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Dear _,

Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Biochemistry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when our class had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in an entertaining way and communicated with us quite well. I liked him very much and was impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors to the realm of Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sure about my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always been definitely straight, I believe it leads me to my dream.

Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic Mathematics Contest of High School Students in 1994 and my outstanding academic record in senior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University, two most selective universities in China, waived of the Admission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldn’t select biological sciences as my major. So I gave up the precious chance and took the Admission Examination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Peking University, which ranks first in biological science education and research in China and has raised many scholars including members of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, my curriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, as well as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closely related courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have received a complete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combined strength of individual and professors' help. Playing basketball is also a solid part of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of the College of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point guard, the organizer of the team's attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a strong group in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking University Cup among the thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense of responsibility, confidence and team-working spirit.

To be a successful scientific researcher requires not only academic potential but also independent research ability. A student will develop capability for independent research by working closely with a scholar. For this reason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure and Function. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to the Harvard Medical School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-Tech Planning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three months here, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtained serious attitude and cooperation in scientific work.

I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experiment skills in addition to advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In my mind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduate study, which is intellectually exhilarating and challenging. I respect your rigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I am eager to join a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities and combine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the group’s benefit as well as to make my dream come true. The Department of Pharmacology is definitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life sciences, human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of life itself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light to our understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole. The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to serve man’s purpose above. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also the creator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology is the most suitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than a continuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matter of greater knowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in which the knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the field of signal pathway in tumor formation. Several professors' research impressed me, including Dr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaining my Ph.D., I plan to do research work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe that such a position provides the largest room in which I can make the most enthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences.

I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equipped laboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With the conviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I have made the decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your serious consideration.

Yours sincerely,








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To live a meaningful life everyday; to continually pursue my predetermined worthwhile goals. My view of life.

Could I put myself in the life-threatening working environment? Could I sacrifice my life for the benefits of others? Some people may laugh at my crazy question. To me, that is a serious question I have come a long way to find my answer. “I am not sure whether it is worth to answer”; “What is the true meaning of that question?”

When I was a young child, I watched a soap opera that was about court. I was deeply impressed by the judge’s calmness and the lawyer’s eloquence and resource that were showed in this opera. From then on, I hoped to study law some day. Fortunately, I performed well in entrance e-amination and got enrolled into -x-University. Then I chose law as my major without hesitation. At university, I studied hard and got GPA 3.4. What’s more, I broadly read all kinds of books, including philosophy, history etc. My teachers’ instruction strengthened my understanding of law and makes me understand the significance of law to a country. From my studies, I had a lot of fun and got more interested in law. Moreover, I actively participated in practice in holidays from common company to law firm and tried to apply the theory I had learned into practice.

This summer, I had my internship in counselor department in --- Group Co Ltd which was involved in a business contract dispute, which was submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. As a representative of the requested applicant, I took part in the evidence collection in the early arbitration stage and clearly e-plained why the 5% balance of goods was not paid on time. After knowing the whole case, I visited my teacher, an Arbitration Law professor, and listened to her opinions. Realizing the counterpart didn’t completely implement their contract duty, I gave reasons as follows: First, the counterpart company didn’t mention bearing issue, which caused that the delivered machines couldn’t be put into the plant because of the disqualification of workshop. Thus overhaul was necessary, which delayed production and resulted loss. Based on these reasons, the counterpart didn’t completely carry out its duty, so our party did not pay the balance on time. During this time, I found out the evidence and pictures that attested counterpart did not give reasonable suggestion and service, and made a statement in the court. Finally, the arbitration turned out that counterpart compensated our loss, in which the arbiters invoked the reasons that I stated. They had a panel made up of 3 lawyers and 5 company representatives as agents while we just had 3 persons—two lawyers and me. Under such condition, I was able to cooperate with them and clearly stated my opinions without any nervousness, which got their respect. This matter greatly inspired my enthusiasm on study.

In addition, I took part in the contact draft in several companies. In the process, when I met a lot of problems, I often turned to my teachers for help, which made good impression on them. As I cherished each practice, I studied my specialty and English hard. With effective study method and diligence, I did well both in English and law, which helped me a lot to get scholarship every year. On the other hand, my practice inspired me to study. In practice, I e-ercised my legal knowledge. I also realize the big gap between theory and its application—sometimes I have master the rules but I didn’t know how to use it in actual case. My practice e-periences have not only strengthened what I learned but have supplied new knowledge for me, which is good for my future study and career.

In my study and practice, I admired outstanding lawyers’ eloquence and jumping thinking more and more. However, in China, most of lawyers come from theory study and those who can perform well in practice are insufficient. Moreover, after the China’s entrance to WTO, there are a lot of problems with Chinese law. I think, my internship e-perience is not enough. In practice, I could combine substantive law with procedural law to analyze case, but I still feel my theoretical foundation is not solid enough. What’s more, comparably speaking, the chances that I have to initiatively study and practice are not a lot. Thereby, I am eager to study further abroad to know more about foreign law, thoughts and lawyer career so that I am able to stand out in fierce competition.

yours Sincerely




研究你所申请的学校。大部分学校会在admission page上提供校方对申请者的要求。充分了解该所学校,你愈可能写好你的PS,以此证明你对该所学校确实十分地感兴趣。你得花费功夫给读信者一种印象:你花了更多的时间使自己对该所学校了解得比其他的申请者更透彻,这些特别功夫使读信人对你的勤奋,专心致志和对该院系的兴趣有着十分良好的印象。这些特别了解和信息不必在每字之间中提出,也无须特别夸张其辞,你的陈述只需包含足够的信息使人留下你做了特别努力的印象即可。












3、结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解。谨记:simple is the best。




Dear x,

x is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no financeglobalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promotedto enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and thescale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capitalfunction and to play an important role on the resource distribution in theworld. With the communication among nations increase and the technologyinformation development, the development of finance tends to globalization.Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economywas one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information,technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance andeconomy.

The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In thefuture, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles;non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, thedevelopment of information industry made finance market develop more quickly.Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and madecommon people more concern the development tendency of finance then before andmade out the relevant reaction according to getting information from allaspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. Allthat influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.

I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference)between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through mylearning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstractknowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international financeetc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then Iknew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academicbackground and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. Forexample, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise anddiscussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every memberto answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them togetherand found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, eveneach member had different emphasis and expressions which made me knowcooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting totalk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevantto this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process,we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.

Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, becauseit not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connectingknowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new ideaproduced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is socialscience, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discoveringunknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members’ thoughtsinspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social science whichembodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic tasteduring the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practiceswe could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background andmathematic theory; we could understand finance better.

So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in myspare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “internationalfinance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took partin planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University ofFinance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got achance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of financejournals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practicesbetter, I carried on special researches on these problems.

For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aimwas to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influencecurrency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to helpus understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of eachnational currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMBinternational globalization. I connected the fact of our national economydevelopment, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China,through researching the general rule of currency internationalizationglobalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalizationprocess.

First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization process in theworld, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. Thefirst was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta longstabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choiceof our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currencyglobalization according to the impersonality requirement of economicalglobalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degreefor opening to foreign.

At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental nationaleconomy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalizationstrengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized theprocess of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. Theprocess of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategyon the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, thenimplement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence.

But during this process, it was very difficult for me to researchnon-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stockmarket, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and existsome problems on efficiency, security and fair. For example, I consulted manymaterials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paperdepartment how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stockmarket, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some commentsof experts on the website. Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought severalstocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was moreperfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved.

Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist withbreaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improvedin the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financerwas higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit thefuture society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I amimpressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my futureeducation

Yours sincerely,













As a double major in Anthropology and Psychology at the University of RhodeIsland, I have gained a strong background in both fields. My background isespecially strong in physical anthropology, my primary field of interest.Physical anthropology consumes my life; I do not study it because I find itsomewhat interesting but because I am devoted to it; I want to make it my life.In addition to maintaining a high GPA throughout my college career, and makingthe Dean's list several times, I have also worked hard as a supervisor at BrooksPharmacy for the past five years. Working my own way through college not onlydemonstrates my determination to gaining a high quality education and theseriousness with which I treat academics, but also attests to my leadershipability, maturity, and responsibility, both as a supervisor and as a student atthe University of Rhode Island.

My primary goal in applying to your graduate program is to prepare myselffor a career in forensic anthropology. Interested in furthering the current bodyof research and in improving techniques used in the identification of humanremains, I am very committed to pursuing forensic anthropology and believe yourgraduate program in anthropology will provide me with an excellent foundation inthe area of physical and forensic anthropology. With a Master's degree andPh.D., I will be well prepared to lead a very promising career. While I have nodoubt that the program will push me to my limits, I am confident that I can facethe rigorous challenges posed by graduate study and thrive under the demandingenvironment that advanced studies entail.

From my transcripts, you will see that not only am I a well-balancedstudent, I actually thrive in rigorous, upper level courses, courses akin tograduate-level courses. Armed with the confidence that I can excel at difficultcourses, I believe I can achieve the highest level of success and satisfactionby taking the most demanding graduate program available.

In addition to my ability to excel in the classroom, I have demonstrated aproficiency in all aspects of conducting research. Research has become afundamental part of my college career, and I hope it will become the primarycomponent of my future. As a sophomore at the University of Rhode Island, Idesigned a research project entitled “Grooming and Affiliative Behavior in ThreeSpecies of Non-Human Primates” under the guidance of Dr. Su Boatright Horowitzin the Psychology Department at URI. My research proposal gained approval fromthe Institutional Care and Use Committee at URI and at the Roger William Parkand Zoo where the three species of non-human primates (Gibbons, Sakis, andLemurs) included in my study are kept. In addition to writing a successfulresearch proposal, I also wrote and received a small funds grant from theUniversity of Rhode Island in order to conduct my research. By being intimatelyinvolved in every aspect of research, from proposal and grant writing to datacollection and analysis, I have learned what it takes to be a researcher, butmore than that, I have learned how fulfilling and interesting research canbe.

In the spring of 20xx, I will be presenting my results at a posterpresentation at the University of Rhode Island, and am planning to eventuallypublish my findings. Not only has this experience shown me that I am capable ofexcelling in conducting research, but it has also allowed me to develop a lovefor the hands on learning that is so crucial to successful research. In my finalsemester at URI, I will be participating in an ongoing research projectconcerning brain function and attention span under the direction of Dr. DominicValentino, a professor in the psychology department at URI. This project willundoubtedly further advance my academic skills and reinforce my passion forresearch.

Physical anthropology is more than just my primary area of education; ithas also become my hobby and lifestyle. The questions posed and answered via thestudy of physical anthropology have fascinated me for a very long time and havestimulated me to ask and seek to answer further questions. With my mind set onthe very specific goal of preparing myself as excellently as possible for afuture in the field of forensic anthropology, I am fully confident that, withthe ability to pursue my education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Iwill not only be able to fulfill my dream, but to contribute substantially tothe university as well.









Dear xx,

Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As astudent majoring in Biochemistry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when ourclass had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in anentertaining way and communicated with us quite well. I liked him very much andwas impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors tothe realm of Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sureabout my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always beendefinitely straight, I believe it leads me to my dream.

Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic MathematicsContest of High School Students in 1994 and my outstanding academic record insenior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University orTsinghua University, two most selective universities in China, waived of theAdmission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldn’t select biologicalsciences as my major. So I gave up the precious chance and took the AdmissionExamination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology in Peking University, which ranks first in biological scienceeducation and research in China and has raised many scholars including membersof Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, mycurriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, aswell as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closelyrelated courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have received acomplete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combinedstrength of individual and professors' help. Playing basketball is also a solidpart of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of theCollege of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point guard, the organizerof the team's attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a stronggroup in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking University Cup amongthe thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense ofresponsibility, confidence and team-working spirit.

To be a successful scientific researcher requires not only academicpotential but also independent research ability. A student will developcapability for independent research by working closely with a scholar. For thisreason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and PlantGenetic Engineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure andFunction. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to theHarvard Medical School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is todevelop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-TechPlanning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three monthshere, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtainedserious attitude and cooperation in scientific work.

I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experimentskills in addition to advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In mymind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduatestudy, which is intellectually exhilarating and challenging. I respect yourrigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I ameager to join a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities andcombine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the group’sbenefit as well as to make my dream come true. The Department of Pharmacology isdefinitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life sciences,human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of lifeitself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light toour understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole.The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to serve man’s purposeabove. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also thecreator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology is the mostsuitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than acontinuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matter of greaterknowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in whichthe knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the field of signalpathway in tumor formation. Several professors' research impressed me, includingDr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaining my Ph.D., I plan to doresearch work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe thatsuch a position provides the largest room in which I can make the mostenthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences.

I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equippedlaboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With theconviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I have madethe decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your seriousconsideration.

Yours sincerely,



Dear x,

A senior student at the business school headed by China''s tough PrimeMinister, I will graduate next year with a diploma to be conferred by the QuebecAssociation of Certified General Accountants in Canada in the first jointeducational program of its kind between China and a foreign country. To build upa great career upon this rare privilege, I am now applying for advanced studiesin your quality program, hoping that I can someday become one of China''s topaccounting experts.

At Tsinghua, the country''s most valued cradle of advanced talents thathouses my favored School of Business Management, I have been head and shouldersabove most of my fellow students in my class of 122. I ranked among the top 2per cent in macroeconomics, top 3 per cent in macroeconomics, top 5 per cent ininternational finance, and top 2 per cent in international trading. Myperformance in mathematics has been particularly strong, with my GPA in relatedcourses probably the very best in the class. The CGA diploma requires completionof 12 courses taught in English, of which I have finished eight, with a GPAbetter than that of most others.

My distinguished academic performance won me the privilege of being chosenas the only Special-Training Student in my class of 122 to join theuniversity''s Program for the Gifted. Through this elite program, I participatedin a challenging research project headed Professor Chun Xiyang, head of theschool''s accounting department. The project was aimed at finding the best wayto control cost at the North China Petrochemical Corporation, one of thecountry''s best known companies. As part of my research, I studied the corporatemanagement systems in the United States, Japan, Britain and Germany, andanalyzed the structure of Chinese companies. By the time I finished my part ofthe project to professor Chun''s satisfaction, I had not only broadened myknowledge but also acquired the ability, unique among China''s undergraduatestudents, to conduct research independently.

Taking advantage of the university''s emphasis on cultivating independentthinking and practical research abilities, I have actively engaged in a varietyof research activities. I teamed up with several students to investigate intoChina''s township enterprises and wrote a research paper under the guidance ofour professors. With the help of my professor in public finance, I studied thecountry''s taxation system that is designed to divide revenues between centraland provincial governments, and I did this in comparison with the taxationregimes of America and France. My article, China''s Taxation Reform, analyzedthe possible approaches of improving that system. In my third academic year, Iwrote The Accounting Structure in Share-holding Enterprises, an article thatdealt with the solutions to the problems in the accounting system of the saidcompanies. In my second year, I worked as an intern at China Industrial andCommercial Bank and acquainted myself thereby with the prevalent accountingpractices of the country''s financial institutions. Such involvement inpractical research has added both depth and breadth to my learning ofaccounting.

Much of my academic achievements can be credited to my solid command of theEnglish, which has allowed me to read international accounting journals withease. Among my regular readings are Accounting Review, Accountancy, PublicFinance Review, and others. I have translated Proposed Statement of FinancialAccounting Concepts. My English proficiency is also reflected in the scores Iobtained in various English tests such as TOEFL (633,10/97),GRE general (total2220, verbal 660, 93%; quantitative 790, 98%; analytical 770, 96%), and GMAT(740, 99%; verbal 40, 92%;quantitative 50, 99%). I am sure that, with suchlanguage skills, I can pursue advanced studies in an English-speakingenvironment.

In recognition of my outstanding academic record, the university hasselected me to enter into graduate studies without the usually mandatoryadmission exams, a privilege given to only a few of the very best students eachyear. I have, however, decided to turn down the offer. I believe I will be ableto learn more on the accounting/finance program by pursuing graduate studies inyour university. Your program of graduate research and studies is known to beholding a leading position in the field. Under the guidance of yourdistinguished faculty and with the benefit of your remarkable researchfacilities, I am sure I will be able to ground myself solidly in my chosencareer. After my Ph. D. studies, I plan to return to Tsinghua, where I shalldevote myself to a lifetime of teaching and research.

Yours sincerely,



Pursue Sport Pursue Beauty

In China, the term Sport and the term Physical Education are exchangeableliterally and practically. That is not right. For me sport is a way to feel thethrilling experience of life; pursuing nothing but beauty. To promote sportsspirit I ran for the presidency of the Athletics Department in Student Unionrather than the president of the Union.

Running for the position had no surprises, not only because I was well knownas an athlete in the basketball court and track and field, but also becausenobody was interested in the position. Still I was excited and I swore I wouldmake sports exciting to everybody on campus.

For the first organized activity, I chose what I was good at ―basketball.Before the sophomore tournament, I organized a less serious game in order toinvite students, interests in sports and basketball. But the survey resultdisappointed me: only five teams from different classes were interested in abasketball tournament. No way could NBA games be exciting with only five teamsto compete with each other; audiences would get bored without long termexpectation and anticipation. “So what should we do?” I asked. “Nothing,” onevice president replied. “There should be something that we can do to make itright,” I said hopefully. “If girls could join that would be good,” a boy tried.t.qq.com/dalianliuxue000 aBingo, that’ s great, we could modify the rule for ourbasketball game,” a girl added. We shouted, yelled, argued, and eventually, weagreed: our game would have three players instead of five, regardless of sex andage while teams are only split by Junior and Senior, and even teachers couldjoin in the senior game.

At the end of twenty days’ solicitation, we got thirty-two teams registeredin total; almost all with boys and girls mixed, and five teams with teachersincluded. In consideration of so many new-comers for basketball, we slightlychanged the rules: we changed the three seconds violation into five and easedthe traveling violation, and made each half of the game be 15 minutes. “This isnot ‘Basketball, anymore; it is ‘our basketball’,” the girl who had firstsuggested changing the rules claimed.

The basketball tournament changed the atmosphere of campus. People startedbecoming interested in sports, which brought them excitement, relief, andlaughs. Sports added so much fun to our lives and it also changed our attitudeto our studies and team-ship.

The success of the game also brought credit for me. After the game, I wasassigned to take charge in organizing 6th YHHS Recreational Sports Meeting, YHHSSpring Sports Meeting, and YH High School Sophomore Basketball Tournament. Ilearned so much in organizing these events, and I was proud of my team. Withouttheir enthusiastic support I wouldn’ t have enjoyed so much of the work - anopportunity to pursue something - beauty that gave me the same feeling aswinning a sport game。




























美国高中留学申请中常用的语言成绩有SLEP,TOEFL Junior,TOEFL。要注意TOEFL Junior可作为8年级学生的入学申请,但9年级级,仍需要托福成绩。










雅思的话也可以接受,在美国排名前50的大学中,无论是本科生还是研究生对雅思成绩都有很高的要求,雅思一般至少需要达到7分。如果你想申请商学院(BNP Paribas)和法学院(laws chool)前50名的大学,以及传媒专业的研究生,你至少需要获得7.5分的雅思成绩。申请美国普通大学至少需要雅思6.0分和研究生6.5分。尽管雅思已经得到了大量美国大学的认可,但美国大学提出的雅思成绩却相对苛刻,一般都在7.0分以上,有的甚至需要达到7.5分。















Dear xxx,

I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXiautonomous region, in 20xxx. I am still studying in high school now, because I wasnot enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream tostudy abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient andsuitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advancededucation in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’,which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar withthe climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parentsmy plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chineseparents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention topreschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education,I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leavingcollege.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institutefor about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculumson preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished allhigh school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income,so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I willreturn to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my lifevalue.

Yours sincerely,
























































Dear _,

My purpose for applying to graduate school is to both expand on my existing knowledge and to create additional opportunities for myself in the future. I believe that graduate school will prepare me for a successful and challenging career in the aerospace industry.

Even though I have chosen dynamics as my field of specialization, I am keeping my mind open to other areas of aerospace so that I do not limit myself. I am currently working at JPL in an academic part time position and I believe that this first hand experience will clarify my future educational needs and directions.

While attending UCLA, I have had a number of part time positions, which included being a computer consultant, AutoCAD operator, and a lab for the Non-Destructive Evaluation Laboratory at UCLA. My diverse work experiences have given me a better understanding of what opportunities are available to me. There is so much that I would want to learn and under-stand. I have always been fascinated with the space program, and some day, I want to be instrumental in operating in the space program.

I have wanted to be an engineer ever since my father shared with me some of his published engineering ariticles. I have always been a hard worker and have shown that I can handle a diverse work load incoporating work and college intocollege into my schedule.

I believe that UCLA can provide me with the tools to succeed in the aerospace industry. I have enjoyed attending UCLA as an undergraduate student and would enjoy being a graduate student here as well.

Yours sincerely,






SAT:是由美国大学委员会(CB)主办的考试,是申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它和ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。但是有些顶尖大学并不强制要求提供,在申请时要仔细查阅入学条件。




申请美国留学的步骤比较繁琐,所以所需要准备的材料大家英国尽早准备好,PS 、推荐信、成绩单、存款证明、个人文书/简历、雅思/托福、SAT成绩、选校、课外活动、面试(视学校而定)、作品集等材料。













M-1签证的学生被美国录取的时间是固定的—他们训练课程的时长加上任何的选择性实践训练。他们待在美国的时间不能超过1年,除了医疗原因延期。M-1签证持有人不允许在学习期间做校内或是校外工作,并且不能改变身份为 F-1签证。







Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the application process. As colleges become more and more sought out from the increasing number of applicants each year, the need to stand out from the competition is also increasing. Below we will provide helpful information on how to write a college recommendation as well as advice for tailoring each letter.

Know the candidate - it may sound obvious, but it is important that you know the candidate well. After all, how can you write a college recommendation letter for a someone you know little about? Recommendations written for candidates with a vague familiarity are often identifiable and can do more harm than good.

Obtain a rsum - another tip on how to write a collage recommendation letter is to first obtain the student's rsum with a listing of his or her GPA, activities, awards, leadership roles, community service, employment experience and special skills. The more information you have about a particular candidate, the more constructive your recommendation can be.


Dear Professor xxxx

Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives. My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.

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