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Personal information


Gender: female

Education: bachelor's political landscape: 0

Birthday, the 1992-01-29 national: han

Marital status: single native place: shangqiu of henan province

Height: confidential weight: confidential

Professional: medical imaging technology working experience: fresh graduates

Expect work location: xinxiang weihui municipal yuanyang country


Industry/position: medical/health/nursing radiology technician anticipated salary: negotiable nature of work: full-time

Education experience

School name: xinxiang medical college for three whole college professional: medical image technology study time: the -09-01-2013-09-01 degrees: bachelor degree

Language ability

Language: English: master

Work experience

Company name: China armed * forces corps hospital in henan

Working time: the -06-01-2016-06-01

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: radiology, CT, MRI and ultrasound, put

Job classification: imaging technician intern

Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

Job description: 1. Master the DR and the operations of ultrasonic, skilled to complete all kinds of imaging and interventional surgery of operating the machine.

2. Familiar with CT and MR, master the common CT post-processing technique (coronary CTA, head and neck CTA, 3 d reconstruction of bone, pulmonary embolism, etc.) and MR imaging techniques (MRA, PWI, MRS, etc.) and the operating speed 256 CT angiography CT. 3. The philips, GE3.0 T, 0.35 T magnetic resonance can skilled operation, and the image post-processing has better control.

4. Good at reading put, CT and MR diagnosis and writing reports.

Company name: the 1st affiliated hospital of xinxiang medical college

Working time: the 2016-05-01-2016-05-01

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: radiology department

Job classification: imaging technician trainee

Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

Job description: to master the imaging method of various diseases, familiar with ultrasonic, the operation of the DR, CT and MRI, DSA, to master all kinds of common diseases diagnosis.

Company name: aiming people's hospital

Working time: the -07-15-2015-07-15

Company size: keep it a secret

Department: radiology department

Job classification: medical/health/nursing trainee

Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

Job description: to grasp the method of the common diseases of radiography and operations

Self assessment

2013.12 college students' humanistic quality training certificate

.10 “state” and “school first-class scholarship”

2014.10 won the academy award for the best team of “social practice”, and in the municipal newspaper reported

2015.04 to obtain the title of “outstanding member”

2015.10 to obtain “national financial aid”

2016.10 to obtain “national inspirational scholarship” and “three good student” honorary title

Four year university life let me become mature and serious, dare to dedication and responsibility, the university to join the student union also has exercised my ability of self-management; The doctor this career let me form the fine quality of the patient and helpful. During the internship also has exercised my various aspects ability, including the ability to contact with the patient and professional skills. Like to communicate with people, also have good communication and communication ability; I keep holding the aggressive epistemic beliefs, at the same time of improving their professional knowledge to improve their quality and self-cultivation; I believe that through my efforts can certainly qualified for the noble work!




性别: 女

学历: 本科 政治面貌: 0

生日: 1992-01-29 民族: 汉族

婚姻状况: 未婚 籍贯: 河南省商丘市

身高: 保密 体重: 保密

专业: 医学影像技术 工作经验: 应届毕业生

期望工作地点: 新乡市 卫辉市 原阳县


行业/职位: 医疗/卫生/护理 放射技师 期望月薪: 面议 工作性质: 全职


学校名称: 新乡医学院三全学院 专业: 医学影像技术 就读时间: 2013-09-01 至 -06-01 获得学历: 本科


语种: 英语 能力: 精通


公司名称: 中国武装*部队河南总队医院

工作时间: 2016-06-01 至 2017-05-31

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 放射科、CT、MRI、超声、放

工作分类: 影像技师 实习生

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 1.熟练掌握DR以及超声的各项操作,熟练完成各类造影,以及介入手术机器的操作。

2 .熟练操作CT以及MR,掌握CT常见后处理技术(冠状动脉CTA、头颈CTA、骨三维重建、肺栓塞等)及MR特殊成像技术(MRA、PWI、MRS等)以及极速256CT血管CT的操作。 3.对飞利浦,GE3.0T、0.35T磁共振能够熟练操作,并对其图像后处理有较好的掌握。


公司名称: 新乡医学院第一附属医院

工作时间: 2016-05-01 至 2016-05-30

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 放射科

工作分类: 影像技师 见习生

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 掌握了各种疾病的影像检查方法,熟练掌握超声、DR、CT以及MRI、DSA的操作,掌握各种常见疾病的诊断。

公司名称: 宁陵县人民医院

工作时间: 2015-07-15 至 2015-08-25

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 放射科

工作分类: 医疗/卫生/护理 见习

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 掌握了常见疾病摄片的方法和操作


2013.12 获得大学生人文素质训练结业证书

2014.10 获得“国家助学金”和“学院一等奖学金”

2014.10 获得书院“社会实践优秀团队奖”,并在其市级报纸上刊登相关报道

2015.04 获得“优秀团员”称号

2015.10 获得“国家助学金”

2016.10 获得“国家励志奖学金”和“三好学生”荣誉称号




























所谓求职信 Cover letter 是附着在简历 resume 之前,用于陈述个人求职意向、优势和目的的信件。求职信是容易被国内学生忽略的简历中的重要一项,其实它对于详述简历中的重点,解释和补充求职目的有绝佳作用。而且,一份漂亮的简历会透露出你不一般的英文运用能力。切记,求职信和简历一定要简明扼要,突出重点,最好各一页纸。 若你以为凭一份简历就可以高枕无忧,笑傲职场,绝对痴心妄想。在你驰骋职场之前,改简历的经历足够让你回味终身。


抢眼点各不同具体到某些行业,例如金融行业,人力资源经理对数字相对敏感,那么,简历中当然要突出数字,哪怕你在学校时只为演讲比赛拉到过 1000 元的赞助。而管理类的职位较看中求职者的管理经验。

PDF格式时兴对于跨国企业,上传简历的格式最好是PDF格式。因为 Word 格式的简历容易带病毒,也不美观。



本身是主管, 简历 少说也看了几万封了,发现有一些通病是很多人会忽略的,而那些招聘网站或者 简历 中心也没有很专业的教你怎么写一封好的英文 简历 。


当然在国内中文简历比较重要,但是现在的趋势就是双语,有时候中文写的洋洋洒洒,英文确令人哭笑不得。通常 面试 外企,多少都会有老外 面试 ,一份得体的英文简历还是很重要的。




- 结了婚是Married, 未婚就是Unmarried? 偶尔看到有人写上Single会倍感安慰

- 个性有闯劲,最好还是不要用aggressive,中文感觉还可以但其实英文里这个词是非常负面的,有暴躁的意思,不是优点。用energetic或者spirited比较好

- 英文和中文一样,标点符号后要空一格,不要所有句子挤在一起

- 很多人喜欢在写职责范围的时候写上Be responsible for , 文法上来说是不需要的。这些事情是你已经做过的,直接说 Responsible for all outgoing couriers 就可以了

- 英文有很多缩写,但是在像简历这种正式场合还是少用为妙,比如Dont可以换成do not,千万不要用那些wanna, gonna来代替want to, going to



- 写完后一定要去页面设置去除多余的空白页面,或者是orphan和widow现象,也就是单句的句子在页面的最上面,最好是合并到前一页

- 记得调整字体和大小,有些人的简历除了不同颜色以外还用不同字体,就像是在不同网站上粘贴过来的,非常不专业。

- 简历最好不要超过3页,言语要精简,最忌讳像论文一样,但是没有重点

- Word本身带有拼写检查,你这里满页都是红线,我这里看到的也都是红线

下面这十个毛病可是 简历 中不该犯的。对照检查一下你犯错了没有?如果有,要赶快改吧!

1、拷贝别人的 简历 格式;








9、只有 简历 ,没有COVERLETTER。



Name: XXX

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: XX XXth XX

Place of birth: XX, P.R.China

Marital Status: XX Health: Good

Mobile :13XXXXXXX



Application Engineer, Technical and Electronics Sales.

Education Background:

20xx.920xx.6 XXXX. Bachelor of Electronic informationn engineering

Major subjects: Circuit principle, Single Chip Computer Principle and Application, Digital Electronic Technology, Analog Electronic Technology, Interfacing and Application of Computer, Principle of Communication,

Work Experiences:

20xx. 7 - Present XXX As a computer software engineer, Responsibilites includes :

1. Solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducte systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity

2. And responsible for System compatibility and integration test. Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards.

3. Assist engineers from HP wIth installation and trobleshooting of HP Bussiness PC software

English Skills

1. Pass CET-4

2. Have a good command of spoken and written English. Communicate and negociate with

clients fluently in English.

3. Skilled in reading documents relating to Electronics and Computer


Independent and be able to work under pressue. Have coordination skills,teamwork spirit. Studious

nature and dedication are my greatest strengths


Marcus Reynolds

462, Mortimer ST,

Lewiston, MA, 64328

(849) 283-9478



Willing to work as a Computer Programmer in the well known IT industry.


B.Tech/B.E. (Computers) from XYZ University, Arizona in 20xx

Summary of Skills and Experience

I am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing & developing systems.

Pivotal in C, C++, SQl, Java, HTML, MS Access and Photoshop with exposure in Windows 9x/ 20xx / NT.

Computer Skills

Programming Languages: C, C++, SQL, Java, J2EE (Servlet, JDBC, JSP)

Databases tools: Oracle, MS Access

Operating Systems: Windows 9x, XP, 20xx, NT

Other Skills: Photoshop, CSS, HTML, Flash

Additional Details

Academic Projects

Banking System using C++

Duration: Jan 06 to May 06

Environment: C++

Description: Designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as Debiting or Crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.


Available on request.



Age: 23

Address: Guangzhou Country: China

E-mail: Phone:

Job Target

Talent Type: graduates

Position: Administrative Officer / Assistant hotline / call center staff

Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime

Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Guangzhou


Love college group activities, to participate in associations, classes campaign cadres active in group activities. Get along with classmates, learning seriously, positive and responsible work, whenever students encounter difficulties can make their own efforts to help resolve conflicts between students and establish a harmonious living environment for college. Optimistic, cheerful, considerate, for non handled properly, Thrift, meticulous. Work during the internship studious, often ask colleagues to learn from them, to enrich themselves.

Work Experience

Sun Life Everbright beginning and ending date :20xx-01 to 20xx-05

Company nature: state-owned enterprises Industry: Accounting / Finance / Banking / Insurance

Hold office: gift insurance commissioner

Job Description: Telephone donated insurance to help companies find potential customers!

Educational Background

Graduated: Guangdong Ocean University

Highest Level of Education: Bachelor

Graduation date :20xx-06

Major: Business Administration



Mr. Nationality: China

Current residence: Guangxi China: Han

Domicile: Guangxi stature: 165 cm 52 kg

Marital status: Single Age: 28

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: graphic designer, packaging design,

Work Experience: 4 Job Title: Intermediate

Job type: Full-time arrived to date: one week

Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangxi

Work Experience

Company Name: Guangzhou Paper Co., Ltd. United States

Beginning and ending date :20xx-05 ~

Company Type: Private Industry: Paper / Printing

Positions: Head of R & D

Job Description: Guangzhou Paper Co., Ltd. is mainly the United States produce fine albums, notebooks, gift boxes based private enterprises, I am responsible from product design, product sampling, product typography, production with a single, process technology patterns, product photos , album publicity also Taobao station product publicity; responsible for the company to participate in the Hong Kong exhibition related matters. Development department.

Company Name: Paper Products Co., Ltd.

Beginning and ending date :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-04

Company Type: Private Industry: Paper / Printing

Positions: R & D designers

Job Description: Guangzhou Paper Co., Ltd. is mainly the United States produce fine albums, notebooks, gift boxes based private enterprise, I am responsible from product design, product sampling, sample preparation process version, product pictures, album publicity, etc.; responsible companies to participate Hong Kong exhibition related matters.

Self introduction

Now I have good spatial imagination, understanding and communication skills, good creative thinking, strong sense of time, a strong sense of teamwork and strong leadership skills; Advertising common signs, banner stand, X stand KT board, light box, terminal design or materials quite familiar with and have some experience, graphic design and film and television, upholstery better grasp, skilled application CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator and other operating software, but also mastered the Office family of the basic application operations. Flexible use CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. An amount of quality software Anshi An independent customer needs to complete the task.

Educational Background

Graduated: Guangxi Normal University

Highest Level of Education: Bachelor

Graduation date :20xx -07-01

By Major: Graphic Design



xxx, xxx ST,

xxx, xx, xxxxx

(xxx) xxxxxxxxxxx



Willing to work as a Computer Programmer in the well known IT industry.


B.Tech/B.E. (Computers) from XYZ University, xxx in 20xx

Summary of Skills and Experience

I am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing & developing systems.

Pivotal in C, C++, SQl, Java, HTML, MS Access and Photoshop with exposure in Windows.

Computer Skills

Programming Languages: C, C++, SQL, Java, J2EE (Servlet, JDBC, JSP)

Databases tools: Oracle, MS Access

Operating Systems: Windows

Other Skills: Photoshop, CSS, HTML, Flash

Additional Details

Academic Projects

Banking System using C++

Duration: Jan 13 to May 13

Environment: C++

Description: Designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as Debiting or Crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.


dong lu

rm 549, office tower 2, xingye center

no.18, jian guo men nei ave. phone: 13910212358

beijing china (100005) email: liudong@diyifanwen.com


work experience

xxxxinc., beijing, china /3 to present

(headquarters in houston, texas, u.s.a.)

service engineer

sole representative of company's xxxdivision in china. provide consulting and customer service. manage technical service for msx, digicouse and sleeve gun.

key achievements in 2001/6

analyzed cause of msx system's breakdown on vessel mv501 orient pearl. sent results to i/o's headquarters, which proved critical for solving the equipment problem.

worked independently on new cables inspection at gmgs (guangzhou marine geophysical survey bureau) and on offshore experiments.

worked on installation, testing and offshore inspection of digipoint's acoustic navigation system in shallow water.

provided consulting and directed installation, testing and inspection of gmgs's log recording system (msx), equipment worth $1 million, purchased from i/o.

feida geophysical company, tianjin, china /1 - 2001/2

(bgp and cogc joint enterprise)

chief engineer

in charge of equipment acquisition and quality control of seismic recording. assumed key responsibility for inspection of i/o msx record system ($11.7 million seismic recording system; the largest in number of channels and cables in china).

china oilfield geophysical corporation, dalian , china 1983 -

senior engineer

responsible for maintenance, field service and product development.

maintained and repaired many types of recording and navigating systems, including digiseis-200, teleseis-rtdt, myriaseis (telemetric digital recording system), syntron-480, titan-1000 (obc and marine seismic instrument), 542/217c & 542/217e (microwave navigation systems), argo, sercel dgps (low frequency navigation system), and others.

repaired diverse supplementary equipment such as gcs90, lrs-100, tiger (air gun controller), macha ( multi-vessel recording synchronizer), magnetic tape driver, clean tape driver, printer, display, echo sounder, radio set, tv, ups, power supply, and others.

in /1999, initiated development of air gun depth transducer, oversaw circuit design and testing; and was also responsible for trouble shooting and field service for cogc's geophysical field team.

key achievement/awards

in jan 1998, solved problem of hydrophone location system (hls) interfering with syntron-480 recording system on vessel binhai504 (obc), operating in bohai for kree-mcgee oil company, whose representatives were unwilling to continue production. after checking recording system and hls, identified trouble as originating from macha timer, and modified timing sequence to fix problem. gained time and recovered production for cogc.

in , joined project team implementing real-time supervisor system for tiger-ii air gun controller. responsible for hardware integration. received science and technology progress award from cogc.

本新闻共2页,当前在第1页  1  2



Jenny Seguso

2365 S Mayfield Ave

Chicago, IL 60652

Cell: (123)-555-1234

Email: jenny.seguso@anymail.com

Career Objective: To gain the position of a Logistic Staff Officer wherein my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.

Professional Experience:

Duration: March till date

Organization: Strategic Operational Support, Chicago

Designation: Logistic Staff Officer

Developed and implemented effective methodologies and tools for effective execution of logistic plan

Prepared logistics and supported plans, and overseen budget requirements for new operation

Prepared reports on staff and material movements and other operational logistics issue

Responsible for identifying, planning and managing logistics operations to meet organizational goals

Monitored and supervised the work of junior logistics officers and staff

Coordinated as well as provided logistics support to ongoing land, air, river or rail operations

Handled other related tasks as required

Duration: August to February 2007

Organization: ADP International, Chicago

Designation: Assistant Logistic Manager

Developed and updated Logistics management plan based on the approved project phasing and packaging strategy

Ensured that the materials are received and stored in a proper place

Developed as well as managed materials planning function for the product of the organization

Responsible for loading and unloading trucks that deliver goods

Ensured that the shelves are stocked, invoices are filed and orders are tracked

Performed other essential tasks under the instructions of Logistic Staff Officer

Core Competencies:

Six years of progressive experience in logistic operations

Advanced knowledge of logistic operations and practices

Ability to prepare and present concise written and oral logistics operations reports and other documentation

Demonstrated time management, planning, and organizational skills

Effective written and oral communication skills

Client orientation with excellent negotiation skills

Comprehensive knowledge of database software, project management applications, spreadsheet, and complex text document

Knowledge of handling equipment and packaging used to ship and store merchandise

Ability to develop and maintain good relationships with logistic counterparts in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment

Educational Summary:

Master's degree in Business Administration

University of Chicago in the year 1995

Bachelor's degree in Logistic Management

Institute of Supply Chain Management in the year 1992

Personal Details:

Name: Jenny Seguso

Date of Birth: 23.05. 1970

Employment Status: Permanent

Relationship Status: Married


Mr. Morris Andrew

Logistic Management Supervisor

IL Logistic Co Inc, Chicago

Cell: 703-222-5487

Email: andrew@gmail.com


James V. Archenemy

2447 Rockford Mountain Lane

Durham, NC 27713

Phone C 234-593-3290

Email id C james.archenemy@freemail.com


Human Resources and Office Specialist




To secure responsible position that will challenge my abilities allowing me to fully utilize my problem solving, organizational, customer service and communication skills.


Well qualified Professional. Experienced in fast paced environments that depend on efficiency and accuracy. Exceptionally competent. Self-starter with strong Human Resources background. Recipient of American Bankers Association coveted Outstanding World-Class Customer Service Award.


Bank of America, MidAtlantic Consumer Bank, Personnel

January - Present

Responsibilities include but not limited to employee relations, benefits, payroll Specialist, database management, ensuring compliance of all legal and government reporting and policies for the divisions

Participate in recruitment efforts for exempt and non-exempt positions; schedule interviews, coordinate temporary staffing for the division

Serve as the point of contact for all personnel employee matters and provide guidance to associates

Coordinate and monitor leaves of absences in designated markets in the division

Ensure compliance and consistency of company policies, procedures and best practices

Track reviews and handle performance management issues with managers and associates

Salary Specialist that includes merit increase, salary adjustment and changes, transfers, leave of absence, etc.

Participate in recruitment effort for exempt and non-exempt personnel; coordinate advertisements and position postings;

Monitor personnel hiring and terminations and ensure accuracy of data input and systems access for associates

Prepares and compile data for staffing and diversity related reports and distribute to management

Maintains employee confidence and protects operations by maintaining personnel data confidential and accurate

Communicates with executives and line management to gather and convey relevant information to associates

Washington Hospital Center, Recruitment & Employment, Human Resources

February - January 2005

Provided direct support for recruitment in a 6,000 employee healthcare organization that include recruitment efforts

Processed over 100 new hires on a monthly basis that include assigning employee numbers, scheduling pre-employment physicals, background and reference checks, verification of education and credentials/licensures

Ensured that the employment process is in compliance with hospital philosophy, policies and procedures and Federal and District of Columbia laws and coordinates and facilitates new hire orientation

Recruit candidates for various department positions and ensure that the application process meets standards

Duties included maintaining long-term customer relationships and act as primary liaison between employees and outside vendors

Verified identification and the authorization to work in the United States for new employees, requisition employees, and rehires

Screened resumes and applications and conduct preliminary interviews for entry-level and nursing positions to identify qualified applicants

Generated monthly queries for management review; administer HR tracking system for new hires and terminations

Coordinated and participate in job fairs/open houses and maintain calendar for upcoming events

American Bankers Association (1995-), Administrative Manager, Membership

February 2001 -November 2002

Managed the administrative processes that include supervising support staff, compose correspondence, departmental calendars, office supplies, expenditures, and technical support and vendor relations

Managed departmental $3M budget; forecast changes and monitor all monthly expenses

Managed logistics for executive committee meetings that include but not limited to facility, attendees, agendas and travel arrangements and attendees for events

Developed and coordinated members and nonmembers membership invoice mailings and track payments for membership dues

Ensure adequate phone coverage for the department

Sr. Human Resources Partner

November 1995 -January 2001

Assisted the Association of 500 employees with staffing and recruitment processes; administered pre-employment test, screened resumes, scheduled interviews, employment verifications, completed background and reference checks Processed personnel actions that included salary adjustments, merit increases, transfers, leave of absence, pension Calculations, metro check deductions and benefits programs

Coordinated new employee orientation and ensure that new hires paperwork is completed accurately

Updated the vacancy announcements, bulletin board, ABA web pages, job line and external web sites

Composed and submitted job ads to various recruitment sources and tracked monthly advertisement expenses

Managed the internal temporary staffing pool and youth employment programs for various internship positions

Scheduled and interviewed candidates for administrative positions

Formulated and assembled personnel policies and procedures to various department in the Association

Scheduled and coordinated blood drives and influenza shot programs for the Association

MCI Telecommunications Corporation (1987-1995), Accounts Payable Analyst, Marketing Analysis

October 1994 -August 1995

Researched financial reports on the Accounts Payable database system Processed invoices and reconciled accounts

Maintained overdue invoice reports, discrepancy ledger accounts and tracked purchase orders

Developed and maintained a filing system to track invoices more effectively and managed accounting related projects

Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant, Marketing

August 1987 -September 1994

Assisted the Director of Marketing with the daily operations of the department and provided administrative support to Director and staff that include composing correspondence, office supplies, travel arrangements, technical support and vendor relations

Coordinated logistics for executive committee meetings, calendars and travel arrangements

Tracked departmental expenditures that include but not limited to purchase order management, petty cash and vendor payments

Maintained specialized database system on workstation occupancy

Supervised temporary employees on special projects and provided administrative and project management support to department

National Coalition, Receptionist/Word Processor

December 1986-August 1987

Provided receptionist and word processing support to staff

Typed correspondence and developed presentations, travel arrangements, meeting planning and coordinate fundraising events

Performed clerical duties assigned that included distributing mail, filing, faxing and Xeroxing

Georgetown University Hospital, File Clerk, Medical Records

January 1985-December 1986

Retrieved medical records requested by physicians and filed lab work in patients records

Transcribed physicians diagnosis on patients care by using a Dictaphone

Performed duties assigned by Office Manager


Thomson Education Direct

May 2004 - Present

Human Resources Management

American University

January - June

Society for Human Resources Management - Certificate Program -May 1997 Management Practices, Selection & Placement, Training & Development, Health/Safety & Security, Employee & Labor Relations, Compensation & Benefits

Strayer Business College

January 1992 -December 1992

Business Specialist


Basic Supervision, Business Writing, Dale Carnegie-Effective Speaking & Human Relations, Time Management, Speed-Reading, Stress Management, Myers Briggs, Interviewing People, Management Skills, Project Management, Medical Terminology, Telemarketing, CPR Certification, SHRM -Professional Membership


Microsoft Suite, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, WordPerfect 6.1, Lotus Notes, HTML/Web Site Design, HRIS Systems, Database Management Systems, PDS/Client Server

Professional References Available Upon Request


1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

Also see: HR Specialist Resume


Mr. Billy Yan

Nationality: China (Mainland)

Current Place: Shunde Height/Weight: 168 cm 55 kg

Marital Status: married Age: 34 years

Career Objective

Application type: Jobseeker

Preferred job title: Foreign Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: Export Manager 、 : 、 :

Working life: 13 Title: No title

Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a week

Expected salary: ¥10000~¥11999 Preferred working place: Shunde Foshan Zhongshan

Work experience

Company“s name: ****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2006-10-2010-10

Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/Jewelry

Job Title: Regional Manager

Job description: Export electric fans and relative products to South America and Afirica

Manage my stuff to reach the annual sales target

Reasons for leaving: Managing stuff personnel change

Company”s name: ****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2003-06-2006-10

Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/Jewelry

Job Title: Sales Manager

Job description: Export toys to US and Europe

Manage my stuff to reach the annual sales target

Customer service

Reasons for leaving: Company moved to another district

Company“s name: ****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2001-07-2003-05

Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Computer Hardware

Job Title: Sales Representative

Job description: Export power-suppliers to US

Customer service

Reasons for leaving: Look for better opportunities

Educational Background

Name of School: Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and Politics and Law

Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2001-07-01

Name of Major 1: Business English Name of Major 2: Japanese

Education experience:

Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

1997-09 2000-06 Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and Politics and Law Business English CET6 9926320434230265

1997-09 2001-03 Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and Politics and Law Business English TEM8 0012529

Language Ability

Foreign Language: English Level: perfect

Language ability: Japanese, band 3 level

Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: excellent

Relevant skills and abilities

Major in Business English, passed CET6 and TEM8

9 years” experience in exporting

experienced in stuff managing

Active,cautious,easy to get along with


Basic Information

Name: Hu xx

Sex: Male

marital status: Single

Nationality: Chinese

Household registration: Shanghai

Age: 29

Now Location: Guangzhou

Height: 1.74

Tel: 135 ********

E-mail: ***** @ yyfangchan.com

Career Objective

Hope job: Automotive Design Engineer

Work Experience: Title: No Title

Job type: Full

Job Date: anytime

work experience

xx March -xx July xx, Ltd., as automotive design engineer. work description:

1, is responsible for arranging the dismantling of the vehicle electrical device; photographed; subsystem components are summarized and analyzed scrap pictures, tables and preparation of scrap parts recording process documents;

2, proofreading point cloud using Inmageware and Catia software such as single point cloud proofreading to world coordinates; hard spot reporting vehicle electrical parts;

3. Analysis of the benchmark vehicle wiring harness diameter of the thread color information, mapping out the anti-conducting state of the vehicle wiring harness, vehicle wiring harness using Autocad software to draw maps, designed to harness diagram preparing forward;

4, the preparation of the vehicle Ground report summarizing shielded twisted pair wire and other information;

5. The vehicle harness mapping information, vehicle design schematics;

6, three-dimensional vehicle wiring harness design of the vehicle, distributed in the vehicle and are arranged on top of the vehicle electrical parts.

xx March -xx July xx, Ltd., as a communications technician. work description:

1, according to customer design drawings optoelectronic products, the preparation of production and production testing operations documents, product packaging design, experimental verification of the relevant product performance;

2, responsible for product SOP / CP / FMEA / Daily Report / Build Report and other documents produced;

3, development and design of new products, new product design and selection of components, to achieve functional requirements of different customers, to achieve stability and performance through a variety of experiments confirm the product functions, optimizing product design, reduce costs, improve product reliability and so on.

Education background

Graduated: xx University

Highest Education: Bachelor

Graduation date: 2004-07

Professional: Electronic Information Engineering

language skills

English Level: excellent

Mandarin level: Excellent

Cantonese: Excellent


1, can skillfully use CAD software for graphic design; proficient in a number of professional software

2, proficient in Pro / Engineer and familiar PLC programming

3, CET6 through, excellent oral and written

Personal Biography

I am easy-going personality, have good psychological, professional quality and cheerful optimistic and positive outlook on life, afraid of setbacks; dedication, working very careful responsible, excellent ability to work independently, places great emphasis on teamwork, there are certain teamwork ability, strong communication skills; “live to old to learn,” I have no doubt that the rules, keep learning, to enrich themselves.


Howard T. Calahan

1128 Tea Berry Lane

Bonduel, WI 54105

Phone: 715-758-2566

Email ID: howard_calahan@mail.com


Seeking for the entry level and responsible position in finance.

Summary of Qualifications:

Meet deadlines, calm under pressure, strong on follow-up.

Excellent numerical and analytical abilities.

Strong closing and sales skills.

Demonstrated interpersonal skills: equally effective, cooperative team player, hard working, motivating and independent.

Bilingual: Fluent in French and English.





Highly energetic


Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT

Bachelor of Science in Finance, May 1994

Major GPA: 3.55/4.0

St. Johnsbury Academy. Weston, CT, 1990

Employment History:

Round the Water Trough, Waterbury, CT


Assistant to Manager/Server and Bartender

Responsible for balancing of nightly receipts and providing customer services.

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT


Teaching Assistant/Tutor in Finance, Economics, Accounting

Assisted professor and tutored students in corporate finance course.

Wilshire Associates, Austin, TX


Payroll and Daily Journal Bookkeeper

Responsible for daily payroll and bookkeeping activities.


DOS, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3


Water and snow skiing



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