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1. 根据审题步骤所列出的内容要点,列出文章中可能要用到的关键词语(如动词、短语等)。

2. 列出文章中可能用到的句型。

3. 列出文章中可能用到的语句间的连接词。

4. 按内容要点顺序和所列词语、句型写出单句。











“Some educational systems emphasize the development of student’s capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.”

Sample Essay

The ability of a student to think clearly using reasoning and logical thinking is of paramount importance in order to ensure his or her success as an individual after graduation from a university. To be able to look at a situation and use logic and reason to analyze the facts and develop an opinion or solution is to have a solid foundation for success in all aspects of life. Exploring one’s emotions is important, but it is outside of the realm of what can be learned in a university classroom. Emotional self-exploration is best done outside of a classroom situation, although there may be some opportunity for students in the classroom to learn a methodology for doing so.

The ability to survive and thrive in a society is based on the assumption that human beings act according to reason and logic. From a very early age, most people are taught that certain actions will bring about certain reactions, and that by using logic you can figure out what the response will be in most situations. Reasoning is also developed early on, although sometimes it is difficult to explain reasoning to a two-year old. Humans are probably born with a desire for reason and logic, as demonstrated by almost any child’s incessant asking of the question “Why?”. To understand the underlying reasons why something happens is a fundamental part of human nature, proven by the exploits of explorers, scientists and mathematicians over the course of human history.

As a result, the basic framework of most forms of human society requires that a person must act according to the demands of reason and logic. Rules of law are based on the concept that individuals respond to rules based on reasoning and logic. The ability to think according to logic and reason is so imperative that it is essential that it be taught to university students at even the highest levels. What if law schools and medical schools decided that it was more important to allow students to explore their own emotions at the expense of learning the latest laws or medical techniques? Perhaps one course could be taught to help students to deal with the emotional demands of being a lawyer or a doctor, but to train students to explore their own emotions at the expense of learning about logical and reasonable thinking would be to invite catastrophe in society.

One of the main problems with emphasizing to students the importance of exploring one’s own emotions is that it creates a “me first” attitude towards their studies. Certainly a degree of self-introspection is necessary to deal with society, but to put emphasis on this above all else is to inculcate in the student the idea that he or she is more important than others, and that what he or she thinks matters a great deal more than it probably does in reality. Too much emotional self-exploration could create individuals who see their emotions as more important than what they contribute to society, which would damage that society as a whole.

A certain amount of self-introspection into one’s emotions is probably helpful to the development of a student as an overall person. Usually this kind of activity is explored fully in basic psychology classes that most students are required to take at university. Basic courses in sociology and psychology as well as other humanities courses give students plenty of opportunity to explore their own emotions. Rather than teaching students how to explore their own emotions, it would seem to be a better idea to teach students how to deal with these emotions. Only by instructing students in reasoning and logic can they learn how to apply whatever inner emotions they may have to becoming a successful member of a society.



The following appeared in a health magazine published in Corpora.

“Medical experts say that only one-quarter of Corpora's citizens meet the current standards for adequate physical fitness, even though twenty years ago, one-half of all of Corpora's citizens met the standards as then defined. But these experts are mistaken when they suggest that spending too much time using computers has caused a decline in fitness. Since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corpora where levels of computer ownership are also highest, it is clear that using computers has not made citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by this year's unusually low expenditures on fitness-related products and services, the recent decline in the economy is most likely the cause, and fitness levels will improve when the economy does.”

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
















What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open―but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.


What does most human beings want is not discovery and change but reassurance.Although discoveries and changes are the real impetuses of human civilization, most people prefer reassurance than innovations and changes in that in this world most people are conservative and the discoveries and changes would sometimes harm some ones' benefit, which based on the obsolete systems.

On the one hand, in fact, most people value what they have obtained much more than what would be gain through new ways. This conservative kind of thinking in some sense is very common indeed since trying new ways always means taking risks of losing the present benefit. Take many Chinese workers for example. In China now,during the transformation of economy system, many factories and companies are under the danger of bankruptcy due to their rigid ways of thinking. And the workers in these companies or factories do not have positive attitudes neither. They ignore, or we can say give up, the better chance such as leave the old companies and find a new one which would be more suitable or quite for a short time to study some new skills; but stay where they are to wait for reassurance from the companies or government. the reason for this kind of behaviors is that they are fear for losing the jobs, whish however have little points after all. Simply put, they think they can survive if they keep the salary, but maybe lose everything when taking risks. Actually, these people fail to see the wealth behind changes and discoveries. No pain, no gain. One reluctantly loses something, he/she would not gain more important and valuable.

On the other hand, discoveries and changes would bring new systems and value and moral standards, which would necessarily break the outdated ones. In this sense,discoveries and changes could harm some ones or some classes' benefit. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the resistance against new things and the preference of reassurance to the obsolete system. The Industry Revolution is just a case in point.

The significant change had brought human beings into a new stage of both material and spirit; but during the revolution, many people hold the point of view that the change is very dangerous to human civilization. Such individuals included peasants,old noble men and some government officials. The fundamental reason for this situation was that such a profound and overall change shook the old social and economy system and thus those depended on such a system felt they were threatened.

For example, the peasants lost their lands and the old noble men lost their taxes from the peasants; even the government officials, were in the fear of losing their positions.Thereby, for the men who would still receive benefit from the obsolete system, they would prefer reassurance than changes and discoveries.

It is true that sometimes changes and discoveries would bring some damage to the present society; yet they would automatically build a new one full of vigor and creativity. So people should not be restrained with the conservative ideas and open their minds to see the future benefit they would gain from the new system built by changes and discoveries. Anyway, new things are always prior to the old ones.


Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals.When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.


I agree with the speaker on that truly innovative ideas arise from individuals.Nevertheless, it is unfair to claim unilaterally that the groups tend to weaken creative ideas without thinking of their positive effects on the ideas; it is equally important for groups to examine, modify, or even reject the ideas.

First of all, truly innovative ideas are destined to arise from individuals in that inter-personal thinking process is so far impossible. This is to say, when we sit still and have a cluster of phenomena, theories, statistics and so forth of a certain issue in our mind, we are thinking it over yet with no assistance at all. After all it is impossible for one to intrude into other's mind. Following this principle, innovative ideas spark off during the process of meditation, and they are the produced by one's own effort. It is equally possible, however, for people to be inspired by each other, yet this is by no means assistance in thinking. Clues, hints, inspirations are to remind people of things ignored or taken for granted, but have nothing to do with the process of thinking, that is, to sort out the whole vision and draw conclusion. In one word, innovative ideas arise from meditation, which is solely limited within one body, one brain. Therefore innovative ideas are always the product of individual's work.

Nevertheless, it does not suggest that innovative ideas then have nothing to do with group work, and actually it is just the opposite. When a novel thought is brought up, it is of great importance to fully evaluate its validity, feasibility, and consequences if carried out. This point need no further illustration if we think of a father who resolutely stops his 6-year-old son from playing matches. The kid might have intended to try something new, driven by an innovative idea, yet the whole house might have caught fire also since the boy is incapable of dealing with accidents. This is the same case in academic fields. In a chemistry lab for example, a novel route design of synthesizing a new compound is never carried out without further evaluation. Practical conditions such as equipments, reagents, and economic efficiency, namely yield per cost, are always taken into consideration and sometimes restrict the application of those ideas.

This is to say, innovation is usually good but not always practicable. This claim is fully demonstrated in the political field. Governors of all levels must take holistic views of the situation and make balanced decision in order to avoid mistakes; innovative ideas alone cannot justify their practicability and goodwill to others. For instance, when we look back, the development of plastic industry has resulted in great loss in the global ecosystem. Thus we see the disastrous consequences of carrying out such innovative yet premature ideas.

Hence, it is necessary for the groups to assess, remedy, and conclude the value and use of innovative ideas. All innovative ideas should be brought to discussions. With the clash of skeptical attitude of others to the advocating behavior of the thinker, fallacies made in a haste can be easily found and eliminated, which rectifies, sometimes supplements the idea. I don't agree with the speaker on his/her judgment of group work as compromising, weakening and conventionalizing innovation. Group work promotes those justified and useful innovative ideas and rejects those invalid, sometimes dangerous ones, as we see the case between father and son, in a chemistry lab, in all nations around the world. Only after the group censorship can the innovative ideas be carried out and benefit people, and this is the time when its innovativeness is fully appreciated.

In conclusion, I concede that most original ideas arise from individuals, yet I believe the group effort on these ideas should never be downplayed. It is the group that judge,reject or develop these ideas; this process is equally important with the innovative thinking.


Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.


Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally skilled artisan, forcing them out of work. Gone are the days when they boasted of their craftsmanship that they assumed to be able support their family all their life. Consumers became more aspiring to novel design instead of durability as goods were made to be discarded.

Hundreds years later, with the first installation of integrated circuit on the chip, another profound turnover took place. Now the computer pervades our life so much that one may find himself half illiterate in absence of input skill. This time, thousands of jobs were created in Silicon Valley, transforming some of the few into billionaire over one night. Nevertheless, the original inventor might not expect that the ensuing slow down and thus recession in IT sector would approach so soon in less than 10 years, which is obviously less than a presumable 15 years time normal for a periodical change.Positive or negative, one mark that characterizes the technological bombardment indicates a constant fact: changes exist ubiquitously and operating at an ever-increasing tempo; those who fail to catch up with the torrent of change would ineluctably engulfed by billows, floating no where and eventually dissolve as negligible bubbles.

Favors as well as opportunities goes to who adapt to the contemporary trend. Fully recognizing this axiom, long before the scientists announced accomplishment of sketches of human genes or earlier successful cloning of Doris, candidates preparing for university admission have smelt the sense. Today, in the U.S., biology and its branch disciplines become the first choice for top students of senior high, determining that this subject, foretold as the third wave in technology, could bring them brilliant future as “Bill Gates” dreamt the same in the previous wave.

In addition to academic realm, respect would be paid to people who though deprived of their past secure professions, choose not to be a loser in the whimsical society. Like the artisans who lost jobs, a vast number of skilled laborer in China’s city of Wengzhou have undergone darkness and depression in those old days. However, after years of endeavor and refinement, they prove their value again. By accurately posit the economic trend and market demand, they play an active role in almost all economic sectors, garments, catering and lodging, hi-tech industry, you name it.

While ability honed in surviving the fickleness of the world makes the path through success shorter, it is essential for the more ambitious to acquire the pith of reformist and lead the trend. In this way, it could help him distinguish from the mediocracy and platitude. This is absolutely not an easy task. Inborn insight and foresight are needed to tell uncommon out of the commonplace; extraordinary perseverance and encouragement is a must to face the coming challenges against his iconoclasm. Very few people crowned with triumph possess this quality, whether the Nobel Prize winner or those who makes coverage on the Times.

In sum, as shown in the course of history, success, whether academic or professional,involves an ability to surviving in a new environment and---, eventually, ---to change it.Now some elite persons have again forecast that another social change is impending.Are you ready for that?












8月雅思写作预测题目:科技与传统的冲突。When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Modern technology is efficient, whereas traditional ways have low productivity, e.g. cultivating crops

Technological progress is a social trend which is inevitable, e.g. from pigeon mail (飞鸽传书)to telephones to smart-?‐phones, people have kept moving on from old ways of doing things.


?? Traditions embody the culture, and the continuation of civilisation highly depends on it. If traditions were abandoned, the corresponding culture disappeared as well, and the world would become a boring whole, e.g. it is hard to imagine a Chinese that does not celebrate Spring Festival, so does an American who forget about Thanks Giving. 政府资助语言保护

(语言中体现传统 ,很多传统电机都是由语言作为载体进行传承的 ,无论是文字的还是口头的 。);政治家与科学家,孰重孰轻(政治家制定政策保护传统文化)

Tradition is the origin of literally all technological innovation, e.g. from rope knot count (结 绳计数) to math to calculation to modern computing science. In other words, technology is merely the other facet (另一面) of tradition.

An interesting thought is that we can use technology to protect and even promote tradition,

e.g. the productions of shadow play (皮影戏) are too old to fascinate people nowadays, especially the younger generation. Instead of giving up this unique form of art and watching ‘Britain’s Got Talents’, some people have decided to revive it by employing modern script writing and filming techniques to make it popular again. 科技进步的利弊;政治家与科 学家,孰重孰轻(科学家研发的科技有利于传统的保护)



Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out. Others think it waste of financial resources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.


年8月雅思写作预测题目:明天重要还是今天重要。An American film actor John Wayne once said “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life”. How important it is for individual and government to think about the future rather than focus on the present?


Tomorrow should not and must not be foregone. For example, The Chinese government is currently phasing out its manufacturing industries which are energy-?‐consuming and inefficient. Instead, the government is carrying out a series of actions and sparing no effort to bring up promising industries, e.g. new energy source, so as to ensure its sustainable development.

Tomorrow is the designer of today. Take myself as an example, as a student whose life remains most in the blue print, I dream of becoming a useful person to my country one day. However, I find my current ability rather inadequate to realise such ambition. Thus I finally made my decision to live fully the present and to be hardworking on my admission to a prestigious oversea university, so that I may gain the chance of getting further education.


There is no doubt today is a most precious moment of life, which is why it is called “the present”—the gift of life to us. It is the lesson we took today that makes the compass for tomorrow, and it is the painstaking work we carry out today that paves the way for tomorrow’s journey. In other words, the future ends in a deserted present.


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:独善其身。Individuals and countries cannot help everyone who needs help in the world, so we should be only concerned about our own communities and countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?.现提供本篇雅思写作解题思路供大家参考。


Some countries are trapped in domestic troubles, let alone lend a hand to other countries,

e.g. the civil war in Congo and starvation as well as water shortage in South Sudan.

A big proportion of international aids are abused by the government and authorities of many underdeveloped countries, causing hopeless corruption.

A good many international aids are devils in angel’s clothing (穿着天使外衣的恶魔), e.g. special funds are offered with strict strings attached (严苛的附加条件), such as taking charge of local resources & intervening domestic policy.


ive in the same world, therefore it is our responsibility to give a hand to those who need help.

Butterfly effect: deforestation in Amazon will eventually lead to the degrading of air quality of New York.

Mutual help enhances international friendship and even eliminate hostility, e.g. Turkey’s help when Greece suffered from earthquake, China’s aid after the Tsunami in Japan.

It cannot be overlooked that ubiquitous international mutual assistance is no better than a fine wish, and reality nevertheless does not allow the happening of it. Old saying has it that dreams are always fertile, but reality simply remains barren (老话说得好:理想都是

丰满的,现实都是骨感的); it is the compromise of the two that makes who we are, human.

Thus, I would like to pin down on the realistic side of this issue; meanwhile it is crucial

_that only true aids are offered and countries develop themselves without harming others’ benefits .



Developing countries require international organization’s help. Some people think financial aids are better while others believe practical aid and advice make more sense. Discuss and give your opinion.



Zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it's not right to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.


There are many animal species extinct today. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, think universities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?


Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing and becoming richer, and this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people believe charities should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Others think charities should better concentrate on helping people who live in their own countries. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


















一、 TR


例:The senior citizens have contributed all their life and energy to the social development. It is time they enjoyed a peaceful and comfortable rest life in a carefree manner.


这样的句子深受很多考生欢迎, 因为首先它们表达了很多中国考生之所想,其次这样的句子在很多备考类的书籍和网站上随处可见。但为什么这样的句子不能获得考官的认可呢?以Contribution一词为例。它翻译成汉语的贡献。而两种文化体系和价值取向的区别却使得对它的`理解和使用并不相同。以美国为例,在他们的价值体系中,实现个人价值是首要的;与之形成鲜明对比的是我们的文化提倡以社会和集体为重,先集体后个人,因此我们在评价一个人时通常看他为社会做了多少贡献。我们不从任何层面上去评价这两种体系,但显而易见的是像上述附和中式思维的句子外国考官是看不懂的。


高分考生解答GRE词汇量如何提升难题 纠正错误认识加强循环记忆














1. impudent / imprudent

impudent: very rude

imprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent

2. insolent / indolent / redolent

insolent: rude or impolite

indolent: not liking to work or be active

redolent: causing thoughts or memories of something

3. witty / witting

witty: funny and clever

witting: cognizance / news

4. discernible / discerning

discernible: able to be identified as separate and distinct

discerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly

and intelligently

5. exhaustive / exhausted

exhaustive: including all possibilities: very thorough

exhausted: be tired out or worn out

6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advert

aver: to say something in a very strong and definite way

avert: to prevent (something bad) from happening

averse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste

avow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way

advent: second coming

advert: announcement; notification

7. feckless / reckless

feckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsible

reckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions

8. mean / mien

mien: a person’s appearance or facial expression

9. humdrum / conundrum

humdrum: dull, boring, and ordinary

conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem

10.immune / immure / inure

immure: to enclose within or as if within walls

inure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant

11. enjoin / adjoin

enjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing something

adjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something

12.abjure / adjure

abjure: to reject (something) formally

adjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something

13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive

bypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quicker

impasse: a situation in which no progress seems possible

impassive: not showing emotion

14.pertinacious / tenacious

pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacious

tenacious: very determined to do something

15.endanger / engender

engender: to be the source or cause of something

16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligent

intelligible: able to be understood

17.perquisite / prerequisite

perquisite: gratuity, tip

prerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else

18.passionate / dispassionate

dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions

19.precocity / preciosity

precocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age

preciosity: fastidious refinement

20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehend

apprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone)

reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censure


1. prompt a. 迅速的 , 敏捷的 v. 推动 , 提示 词频:1 [pr?mpt]

近义词:rapid / fast / fly / forward / ready;facilitate / boost / further;cue / noting;punctually

权威例句:With prompt and proper responses, the IRS might agree little or no tax is due.(FORBES: Tax Liens and Newt Gingrich)

2. scathing a. 严厉的 , 尖刻的 词频:1 ['skei?i?]

近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / rigorous;hurting

权威例句:Mr. Krim is scathing in his assessment of the state of mobile development today.(WSJ: Design Freedom Eludes Mobile Web)

3. acrimonious a. 严厉的 , 辛辣的 , 刻薄的 词频:1 [??kri'm?unj?s]

近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / acid

权威例句:The prolonged and often acrimonious discussions over Barry's move are still developing on Wednesday. (CNN: Goalkeeper Cavalieri on way to Liverpool)

4. rigorous a. 严密的 , 严格的 , 严峻的 词频:1 ['rig?r?s]

近义词:strict / rigid / precise / severe / tight

权威例句:Knowing where, when, and how to move will require rigorous market analysis with accurate data.(FORBES: Unlocking China's Consumer Power)

5. rocky a. 岩石的 , 多岩石的 , 障碍重重的 词频:1 ['r?ki]

近义词:petrous / lithological

权威例句:Converted tries from Rocky Elsom and Quade Cooper gave the Wallabies a well-deserved 14-0 lead at half-time.(BBC: Australia 27-17 England)

6. generic a. 一般的 , 普通的 , 种属的 词频:1 [d?i'nerik]

近义词:common / prevailing

权威例句:It looks generic and I know it's what is inside that counts, but we know how that goes.(ENGADGET: blogger-avatar)

7. unidimensional a. 一维的 , 线性的 , 一方面的 词频:1 [?ju:nidai'men??n?l]


权威例句:We have to devise a strategy which will help us to do this effectively, not in a sort of unidimensional way.(NPR: Iraqi Envoy Reflects on Study Group's Report)

8. aberrant a. 异常的 词频:1 [?'ber?nt]

近义词:novel / variable / exceptional / exquisite

权威例句:Doctors have spent decades using drugs to tweak aberrant brain chemicals, with only limited success.(FORBES: Rewiring the brain)

9. heterodox a. 异端的 , 非正统的 词频:1 ['het?r?d?ks]

近义词:unorthodox / heretical

权威例句:They are followers, like most Pakistanis, of the heterodox Barelvi school of Sunni Islam.(ECONOMIST: Pakistan)

10. repressive a. 抑制的 , 镇压的 词频:1 [ri?presiv]

近义词:depressing / suppressive

权威例句:In his twelve years in power, Putin has made Russia into a repressive Soviet state.(FORBES: Leading Economist Gives Up On Putin's Russia)

11. fickle a. 易变的 , 变幻无常的 词频:1 ['fkl]

近义词:mobile / variable / liquid / unstable

权威例句:This is a monumental accomplishment at a moment when cultural loyalty is extremely fickle.(FORBES: A Meaningful Publisher)

12. peevish a. 易怒的 , 坏脾气的 词频:1 ['pi:vi?]

近义词:fierce / testy

权威例句:Obama spoke with confidence, optimism and grace, avoiding that peevish self pity he is prone to. (FORBES: Obama's SOTU Has Vanished Without a Trace)

13. skittish a. 易受惊的 , 轻佻的 , 不可靠的 词频:1 ['skiti?]

近义词:alive / lively / activated

权威例句:One of the best deals going for the skittish may be so-called pre-refunded munis.

(FORBES: Munis: Better Than Treasuries?)

14. gullible a. 易受骗的 词频:1 ['g?lib(?)l]

近义词:naive / credulous

权威例句:Cool—that way, the gullible can at least protect their faces from harmful sun rays.(FORBES: Shield Sham)

15. susceptible a. 易受影响的 , 易感染的 , 容许的 词频:1 [s?'sept?bl]

近义词:impressionable / suggestible

权威例句:These funds are less susceptible to pressure to accept an unfavourable deal than banks are.(ECONOMIST: Greece’s debt-holders)

16. tractable a. 易于驾驭的 词频:1 ['tr?kt?bl]


权威例句:Clearly, they expect more Western offers will be made to induce them to be more tractable.(CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Eurofaustians)

17. meaningful a. 意味深长的 词频:1 ['mi:ni?ful]

近义词:significant / eloquent

权威例句:More meaningful for pitcher pay is a quite different figure: total number of strikeouts.(FORBES: The Baseball Enigma)

18. covert a. 隐蔽的 , 秘密的 n. 树丛 , 隐藏处 词频:1 ['k?v?t]

近义词:bosque / boskage;concealed / secluded

权威例句:Now at 17, she has recently been appointed as an agent in the Covert Operations Division.(CNN: Where are the black superheroes?)

19. metaphorical a. 隐喻性的 , 比喻性的 词频:1 [?met?'f?:rik?l]

权威例句:In many ways, he's metaphorical because his life is so extravagant in some ways.

(CNN: He's 'Jesus' Son')

20. heroic a. 英雄的 , 英勇的 词频:1 [hi'r?uik]

近义词:bold / gallant;epic poetry / epos

权威例句:Visitors keeper Keiren Westwood was in heroic form and he superbly denied Freedman and Jermaine Beckford.(BBC: Leeds 1-2 Carlisle)



for instance; for example; such as; consider the fact that;


immediately; for the time being; in no time; on the spot;


for that matter; in that case; for that reason; as for;



=>this is not necessarily the case;

this is often/certainly not the case;

this might not be the case;

this need not be the case;

common sense and experience tell us this is not the case/this assumption is a poor one;

=>the argument fails to substantiate this assumption;

perhaps ~that have nothing to do with~;

this argument by analogy is wholly unpersuasive;

this argument, nonetheless, is based on an oversimplified analysis of the

cause of~ and the presumptuous correlation is unacceptable;

=>although this is entirely possible, the argument provides no evidence

to support this assumption;

if this is not the case, then it is entirely possible that~;

lacking evidence to confirm this assumption, it is entirely possible that


would have to; should; ought to; must; have to; be required to; would be;


overall group of~; in general; as a whole; on the whole;


assert; claim; postulate; declare; affirm; emphasize; advocate;


indicate; reveal; reflect; demonstrate; imply; illustrate; infer;predict;


possibility; likelihood (in all likelihood); alternative/alternative means of ~; explanation; occurrence; validity; legitimacy; credibility;




GRE背单词要多动脑想办法 ,这些实用记忆经验助你提升词汇量











下面给出的利用构词法进行记忆的每一个实例中都有关于词根的速记法, 希望可以帮助考生在GRE考试备考中攻克GRE词汇量。

arson n.纵火记法 : arson→ars(火)+on→纵火;ars→Mars(火星)→虽然中文的“火星”和英文的火星(Mars)里都有一个“火”字,其实火星上根本就没有火;参考词: arsonist(n.纵火犯),reason(n.原因)

deify v.奉为神.记法 : deify→dei(神)+fy(使...)→使成为神;dei→die(死)→神是不会死的;参考词: deity(n.神性)

cracy→crazy(疯狂的)→疯狂的统治;参考词: gynaecology(a.妇科医学)

gynaecocracy n.妇女当政;记法 : gynaecocracy→gynaeco(妇女,女人)+cracy(统治)→妇女当政


innovate['in?.veit] adj. 创造性的 n. 创新 v. 创新

species['spi:?i:z] n. 物种

highlight['hailait] v. 增强亮度; 强调

enhance[in'hɑ:ns] n. 增强 v. 提高; 增加; 加强

diminish[di'mini?] v. 减少, 缩小

irrelevant[i'rel?v?nt] n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的

pragmatic[pr?g'm?tik] adj. 实用主义的, 务实的

skeptical['skeptik?l] n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者

superfluous[su'p?:flu?s] adj. 多余的

anomalous[?'n?m?l?s] adj. 反常的

cultural['k?lt??r?l] adj. 文化的

explicit[iks'plisit] adj. 明确的, 旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地

undermine[.?nd?'main] v. 破坏; 削弱

predictable[pri'dikt?bl] adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的, 预计的

biological[.bai?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 生物的, 生物学的

contradict[.k?ntr?'dikt] v. 与…矛盾

creation[kr?'e??n] n. 创造

intrigue[in'tri:g] v. 激起…的兴趣、 欲望或好奇心

ironically[ai'r?nikli] adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的

random['r?nd?m] adj. 任意的, 随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地

realistic[ri?'listik] adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地

suppress[s?'pres] v. 压制, 制止

acknowledge[?k'n?lid?] v. 承认

paradox[?p?r?d?ks] n. 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话 adv. 自相矛盾地 adj. 自相矛盾的

constitute['k?nstitju:t] v. 构成

cynicism['sinisiz?m] n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者

disdain[dis'dein] v. 蔑视

diversity[dai'v?:siti] n. 多样性

inherent[in'hi?r?nt] adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地

repudiate[ri'pju:dieit] v. 放弃; 否认

selective[si'lektiv] adj. 选择性的 adv. 有选择地 n. 选择性

adolescent[.?d?'lesnt] adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年

belie[bi'lai] v. 证明(某事)错误

cautious['k?:??s] adj. 小心的, 谨慎的

controversial[.k?ntr?'v?:??l] adj. 有争议的 n. 争论

crucial['kru:??l] adj. 关键的

deliberate[di'lib?rit] adj. 故意的 adv. 故意地 v. 仔细考虑, 权衡

economics[.i:k?'n?miks] n. 经济学

idiosyncratic[.idi?si?'kr?tik] adj. 有特点的 adv. 个性地

insight['in.sait] n. 洞察力; 见识; 深刻的理解 adj. 有深刻见解的

intimidate[in'tim?.deit] n. 恐吓, 威胁 v. 恐吓

intuition[.intju:'i??n] adj. 直觉的 n. 直觉 adj. 直觉的

minimal['min?m?l] adj. 最小的 v. 将…减到最少

nurture['n?:t??] v. 养育

opposition[.?p?'zi??n] n. 反对, 对立

historian[his't?:ri?n] n. 历史学家

plausible['pl?:z?bl] adj. 似乎正确的, 似乎可信的

profound[pr?'faund] adj. 极度的 adv. 深刻地

sporadic[sp?'r?dik] adj. 偶尔发生的, 间或出现的

whereas[hw??r'?z] conj. 但是

ambivalent[?m'biv?l?nt] adj. 矛盾的 n. 矛盾心理

discredit[dis'kredit] v. 使怀疑; 败坏…的名声

disinterested[dis'int?ristid] adj. 公平的 n. 公正无私

disparage[di'sp?rid?] v. 鄙视 n. 轻蔑

distinctive[di'sti?ktiv] adj. 独特的

distort[dis't?:t] v. 扭曲

assumption[?'s?mp??n] n. 假设



一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of

无数innumerable ; countless

许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample


依序列举list in sequence


过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic

短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived


可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time

一再time after time ; again and again


前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former

自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages

年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult

老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated

偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times

时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly

永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life

重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities

目前so far ; by far

一次就可完成的事one-time event


骂yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove

支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold

谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of

错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect

错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior

做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite

归咎blame...on ; put the blame on ... ; to blame

瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts

支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of


意见不和clashes of opinion

一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement

不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate

批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of...

我们想念 ...we are convinced that...; we are certain that..

我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to

有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive

有意义的meaningful; fulfilling

他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this...

在大家同意下by common consent of















1.penury /‘p?nj?ri/ n. 赤贫,缺乏


2.glut /ɡl?t/ vt. 吃得过多,过饱,过食;塞满;堵塞

glut作为词根,表示喉咙,吞食;同源词gullet n. 食管, 咽喉,后用于经济学术语,表示供过于求。

3.copious /‘kop??s/ adj. 丰富的;很多的;多产的

cop=abundance 丰富;由com-(together) 和op- (类似oper,表示work,wealth)复合而成,即全都放在一起的。-ious为形容词后缀。

4.restive /‘r?st?v/ adj. 倔强的;难驾御的;不安宁的

rest 休息,留下的,所以只愿意休息的,或者说留在这个地方不动的,即“倔强的,难驾驭的“。其实这个词从词根更好理解,re=back,st=stand,站在后面的,你要策马向前,但是马儿就是不动,这就是这个词的本意。

5.acme /‘?kmi/ n. 顶点,极点;最高点

6.connoisseur /?kɑn?’s?/ n. 鉴赏家,鉴定家;行家


7.benign /b?’na?n/ adj. 良性的;吉利的;和蔼的,亲切的


1.tawdry /‘t?dri/ adj. 非常华丽的;廉价而俗丽的 n. 俗丽的东西;廉价而俗丽之物

2.firebrand /‘fa??br?nd/ n. 火把,燃烧的木柴,放火者,煽动叛乱者

字面意思即可理解,fire 火,bran=branch 树枝,分支。因此这个词表示“挥动火把的人”,引申为“放火者,叛乱者”。

3.prodigious /pr?’d?d??s/ adj. 异常的,惊人的,奇异的;巨大的


4.bolster /‘bolst?/ vt. 支撑;加固 n. 长枕, 垫枕


5.staid /sted/ adj. 固定的;沉着的;沉静的

sta=stay; -id为形容词后缀。

6.cavil /‘k?vl/ v. 挑剔;吹毛求疵 n. 苛责;吹毛求疵;无端的指责

词根cal=欺骗,挑刺。词源同challenge 挑战。


1.putrefy /?pjutr??fa?/ v. 化脓,腐烂;堕落


2.opaque /o’pek/ adj. 不透明的;难理解的, 晦涩的


3.demonstrative /d?’mɑnstr?t?v/ adj. 公开表露感情的;感情外露的

来自demonstrate 说明,演示。(de=强调,monst=显示,如monster 怪物,即特别显眼的东西)

4.lucid /‘lus?d/ adj. 表达清楚的, 明白易懂的


5.exalt /?ɡ’z?lt/ vt. 赞扬;歌颂;提升, 提拔


6.warrant /‘w?r?nt/ n. 授权证; 许可证 vt. 使…显得合理; 成为…的根据;保证, 担保


7.imperious /?m’p?r??s/ adj. 专横的, 飞扬跋扈的

imper=emper,表示命令,统治。(如emperor 帝王,君主),-ious为形容词后缀,表示数量很多的。因此这个词的根本含义就是不断给人下命令的,引申为“专横的,飞扬跋扈的”。










impale v.刺穿,刺住 | lancinate v.刺、戳 | penetrate v.刺穿,渗入,了解 | pierce v.刺透,穿过 piercing adj.刺骨的,敏锐的 | poke v.刺,戳,嘲弄 | prick n.小刺,刺痛v.刺伤,戳穿 prickle n.(动物或植物上的)刺,棘v.刺痛 | prickly adj.多刺的,易生气的 puncture n.刺孔,穿孔v.刺穿,刺破 | quill n.(豪猪等动物的)刺 spear n.矛尖,嫩叶,v.刺戳 | spiny adj.针状的,多刺的 | spinosity n 多刺,难题 stab n.v.刺伤,戳 | sting v.刺痛,叮螯,n.螫刺 | thrust v.猛力推,刺,戳 transfix v 刺穿,钉住 | lancet n 刺血针,小枪,尖顶窗 | awl n.[钻皮革的]尖钻 | bit n 钻头 | nib n.直始 nipping adj.尖酸的,剌骨的 | penetrating adj.敏锐的,尖锐的 | penetration n.穿透,洞察力 poignant adj.伤心的,尖锐的 | poignancy n.辛酸事,尖锐 | probing adj.好探索的,尖锐的 splinter n.尖片,裂片 | tined adj.尖端的 | pinpoint n 极小之物,针尖v 精确地找到 talon n.猛禽的锐爪 | fang n.(毒蛇的)尖牙 | conifer n.针叶树 | needle n.针,针叶



conceive v.怀孕,构想 | gestation n.怀孕,孕育时期 | impregnate v.怀孕,使充满 pregnancy n.怀孕,丰富 | pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的 | gravida n 孕妇 | barren adj.不孕的,贫瘠的 sterile adj.不孕的,无细菌的 | sterilize v.使不育,杀菌 | infertile adj.无法生殖的,不毛的 proliferate v.激增,繁殖 | propagate v.繁殖,传播 | pullulate v.繁殖,剧增 reproduction n.生殖,复制 | procreate v.生育 | incubation n.孵卵期,潜伏期 incubator n.孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱 | nidus n 巢,孵卵所 | roe n.鱼卵 spawn n.(鱼等)卵子,v.大量产卵,大量生产 | zygote n.接合子,受精卵


asphyxiate v.(使)无法呼吸,窒息而死 | asphyxia n.窒息 | suffocate v.(使)窒息而死 stifle v使不能呼吸,窒息,抑制 | strangulation n.扼杀,勒死 | throttle v.掐脖子,扼杀,n.节流阀 jugulate v 扼杀,刎颈自尽 | hatchet n.短柄小斧 v.扼杀 | respiration n.呼吸 | exhale v.呼出(气) inhale v.吸气


flamboyant adj.艳丽的,炫耀的 | flamboyance n.艳丽,炫耀 | flaunt v.炫耀,张扬 obtrusive adj.突出的,炫耀的 | ostentation n.夸示,炫耀 | pomp n.盛况,不必要的炫耀 splurge n.炫耀,摆阔 | sport v.炫耀,卖弄 | swank v.夸耀,炫耀 | vaunt v.吹嘘,炫耀 panache n 夸耀,炫耀 | fanfare n.夸耀,嘹亮的喇叭声 | epideictic adj 夸耀的 gasconade n 吹牛,夸口 | bluster v 风狂吹,咆哮,汹涌n夸口,大话 | blowhard n.自吹自擂者 redomontade n 吹牛,大话 | flamdoodle n 胡扯,吹牛 buck v 强烈反对,吹牛 n 雄鹿,美元  | thrasonical adj 自负的,吹牛的 | braggart n 吹牛大王 astrut adj/adv 趾高气扬的/地 | strut vn 高视阔步,支柱 )



imbue with v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 | implant v.注入,灌输 inculcate v.灌输,谆谆教诲 | indoctrinate v.灌输思想 | infuse v.灌输,使…充满 infusion n.灌输,激励 | inoculation n.接种,灌输 | instill v.滴注,逐渐灌输 transfuse v.输血,充满 | hypodermic adj.皮下注射的 | inoculate v.预防注射 | syringe n.注射器 vaccination n.预防注射,种痘


brood n.一窝幼鸟 v.孵蛋,闷想 | conceive v.怀孕,构想 conceivable adj.想像得出的,可信的 | inconceivable adj.难以想象的,不可能的 envisage v.正视,想象 | excogitate v.想出,设计(计划,办法) | meditative adj.沉思的、冥想的 muse v.沉思,冥想 | cerebral adj.大脑的,深思的 | cerebration n.用脑,思考 cogitate v.慎重思考,思索 | cogitation n.思考,苦思 | contemplate v.深思,(严肃)注视 contemplation n.沉思,思考 | deliberate adj.深思熟虑的,v.慎重考虑。 pensive adj.沉思的,愁眉苦脸的 | reflective adj.深思熟虑的 ruminant adj.(动物)反刍的,沉思的 | ruminate v.反刍,再嚼,深思 ruminative adj.沉思默想的 | speculate v.沉思,思索,投机 | speculation n.思索,推测,投机 pore v注视,沉思,钻研 | ponder v.仔细考虑 | reflect v.反射,仔细考虑 | perpend v 细细考虑 calculate v 计算,考虑,计划,打算












GRE issue写作优秀实例:竞争和合作


“While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.”



It is universally acknowledged that a well-developed sense of competition can contribute much to leaders' success in different areas such as government, sports and industry. While, as the trend of globalization, the cooperative sense has became an increasingly important and indispensable element to success of individuals, communities or even nations. As result of that, the cultivation of both competitive and cooperative awareness is of exaggerated importance for a society aiming to better preparing its future leaders.

Unless with the sense of competition, leaders of any society can never lead his/her people to win in the competitive world. Competition is the essential driving force of each individual and thus motivation of society progress which is composed of individuals. The competitive impulse fosters the desire for excellence. It is the responsibility of social leaders to create a healthy atmosphere of competition under which the subsequent improvements will generate. This can be illustrated by transformation of Chinese market policy. Decades ago, the planned economy policy was praised by Chinese leaders. This policy in which government played a key role to run entire business of nation is featured as absolute equality and eliminates any chance for competition. Unfortunately, these government-run businesses are ineffective due to lack of competition and then result in low productive capability and poor welfare of entire population. Realizing the disadvantages of such policy and desiring to reverse the straggling situation in China and catch up with developed countries, leaders have decided to transform the old economic system killing the spirit of competition into the new one encouraging competitive awareness. Individuals and companies alike for sake of survival in competition must continue to improve their services and products, and consequently, the entire society prospers, at least economically. Owing to the vitality of competitiveness, China can experience the prosperity than ever before.

However, to lead his people to win in a competition against external competitors, a leader must have the ability to enhance cooperation among them. Competition is not always a good thing to have, which can not and does not produce win-win situation. On the contrary, through cooperation with others, all participants can benefit from it. In business field, teamwork as whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of “synergy” The task of a good business leader is to set a common goal and corresponding rewards by which his teammates are motivated to interact with their colleagues towards a collective efforts. Zhang ReiMing- CEO of Glanze and a very famous entrepreneur in China, who is well-known as a cheerleader in the personal interview of CCTV3 has said (and I paraphrase) that “there is no special knack for me to success. What I has done just make my employees feel better about themselves and let every single person in the company must understand the essence of the business and then create an environment in which they respect and cooperate with others. Scarcely have all the people been combined together firmly, when maximum potentials of them can be extracted and our tasks can be accomplished effectively and efficiently”. Just as the famous man mentioned, skills of motivating both individuals and team as a whole are a grave challenge to but, more importantly, necessary capability of an outstanding leader.

Notwithstanding as seemly distinctive concepts, sense of competition and cooperation are dependent on each other. Actually, as an excellent competitor, not only can he compete with others who exceed him in some aspects without fears and jealousy but he should breed the spirit of cooperation, willingness to help each other and nurture one's feeling of community. It is the increasingly fierce competition in human society that acts as the catalyst promoting intensely cooperative desire.

In summary, to be qualified and successful leaders, individuals should be equipped with sense of competition and cooperation together.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:杰出领导人


“To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.”



I agree with the statement above with my own reservations. In the modern society with many allurements filled in, undoubtedly, it is essential for a public official to be an effective leader to always keep in his mind a high ethical and moral standard, yet, not necessarily the highest.

In the first place, as an effective leader, a public official must take into consideration the interests of all the people in his group he leads and delegates, and often he has to give up his individual interests to the interests of the whole group. It is the high ethical and moral standard keeping in an effective leader's mind that guarantees he always chooses to do the right thing for the whole group rather than himself when the interests of the collectivity and of himself conflict. The unethical or immoral characters just as selfishness, avarice, dishonesty, and lechery etc., are fatal for a public official to be an effective leader, because the one with these weaknesses in his character is easy to be influenced by allurements as money, power, beauty, and so forth. Simply put, you are the Chief Executive of a state. And if you are selfish, greedy, or libidinous, what would you do when facing one 100 million dollars' check or a beauty as Marilyn Monroe sent by a corporation and been told you are free of public supervision? Still reject the project of the corporation which could be harm to the people living in the state or help the corporation carry out this project with your special power? It will be hard to explain why a selfish and greedy official chooses the former. So, we cannot expect a public official with ethic or moral flaws could be an effective leader.

The second, in a democratic country like United States, the officials are always elected and supervised by all the people they lead. A public official must maintain a high ethical and moral standard to make the public believe that he is just the right one to lead them, or he will fall down from where he rose up. The Watergate Case is a good example here. When President Richard Nixon's dishonesty and improper operations in the reelection was revealed to the public, people in this nation doubted if Nixon was still reliable and had the qualification to be the President. At last, Nixon was impeached and became the first one in American history to resign during his term of President. And another example is President Bill Clinton's sexual scandal. Though it did not lead to a resignation, President Clinton's prestige was seriously influenced. Either Nixon or Clinton is not an effective leader for their unethical or immortal characters.

However, maintaining a highest ethical and moral standard is not practical for an effective leader. For the first thing, it is hard or seems impossible to reach the highest ethical and moral standard. We have to admit that every human being has his own weakness and shortness in his characters, then, in fact, the highest ethical and moral standard should only be kept in Bible as an ideal guidance for human beings. Secondarily, sometimes the highest ethical and moral standard conflicts with the interests of most people. For example, it is brutal to kill animals for their meat in terms of some highest ethical and moral standards, then should our officials bring out an act prohibiting us from having meat? I think it is really a bad news for human beings because most of us are flesh eaters, and it is fallacious for an official to do this.

In sum, in our modern society, keeping a high ethical and mortal standard in mind is the insurance for a public official to always do the right thing for all the people he leads and win their trust, which will finally lead him to an effective leader. And still we have to remember that what we need is an effective leader, not a severe moralist.





1. 词汇量不够不要紧


2. 背单词越难越好


3. 词汇只要认识就行




1. 一次性背太多


2. 只背字面意思


3. 不重视反复记忆



1. 找对词汇书


2. 耐心和坚持


3. 区别对待不同类型词汇要求













想法 frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking

想出 come up with

找出 come up with;find out

利用 use;take advantage of

夸耀 brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of

照顾 take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over

对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of…

对抗权威 stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority

对…有信心 have confidence in

说清楚 articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter

接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…

累积 amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble

连系 tact;get in touch with;contact with

排除这可能性 rule out the possibility

等于 is equivalent to;equal

选择 choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out

发出 deliver;give out;hand over

绕路 detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way

禁止进入 is kept out;is barred from

小看 make little of

坏了 out of order;on the blink;is not working

分别 distinguish between;make a distinction between;tell…from

依靠 count on;depend on

忽视 neglect;give too little care to

存在 come to be;come into existence;come to birth;come into being

考虑 consider;take into consideration;take into account

考虑到 in consideration of

用尽力气 exhaust one’s strength;use up one’s strength

开动 initiate;set going

准备…brace for;prepare for

在于 lie in;rest on;rest with

主动 take the initiative

不算 exclusive of;not counting;leaving out

应该得到 deserve;have right to;is worthy of

GRE:重点词组throw the spotlight on

throw the spotlight on 让……受到大众关注


If you throw the spotlight on something, you make it draw public attention.


Hamas' objective was to throw the spotlight on the government's inability to control the situation while at the same time portraying itself as the true power in Palestinian.


The lionization of Vladimir Nabokov as one of North America's literary giants has thrown the spotlight on his peripheral activities and has thus served to foreground his efforts as an amateur entomologist.

Vladimir Nabokov是一位北美文学巨匠,对于Vladimir Nabokov的神化让他生活的各个角落都受到大众关注,这种关注让他想成为昆虫学者的努力也广为人知。

GRE:重点词组suffer the same fate

suffer the same fate 遭受同样的命运


If one thing suffers the same fate as another, it faces the same, usually negative consequence that the latter thing does.


He was pondering why the atmosphere of Earth didn't suffer the same fate as that of Venus.


While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, they ultimately suffered the same fate as did African American Revolutionary War participants who were resold into slavery in the West Indies.







Passages are drawn from the physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, business, arts and humanities and everyday topics and are based on material found in books and periodicals, both academic and nonacademic.

大家可以看到,GRE阅读文章的选材类型其实是相当广泛的,物理生物社会科学商业艺术人文以及日常话题无所不包。另外,对于可能出现的文章过于专业影响考生理解,官方的态度也很明确,那就是所有问题都可以基于文章本身提供的信息得到解答,无需专业知识。(all questions can be answered solely on the basis of information provided in the passage and that no specialized knowledge is assumed)




1. 明确GRE阅读会考但自己完全不懂的话题科目


2. 寻找相关话题文章集中阅读

在整理出陌生话题列表后,接下来小编要做的就是寻找相关话题的文章进行比较集中的阅读了。GRE官方对于选材文章的来源也给出了明确的答案,主要有:feature articles in newspapers(报刊特写,类似于专题类的中长篇文章),periodicals(杂志期刊),trade books by experts and journalists(专家和记者撰写的普及书)。这些类型的资源大家都可以从网上找到很多,小编在此就不具体举例了。大家可以根据自己整理的话题列表进行有选择地针对性阅读。

3. 训练高效准确地阅读思维

小编一直认为,比起读什么(what to read),怎么读(how to read)的重要性其实也完全不逊色。哪怕有了针对性的阅读素材,考生在阅读过程中还是应该训练一些主动高效的阅读思维,通俗点说就是要有明确的阅读目的,带着问题去读文章,学会了这种思维方式才能帮助大家更好地看懂陌生话题文章提升阅读实力。考生在阅读每篇文章中,都需要问自己这几个问题:

本文作者主旨是什么?How would you sum up the author's larger point?

某段内容中的某个表达是什么意思?What does a phrase used by the author mean in this specific context?

有什么地方没有明说却有暗示?What is not said but implied?

为何要突出某个细节?Why does the author highlight this particular detail?

某个论述的逻辑漏洞在哪里?Where is the argument most vulnerable to criticism?






GRE阅读的方法,读书时在脑子中有两种过程——默读(subvocalisation)和思维之流(stream of thoughts)。默读速度比较慢,在克服默读的过程中你要达到临在的状态——即充分的意识和放松,认识到自己那虚伪的自我感(这点东西可以算是心灵哲学的内容吧,如果有兴趣可以看看克里希那穆提的著作或俄克里特托利的《修炼当下的力量》,没有什么复杂的东西,关键说白了就是四个字:放松意识)。












The Eye and its Movements先说眼,咱不是生物书,就不具体介绍眼球结构了。但是有一个概念是不得不提的,那就是中央窝(fovea),它在视网膜上,负责视觉注意力的集中。也就是,你现在注意看啥,它在视网膜上的投影就在中央窝上。现在说重点——眼的运动。
































1. 一次性背太多


2. 只背字面意思


3. 学会接受遗忘



















背GRE单词要背得好,要背得快,最基本的原则是脑子不断地想单词,让单词不断地从脑子里过,看书看10遍,还不如脑子过一遍。要做到单词在脑 子里过的次数比在书本上过的次数多得多,要做到完全抛开书本,不依赖书本,不拿书的时候也在想单词、背单词。要尽量在单词被忘记之前在脑子里过一遍,这样,它留给你的印象要深得多,就算以后忘记,也很容易记起来。




1. 词汇量不够不要紧


2. 背单词越难越好


3. 词汇只要认识就行





【考法1】adj. 无固定形状的having no definite form: shapeless

【例】an amorphous cloud mass 一团无定形的云

【近】shapeless, unformed, unshaped

【考法2】adj. 不可归类的being without definite character or nature : unclassifiable

【例】an amorphous segment of society 不可归类的社会阶段



【考法1】n. 镇痛剂:a medication that reduces or eliminates pain

【例】Aspirin is a kind of analgesic. 阿司匹林是一种止痛剂。

【同】anesthetic, anodyne


【考法1】n. 反抗权威的人:a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power

【同】rebel, insurgent

【派】anarchy n. 混乱 :a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority

【近】chaos, disarray, topsy-turviness, commotion, turmoil

【反】order 有序


【考法1】n. 诅咒:a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by


【近】curse, execration, imprecation, malediction

【反】benediction, benison, blessing 祝福


【考法1】adj. 次要的:of secondary importance

【例】The company hopes to boost its sales through ancillary products. 公司想通过辅助产品来增加销量。

【近】subordinate, subsidiary
























constitute v组成,构成;建立

constitution n宪法;体质

constitutional a章程的;素质上的

constrain v束缚,强迫;限制

constrained a束缚的,节制的

constraint n强制;对感情的压抑

constrict v压缩,收缩

construct v建筑,构成

Word list-9

construe v解释;翻译

consul n领事

consummate a完全的;v完成

contact n/v接触;互通信息

contagious a传染的,有感染力的

contain v包含;控制

containment n阻止,遏制

contaminate v使…受污染

contemplate v深思


contemptible a令人轻视的

contemptuous a鄙视的,表示轻蔑的

contend v与对手竞争;据理力争

content a知足的;n内容;满意

contented a心满意足的

contention n争论;论点

contentious a好辩的,善争吵的

contest v竞争;对…表示怀疑

context n(语句等的)上下文

contiguous a接壤的,接近的

continent a自制的;n大陆

contingent a意外的

continuation n继续,延续

contort v(使)扭曲(deform);曲解

contraband n违禁品,走私货

contract n合同;v订合同;收缩

contradict v反驳,驳斥 10

contradictory a反驳的,反对的,抗辩的

contrast v/n对比

contravene v违背(法规,习俗等)

contrite a悔罪的,痛悔的

contrition n悔罪,痛悔


contrive v计划,设计

contrived a不自然的,做作的

control n实验对照组

controversial a引起或可能引起争论的

controvert v反驳,驳斥

contumacious a违抗的,不服从的

conundrum n(答案有双关意义的)谜语;难题

convalesce v(病)康复,复原

convalescent a/n康复中的(病人)

convenience n便利,有益;方便

conventional a因循守旧的,传统的

converge v会聚,集中于一点

convergent a会聚的

conversant a精通的,熟知的

converse v谈话;a逆向的

convert v使改变(信仰等)

convertible a可转换的;n敞篷车

convex a凸出的

convey v运载,运送;表达

convict v定罪;n罪犯

conviction n判罪;坚信

convince v使某人确信;说服

convivial a欢乐的,狂欢的

conviviality n欢乐;交游

convoke v召集

convoluted a旋绕的;费解的

convulse v使震动,震惊

convulsion n骚动;痉挛

coop n(鸡)笼,栏

cooperate v与他人合作

cooperative a联营的,合作的;愿意协助的

coordinate n同等物v使各部分协调

copious a丰富的,多产的

cord n考得;绳索

core n果心;核心;v去掉某物的中心部分

cornucopia n象征丰收的羊角

coronation n加冕

corporate a团体的;共同的

corporeal a肉体的,身体的;物质的

corpuscle n血球,细胞

corral n(牛、马等)畜栏

correspondent a符合的;n记者

corroborate v支持或证实;强化


corrode v腐蚀,侵蚀

corrosive a腐蚀性的,腐蚀的

corrugate v(使)起波浪形,起皱纹

corrugated a起皱纹的

corrupt a堕落的;文体有错误的

cosmic a宇宙的

cosmopolitan n世界主义者,四海为家的人

cosmopolitanism n世界性,世界主义

cosmos n宇宙

cosset v宠爱,溺爱

costume n服装;剧装

coterie n(有共同兴趣的)小团体

coterminous a毗连的,有共同边界的

cougar n美洲豹

countenance v支持,赞成;容忍;n表情

counteract v消除,抵消

counterbalance v起平衡作用

counterfeit v伪造,仿造

countermand v撤回(命令),取消(订货)

counterpart n相对应或具有相同功能的人或物

counterproductive a事与愿违的

coup n意外而成功的行动

court n法庭,法院;宫廷

covenant n契约;v立书保证

covert a秘密的,隐密的

covet v贪求,妄想

cow v威胁

coward n胆小鬼

cower v畏缩,蜷缩

coy a腼腆的,忸怩的

cozen v欺骗, 哄骗

crab n蟹,螃蟹;v抱怨,发脾气

crabbed a暴躁的

crack n爆裂声;v裂开

craft n行业;手艺

cram v填塞;临时抱佛脚

cramp n铁箍,夹子;v把…箍紧

cranky a怪癖的,任性的;不稳的

crass a愚钝的,粗糙的

crate n篓,板条箱

crater n火山口;弹坑

cravat n领巾,领结

craven a懦弱的,畏缩的

















Overall,?this?is?a?competent?response?to?the?topic.?The?writer?disputes?the?claim?that?“specialists?are?over-rated”?and?argues?from?the?position?that?both?specialists?and?generalists?are?needed.?The?single?extended?example?clearly?supports?the?premise?of?the?argument?as?the?writer?compares?the?roles?and?responsibilities?of?generalists?and?specialists?in?the?medical?profession.?By?paragraph?3,?however,?the discussion?falters,?and?the?concluding?paragraph?does?little?more?than?repeat?ideas?presented?in?the?first?two?paragraphs.??





英语写作,可以将其分为两类:创造性写作和学术性写作。创造性写作,即Creative Writing,会偏向于文学一些,比如长篇小说、小说集、散文集或诗集等的写作。而学术性写作,即Academic Writing,则偏向于学术研究一些,比如英语四六级、考研英语、考博英语、雅思、GRE的作文,还有学术论文,日常邮件,演讲稿等等,下面我们就学术性写作进行探讨。












In the wake of theenormous development in the field of science and thechnology,China has a largepool of research workers in the world.There are bases on to produce one or more Nobel Prizewinners.For instance,Tu Youyou,Mo Yan.But how to improve the education of Chinaget increasingly breaking through in the field of science and thechnology,differentpeople hold various opinions on this issue.









Mr Trumpnominated Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, a surprise choice given that thechief executive of Exxon Mobil has no experience of formal diplomacy, though hedoes have friendly ties with Russia.

这句话说:特朗普提名Rex Tillerson作为国务卿,即使他与俄罗斯的有很友好的关系,选择没有外交经验的埃克森美孚公司总经理是令人惊讶的。


当然前面用的是nominate 提名这个词,在这里,推荐什么人时,我们经常换用 recommend。所以,

Professor XXrecommended XX (student) as a doctorate candidate of UCSA, a surprise choicegiven that she has no experience of formal academic research, though he does havehigh scores in scientific courses.







汉语依靠内在的意思连接句子,很少采用逻辑关系词,所以行文如流水。而英语是一种极其注重外在逻辑形式的语言,从句法到 篇章,都注重其演绎、推理,句子与句子间的连接,采用恰当的连接词或者代词,表明其结构关系。因此,如果我们继续用中文思维来写英语作文,就会犯一些在中文中没有问题,而在英语中有问题的错误:





公众号: 读外刊学英语(ID:dwkxyy)


写作老师经验长谈 如何提升雅思写作水平之语法篇

1. The environment has been damaged severely, we need to protect our environment.

2. The air in rural areas is much better than urban areas.

3. There are two people sit there and talk with each other happily.

4. It is benefit to people if they could persist on exercise.

5. Knowing that students may be tempted from TV programs, it is important that students should be supervised by parents at home.

6. Government needs to protect our environment.

7. Teacher salaries rose from 70% in 1981 to 80% in .

8, The number of married Americans reduced from 100000 in 1922 to 50000 in 1930.

9. The price of iPhone reached a peak which is 3400 rmb in 1990.



1. The environment has been damaged severely, we need to protect our environment.


2. The air in rural areas is much better than urban areas.


应该是....better than that in urban areas.

3. There are two people sit there and talk with each other happily.



4. It is benefit to people if they could persist on exercise.



5. Knowing that students may be tempted from TV programs, it is important that students should be supervised by parents at home.


......., parents need to supervise students at home.

6. Government needs to protect our environment.


7. Teacher salaries rose from 40% in 1981 to 50% in 1991.

40%和50%后面各加一个of the total school spending(来源自剑8T2T1)

8, The number of married Americans reduced from 100000 in 1922 to 50000 in 1930.


9. The price of iPhone reached a peak which is 3400 rmb in 1990.




脑袋里面暂时就想到了这九个小句子,如果你觉得可以轻松找到8个句子全部的语法错误所在,那么理论上来说,你应该是具备了6.5及6.5分以上分数的语法水平,请注意我的措词,仅仅是语法水平,但这个语法水平是必不可少的。如果有4~5个句子你可以比较轻松的找到问题,那么6分的语法水平应该是差不多的,这些问题是找我批改的作文里面最容易出现的一些简单问题(除了句子5稍微有一点点难),避免这些可以帮助写作6.5分以下的同学提高0.5分左右,当然,还有单词的拼写、可数or不可数(这个其实对我来说也是烦死人= =)以及主谓一致等小问题,都要尽可能的避免。原来有个学生听了我的课,跑去跟助教说“Panda老师说了,语法错误是没关系的,错了也不减分!”我听到助教的反馈之后表示很无奈,因为我的原话是“如果你在一篇大作文or一篇小作文里面犯的所有错误控制在3~4个,那么考官如果大发慈悲or眼神不太好,其实并不会减分”。我也发现有一些同学是只会听到对他们有利的话,至于是不是有条件or前提,他们不管= =那么如果是要求7or7以上的写作分数,请你尽量保证整篇文章不要出现语法错误吧亲~


Should smoking be prohibited?


1. Smoking should be prohibited, for the World Health Organization points on that diseases linked to smoking kill at least 2 500 000 people each year.

2. Scientific research had shown that the risk of veloping lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of the smoking habit, and it diminishes with the cessation of smoking.

3. Smoking not only leads to lung cancer, but many other diseases such as heart attacks, sore throat, headache, chronic bronchitis~, pulmonary emphysema~, etc.

4. Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker himself (herself), but also results in the deaths of nonsmokers. Statistics show that passive smoking is causing 3 000 to 5 000 lung cancer deaths a year among American non-smokers.

5. An American scientist estimated that smokers who average a package a day for 20 years will lose about eight years of their lives.

6. Smoking is an expensive habit, for a smoker who consumes 10 cigarettes a day will have to spend at least 40 yuan a month.

7. Smoking has a bad impact on the psyche~ of the smokers. On the one hand, smokers realize the bad effects of smoking and are persuaded from time to time to give up smoking. On the other hand, many of them can hardly resist the temptation to smoke. Hence they often lose confidence in themselves.

8. Children exposed to parental cigarette smoking are put at a higher risk of developing lung diseases later in their lives.

9. Smoking not only pollutes the air but also makes the streets dirty, for some smokers flick~ the ash off their cigarettes and throw cigarette ends everywhere.

10. Smoking speeds up the process of aging and helps cause wrinkles on people's faces.


1. Smoking should not be prohibited, for cigarettes give a vast number of people a good deal of pleasure a lot of the time.

2. Nicotine~ can produce a tranquillizing~ effect during high emotional and shock situations, and, therefore, helps to calm people down.

3. Smoking counteracts~ the decrease in efficiency that typically occurs in boring, monotonous situations.

4. Smokers can improve their performance in complex situations while smoking.

5. Smokers help increase the revenue~ of a country.

6. Smoking kills no more people than epidemics~ or traffic accidents.

7. Most non-smokers spend a lot of money on snacks~, a habit c123ng as much as smoking if not more.

8. If smoking is eliminated, a lot of people in the tobacco industry will be out of jobs, and that will create many social problems.

9. Facts have shown that if a chain-smoker suddenly quits smoking, he's more likely to have lung cancer than those who keep the habit.

10. Everybody has the right to keep his or her habit. Smokers are no exceptions.



在雅思的写作中, 语法是我们的重点和难点。当考生把握了结构并想好了观点后, 却难以用规范的英语表达出来。即使勉强拼凑出了文章, 也会另人费解。所以在准备雅思考试的起始阶段, 考生应从语法着手, 填补以前没有学好的语法漏洞。





例如,在学术写作TASK1中, 对事物在一个区间段内变化趋势的描写,可以采用单个主语的动词连动句式,又可以采用动名词作状语的句式。

例如:After a slight decline, it soared, reaching a peak of 100but reducing to 80.

It rose steadily and reached a high of 100, but declined to 80.


具备一定的词汇量,指的并不仅仅是考生可以认知多少单词,而是指是否能在不同的语境中和写作要求中运用正确的单词。譬如,Task 1的 Letter和 Report 就需要使用不同语气的单词,写一封求职信和抱怨信也需要使用不同语气的单词。在雅思考试中,考生不需要具备。


如果考生能够掌握常见单词的近义词的话,对雅思的写作是大有裨益的。尤其是学术考试的Task1, 如果考生能够灵活运用不同动词描述相似的变化, 无疑会给自己增加筹码。





根据外国人的线性思维习惯, 文章的第一段落 应是主题段, 简单介绍了文章的大体思路。而每个段落的第一句又应是主题句,表达了本段的中心思想,其后的每一个观点都应围绕这个中心展开。所有扩展句都紧扣主题。


7.在学术类考试的Task2 议论文的写作中, 仅仅有一个观点是不够的, 必须提供足够的细节、例子或论据,一般应在4到5个左右



It is right that college graduates earn higher salaries than the less well-educated in the community. But they should also pay the full cost of their study. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some conclude that college students should bear total expenses for their higher learning on the generalization that college graduates usually receive higher salaries for similar jobs than those without a college degree. We cannot deny that higher level of education, indeed, does associate with better income. Still, built on such fact alone, the conclusion remains questionable.

The whole argument in question rests on an assumption that it is always the case that people with higher education make more money than those less well-educated. But salary or income is, in most cases, based on contributions made by employees to companies or organizations in which they work for. Statistics in the labor market indicate that people with professional training tend to find jobs easier than college graduates do and that blue-collar workers who do not hold college degrees are becoming the hotties in the labor market. Employers prefer to hire and pay more to highly skilled and specially trained people rather than fresh college graduates. In the auto industry, for instance, skilled technicians make two or three times more than their college educated counterparts who make the average salaries in other companies. And it is widely accepted that people’s income is determined more by talent, hard work, and willingness to take risks than solely by certain qualifications such as college education. Otherwise, the unemployment rate of college graduates would not be increasing every year and the rule of supply and demand will lose much of power in controlling the labor market. Admittedly in some knowledge extensive field such as research, teaching, and practice of law the labor force are primarily consists of highly educated professionals. But such people make up only a fraction of the labor market and are thus unrepresentative of the whole employment in general.

Considering the goal of education, we find that it is even more problematic for the country to throw all the responsibility of financing college education to college students. The goal of higher education of a nation is to improve and strengthen the general level of intellectual and professional capacity of its labor force, thereby increasing the competency of the nation in the global economy. As tax payers, parents all contributes to the education system and country in various ways. It is only reasonable and necessary that the country gives some forms of financially assistance to students to ease the burden of rising education costs. Such help should go not only to students from needy or impoverished families but also to outstanding students from affluent backgrounds. Doing so can significantly boost the motivation of children from millions of families to engage in higher level of study. It is understandable that the general quality of people in a country will improve and its economy will benefit both now and in years to follow.

If the burden of supporting children’s higher education is dumped on parents and students, thousands of brilliant students will be deprived of chances to pursue their academic inspiration. Among those who suffer would definitely be future great scientists, business managers, artists and statesmen. The loss will be disastrous and irreversible.

In conclusion, the idea that students should also pay the full cost of their study is wrong and harmful because it is wrong to assume that higher education necessarily equalize high income. Moreover, it is in the best interest of a nation to take responsibility in financing college education so that the goal of higher education will be better met.


写作老师经验分享 如何从根本上提升雅思写作水平之逻辑篇



Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people’s writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people say that the use of using computers and phones will have side effects on young people’s communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




side effects:

1. face-to-face communication减少,感情可能变淡

positive effects:

1. be able to contact people without geographical limitation; in the past, it may be impossible to say Hi to a foreign friend.

2. be able to contact friends or partners quickly, no need to wait for responses; in the past, writing letters really wastes a lot of time and sometimes letters may be lost.


side effects:

1. writing abilities会下降,因为写信的频率降低了,handwriting当然变差

2. reading和writing都会下降,因为informal abbreviation on the Internet取代了正式的单词,例如LOL=laugh,或者btw=by the way

3. writing abilities会下降,因为人们的spelling会变差,源于一些软件的自动纠错功能

positive effects:


你会发现,仅仅是把communication具体成了writing and reading abilities,整个题目的思考方向都变化了,那么这种变化你适应的过来么?可能很多同学并没有这种能力,而且这种能力也不会出现在绝大部分老师的课堂上,一个原因是很多老师自己也没想明白这之中的区别(因为教英语和教逻辑其实是不相关的事),另一个是因为很多同学表示听完之后似懂非懂,下次碰到了还是会继续无视一些关键词or限定词,所以一般我也不太会讲这个,大部分同学也难以在短时间内消化这个东西,但是,它很重要,特别是雅思每年还是会有几道题比较恶心人的,这个题目在恶心程度里面的排名算是中上等~


1.Some people think that universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future career. Others think the true function of the university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion?

2.The unpaid community service should be a necessary part in high college programs (such as helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports or working for the charity).To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or disagree?

4.Some experts say that children’s studying English at primary school is better than their studying English at secondary school. Do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

5.At present, science is developing at a high speed, but people still have a high opinion of artists. What’s your opinion?

6.More and more measures to improve the security in the urban area have been introduced because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of the measures outweigh the drawbacks?

7.Some people believe that history is little or nothing to people. Others think that people must study history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

8.Earlier technological development brought more benefits changes to the life of ordinary people than the recent technological development does. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9.In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10.Some people think that increasing business and cultural contacts have positive influences on development; others think that they have negative effects on national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

11.Leisure is a growing industry. Nowadays, more modern technology is used in entertainment, which may lead people to be less creative. Do you agree or disagree?

12.Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than in quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

13.The government thinks that education system should be up to date. Following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to the young people? literature, sports, mathematics, economics, physics, music, psychology, history, geography and foreign languages.

14.An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree?

15.Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. Most people argue that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What is your opinion?



Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can’t grow or out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport can’t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


Air transport is commonly used to move fruits and vegetables to places where those farm products can’t grow or are out of season. The benefits of such business are obvious, but air transport also creates a number of problems.

Transport of fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh and in-season farm products from all over the world. Not only is air transport good for consumers, it is also a blessing for farmers because the market is no longer restricted by regions. As a result, air transport increases the sale volume by selling more products in more places.

Moreover, air transport of food has now become a major resource of incomes for air companies. In the past, air companies’ business mainly came from serving passengers. However, facing an increasingly tough market, air companies need to expand their share of market to serve a wider range of customers in order to stay in the game and make a profit. With a booming economy and more money to spend, people create a great potential for food transport business and good margin for air companies.

In spite of such benefits, air transport is not free of problems. One major issue is high cost. Air transport is probably the most expensive way of transport. Higher costs entail high prices, which in turn deprive people with less money the opportunities to enjoy such privileges. So air transported food is now for the rich, a fact that is unfair for poor people.

In addition, it is not the best option to solve problems by transporting food from outside for places where certain kinds of fruits does not grow. The most optimal way, it seems to me, is that we should change the environment required by such plants using scientific and biological methods such as creating suitable soil and temperature. Such solutions will be proven to be ultimately cost-effective and fundamental.

More importantly, research indicates that air transport pollutes the environment. For example, Britain transports half its food by air. However one kilo New Zealand fruit emits five kilo warm house gas on its way to destination. Therefore, some environmental groups and books advocate people to distinguish local fruit and air-transported fruit in an effort to cut the pollution from food consumption.

In conclusion, air transport has many benefits for consumers and farmers, but it also has problems such as high cost and pollution. More effective and environmental friendly solution should be found to address such problems.


GRE背单词提升词汇实用性技巧分享 这样用词汇有效避免过早遗忘












quiescence 静止

meditative 沉思冥想

tepid 乏味不热情

dormancy 休眠

tranquil 安静的



nostalgia 乡愁,怀旧


disinterested 冷静的

sedentary 久坐不动的

dormant 睡眠,静止的


phlegmatic 冷静的

statically 静态的

breathing spell 短暂的休息

moratorium 暂停延缓



admirable, accurate, enthusiasm, valid, respectful, laudatory, concerned, interested, hopeful, optimism, dispassionate, disinterested, objective, approval, tolerance, novel, fascinating, thorough, justified, verifiable, convincing, persuasive, plausible



inaccurate, disparaging, disappointed, skepticism, disapproving, unpersuasive, pessimism, critical, biased, disagreement, unimaginative, reject, reservation, s



discourse n.演讲,论述

disquisition n.长篇演讲,专题论文

oration n.正式演说,演讲

text n.(演讲等)原文

oratory n 演讲术,祈祷室,雄辩的演讲

forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛

podium n.讲坛,指挥台

rostrum n 讲坛

rostrum n 讲坛,演讲坛

elocution n.演说术

eloquent adj.雄辩的,演说动人的

extemporize v.即席演说

heroics n.装腔作势的演说或行为

monologue n.独白,个人长篇演说

screed n.冗长的演说,长篇大论的文章

diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说

harangue n.长篇演说

tirade n.长篇的攻击性演说

valediction n.告别演说,告别词

talkthon n 冗长的讨论或演说







题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Shroeder, Gandhi……; 提到ART,脑海中就应该条件反射的立刻想到Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Starry night, night watch, Henmingway, the old man and the sea等内容。提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,watergate,bill clinton,sex sandal,Enran等内容。总之,熟练很重要,熟能生巧才是王道。


练习作文不能写过就算,经常性的回顾并修改一下自己以前写过的文章,可以帮助自己发现以前没注意到的各种漏洞和不足。埋头狂写,只能导致lose the stake! 在认真学习一段时间的写作后,再回头修改自己最初的作文,肯定会发现很多的毛病,在巩固学习的同时也能够看到自己的进步,建立起足够的自信和心理优势!








首先分析文章,分析每一句和上一句的关系。美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句就包含整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要多问为什么。提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。

GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:attempt to improve highway safety


In an attempt to improve highway safety, Prunty County last year lowered its speed limit from 55 to 45 miles per hour on all county highways. But this effort has failed: the number of accidents has not decreased, and, based on reports by the highway patrol, many drivers are exceeding the speed limit. Prunty County should instead undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler County completed five years ago: increasing lane widths, resurfacing rough highways, and improving visibility at dangerous intersections. Today, major Butler County roads still have a 55 mph speed limit, yet there were 25 percent fewer reported accidents in Butler County this past year than there were five years ago.

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


This author argues that a recent reduction in Prunty County's speed limit on its major roads (55 to 45 miles per hour miles per hour) has proven ineffective and that the county should rescind the speed limit change. Instead, urges the author, the city should focus on infrastructure improvement, much like Butler County, wherein drivers experienced a 25% reduction in accidents while enjoying speeds of up to 55 miles per hour. After a review of the assumptions therein, the integrity of the argument comes into question.





Firstly, only recently has the speed limit in Pruntly County been reduced and only for major roads. Perhaps not enough time has passed to determine the change’s effectiveness. Further, no indication of results from a study on the roadways with a speed limit change has been provided. Lacking such a link between the conclusions that Prunty's road safety effort initiative has failed is invalidated.





Secondly, the argument assumes that all other factors affecting highway accident rates have remained unchanged since the county lowered its speed limit. However, the author fails to provide evidence to support this assumption. It is entirely possible that the lower speed limit does in fact serve to reduce the accident rate, while some other factor, such as unseasonably poor weather, reduced law enforcement measures, or even an influx of teenage drivers to the area, has served to increase the accident rate. Without considering and ruling out these and other factors that might have served to increase the accident rate since the speed limit was lowered, the author cannot justifiably conclude that this safety effort has failed.





Thirdly, in the argument, the author implies that the higher speed limit in Butler County has not served to increase the incidence of road accidents in that county. It is entirely possible that the 55-mph speed limit actually serves to increase the accident rate on Butler's highways, but that others factors, such as stricter law enforcement measures or improved driver education, have served to decrease the accident rate to a greater extent. Without considering and ruling out these and other factors which might have served to decrease the accident rate in Butler County, the author cannot confidently recommend that Prunty County emulate Butler County’s approach to the problem.





In conclusion, to strengthen the argument, the author must better assess the impact of the new speed limit on road safety, with more statistical information about the accident rate on Prunty's major roads, collected over a longer time period. Additionally, the author must account for all other factors that might influence the accident rate on roads in both counties







Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to one‘s friends, to one’s school or place of employment, or to any institution-is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.



I disagree with the author for he has confused the faithfulness with the misguided or overextended loyalty. In fact, loyalty does be a cherished virtue that should be given enough emphasis.

Loyalty, a kind of lasting persistence and its precondition is that the subject of fidelity is worthy of such strong emotion. In each society, loyalty is a indispensable and vital part of the system of morality. No matter in schools, at home or at work, first midst and last, people accept a similar education that as an individual, he or she should first have a sense of ligeance, that is work for the whole. Of course, the subjects of loyalty are various including scientific theory, friends, family, schools, places of employment and the nation. A vivid example can lend support to the statement is the heroical astronomer - Bronow, who advanced Copernicus‘ theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, enraged the Roma church that held the Ptolemaic system of astronomy and was burnt to death just because he refused to give up his scientific theory. It is the lasting loyalty toward truth that lead Bronow to sacrifice himself. And people all respect such duteous spirit. However, without loyalty, the morality of a society will deteriorate into apathy desert and everyone just lives for him /herself, that is to say, no one is willing to pay loyalty to the whole, then finally the human civilization will fall apart.

However, on the other hand, the fidelity should not be confused with misguided or overextended loyalty and the latter is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force. People all hold that mutual loyalty between friends is the basis of lasting friendship. But people should also realize that true loyalty and authentic responsibility for a friend are not only always believing him or her unconditionally but also persuading, helping and even impeaching him or her when him or her has committed serious mistakes or even crimes. Of course, when facing up to such painful dilemma, each one will hesitate because he or she is afraid of being censured to betray his or her friend and some one may choose to keep slient in order to insist of the so-called loyalty.

In fact, such behavior may prevent his or her friend from taking right actions. The same to a school, a family, a company even the nation, when the subject that people once string along with no longer deserves loyalty, people should resolutely choose to be loyal to the truth, the justice and the humanity. That calls for people are always alert to what they think right and what they think wrong, via doing so, people can change their mind for right choice on time.

To sum up, people should insist on true loyalty, and always avoid being the victim of the misguided or overextended loyalty. In the world, there is nothing that can be always absolutely right or wrong and changing happens all the time. So people should always hold deep insight to discern what deserves their loyalty and what does not.








背GRE单词要背得好,要背得快,最基本的原则是脑子不断地想单词,让单词不断地从脑子里过,看书看10遍,还不如脑子过一遍。要做到单词在脑 子里过的次数比在书本上过的次数多得多,要做到完全抛开书本,不依赖书本,不拿书的时候也在想单词、背单词。要尽量在单词被忘记之前在脑子里过一遍,这样,它留给你的印象要深得多,就算以后忘记,也很容易记起来。





















18.情绪不好时、烦躁时听听音乐,特别是“When you believe”、“Everybody hurts”、“Hero”、“In the end”、英雄交响曲这种唤人坚强向上的。



GRE 词汇怎么背最有效








当然,可能刚开始时能建立联系的单词很少,但要注意培养这种意识,争取一串串地背单词,看见一个,就能想起一串。比如,同义的、反义的、形似的、同类的、同根的单词放在一块儿记。背单词一段时间之后,看到一个单词,就可以想一想以前学过什么同义的,如果只有印象而想不起来,最好在笔记本上记一笔,下次碰到时,特别注意。再比如,背单词一段时间后,你看到了一个新单词tuxedo(礼服),你就应该问自己:我一共学了多少关于衣服的词?哦,有garment, scarf, apparel, dress, trousers, skirt, blouse, jeans…虽然有些书里已经做过了整理,但还是自己总结的效果要好。也可以几个人比一比,看谁写出的动物/植物/食物……多,这样会提高对英语单词的兴趣。




6.分类归总法记忆GRE 词汇

所谓物以类聚、人以群分,单词也有它的家族史与裙带关系。常用的分类方法包括:同义词与反义词分类,种属特性分类,类比分类等等。例如,表示 “笑”的单词通常有:chortle(开心地笑),chuckle(轻声地笑),guffaw(哄堂大笑),jeer(嘲笑),snigger(窃笑),simper(傻笑)等等。对这种“单词家族”的分门别类,有利于掌握成片单词以及其意义差别,不失为一种好的方法。


1.mediocre /?mid?’ok?/ adj. 中等的,普通的


【例句】But guaranteed, none of those people have a mediocre existence. 而且肯定的是,那些人中没有一个过平庸的生活。

2.visionary /‘v???n?ri/ adj. 有眼光的, 有远见的;空想的, 幻想的, 不切实际的


【例句】a visionary scheme for the future 对未来的不切实际的计划

3.symmetry /‘s?m?tri/ n. 对称(性);整齐,匀称

【解词】sym-=same; metry-=measure,两边的测量结果是一样的,引申为“对称,整齐”。

【例句】the narrative symmetry of the novel. 小说的叙述前后呼应

4.rigid /‘r?d??d/ adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的


【例句】rigid adherence to rules 严守规律

5.impenetrable /?m’p?n?tr?bl/ adj. 不能通过的, 不可理解的


【例句】poems of impenetrable obscurity. 极其费解的诗。 /d?s’ka?nt/ vt. & vi. 打折扣, 减价出售 vt. 不考虑; 不全信 n. 数目, 折扣

【解词】dis-=离开,count 计算,计数;数出来放到一边,引申为“打折,不考虑”。

【例句】discount a rumor. 对谣言漠然置之

7.compelling /k?m’p?l??/ adj. 引人入胜的;扣人心弦的;令人信服的,有说服力的

【解词】源自动词compel 强迫,迫使;com-=一起,完全;pel-=push; 完全地推,即“强迫”。而compelling 的意思其实是“迫使人相信的,使人不得不信的”,引申为“有说服力的,令人信服的”。

【例句】There is compelling evidence that the recession is ending. 有令人信服的证据显示工商业衰退即将终止。

8.utterance /‘?t?r?ns/ n. 发声,表达;言论;意见;言辞

【解词】源自utter 说,讲。

【例句】After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off? 经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?

9.ornament /‘?rn?m?nt/ n. 装饰;装饰物 vt. 装饰,修饰


【例句】He was an ornament to his country. 他是为国增光的人物。

10.labyrinthine /?l?b?’r?nθ?n/ adj. 迷宫(似)的,曲折的

【解词】源自 labyrinth n. 迷宫。

【例句】In any of these cases, people could do with a local expert to help them navigate the labyrinthine American health-care system. 在这些情况下,民众可以利用一位当地的专家来帮助他们进入这如迷宫般的美国健康保险系统。


1.haphazard /‘h?ph?z?d/ adj. 偶然的, 随意的, 无计划的

【解词】hap-=chance,表示“机会,运气”,来源于古挪威语。同根词 happen 发生,恰巧。

【近义词】accidental; random; unplanned

【例句】The town grew in a haphazard way. 这城镇无计划地随意发展。

2.proponent /pr?’pon?nt/ n. (某事业、理论等的)支持者,拥护者

【解词】pro-=在……前面;pon-=put 放置;把(意见,提议)等放在前面的人(其实就是提出意见的人),即“支持者,拥护者”。

【英文解释】one who brings forth a proposition or argument.

【例句】a closet proponent of a tax increase 增加税收的私下倡议者

3.callow /‘k?lo/ adj. 年轻而无经验的;羽毛未丰的


【英文解释】From young birds with no feathers, meaning extended to any young inexperienced thing or creature.

【例句】earnest and callow undergraduates. 严肃认真但天真的大学本科生。

4.animosity /‘?n?'mɑs?ti/ n. 憎恨, 仇恨, 敌意

【解词】anim-=(hostile) feeling, -osity为复合后缀(-ose表示数量很多,-ity为名词后缀),因此这个词表示“充满恨意的”,即“憎恨,仇恨”。 anim-本来的含义是life,spirit,如animal; 在这里特指“仇恨的感觉”。

【例句】The people of this country are full of animosity to the invaders. 这个国家的人民对侵略者充满了仇恨。

5.ponderable /‘pɑnd?r?bl/ adj. 可衡量的, 可估量的, 可测量的

【解词】pond-=pend-=weight; expend; 称重;花费;-able表示能够。因此表示“可衡量的”。

【例句】All ponderable bodies are constantly in motion in through space. 全部有重量旳物质都不断地处于运动中,贯穿空间。

6.dogmatic /d?ɡ’m?t?k/ adj. 教条的;武断的

【解词】dog-=doc-=dox-=opinion; 观点;-atic为形容词后缀,因此这个词表示“教条的,武断的”。

【同根词】doctrine 教条,教义,学说。

【例句】a dogmatic statement 武断的说法

7.becoming /b?’k?m??/ adj. 合适的,适当的

【解词】可以通过“become 变得”来记忆:变得越来越合适的。

【近义词】appropriate; proper; fit,fitting;apt;suitable

【例句】a becoming modesty. 得体的谦逊。

8.disseminate /d??s?m??net/ vt. 散布, 传播


【例句】The agency would collect and disseminate information. 通讯社收集和传播讯息。

9.vilify /‘v?l?fa?/ vt. 诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低


10.coalesce /?ko?’l?s/ v. 联合;合并;结合

【解词】co-=together;alesc-=to grow; 因此表示长到一起,即“联合,结合”。

【例句】The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams. 水洼汇合成浅溪。


1.pretext /‘prit?kst/ vt. 以…为借口 n. 托辞;借口

【解词】pre-=在……前面,text-=编织, 提前就编好的,即“借口,托辞”。

【例句】The rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move. 反叛者有最堂皇的借口采取行动。

2.base /be?s/ adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的 vt. 以…作基础 n. 底部;垒;基础


3.antecedent /‘?nt?'sidnt/ n. 发生在前的事, 先例 adj. 在前的, 在先的, 先行的

【解词】ante-=在……前,ced-=go; 因此这个词表示“走在前面的”,即“先例”。

【例句】No one knew the antecedents of the mysterious stranger. 谁也不知道那个神秘陌生人的身世。

4.cosset /‘kɑs?t/ vt. 宠爱;娇养;纵容


【词源记忆】cosset 源自cot 小木屋,村舍(词源同cottage n. 村舍;小屋),原指在小屋子里养的小羊羔,小宠物。

【例句】I was cosseted and petted and never shouted at. 我被宠着哄着,从来也没人对我大呼小叫过。

5.lucrative /‘lukr?t?v/ adj. 获利多的, 赚钱的

【解词】lucra-=gain, profit, -ive为形容词后缀,表示程度很深。

【例句】She has a lucrative business selling leather goods. 她做皮货生意, 利润丰厚。

6.conspicuous /k?n’sp?kj??s/ adj. 显眼的, 明显的


【例句】hang a picture in a conspicuous place 把画挂在一个显眼的地方

7.succumb /s?’k?m/ vi. 不再抵抗(诱惑、疾病、攻击等);屈从

【解词】suc-=sub-=under;cumb-=cumber-=lie down,barrier;躺下,障碍;因此这个词表示,躺下去,引申为“屈从,不再抵抗”。

【例句】He succumbed to the temptations of the big city. 他受不住大城市的诱惑。

8.presumption /pri’z?mp??n/ n. 假定, 认定, 推测

【解词】源自presume vt. 假定;推测;擅自

【例句】There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement. 有一个有力的根据足以推定他们所讲是真实的。

9.judicious /d?u’d???s/ adj. 明智的;明断的

【解词】judi-=judge 判断;-ious为形容词后缀,因此这个词表示“可以判断是非的”,即“明智的,明断的”。

【例句】the judicious use of public investment. 公共投资明智而审慎的利用。

10.venerate /‘v?n?ret/ vt. 崇敬,尊敬


【例句】Most Italians venerate the name of Dante. 大多数意大利人崇拜但丁的名字。












Upon maturity,monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles from their places of origin and lay their eggs on milkweed. The caterpillars that emerge feed on milkweed and absorb the glycosides in milkweed sap. The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within the monarch butterfly’s range. Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A. Mature monarch butterflies do not feed on parts of milkweed that contain glycosides.

B. The glycosides in milkweed sap are slightly toxic to caterpillars of other species.

C. The vast majority of the monarch butterflies that are laying eggs in a given region will have traveled there from a single region.

D. There are substances other than glycosides in milkweed sap that accumulate in a monarch caterpillar and are retained in the body of the mature butterfly.

E. There are certain glycosides that are found in the sap of all milkweeds, no matter where they grow within the monarch butterfly’s range.

GRE阅读练习:Sea Cow

The dis appearance of Steller's sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long been blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time Steller first described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the is lands, especially given the large populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad also targeted nearby sea otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin populations on which the otterspreyed to expand and the urchins ' grazing pressure on kelp forests to increase. Sea cows were totally dependent on kelp for food, and within a decade of the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is lands' sea cows appeared malnourished.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering and Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?

A. They were reduced significantly.

B. They disappeared entirely from the region.

C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .

D. They were harvested in record numbers by humans

E. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.

2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations near the Bering and Copper is lands

A. were diminished by sea cow predation

B. experienced substantial increases

C. migrated to waters with more plentiful food supplies

D. were reduced by the pressures of hunting

E. appeared to be malnourished






receptive knowledge的形成取决与在知道一个单词的“长相”的情况下,回忆起单词的“意思”。而productive knowledge则需要训练知道一个意思,找一个具有“合适长相”的单词来表述这个意思。通常情况下,我们在背单词的时候喜欢通过词形去回想词义,因为英语中同义词近义词现象比较严重。



即写作词汇,在你的记忆中是和其他很多常用的关联词汇有丰富的联系的,很多单词在你的脑海里都是以这种方式存在的,即language network。当你在写句子的时候,如果你写到这些有关联的词汇的话,这些词汇本身会你想起更多的写作词汇。

一个简单的gre考试例子就是,有些时候,我们可能发现自己一直在说费话,但是说话的内容我们自己都不知道。这就是因为这种language network的存在了你在语言中的用词。




2.进行meaning negotiation practice

如果你还没有掌握一个单词,你可以进行meaning negotiation practice。在学习一个单词的时候,找很多这个单词的例句,通过例句不断猜测单词的意思,直到你找到了一个可以在所有的例句中都解释的通的意思,然后再去看答案。这种方式会促使你更加注意一个词汇的context和collocation,更加有助于你对于一个单词的language network的形成。







It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice.



The writer of the issue connotates an ironic phenomenon: though innovation is required in our era and eulogized by most people, application of it is clannished vehemently because of the fear of failure and the possibility of obtained possession and tradition impairing. The author grasps the paradox psychology of most people and pertinently reveals a universal mentality.

As is known that innovation may bring big progress and result in even a revolutionary transition of a society: the elevated efficiency of work, the ameliorated life, the enticing fruit of new technology and so on. Following with innovation of the second industrial revolution, great changes took place and immediately a renewed world unfolded before us with the application of its fruits. Seeing unimaginable profits and the magic power, who (including the society and government) can suppress their agitating desire to restrict development of innovation?

Unfortunately, innovation doesn't always follow the people's will and always acts like an uncontroled horse running in the plain. Worrying about the side-effect, people have to hold their desire back but admire those who are brave enough to taste crabs for the first time. Not everyone possesses the same courage as Biil Gate's, who dare invest on a fresh field and give up the chance of studying in Harvard University, which is the dream of most aggressive young people. Often, pondering what they have already possessed with what they might get from innovation, most people prefer the former to the latter, even content to sacrifice the latter to ensure the integer of the former. For example, a department may enroll those who are not very deft in the work but behave complaisant before higher-ups and deny to those who stick to their innovational opinion obstinately. After all, it is required more to cooperate with others harmoniously and conform to the traditional rules nowadays than to creat a new law according to individual penchant, in any company and corporation.

Maybe, some one argues that, how to cultivate innovation if personality should abdicate to interests of collective? Does the statement above alludes that employees should do nothing but keep silent and follow what the higher-ups dictated, strangling their inspiration to accord to the criterion today? No doubt, such supposition is rediculous. I mean that employees should try to approach their original though to tenet of the collective, not attempt to disobey the existed norm, respect suggestion and supposition of others and circumspect the innovation and then discuss with all the members in the company. That is, responsibility should be taken before the innovation is applied to practice.

Of course, many people don't have the ability that controling their compulsion of carrying their innovation into application. It doesn't lack of people who dare not apply innovation, and people who hold innovational thought are not scarc either, however,those who possess both of the two abilities and are lucky enough to encounter a proper opportunity to release their innovation is very few. The seperation of spirit of application and creation of innovation is the root of the the strange phenomenon, that innovation and new ideas are here and there while the acceptance and combination of them with application is too little to be heard.


Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.

1.The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products.

“Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Painesville, which has many such residents. Painesville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Painesville's schoolchildren are required to participate in a 'fitness for life' program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age.”

2.The following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deer haven Acres to all homeowners in Deer haven Acres.

“Seven years ago, homeowners in nearby Brookville community adopted a set of restrictions on how the community's yards should be landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Since then, average property values have tripled in Brookville. In order to raise property values in Deer haven Acres, we should adopt our own set of restrictions on landscaping and house painting.”

3.The following appeared in a newspaper article about law firms in the city of Megalopolis.

“In Megalopolis, the number of law school graduates who went to work for large, corporate firms declined by 15% over the last three years, whereas an increasing number of graduates took jobs at small, general practice firms. Even though large firms usually offer much higher salaries, law school graduates are choosing to work for the smaller firms most likely because they experience greater job satisfaction at smaller firms. In a survey of first-year students at a leading law school, most agreed with the statement that earning a high salary was less important to them than job satisfaction. This finding suggests that the large, corporate firms of Megalopolis will need to offer graduates more benefits and incentives and reduce the number of hours they must work.”

4.“Of the two leading real estate firms in our town---Adams Realty and Fitch Realty---Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents. In contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams' revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch, and included home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch's $144,000. Homes listed with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.”































※ 盲目求快而忽略了文章中主要的信息


有些考生在处理上一段的时候以极快的速度从头念到尾,却没有区分关键信息和非关键信息。将黄色区域等同于粉红色区域。其实,粉红色区域的“as a consequence”说明该句的重要性将大大超过黄色区域中的句子。因为从逻辑角度来说,As a consequence是表示“前因后果”,而从逻辑上说,结果比原因更重要,所以正确的阅读方法应为迅速通过黄色区域,在粉红色区域细细研读。

※ 在阅读时缩手缩脚,不敢舍弃



※ 在阅读时颠倒阅读重点





a. 读问题,b. 明确问题目的,c. 从而d. 确定解题方向。

e. 读段落,f. 根据不同g. 的问题目的确定不同h. 的解题重点

i. 找答案,j. 有时可以调整看选项顺序.把握5中选2的原则,k. 先用求同l. 求异发则,m. 快速排除3-n. 4个选项,o. 然后放慢速度,p. 仔细分析剩下的两个选项。


引导结论的引导词有:therefore,thus,so,hence,concluding,consequently,as a result,It follows that,it can be inferred that,in conlusin,which proves

that,which means that,which suggerts that, 引导前提的引导词:because,for,since,as,in as much as(由于,因为),in so far

as (就。。而言),in view of BàA 模式:有一个survey,record,data,study,experiment或者phemonena等得出一个结论,是他做出的一个解释。当由 BàA,有一个hidden premise多为A是唯一的原因。或者为达到某一个目的而提出的一个方法或者建议,也是此种模式。常见的引导词有: demonstrate,show,result,due to,attribute to,reason,hypothesize,the

explanation to,be responsible for. AàB模式:推理时由某个原因试图得到某个结果,推理成立的hidden promise是这个原因可以得到这个结果。注意此时并不表示A是唯一的,只是表示A是可行的。




这是理解题干内容的关键一步,但考生往往觉得要么必须彻底理解句子的意思才能做题,要么觉得不能阅读题干而盲目地做题。也就是说,要把句子的主语、谓语和宾语弄清楚,然后找出外部修饰语,如定语短语、定语从句、分词短语、状语从句和括号。阅读句子时可以跳过阅读方法,即仍然超出主要部分, 新gre填空技巧,gre填空题怎么复习但是对于双空间填空题,使用这种方法并不一定有效,甚至可以得到的思维方式,解决问题,因为双空间句子往往是在一个句子可以分为两个子句的逻辑关系,两个条款或已经提出之后,或作为一个转折点,或者有共同的影响,未来的吉百利(cadbury)推荐双空格考试的考生采用所有的阅读策略,具体取决于寻找逻辑关系的上下文。


当我们顺利完成第一步,弄懂句子的主干结构和分隔成分以后,接下来开始对题干所隐含的逻辑关系进行分析,这是解题的依据所在,也是决定解题正确与否的关键环节。还是让我们对例句1从逻辑角度进行一下分析。本句中有一个词语:vanity(自负,虚荣),a critic与he 同指一人,而第二个空格后面的内容work against him:对他自己产生不利的作用和影响, 显然vanity 和第二个空格之间可以建立一种同义联系,也就是既然这个批评家爱慕虚荣,那么他的行为和言语必然能够体现出这种虚荣心,所以只能选self-adulation:自吹自擂,正好符合句子的本意。



通过结构分析和简化句子的结构,你需要做的是确定基于前面的良好的逻辑关系来确定这个词的选择,如果句子包含的逻辑关系扭曲,之间的关系,基本上基于双空格应该填入词,我们可以看到应该填写一组单词, 新gre填空技巧,gre填空题怎么复习相反,如果根据意大利集团,我们通过分析句子的主要部分和主干之外的修饰成分,结果表明,逻辑关系的平行关系,那么我们可以看到应该填写这两个词是同义关系之间的关系,根据逻辑关系,当我们试图不给一个正确的选择,最后,还有一个策略,即规则的排斥,只要我们确定一个空白的词,另一个空白的词我们代入。











A. 坏的

B. 讨人厌的

C. 勤奋的

D. 敬业的

E. 吹毛求疵的











1. 找到句子里面与空格相关的逻辑关系词

2. 找到空格重复原文的点

3. 根据逻辑关系词,判断是对所重复的原文的点取同义词还是反义词填进去

4. 已经对空格意思心中有数,再去对应选项,而不是开始就把选项代入空格,根据所谓的语感或者常识或者推论来填空格,这一点需要引起高度重视。

这一单元,我们重点讨论并列关系题型,逻辑词是and/also/as well as/even/Not only...but(also)/not just...but等词

1. Kagan maintains that an infant’s reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or_______signs of adolescent anxiety.

A) prophetic

B) normal

C) monotonous

D) virtual

E) Typical


2. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a_______between them.

A) generality

B) fusion

C) congruity

D) dichotomy

E) Reciprocity

解析:这个词标志并列关系的逻辑词是and,连接的是no necessary link和空格,所以空格填入没有联系这种意思。D选项为矛盾的意思,因为句子里面有quite possibly,在语气上有个递进,所以没有联系递进之后,成为矛盾,逻辑合理。

3. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ______ such illnesses.

A) disguise

B) impede

C) constrain

D) Precipitate

E) consummate








1. 预测答案将确保考生认真彻底地审题或文章


2. 学会预测答案可以有效避免确认偏误

confirmation bias这个概念可能很多同学都不太清楚,用中文来说就是确认偏误,实际上是GRE解题过程中很容易出现的一个问题。具体来说,GRE填空选项中有时候会给出一些“一看就对”或者“看上去很有道理”的选项,很多同学看完题目后没有自己思考,直接看选项,然后就一眼看中了这种选项产生了先入为主的印象,之后的解题思考时就会下意识地把这个选项当成正确答案,原本公正的判断标准变成了给这个选项找成立和正确的理由,而对于其它选项则怎么看都不顺眼百般挑剔,这就是所谓的确认偏误confirmation bias,而这种确认偏误最可怕的一点在于考生自己很多时候都完全没有意识到,反而会因为一下就找到了看着顺眼的答案而沾沾自喜,却不知道其实早已误入了解题陷阱。


3. 合理预测答案摆脱多种选项干扰陷阱

除了确认偏误外,GRE填空的选项中还会出现多种不同的选项干扰陷阱,而这些陷阱能够成功影响考生,都是建立在大家刚看完题目没有经过自我思考对空格里面应该填什么完全没有概念的前提下的。而预测答案让考生提前留下印象则几乎可以躲开所有类似的干扰陷阱。举例来说,GRE填空选项中有一种比较常用的经典陷阱叫做主题陷阱theme trap。这种陷阱的特点是对题目中一些特定术语给出大众认可的某些概念并放入选项中,考生读题时如果注意力过度放在这些特点术语上,看选项的时候就会被自己认可的概念选项所误导而做出错误判断,下面来看一道GRE填空实例:

Contrary to the assumptions that many Westerners hold about mindfulness practices, meditation is often anything but _____; while using various methods to calm the mind, meditators frequently experience intense periods of restlessness and doubt.

A. beneficial

B. mystical

C. orthodox

D. benign

E. idyllic



而如果大家能够在看完题目后仔细寻找解题线索先不看选项,那么就应该可以发现空格中需要填入的应该是和后半句中restlessness and doubt意思相反的词汇,也就是带有类似平和欢畅peaceful and joyous之类意思的词汇,在明确了这个概念后再去看选项,自然就能避开mystical的干扰直接找到正确选项idyllic.





1. Current data suggest that, although ______ states between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically.

A simultaneous

B serious

C exceptional

D partial

E transitional

2. Although the mental process that creates a fresh and original poem or drama is doubtless ______ that which originates and elaborates scientific discoveries, there is clearly a discernible difference between the creators.

A peripheral to

B contiguous with

C opposed to

D analogous to

E inconsistent with

3. Manipulating laboratory tissue cultures with hormones is one thing; using hormones to treat human beings, however, is contingent on whether hormones that (i) ______ in the laboratory can affect (ii) ______ organisms, and in predictable ways.

Blank (i)

A fail

B work

C reproduce

Blank (ii)

D whole

E unknown

F cellular

4. Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to (i) ______ himself: it was his (ii) ______ that had caused the debacle.

Blank (i)

A absolve

B berate

C congratulate

Blank (ii)

D acrimony

E skill

F largesse

5. Charlotte Salomon's biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by (i) ______ public events, retain their hold on the (ii) ______ recording them.

Blank (i)

A conventional

B overpowering

C dramatic

Blank (ii)

D majority

E institution

F individual


6. He was regarded by his followers, as something of (i) ______, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his (ii) ______ adherence to formal details.

Blank (i)

A a martinet

B a tyrant

C an acolyte

Blank (ii)

D rigid

E conscientious

F maniacal

For each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

7. Because time in India is conceived statically rather than dynamically, Indian languages emphasize nouns rather than verbs, since nouns express the more ______ aspects of a thing.

A paradoxical

B dichotomous

C constant

D temporal

E successive

F stable

8. The senator's attempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for a second term is as ______ as her opponent's attempt to disguise his intention to run against her.

A unintentional

B unsuccessful

C inadvertent

D indecisive

E remote

F futile

9. MacCrory’s conversation was ______ : she could never tell a story, chiefly because she always forgot it, and she was never guilty of a witticism, unless by accident.

A scintillating

B unambiguous

C perspicuous

D stultifying

E facetious

F stodgy

10. Of all the professor’s various mentors, Carabelli was clearly the most ______, since it was he who fundamentally shaped the professor’s now highly regarded research approach.

A circumspect

B influential

C exacting

D idealistic

E severe

F impactful


1. Although it seems ______ that there would be a greater risk of serious automobile accidents in densely populated areas, such accidents are more likely to occur in sparsely populated regions.

A paradoxical

B axiomatic

C anomalous

D irrelevant

E portentous

2. Certainly Murray's preoccupation with the task of editing the Oxford English Dictionary begot a kind of monomania, but it must be regarded as a ______ or at least an innocuous one.

A tame

B tendentious

C meretricious

D beneficent

E sincere

3. The transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era is viewed by most art historians as a (i) ______, because, instead of an increasingly (ii) ______ pictorial art, we find degeneration.

Blank (i)

A consolidation

B milestone

C regression

Blank (ii)

D debased

E sophisticated

F aberrant

4. Although he was known to be extremely (i) ______ in his public behavior, scholars have discovered that his diaries were written with uncommon (ii) ______.

Blank (i)

A reserved

B polite

C impertinent

Blank (ii)

D frankness

E vagueness

F tenderness

5. In sharp contrast to the intense (i) ______ of the young republic, with its utopian faith in democracy and hopes for eternal human progress, recent developments suggest a mood of almost unrelieved (ii) ______.

Blank (i)

A righteousness

B sectarianism

C idealism

Blank (ii)

D ambition

E recklessness

F cynicism


6. Social tensions among adult factions can be (i) ______ by politics, but adolescents and children have no such (ii) ______ for resolving their conflict with the exclusive world of adults.

Blank (i)

A intensified

B revealed

C adjusted

Blank (ii)

D mechanism

E attitude

F opportunity

For each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

7. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as ______, even as a sign of madness.

A adventurous

B frivolous

C willful

D impermissible

E irrational

F unreasonable

8. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ______ the proclivity to abuse them.

A negates

B invokes

C engenders

D tempers

E obviates

F moderates

9. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having ______ the conflicting elements of her life.

A affirmed

B highlighted

C reconciled

D confined

E underscored

F accommodated

10. Data concerning the effects on a small population of high concentrations of a potentially hazardous chemical are frequently used to ______ the effects on a large population of lower amounts of the same chemical.

A verify

B redress

C predict

D corroborate

E augment

F anticipate

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