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Questions 1-11

??? With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than

an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is

named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green,

pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than

ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea

anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower

part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upper end of the sea

anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food.

Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea?

animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone s mouth. The food is?

digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles?

and?shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by

forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent


1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The varieties of ocean life

(B) The?characteristics of the sea anemone

(C) A comparison of land and sea anemones

(D) The defenses of coelenterates

2. The work “shape” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) length

(B) grace

(C) form

(D) nature

3. The author compares a sea anemone s tentacles to a flower s.

(A) stem

(B) petals

(C) leaves

(D) roots

4.It can be inferred from the passage that hydras

(A) were named after a flower

(B) are usually found in Australia

(C) prey on sea anemones

(D) are related t




Questions 1-11

??? With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than

an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is

named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green,

pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than

ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea

anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower

part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upper end of the sea

anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food.

Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea?

animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone s mouth. The food is?

digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles?

and?shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by

forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent


1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The varieties of ocean life

(B) The?characteristics of the sea anemone

(C) A comparison of land and sea anemones

(D) The defenses of coelenterates

2. The work “shape” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) length

(B) grace

(C) form

(D) nature




Time: 55 minutes (including the reading of the directions). Now set your clock for 55 minutes.

Question 1-12

??? Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some

cases millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the

petals is called the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing

strip to attract the specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator.

???To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors, and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one, or at most a few, species of insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different times.

???Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way obstacle

courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards of rampant

crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At the same time

they have made themselves irresistible to collectors.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Birds

(B) Insects

(C) Flowers

(D) Perfume

2 The orchid is unique because of

(A) the habitat in which it lives

(B) the structure of its blossom





1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, ______.

(A) is hard

(B) although hard

(C) has hardness

(D) and hardness

2. _____ who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United

States in 1972.

(A) Shirley S. Chisholm

(B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm

(C) Shirley S. Chisholm was

(D) When Shirley S.Chisholm

3._______ versatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has often concluded a program of

art songs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music .

(A) A

(B) Which

(C) So

(D) Because

4. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, ______and

memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might


(A) sailing directions are studied

(B) study the sailing directions

(C) to direct sailing studies

(D) studies direct sailing

5. ______ social nesting birds that built their nests in trees and on cliffs.

(A) The most storks

(B) Most are storks

(C) Most storks are

(D) Storks most

6. Plankton, ______, is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean.

(A) comprise both minute marine animals and plants

(B) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants

(C) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants

(D) minute marine animals and plants collectively that

7. The best-known diffuse nebula is the great Orion Nebula, _______ can be seen by the

naked eye.

(A) one

(B) it

(C) which

(D) who

8. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been ______.

(A) the least studied

(B) study the least

(C) study less and less

(D) to study the less

9. Most amphibians hatch from eggs laid in water or moist ground, and begin

life _____ water-dwe




Questions 1-10

???Alice Walker makes her living by writing, and her poems short stories, and novels

have won many awards and fellowships for her. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia. She

went to public schools there, and then to Spelman College in Atlanta before coming to

New York to attend Sarah Lawrence College, from which she graduated in 1966. For a

time she lived in Jackson, Mississippi with her lawyer husband and small daughter.

About Langston Hughes, American Poet, her first book for children, she says ,“After my

first meeting with Langston Hughes I vowed I would write a boot about him for

children someday. Why? Became I, at twenty-two, knew next to nothing of his work,

and he didn't scold me; he just gave me a stack of his book. And he was kind to me; I

will always be grateful that in his absolute warmth and generosity he fulfilled my

deepest dream (and need) of what a poet should be.

?? ”To me he is not dead at all. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him or speak

of him. Once, just before he died, when he was sick with the flu, I took him a sack full

of oranges. The joy I felt in giving that simple gift is undiminished by time. He said he

liked oranges, too.“

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) Alice Walker's reflections on Langston Hughes

(B) The influence of Alice Walker on the writing of Langston Hughes

(C) Langston Hughes' book about Alice Walker

(D) A comparison of the childhoods of Alice Walker and Langston Hughes

2. In the passage, Alice Walker is described as

(A) a research fellow at Spelman College

(B) a professor at Sarah Lawrence College

(C) a prize-winning writer of?prose and poetry

(D) an author of?plays for children

3. Before attending college, Alice Walker went to school in

(A) Atlanta, Georgia

(B) Eatonton, Georgia

(C) Jackson,




1 . Hanya Holm is a dancer, choreographer and _____ .

(A) dance that she teaches

(B) her teaching of dance

(C) to teach dancing

(D) dance teacher

2. During an eclipse of the Sun, ______ in the shadow of the Moon.

(A) the Earth lies

(B) the Earth when lying

(C) that the Earth lies

(D) the lying Earth

3. Under the influence of Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle became associated with the

Imagists, and ______ into one of the most original poets of the group.

(A) developed

(B) to be developing

(C) who developed

(D) developing it

4. _____ all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of it is lost through


(A) Nowhere

(B) Not

(C) No

(D) None

5. In an area first explored by Samuel de Champlain, ______ .

(A) establishment of the city of Halifax in 1749

(B) in 1749 the city of Halifax established

(C) in 1749, establishing the city of Halifax

(D) the city of Halifax was established in 1749

6. A nation s merchant marine is made up of its commercial ships and the people ______


(A) they operate

(B) who operate

(C) they operate of

(D) do they operate

7. ______ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.

(A) Where was

(B) It was

(C) He was

(D) That he was

8. The most elaborate of all bird nests ______ , domed communal structure built by

social weaverbirds.

(A) larger

(B) largely is

(C) the large

(D) is the large

9. William Walker s mural, ”Wall of Respect,“ ______ an outdoor wall in Chicago, deals

with social issues.

(A) covers

(B) covers it

(C) which covers

(D) which it covers

10. Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate ______ yield when unusual weight is

placed on them.

(A) although its crust and




Question 1-10

???The agricultural revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention

of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. Labor-saving

machinery naturally appeared first where labor was scarce. ”In Europe, said Thomas

Jefferson, "the object is to make the most of their land, labor being abundant: here it is to

make the most of our labor, land being abundant. It was in the United States, therefore,

that the great advances in nineteenth-century agricultural machinery first came.

??? At the opening of the century, with the exception of a crude plow, farmers could have

carried practically all of the existing agricultural implements on their backs; by 1860,

most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form. The most

important of the early inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1790 Charles Newbold

of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire

fortune in introducing his invention. The farmers, however, were not interested in it,

claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow. Nevertheless, many

people devoted their attention to the plow, until in 1869 James Oliver of South Bend,

Indiana, turned out the first chilled-steel plow.

1.What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The need for agricultural advances to help feed a growing population

(B) The development of safer machines demanded by the labor movement

(C) Machinery that contributed to the agricultural revolution

(D) New Jersey as a leader in the agricultural revolution




1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, ______.

(A) is hard

(B) although hard

(C) has hardness

(D) and hardness

2. _____ who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United

States in 1972.

(A) Shirley S. Chisholm

(B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm

(C) Shirley S. Chisholm was

(D) When Shirley S.Chisholm

3._______ versatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has often concluded a program of

art songs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music .

(A) A

(B) Which

(C) So

(D) Because

4. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, ______and

memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might


(A) sailing directions are studied

(B) study the sailing directions

(C) to direct sailing studies

(D) studies direct sailing

5. ______ social nesting birds that built their nests in trees and on cliffs.

(A) The most storks

(B) Most are storks

(C) Most storks are

(D) Storks most

6. Plankton, ______, is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean.

(A) comprise both minute marine animals and plants

(B) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants

(C) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants

(D) minute marine animals and plants collectively that

7. The best-known diffuse




1 . Hanya Holm is a dancer, choreographer and _____ .

(A) dance that she teaches

(B) her teaching of dance

(C) to teach dancing

(D) dance teacher

2. During an eclipse of the Sun, ______ in the shadow of the Moon.

(A) the Earth lies

(B) the Earth when lying

(C) that the Earth lies

(D) the lying Earth

3. Under the influence of Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle became associated with the

Imagists, and ______ into one of the most original poets of the group.

(A) developed

(B) to be developing

(C) who developed

(D) developing it

4. _____ all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of it is lost through


(A) Nowhere

(B) Not

(C) No

(D) None

5. In an area first explored by Samuel de Champlain, ______ .

(A) establishment of the city of Halifax in 1749

(B) in 1749 the city of Halifax established

(C) in 1749, establishing the city of Halifax

(D) the city of Halifax was established in 1749

6. A nation s merchant marine is made up of its commercial ships and the people ______


(A) they operate

(B) who operate

(C) they operate of

(D) do they operate

7. ______ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.

(A) Where was

(B) It was

(C) He was

(D) That he was

8. The most elaborate of all bird nests ______ , domed communal

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