional $20, 000 million annually on America’s infrastructure “to develop the world’s best communication, transportation, and environmental systems,” economists and others were talking about the need to spend more on public works. Their debate has been almost entirely about one question: how much more? Usually overlooked in these discussions is the real infrastructure dilemma of the 21st century―not how much to spend but how to decide what to build and where to build it. ?

For several reasons, the old ways of deciding these matters simply do not work anymore. Americans today are far more skeptical about the value of new roads, bridges, and sewagetreatment plants especially when they are located in their own backyards. Their faith that decisions about public works can be safely left in the hands of public officials, engineers, and other technical experts are gone.

Reflecting in 1985 upon the final demise of Westway, the proposed highway along Manhattan’s West Side that had been held up for 30 years, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York wrote, “there is a kind of stasis that is beginning to settle into our public life. We cannot reach decisions. Central Park could not conceivably be built today as it was when there was enough power in (government) to make the decision. We don’t have that capacity. ”?

The persistence of the public works pork barrel― funding blatantly political projects―has also contributed to public skepticism. In the same year that Moynihan decried the death of Westway, local politicians celebrated the opening of

the $1, 800 million Tennessee?Tombigbee Waterway, recently described by the Atlanta Journal Constitution as “a broken promise. ” A classic pork barrel project, the waterway carries only one?tenth the commercial barge traffic that had been projected.


?1. Eco



TEST 6??

Put the pedal to the metal, if you’re driving in Montana. That state is ab

out to abandon the little?loved 65mph speed limit?and, indeed, any limit at all. The state’s regulators have been wanting to do this for years, but until now

were prevented by a federal law passed 22 years ago. ?

The end came on November 28th, when a new federal highway bill was signed into law by President Clinton. The president admitted misgivings, perhaps because his own father had been killed in a road accident, but it was clear that a veto would have been most unpopular. The old speed limit was “about the most disregarded law in America”, notes Csaba Csere. editor of ?Car Driver? magazine. A recent study, he said, found that the average speed on ?interstate? highways in Michigan was 74mph. Until this week, the official limit was 55mph on urban freeways and 65mph on rural expressways. ?

Out west, where a motorist may travel 100 miles without seeing another car, nine states will immediately jump to at least 70mph, and ?Nevada, Wyoming and Kansas? will go to 75mph; in Montana it is any speed you like in the daytime (though

lorries must still keep to 65). Farther east, where traffic is denser and the weather less reliable, some states are likely to keep to 55?65mph. ?

The national speed limit was passed in 1973 when the first oil crisis had almost trebled fuel prices. In 1974, Congress ordered a 50mph limit, raised to 55 when the oil crisis had passed. But by then safety enthusiasts were arguing that

lower speed limits would sharply reduce road deaths, and they continued to argue their case even as Mr Cliton signed the bill this week. The change is “equiva

lent to

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