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3.33.5 自由

discretionary adj. 自由决定的

excursive adj. 随意的,离题的

latitude n. 言行自由;纬度

liberty n. 随意,冒失

license n. 自由;放肆;许可证,执照

optional adj. 可自由选择的

random adj. 随便的(随机的),偶然的;没有明确目的、计划或者目标的

spontaneity n. 自发,自然

spontaneous adj. 自发的

absolute adj. 无(条件)限制的;绝对的,完全的

categorical adj. 无条件的,绝对的;分类的

coltish adj. 不受拘束的;似小马的

irrepressible adj. 无法约束或阻止的

obstreperous adj. 难管束的;吵闹的

pertinacious adj. 无法驾驭的;固执的;不妥协的 (pertinacity n. 顽固)

rambunctious adj. (兴奋)控制不了的;骚乱的

rebellious adj. 难控制的,反抗的

restiveness n. 难以驾驭;倔强

unqualified adj. 无限制的,绝对的;无资格的

unregulated adj. 未受约束的,未受管理的

unreserved adj. 无限制的;未被预订的


3.33.3 抑制

arrest v. 抑制,阻止;依法逮捕

bridle v. 抑制,控制;n. 马笼头

contain v. 遏制,阻止;控制;包含,含有 (container n. 容器)

containment n. 遏制,阻止

damper n. 起抑制作用的因素;节气闸,断音装置

inhibit v. 抑制

prohibitive adj. 抑制的;价格贵得买不起的

quench v. 抑制(欲望);熄灭(火)

refrain v. 抑制;n. 歌曲的重复句,叠句

restrain v. 克制,抑制

restraint n. 克制

stem v. 遏制,阻止(水流等);n. (植物的)茎,叶柄

stifle v. 抑止;感到窒息


3.33.2 限制,约束

circumscribe v. 限制

confine v. 限制,禁闭 (confined adj. 狭窄的,受限制的 confinement n. 限制,监禁)

constrain v. 限制;束缚,强迫

hedge n. 限制;树篱

qualified adj. 有限制的;有资格的 (qualify v. 具有资格;限制)

bondage n. 束缚,奴役

constrain v. 束缚,强迫;限制

constrained adj. 束缚的,节制的

enfetter v. 束缚,使受制于;给…上脚镣

fetter n./v. 束缚;(带)脚镣

harness v. 束以马具;利用(驾驭);n. 马具

oblige v. 束缚(迫使);恩惠于…

statutory adj. 受法令所约束的;法定的

stricture n. 束缚;严厉谴责

trammel v./n. 束缚,妨碍;n. 鱼网

yoke v. 束缚,控制;n. 牛轭

bondage n. 奴役,束缚

enslave v. 奴役

servitude n. 奴役,劳役


GRE高分考生传授考场4大省时技巧 告别考试时间压力从此开始











1.adulterate /?’d?lt?ret/ adj. 掺杂的,掺假的;不纯的;通奸的

【解词】ad-=to; ulter-=alter-=other(如alternative adj. 两者择一的, 供替代的); 因此adulterate 表示“加入其它东西的”,即“掺杂的,掺假的”。

【例句】If sellers cannot fetch a good price, they will limit the supply of what they offer, or adulterate the quality. 如果销售商不能卖个好价钱,他们就会限制其销售的东西或降低质量。

2.demonstrable /d?’mɑnstr?bl/ adj. 可表明的,可论证的

【解词】单词 demonstrate vt. 说明, 演示;de-=强调;monstr-=显示。

【例句】There are no demonstrable legal improprieties. 没有可论证的法律不当性。

3.preclude /pr?’klud/ vt. 妨碍;排除;阻止


【例句】We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding. 我们努力排除任何误解的可能性。

4.expurgate /‘?ksp?ɡet/ vt.删除(书等中的)令人反感的成分,修订;删去(不当处)

【解词】ex-=out; pur-=pure,纯的,因此这个词的根本含义是“把杂质清除出去,使变得纯粹”,引申为“删除,修订”。

【例句】The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times. 作家第三次审稿时又删去了几部分。

5.diminutive /d?’m?nj?t?v/ adj. 小得出奇的,特小的 adv. 特小地,小型地

【解词】di-=分开;minu-=mini 小的;因此“分成小块儿的”,或者“把小的东西再细分的”,引申为“特小的”。

【例句】Despite its diminutive size, the car is quite comfortable. 尽管这辆车很小,但相当舒服。

6.fickle /‘f?kl/ adj. 易变的;浮躁的;变幻无常的

【近义词】changeable; changing; inconsistent; inconstant;variable.

【例句】The television world was a notoriously fickle one. 电视圈是出了名的变化无常。

7.telling /‘t?l??/ adj. 有效的;显著的;生动的


【例句】a telling argument against this theory. 反对这理论的一个有力论据。

8.extirpate /??kst??pet/ vt. 消灭,灭绝

【解词】ex-=out; stirp-=树干,根(词源同stand);-ate为动词后缀,因此表示“连根拔起”,即“消灭,灭绝”。

【例句】To extirpate enemies depends on friends. 消灭敌人,要靠朋友。

9.obfuscate /‘ɑbf?sket/ vt. 使模糊,使混乱

【解词】ob-=to; fusc-=dark;“使变暗”,即“使模糊,使混乱”。

【例句】Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it. 请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。

10.schism /‘sk?z?m/ n. 教会分立,分裂

【解词】schis-=to split; -ism为名词后缀,这里表示“行为、现象,状态”。

【例句】Schism is probably not an overstatement. 说是分裂大概也不过分。



1.treacherous /?tr?t??r?s/ adj. 骗人的;不可信的;靠不住的;危险的;凶险的


【例句】The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers. 路面的积水对驾车者构成危险。

2.stationary /‘ste??n?ri/ adj. 不动的; 静止的

【解词】源自station n. 站;驻地。词源同stand;站立。

【例句】An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.一名宇航员将试着离开停着的宇宙飞船,然后再回到里面去。

3.seclude /s?’klud/ vt. 使隔开,使隔绝,使隐退


【例句】Secluded myself up here for a life of study and meditation. 我把自己隔离在这里以求得一种学习和思索的生活。

4.obstinate /‘ɑbst?n?t/ adj. 固执的;顽固的, 倔强的

【解词】ob-=not;stin-=sting 叮,刺;-ate为形容词后缀。因此这个单词表示“刺不动的”,引申为“固执的,顽固的”。

【例句】He is so obstinate that he still tries to defend his theory,although it has been proved wrong.他固执极了,尽管他的理论已被证明是错的,可他还在设法为其辩护。

5.futile /‘fj?tl/ adj. 无效的, 无用的, 无意义的


【例句】He is a futile sort of person. 他是一个没有用的人。

6.reprobate /‘r?pr?bet/ n. 道德败坏的人,恶棍


【例句】You sinful old reprobate! 你这个作恶多端的无赖!

7.ambience /‘?mb??ns/ n. 气氛,布景;周围环境


【例句】It must be a whole experience for the diner - service, decor, ambience. 对用餐者来说这必然是一整套体验——服务,装饰,氛围。

8.docile /?dɑs?l/ adj. 容易教的;易驾驶的;驯服的


【例句】Crowds generally become quiet and docile. 大众通常变得沉默温顺。

9.extinguish /?k’st??ɡw??/ vt. 使熄灭, 扑灭

【解词】ex-=out;ting-=sting 叮,刺,刺激;没有刺激的,即消失,引申为“扑灭,熄灭”。

【例句】You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty. 你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

10.corroborate /k?’rɑb?ret/ vt. 证实,支持(某种说法、信仰、理论等) n. 确证者;确证物

【解词】co-=一起,完全;robor-=strength,力量(如robust adj. 强健的;健康的);-ate为动词或名词后缀。因此表示“完全发力”,引申为“证实,支持”。

【例句】Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。



1.unruly /?n’ruli/ adj. 蛮横的;任性的;难驾驭的;难控制的

【解词】un-=not; rul-=rule 统治;因此unruly表示“蛮横的,难驾驭的”。

【例句】The class's unruly behaviour shamed the teacher. 这班学生不守规矩的行为使老师感到羞愧。

2.partisan /‘pɑrt?zn/ adj. 偏袒的;党派的;盲目推崇的;效忠的 n. 游击队;虔诚信徒;党羽

【解词】源自party 党派;后缀-san表示人。

【例句】Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。

3.ascribe /?’skra?b/ vt. 把…归于

【解词】as-=to; scribe-=write 写。写成……,引申为“把……归于”。

【例句】He ascribed his failure to objective conditions. 他把失败归咎于客观条件。

4.grandiloquent /gr?n’d?l?kw?nt/ adj. 夸张的,大言不惭的

【解词】grand-=large;great;大; loqu-=speak,说;-ent为形容词后缀,因此这个词表示“说大话的”,引申为“夸张的,大言不惭的”。

【例句】Indeed, no eulogy could be more grandiloquent than this. 真是恭维备至。

5.demur /d?’m?/ vi. 反对;提出异议;抗辩 n. 反对;异议


【例句】They accepted this ruling without demur . 他们无异议地接受了裁决。

6.fulminate /‘f?lm?net/ vt. 强烈批评

【解词】fulmin-=lighting, thunder;闪电,雷声;因此fulminate表示“如雷声般叫喊”。

【例句】The newspapers fulminate against the crime. 报纸严厉谴责这个罪行。

7.arbitrary /‘ɑrb?tr?ri/ adj. 随意的, 主观的;专横的, 独断专行的

【解词】词根arbit-=judge(如 arbiter n. 仲裁者;裁决人),而单词arbitrary表示:做出(自己的)判断的,引申为“主观的,专横的”。

【例句】a country under arbitrary government. 一个受专制政府管理的国家。

8.deluge /‘d?lj?d?/ n. 洪水;暴雨;泛滥 vt. 使泛滥;压倒


【例句】He was deluged with questions. 他为成堆的问题所困扰。

9.effrontery /??fr?nt?ri/ n. 厚颜无耻,无礼(的行为)


【例句】Just imagine that he has the effrontery to say it. 他竟然有脸说这样的话。

10.manifold /‘m?n?fold/ vt. 复写,复印;使……多样化;增多 adj. 多方面的,有许多部分的


【例句】The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city. 市政府制定了一个美化城市的多重规化。













Classical physics defines the vacuum as a state of absence: a vacuum is said to exist in a region of space if there is nothing in it. In the quantum field theories that describe the physics of elementary particles, the vacuum becomes somewhat more complicated. Even in empty space, particles can appear spontaneously as a result of fluctuations of the vacuum. For example, an electron and a positron, or antielectron, can be created out of the void. Particles created in this way have only a fleeting existence; they are annihilated almost as soon as they appear, and their presence can never be detected directly. They are called virtual particles in order to distinguish them from real particles, whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way, and which can be detected. Thus it is still possible to define that vacuum as a space that has no real particles in it.

One might expect that the vacuum would always be the state of lowest possible energy for a given region of space. If an area is initially empty and a real particle is put into it, the total energy, it seems, should be raised by at least the energy equivalent of the mass of the added particle. A surprising result of some recent theoretical investigations is that this assumption is not invariably true. There are conditions under which the introduction of a real particle of finite mass into an empty region of space can reduce the total energy. If the reduction in energy is great enough, an electron and a positron will be spontaneously created. Under these conditions the electron and positron are not a result of vacuum fluctuations but are real particles, which exist indefinitely and can be detected. In other words, under these conditions the vacuum is an unstable state and can decay into a state of lower energy; i.e., one in which real particles are created.

The essential condition for the decay of the vacuum is the presence of an intense electric field. As a result of the decay of the vacuum, the space permeated by such a field can be said to acquire an electric charge, and it can be called a charged vacuum. The particles that materialize in the space make the charge manifest. An electric field of sufficient intensity to create a charged vacuum is likely to be found in only one place: in the immediate vicinity of a superheavy atomic nucleus, one with about twice as many protons as the heaviest natural nuclei known. A nucleus that large cannot be stable, but it might be possible to assemble one next to a vacuum for long enough to observe the decay of the vacuum. Experiments attempting to achieve this are now under way (under way: adv.进行中, 在行进).

17. Which of the following titles best describes the passage as a whole?

(A) The Vacuum: Its Fluctuations and Decay

(B) The Vacuum: Its Creation and Instability

(C) The Vacuum: A State of Absence

(D) Particles That Materialize in the Vacuum

(E) Classical Physics and the Vacuum

18. According to the passage, the assumption that the introduction of a real particle into a vacuum raises the total energy of that region of space has been cast into doubt by which of the following?

(A) Findings from laboratory experiments

(B) Findings from observational field experiments

(C) Accidental observations made during other experiments

(D) Discovery of several erroneous propositions in accepted theories

(E) Predictions based on theoretical work

19. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists are currently making efforts to observe which of the following events?

(A) The decay of a vacuum in the presence of virtual particles

(B) The decay of a vacuum next to a superheavy atomic nucleus

(C) The creation of a superheavy atomic nucleus next to an intense electric field

(D) The creation of a virtual electron and a virtual positron as a result of fluctuations of a vacuum

(E) The creation of a charged vacuum in which only real electrons can be created in the vacuum’s region of space

20. Physicists’ recent investigations of the decay of the vacuum, as described in the passage, most closely resemble which of the following hypothetical events in other disciplines?

(A) On the basis of data gathered in a carefully controlled laboratory experiment, a chemist predicts and then demonstrates the physical properties of a newly synthesized polymer.

(B) On the basis of manipulations of macroeconomic theory, an economist predicts that, contrary to accepted economic theory, inflation and unemployment will both decline under conditions of rapid economic growth.

(C) On the basis of a rereading of the texts of Jane Austen’s novels, a literary critic suggests that, contrary to accepted literary interpretations. Austen’s plots were actually metaphors for political events in early nineteenth-century England.

(D) On the basis of data gathered in carefully planned observations of several species of birds, a biologist proposes a modification in the accepted theory of interspecies competition.

(E) On the basis of a study of observations incidentally recorded in ethnographers’ descriptions of non-Western societies, an anthropologist proposes a new theory of kinship relations.

21. According to the passage, the author considers the reduction of energy in an empty region of space to which a real particle has been added to be

(A) a well-known process

(B) a frequent occurrence

(C) a fleeting aberration

(D) an unimportant event

(E) an unexpected outcome

22. According to the passage, virtual particles differ from real particles in which of the following ways?

I. Virtual particles have extremely short lifetimes.

II. Virtual particles are created in an intense electric field.

III. Virtual particles cannot be detected directly.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) I and II only

(E) I and III only

23. The author’s assertions concerning the conditions that lead to the decay of the vacuum would be most weakened if which of the following occurred?

(A) Scientists created an electric field next to a vacuum, but found that the electric field was not intense enough to create a charged vacuum.

(B) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that no virtual particles were created in the vacuum’s region of space.

(C) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that they could not then detect any real particles in the vacuum’s region of space.

(D) Scientists introduced a virtual electron and a virtual positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the vacuum did not then fluctuate.

(E) Scientists introduced a real electron and a real positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the total energy of the space increased by the energy equivalent of the mass of the particles.

Simone de Beauvoir’s work greatly influenced Betty Friedan’s—Indeed, made it possible. Why, then, was it Friedan who became the prophet of women’s emancipation in the United States? Political conditions, as well as a certain anti-intellectual bias, prepared Americans and the American media to better receive Friedan’s deradicalized and highly pragmatic The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, than Beauvoir’s theoretical reading of women’s situation in The Second Sex. In 1953 when The Second Sex first appeared in translation in the United States, the country had entered the silent, fearful fortress of the anticommunist McCarthy years (1950-1954), and Beauvoir was suspected of Marxist sympathies. Even The Nation, a generally liberal magazine, warned its readers against “certain political leanings” of the author. Open acknowledgement of the existence of women’s oppression was too radical for the United States in the fifties, and Beauvoir’s conclusion, that change in women’s economic condition, though insufficient by itself, “remains the basic factor” in improving women’s situation, was particularly unacceptable.

24. According to the passage, one difference between The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex is that Friedan’s book

(A) rejects the idea that women are oppressed

(B) provides a primarily theoretical analysis of women’s lives

(C) does not reflect the political beliefs of its author

(D) suggests that women’s economic condition has no impact on their status

(E) concentrates on the practical aspects of the questions of women’s emancipation

25. The author quotes from The Nation most probably in order to

(A) modify an earlier assertion

(B) point out a possible exception to her argument

(C) illustrate her central point

(D) clarify the meaning of a term

(E) cite an expert opinion

26. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is not a factor in the explanation of why The Feminine Mystique was received more positively in the United States than was The Second Sex?

(A) By 1963 political conditions in the United States had changed.

(B) Friedan’s book was less intellectual and abstract than Beauvoir’s.

(C) Readers did not recognize the powerful influence of Beauvoir’s book on Friedan’s ideas.

(D) Friedan’s approach to the issue of women’s emancipation was less radical than Beauvoir’s.

(E) American readers were more willing to consider the problem of the oppression of women in the sixties than they had been in the fifties.

27. According to the passage, Beauvoir’s book asserted that the status of women

(A) is the outcome of political oppression

(B) is inherently tied to their economic condition

(C) can be best improved under a communist government

(D) is a theoretical, rather than a pragmatic, issue

(E) is a critical area of discussion in Marxist economic theory















1. Other theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle by the Earth’s collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earth’s iron fell to its core. (4)其他的理论家提出,在地球的大部分铁沉入到地核之后,由于地球与另一个庞大的天体发生碰撞,月亮便从地球那石质的地幔中撕裂开来而形成的。Rip:撕开;拨去;在本文是撕开的意思。


解释:这个句子虽然还算短,但结构并不简单,句中共有三介词结构作状语。结构的复杂在本句中给读者带来了真正的阅读困难:月亮、地球、大型天体之间的关系如何?三个事件之间的先后顺序怎样?另外的一个难点在于,在the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle这段话中,be ripped out of something可以作两种解释。Rip既有撕开的意思,又有剥去的意思,而此处的be ripped out of something很被读者理解成被剥夺走某物的意思。实际上,根据对上下文的理解,这里应该理解成从某物中撕裂出来的意思。

意群训练:Other theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle by the Earth’s collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earth’s iron fell to its core.

2. However , recent scholarship has strongly suggested that those aspects of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan, such as the strong religious orientation and the communal impulse, were not even typical of New England as a whole, but were largely confined to the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut. (4)



解释:宾语从句的主语those aspects后面跟着长长的修饰成分of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan。不但如此,主语和表语之间又被长长的插入语such as分开,而且表语也不是一个,而是were not,but were的结构,使得句子十分难读。

意群训练:However , recent scholarship has strongly suggested that those aspects of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan, such as the strong religious orientation and the communal impulse, were not even typical of New England as a whole, but were largely confined to the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut.


1. More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. (3+)



解释:句首有一个倒装,正常语序是bird transport is more probable。后面的句子中由于插入部分的频繁出现使句子显得十分凌乱。

意群训练:More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.

2. A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy , dominated by expansionist militarist objectives , generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution . (4+)



解释:主架构简单,可是主语和表语从句都不让人省心。句子的主干其实就是:A long-held view has been that..。但是主语A long-held view之后却是修饰它的一个三层的定语:of the history of the english colonies that became the United States。系动词has been之后所接的表语从句其实不止一个,其实原句是用了and来连接两个并列的表语从句,has been that…and has been that…。后面的has been照例被省略。

意群训练:A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy , dominated by expansionist militarist objectives , generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution .




1. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. (5)




训练:This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.

2. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. (4)



解释:本句是一个怪异的现象的典型例子:句子的结构谈不上复杂,所用单词也不难,但是除非读者有理工科的科研(最好是材料科学的科研)背景,否则句子虽然能够得读下来,但是却搞不清句子说的是什么意思。首先,句子中出现的一些词汇虽然也都比较常见,但是在理科文章中出现,就有了专有名词的意味,同时还带有很抽象的学术含义,笔者称之为专业抽象词,如isotopic composition;source;variation;measurement error;preliminary study等。认识这些单词,并不意味着懂得它们在文章的意义和作用。比如说measurement error,大家都可以望文生义地理解成测量错误、测量误差,但是在对文章的阅读中这种字面上的理解是远远不够的。其实此处强调的并不是测量中出现的错误和毛病,而是指那些每次测量都会发生的、永远也无法避免的、在测量值和实际值之间的正常的差异。因此,本句话的真实含义也难以理解。句子只是罗列了一堆事实,而作者真正想说的意思是什么呢?其实variations exceeding the measurement error的言外之意是这些不同variations是真正有意义的不同,而不是试验的误差;那么不同矿源的铜矿的铅同位素成分真的不同,相同的矿源的铅同位素几乎相同,就意味着我们可以通过测量铅同位素的成分来确定铜矿的矿源(挖掘地)。

意群训练:The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source


GRE备考突破作文高分只需掌握4大要点 全部学会4分不用愁










evocative a唤起的,激起的 17

evoke v引起;唤起

evolve v使逐渐形成,进化

ewe n母羊

ewer n大口水罐

exacerbate v加重,恶化

exact a精确的;v强求,强索付款

exacting a苛求的;要求严格的

exactitude n极端正确性或精确性

exaggerate v夸张;夸大

exaggeration n夸张

exalt v(高度)赞扬,歌颂

exaltation n得意,高兴

exasperate v激怒,使恼怒

excavate v挖掘;挖出

exceed v超过;超出

excel v善于,擅长于

exceptional a特别(好)的

excess n过分,过度

excise v切除,删去

excitability n易兴奋性,易激动性

exclaim v惊叫,呼喊

exclamation n惊叹词,惊呼

exclude v排斥;排除

exclusive a(人)孤僻的;(物)专用的

excoriate v撕去皮;严厉批评

excrete v排泄,分泌

exculpate v开脱,申明无罪

excursion n短途旅游

excursive a离题的,随意的

execrable a极坏的

execrate v憎恶;咒骂

execute v执行,履行;将某人处死

exemplary a可作楷模的

exemplify v是…的典型

exempt a被免除的;v使免除

exert v运用(力量等)

exhale v呼出(气)

exhaust n废气,蒸气v使非常疲倦

exhaustive a彻底的,无遗漏的


exhilarate v使高兴

exhilaration n高兴,活跃

exhort v力劝,勉励

exigent a需要立即采取行动的

existential a有关存在的,存在主义的

exodus n大批离去,成群外出

exonerate v免除责任;确定无罪

exorbitant a过分的,过度的

exorcise v驱魔;去除(坏念头等)

exotic a珍奇的;来自异国的

expand v扩大,膨胀

expansive a(指人)健谈的,开朗的

expediency n方便;权宜之计

expedient n权宜之计,临时手段;a(指行动)有用的

expeditious a迅速的,敏捷的

expel v排出;开除

expend v花费;用光

expenditure n消耗,支出

expertise n专门技术,专业知识

expiate v赎罪,补偿

expiration n期满,终止

expire v期满;去世

explicate v详细解说

explicit a清楚明确的

exploit v剥削;开发利用n英勇行为

explosive n炸药;a爆炸性的;使人冲动的

exponent n说明者,支持者;指数

exponentially adv指数地;迅速增长地

exposition n阐释;博览会

expository a说明的

expostulate v抗议,告诫

exposure n暴露,显露,曝光

expound v解释;阐述

expressly adv清楚地;特意地

expunge v删除

expurgate v删除;使纯洁

exquisite a精致的;近乎完美的

extant a现存的,传世的

extemporaneous a即席的,没有准备的

extemporize v即席演说

extend v延展,延长


extenuate v掩饰(罪行),减轻罪过

exterminate v消灭,灭绝

externalize v使…表面化

extinct a绝种的,不存在的

extinction n熄灭;消灭

extinguish v使…熄灭;使…不复存在

extirpation n根除,铲除

extol v赞美

extort v强索,敲诈

extract v拔出;强索

extraneous a外来的;无关的

extrapolate v预测,推测

extravagance n奢侈,挥霍

extremist n极端主义者

extricable a可解救的,能脱险的

extricate v拯救,救出

extrovert n性格外向者

exuberance n愉快;茁壮

exuberant a充满活力的,茂盛的

exude v使慢慢流出;四溢

exult v欢腾,喜悦

fabric n纺织品;结构

fabricate v捏造;制造

facade n 建筑物的正面;(虚伪)外表

facet n(宝石等的)小平面;侧面

facetious a轻浮的,好开玩笑的

facile a容易做的;肤浅的

facilitate v使容易,促进

facilities n设备、工具

faction n派系;派系斗争

factorable a能分解成因子的

factotum n杂役,听差

factual a真实的,事实的

faculty n全体教员;官能

fad n(流行一时的)狂热,时尚

faddish a流行一时的,时尚的

fade v褪色,消失,凋谢

falcon n猎鹰;隼

fallacious a欺骗的;谬误的

fallacy n谬误,错误

fallibility n易于出错,出错性




1. 先读文章后做题,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略。记住:看题时间要比看文时间长;

2. 两遍法,第一遍通读,重点看文章的结构、focus、作者态度,第二遍在解题时定位阅读;

3. 解任何题目时都要回到原文中定位,严格把握文字对应法,每个正确答案都必须找到依据,绝对不可凭记忆或知识背景做题;

4. 不要精读,不必了解文章的意思,速度一定要快,一定要作笔记,时间不够看首段和各段首句;

5. 每天都练《杨鹏100难句》。


1. 重在结构,关注focus,关注作者对focus的态度、评价,缺陷及需要改进的地方;

2. 重点读首段和各段首句,注意起承转合,看不懂的继续往下看,只关心是顺接还是转折关系;






1. 强对比、强转折、双重否定

2. 比较级、最高级、唯一性、“所有”, only, in particular

3. 大写名词、斜体字做好标记

4. 有关时间的句子,弄清楚前后关系

5. 反复出现的关键词,弄清其含义

6. 虚拟、让步语气

7. 转折、比较弄清比较双方是谁

8. 文章脉络,作者的观点和倾向,评价最重要


和国内学生写文章不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子);

2. 概括文章将来结构。

比如一个句子:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括GRE阅读文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technoly.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。


比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.




a. 读问题,b. 明确问题目的,c. 从而d. 确定解题方向。

e. 读段落,f. 根据不同g. 的问题目的确定不同h. 的解题重点

i. 找答案,j. 有时可以调整看选项顺序.把握5中选2的原则,k. 先用求同l. 求异发则,m. 快速排除3-n. 4个选项,o. 然后放慢速度,p. 仔细分析剩下的两个选项。


引导结论的引导词有:therefore,thus,so,hence,concluding,consequently,as a result,It follows that,it can be inferred that,in conlusin,which proves

that,which means that,which suggerts that, 引导前提的引导词:because,for,since,as,in as much as(由于,因为),in so far

as (就。。而言),in view of BàA 模式:有一个survey,record,data,study,experiment或者phemonena等得出一个结论,是他做出的一个解释。当由 BàA,有一个hidden premise多为A是唯一的原因。或者为达到某一个目的而提出的一个方法或者建议,也是此种模式。常见的引导词有: demonstrate,show,result,due to,attribute to,reason,hypothesize,the

explanation to,be responsible for. AàB模式:推理时由某个原因试图得到某个结果,推理成立的hidden promise是这个原因可以得到这个结果。注意此时并不表示A是唯一的,只是表示A是可行的。







在整个GRE考试过程中,小编认为大家需要做一样工作,就是收集整理自己的 “阅读难句”,把所有文章中出现的我认为 “绕”的句子都收录下来,每天早上看20-30句。 对于那些文章后面问题牵涉到或问到的难句,更要highlight起来,并把文章的问题附在句子后面,认真学习。这样做的好处是学习如何以ETS的眼光在文章/句子中“抽丝剥茧”,“infer” 出答案,因为阅读的难题通常是 “infer” 题,而 “infer” 题的答案通常都藏在那些难句或 “闪烁其辞”的句子中。这样看多了,“infer”的能力也相应的提高了。 (Eg: This ability to quickly locate unseen prey suggests,according to the researchers,that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers。 à Infer --- The speed with which the anteaters located their prey is greater than what might be expected on the basis of chance alone.)


关于 “GRE阅读速度”,小编认为称之为 “理解速度”更贴切,看得再快,不理解,又有何用? 现在对于提升阅读速度比较主流的意见有两种,一种是快速读文章,然后答题1题1分钟;另一种是读文章不用太快,要边读边总结,然后答题时就容易些,更有把握些,通常也不用1分钟1题。大家可以自己尝试一下哪种方法更适合自己然后选择使用,前者对于时间的把握可能更精准一些,后者对文章main idea及结构理解得更好,准确率也高,尤其对于长文章比较适用。


3.15.4 接受,收回

decent adj. 可接受的,适当的;得体的

procurement n. 接收,获得

receipt n. 收到,接到;发票,收据 (receive v. 收到)

receptive adj. 善于接受的;从善如流的 (reception n. 接待,欢迎)

recipient n. 接受者,收受者

confiscate v. 没收;充公

expropriate v. 没收;充公

forfeit v. 被罚没收,丧失;n. 丧失物

recall v. 收回;回想,回忆起;n. 唤回

recede v. 收回(诺言),后退

retract v. 收回,缩回 (retraction n. 收回,缩回)

retrieve v./n. 取回,寻回;挽回(错误) (retrieval n. 取回,补偿)

sequestrate v. 没收,扣押

withdraw v. 收回,撤退;隐居


3.15.3 获得,继承

desirable adj. 值得要的

dislodge v. 取出,逐出

eviscerate v. 取出肠及内脏

inception n. 取得学位;开端,开始

inexhaustible adj. 取之不竭的,用不完的

obtainable adj. 能得到的 (obtain v. 得到)

preempt v. 以先买权取得;取代 (preemption n. 先买权)

procure v. 取得,获得

procurement n. 获得,接收

reap v. 收获,收割

reaper n. 收割者

snatch n./v. 攫取,强夺

surcharge v. 对…收取额外费用;n. 附加费

undeserved adj. 不应得的

asset n. 财产;可取之物

belongings n. 财产,所有物

demise n. 财产转让;死亡

esoteric adj. 秘传的;神秘的

heir n. 继承人 (heiress n. 女继承人)

heirloom n. 传家宝

hereditary adj. 祖传的,世袭的

inherit v. 继承

patrimony n. 祖传的财产

sequela n. 后继者;后遗症


3.15.2 分配,散布

allocate v. 配给,分配 (allocation n. 配给,分配)

dispense v. 分配,分发

distribute v. 分发,分配某事物 (distribution n. 分发,分送)

issue v. 发给,分发;出来,流出;n. (书刊的)期

mete v. 分配,给予;测量;n. 边界

quota n. 定额,配额

ration n. 定量配给;v. 配给

redistribution n. 重新分配

bruit v. 散布(谣言)

decentralize v. 分散,权力下放

disseminate v. 散布,传播

emanate v. 散发,发出,发源

emit v. 放射(光、热、味等) (emission n. 发出,发光;放射物)

intersperse v. 散布;点缀

permeate v. 扩散;渗透

pervade v. 弥漫,普及

strew v. 撒,散播

suffuse v. (色彩等)弥漫,染遍

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