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1、 环湖景区:是西湖十景荟萃之区,风景名胜区的核心主体与代表。景区包括西湖环湖路以内绿地,景区内共有各级景点51处,其中特级景点15处。(行经线路:南山路――-湖滨路――白堤――-苏堤――-杨公堤)推荐指数:5星+

2、 北山景区:这是一个城景结合的景区,以历史街区、登山观湖及名人文化为特点。这一景区范围虽小,但是景点、文物与古迹众多,如岳飞庙。(行经线路:北山路)推荐指数:4星+

3、 吴山景区:城景结合的景区,以襟江带湖之景及城市民俗文化为特点。这一景区面积也不大,历史上就以“山上城隍庙,山下清河坊”联袂展演着杭州市民食、住、购、娱、游的.丰富活动。(行经线路:高银街――河坊街―吴山广场)推荐指数:4星+。

4、 植物园景区:这是以植物多样性和植物资源保护为代表的杭州西湖休闲型生态景观区。景区绿荫浓浓,里面还有著名景区灵峰探梅花。(行经线路:浙大――曙光路―植物园)推荐指数:4星-- ,

5、 凤凰山景区:这里是南宋与吴越文化的积聚区,景区内除南宋大内、御花园、太庙等遗址,我国最早的皇帝藉田―――八卦田、五代吴越白塔等。但是现在有些景观还没有完全建成。(行经线路:南山路――过玉皇山隧道)推荐指数:3星+ 。

6、 灵竺景区:香火非常旺盛,一片以佛教文化积聚为内涵的景区,具有1600多年历史的灵隐寺和以供奉观世音菩萨、讲解佛经著名的三天竺。如果与佛教文化有缘的驴友可以一游。(行经线路:北山路――灵隐路――灵隐)推荐指数:4星+ 。

7、 钱塘江景区:登高览胜,包括六和塔、九溪和钱江大桥,巍峨的古塔与钱江怒潮、秋江红叶与九曲清溪,这样的景色汇集成了钱江景区。(行经线路:南山路――之江路――六和塔)推荐指数:4星- 。

8、 五云景区:这是一处以寻涧访幽,竹径、清溪相结合的文化积聚地。有新西湖十景之一的云栖竹径及杭州最美丽的山脊风景线琅岭等,这一带的建筑以黑、白、灰三种颜色为主,灵隐寺自不比多说,尤其是梅家坞,喝正宗龙井茶休闲地好去处。(行经线路:北山路――-灵隐路――-梅家坞)推荐指数:4星+。

9、 虎跑龙井景区:这是以龙井茶、虎跑水为代表的西湖山林文化区和龙井茶保护区为主的景区,是西湖风景名胜区的腹地所在,溪泉洞壑是景区的主要特色,喜欢喝绿茶、买绿茶的朋友可以去探访。(行经线路:北山路――-虎跑路――-龙井路――-龙井)推荐指数:4星 。

10、西溪湿地景区:首个城市国家湿地公园,面积大,流水芦花加上各式水鸟古树,秋天观赏尤其佳。(行经线路:天目山路往西)推荐指数:4星- 。




二 核心景区介绍、推荐指数:

1、 环湖景区:是西湖十景荟萃之区,风景名胜区的'核心主体与代表。景区包括西湖环湖路以内绿地,景区内共有各级景点51处,其中特级景点15处。(行经线路:南山路----湖滨路---白堤----苏堤----杨公堤)推荐指数:5星+

2、 北山景区:这是一个城景结合的景区,以历史街区、登山观湖及名人文化为特点。这一景区范围虽小,但是景点、文物与古迹众多,如岳飞庙。(行经线路:北山路)推荐指数:4星+

3、 吴山景区:城景结合的景区,以襟江带湖之景及城市民俗文化为特点。这一景区面积也不大,历史上就以“山上城隍庙,山下清河坊”联袂展演着杭州市民食、住、购、娱、游的丰富活动。(行经线路:高银街---河坊街—吴山广场)推荐指数:4星+。

4、 植物园景区:这是以植物多样性和植物资源保护为代表的杭州西湖休闲型生态景观区。景区绿荫浓浓,里面还有著名景区灵峰探梅花。(行经线路:浙大---曙光路—植物园)推荐指数:4星-- ,


5、 凤凰山景区:这里是南宋与吴越文化的积聚区,景区内除南宋大内、御花园、太庙等遗址,我国最早的皇帝藉田———八卦田、五代吴越白塔等。但是现在有些景观还没有完全建成。(行经线路:南山路---过玉皇山隧道)推荐指数:3星+ 。

6、 灵竺景区:香火非常旺盛,一片以佛教文化积聚为内涵的景区,具有1600多年历史的灵隐寺和以供奉观世音菩萨、讲解佛经著名的三天竺。如果与佛教文化有缘的驴友可以一游。(行经线路:北山路---灵隐路---灵隐)推荐指数:4星+ 。

7、 钱塘江景区:登高览胜,包括六和塔、九溪和钱江大桥,巍峨的古塔与钱江怒潮、秋江红叶与九曲清溪,这样的景色汇集成了钱江景区。(行经线路:南山路---之江路---六和塔)推荐指数:4星-- 。

8、 五云景区:这是一处以寻涧访幽,竹径、清溪相结合的文化积聚地。有新西湖十景之一的云栖竹径及杭州最美丽的山脊风景线琅岭等,这一带的建筑以黑、白、灰三种颜色为主,灵隐寺自不比多说,尤其是梅家坞,喝正宗龙井茶休闲地好去处。(行经线路:北山路----灵隐路----梅家坞)推荐指数:4星+。

9、 虎跑龙井景区:这是以龙井茶、虎跑水为代表的西湖山林文化区和龙井茶保护区为主的景区,是西湖风景名胜区的腹地所在,溪泉洞壑是景区的主要特色,喜欢喝绿茶、买绿茶的朋友可以去探访。(行经线路:北山路----虎跑路----龙井路----龙井)推荐指数:4星 。

10、西溪湿地景区:首个城市国家湿地公园,面积大,流水芦花加上各式水鸟古树,秋天观赏尤其佳。(行经线路:天目山路往西)推荐指数:4星---- 。


Sweet osmanthus rain at Manjuelong

Autumn tour of the West Lake, the day to enjoy GUI, night to enjoy themoon. In the south of Guangxi, manjuelung is the most prosperous. Osmanthusfragrans is the city flower of Hangzhou. Osmanthus fragrans was cultivated inthe West Lake and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. In the early poems of the WestLake, GUI was often used in poems, which were planted in the temples of Lingyinand Tianzhu in the north mountain of the West Lake. It was only after the MingDynasty that the large-scale climate of autumn osmanthus in manjuelong wasformed. Manjuelung, also known as manjianong, is a valley at the south foot ofnangaofeng. During the period of Wu and Yue, there were many small Buddhisttemples here. One of them was Yuanxing temple. Later, it was changed into manjuetemple. It was named after the temple. The flowers were planted by monks andgradually became a grand view.

The scientific name of Osmanthus fragrans is “Muxi”, which is a smallevergreen tree. It likes to be moist. The two mountains of manjuelung are facingeach other. The trees are verdant and the groundwater is rich. The environmentis suitable for the growth of Osmanthus fragrans. The mountain people here takeplanting osmanthus and selling flowers as their main source of income, passingfrom generation to generation, and finally created this “Golden Millet world”.Nowadays, every household is planting osmanthus. Before and after the house,inside and outside the village, all over the hillside and on both sides of theroad, there are clumps, patches and layers of osmanthus. Every year around theMid Autumn Festival, when the golden wind and rain come back, the osmanthusflowers full of trees are blooming, flowing for ten li, and penetrating theheart, just as Zhang yunao's seven character quatrains “tasting osmanthus” says:“the West Lake is full of pure travel in August, where is the fragrance to thenostrils? Beside the manjuelung, the Golden Millet is everywhere, and the skywind blows down the mountains and autumn.” Osmanthus fragrans include goldenosmanthus, silver osmanthus, red osmanthus, four seasons osmanthus, etc. theflowers are small and large in quantity. When they are in full bloom, if the dewis heavy, they often fall with the wind, dense as raindrops. When people walk inthe osmanthus trees, they can enjoy the fragrance of “rain”. With the support ofthe relevant departments, manjuelong village holds the golden autumn osmanthusfestival every September and October. In Nanshan area, the flow of cars, waterand people is blocked by the road, which adds a great charm to the autumn tourof the West Lake.

Tiger running dream spring

The beautiful scenery of the West Lake is connected by lakes and mountains.The “envoys” are the clear springs and streams between the three southernYunshan mountains. Hupao spring, located at the foot of Daci mountain, is thebest of many springs in the West Lake. Hupaoquan got its name from Buddhistmyths and legends. In fact, it is a secular reflection that the development,protection, utilization and even preservation of the famous West Lake Spring inhistory are closely related to the rise and fall of Buddhists, Taoists andtemples.

Hupao spring is a fissure spring formed by underground water flowingthrough joints and gaps of rocks. It is a kind of high-quality natural drinkingmineral water which is suitable for drinking and has considerable medical andhealth functions. Therefore, it is called “West Lake double unique” togetherwith Longjing tea.

Longjing tea

Longjing, a Longhong, Longqiu, is located in Fenghuangling mountain,southwest of the West Lake. Longjing temple was built here in the FiveDynasties, and it became a tourist attraction in the Northern Song Dynasty. PoetSu Dongpo often drinks tea and recites poems here. There was a poem praising“people say that mountains are good, water is also good, and there are thousandsof bitter jiaolongtan under them”. It is said that Longjing is connected withthe sea, so it is named because there is a dragon in the sea. And the water inLongjing is also very strange. When it is agitated, a water dividing lineappears on the surface of the water, which looks like a gossamer swaying, andthen slowly disappears. Longjing spring, together with Hupao and Yuquan, is oneof the three famous springs in the West Lake. Longjing tea is more famous.Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty once came here to collect and grow tea.There are still “Eighteen imperial tea” remains in laolongjing. Qianlong alsoinscribed “the best lake mountain” with five characters, and named “the eightsceneries of Longjing” as guoxiting, dixinchi, yipianyun, Fenghuangling,fangyuanan, longhongjian, shenyunshi and cuifengge. The ten scenic spots of thenew West Lake will be rated as the new scenic spot of “Longjing tea”.

Nine creeks in misty forest

Jiuxi, commonly known as “Jiuxi eighteen streams”. It is located at thefoot of jiguanlong in the mountains to the west of the West Lake. Longjing inthe north and Qiantang River in the south. Yuanfa Wengjia mountain yangmeiling,tuhui Qingwan, Hongfa, Tangjia, Xiaokang, Foshi, Baizhang, yunqi, Qingtou andFangjia Jiuxi, zigzagging and flowing into Qianjiang River.

Eighteen streams refer to the number of small streams and flowing springs.Jiuxi and shibajian meet in front of xizhongxi restaurant at the foot ofbajueshan. All the way, the tea garden is scattered, the road turns, the wateris pure and the birds are singing. It's beautiful on a sunny day and misty on acloudy day. Zhang Lizan, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, said: “the mountains inspring are misty, the clouds are low, and thousands of valleys vie to flow downJiuxi.”. Yu Yueyou, a scholar in Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem after his visit,saying: “overlapping mountains, winding roads, Dingding East Spring, high andlow trees.” All of them show the boundless scenery of “Jiuxi tobacco tree”.There are linhaiting, wangjiangting, xizhongxi, artificial waterfall and othernew attractions.

Wushan Tianfeng

The mountain is the tail of the south mountain of the West Lake extendinginto the urban area of Hangzhou. In the spring and Autumn period, it is thesouthern boundary of the state of Wu. There are more than ten mountain tops,such as Ziyang, Yunju, Jindi, Qingping, Baolian, Qibao, Shifo, Baoyue, Luotuo,Emei, etc., forming an arc-shaped hill with southwest northeast trend. Wushan isnot high, but because it is inserted into the urban area, its East, North andnorthwest are mostly overlooking the streets and alleys. In the south, itoverlooks the Qiantang River and the pingchou on both sides. It still has thefeeling of flying over Wushan, and can enjoy the victory of Hangzhou River,mountain, lake and city.

Wu mountain is not high, and its dominant position is unique. There areabundant forests and springs, and the Mountains extend in all directions. Sincethe Southern Song Dynasty, more and more temples and temples have been built. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, commercial shops and shops crowded in one afteranother, with buildings and temples everywhere. Pilgrims and tourists came oneafter another. Town God's Temple is the largest temple in Mount Wu. It resemblepalace architecture and can be found on its base. In the empty court of thetemple, the ancient trees are towering, and the weather is very strict. In theminds of people, Town God's Temple could not be regard as unimportant at thattime, even the name of the mountain was called the city god mountain because ofthe temple.

Ruangong islet submerged in greenery

There are three artificial islands in the West Lake: xiaoyingzhou (SantanYinyue), huxinting (North Tower Base) and ruangongdun. Ruan gongdun was dredgedby Ruan Yuan, the governor of Zhejiang Province in the fifth year of JiaqingDynasty (18000). After dredging the West Lake, it was piled up into an islandwith fengni, so it was later called Ruan gongdun. Because of its low mud andsoft ground, it is often flooded by lake water, so it is called Ruan tan. Afterruangongdun became an island, it was green with miscellaneous trees, luxuriantwith vines and grasses.

In 1981, huanbi villa was built on the island. This is a manor style gardenbuilt in imitation of the pattern of private villas in the south of the YangtzeRiver. Its name is huanbi, which tells people her unique advantages of takingadvantage of the scenery of lakes and mountains. In the village, it is revealedthat it is bigger than Lin Yu. It is flaunting with the wind and has a veryancient style. The manor is surrounded by a low fence on the island, and thebamboo Pavilion in the thatched cottage in the garden is light and dexterous,with green surrounding buildings, cloud and water residences, etc. In front ofand behind the court, there are Cinnamomum camphora, Pterocarya stenoptera,Osmanthus fragrans, Lagerstroemia indica, Xiuzhu, plantain, ivy, etc., which notonly seek seclusion, but also pay attention to simplicity. On the edge of theisland near the water, don't set up the pavilion of recalling Yuntai, whichmeans that Ruan Yuntai (Ruan Yuanhao Yuntai) managed the lake, piled the islandand left the West Lake.

The interior furnishings of huanbizhuang building are simple and elegant.In the daytime, boat visitors can enjoy tea and drink here; in the evening, theowner of the villa, Yuanwai, leads a group of servants and maids to participatein antique entertainment activities with visitors in classical costumes.

Huanglong tucui

At the northern foot of qixialing mountain in the north of the West Lake,hidden in the forest and bamboo groves is the historic site of Huanglong cave,which has been famous as one of the five dragon worship sites on the Lake sincethe Southern Song Dynasty. Among the 24 sceneries in Hangzhou in the QingDynasty, there is a scene named “Huangshan Jicui”. In 1985, Huanglong cave wasbuilt as an antique amusement park with religious and cultural connotations andtemple landscape Choose ten scenes of the new West Lake.

From the gate of Huanglong cave to the second gate, there is a long andtortuous trail. If you look down from the air, it looks like a dragon. Along theroad, there are many scenic spots, such as ancient trees, clear ponds, low wallsand leaky windows. It is called “Daoyin” in the composition of the templegarden, just like a prelude, which plays a role in changing the custom into theQing Dynasty, adjusting the mind, and gradually entering the beautifulscenery.

The rockery of Huanglong cave is built with heavy yellow sand stonesaccording to the ups and downs of the mountain and terrain, or in the form ofisolated peaks or aggregate stones, or stacked into peaks. From afar, the stonepeaks are like a forest, with heavy mountains and emerald trees; from inside,they are confused and zigzag, clear and ethereal, with both vigorous style andelegant style. This is quite different from the style of Suzhou garden rockery,which is famous for its exquisite and typical style. It shows that the gardeningart of mountain forest temple is close to nature, integrated with nature, withdeep ingenuity and no trace of strength and charm.

Huanglong cave has a long history of bamboo landscape, and its bamboo pathis unique. The vigorous and graceful giant bamboo is more than ten meters high,and the forest becomes a sea; the small white bamboo is as short as twenty orthirty centimeters, and it is fluffy and lovely; the purple bamboo with fine anddeep color is said to have been introduced from Putuo Mountain; the luohanzhu,biqianzhu, and the golden jade bamboo are dotted in rockeries and gardens, andthe charm is cool. One of the most noteworthy is the bamboo of Fangzhu, whosebody is as square as a cut, and its strength is as strong as a staff. There aremany bamboo shoots. Around the Qingming Festival every year, when the light raincomes and the warm wind blows, there are bamboo shoots breaking out of theground, some overturning stones, and some two or three clumps growing in fiercecompetition. The quiet Huanglong cave garden is full of vitality.

Jade Emperor flying cloud

Yuhuang mountain is located between the West Lake and Qiantang River, withan altitude of 239 meters. It is towering in the sky, with blue sky and whiteclouds, making it even more majestic. When the wind blows and the clouds surge,I stand on the top of the mountain and listen to the sound of Xi Xi. Sometimesclouds come and fly away. The lake and mountain are vast, and the river is vast.This scene is named “Jade Emperor flying cloud”: with its magnificence andloftiness, the ten new West Lake scenes are selected. Yuhuang mountain islocated between the West Lake and Qiantang River, with an altitude of 239meters. It is towering in the sky, with blue sky and white clouds, making iteven more majestic.

Gemstone haze

Among the clouds on the three sides of the West Lake, Geling and Baoshimountain have their own unique scenery. Their mountain bodies are all composedof Jurassic tuff, among which the most common one is fused tuff. The rocks hereare ochre red, and there are many shining red pebbles in the rocks. When the sunshines, the mountains are full of splendor, especially when the sun is rising orthe sun is setting. This is why Baoshi mountain got its name.

Baoshu tower stands on the top of the mountain. Well, that slim, toweringshape, and good [beauty] nickname is very consistent. This [beauty] was born inthe early Northern Song Dynasty. It was originally a nine level brick and woodstructure. Until the Ming Dynasty when it was rebuilt, it still maintained thisstructure which was not very different from Liuhe TASI and Leifeng Pagoda. Thepresent brick solid pattern, which was reconstructed in 1933, is similar to theoriginal pattern of the Qing Dynasty. Although it can not be seen, it has becomean eye-catching landmark of the West Lake for its beautiful appearance andprominent position


Dear tourists

Hello everyone! I'm your guide, Lu Dao. Today, we are visiting thebeautiful West Lake. I hope you will have a good time together at theweekend!

According to legend, a long time ago, Yulong and Jinfeng got a pearl. Wherethe Pearl shines, the trees will be evergreen and the flowers will be in fullbloom. When the empress learned about it, she sent the general to rob the Pearl.When she robbed the Pearl, the Pearl fell into the world, which is now the WestLake.

Tourists, now we come to the famous scenic spot - Broken Bridge andresidual snow. When it snows in winter, the sun shines on one side of the brokenbridge, which melts quickly. On the other side, the snow has not yet melted.From a distance, it seems that the bridge is broken. This is the origin of thebroken snow. Standing on the broken bridge, looking from a distance, the pagodastands upright on the mountain, like a sword inserted upside down on themountain. Looking at the shore, you can see a strong Wutong tree. In autumn,from the far away, the leaves of the Wutong tree are red like a ball of fireburning. It looks great on the lake. It shows blue sky and white clouds in it.There are many small fish in the water swimming happily, very lovely!

Tourists, the white dyke is on the way. The most distinctive feature ofBaidi is a willow and a peach. Spring is the viewing season of Baidi. When BaiJuyi, a poet of Tang Dynasty, was appointed governor of Hangzhou, he wrote apoem: “I love the lake for its lack of eastward travel, and the white sand dykein the shadow of green poplar.” In memory of the poet Bai Juyi, latergenerations called it Bai Di.

Tourists, this is the end of our trip. I believe that you can have a goodimpression of the West Lake through this trip!


“The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy. Ifyou want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate towear light and heavy makeup. ” This poem is absolutely right. The West Lake isshining in the bright sunshine. The water of the West Lake is sparkling andbeautiful. If the West Lake is compared to a Xi Shi, it will be so beautiful nomatter how light or heavy it is.

Before I went to the West Lake, I exhausted my strength, so I walked to theWest Lake feebly. Ah! This is the West Lake mentioned in “drinking the lakeafter the first sunny day”. It really deserves its name. What a cool painting.The guide said, “come and take the cruise ship of the West Lake upstream!”everyone ran faster than anything, and immediately rushed into the boat, and thecruise ship slowly drove towards the center of the river.

The West Lake is calm and magnificent. Boats are driving on the lake,raising waves. Looking around, I didn't see any mountain, tower. Suddenly, I sawa tower. It was called “Leifeng Tower”. It has a legend. In the early 1900s, theold one had collapsed. In front of us was a new one. There was also an elevatorin it! At that time, there was a man who wrote a composition about LeifengTower. What was puzzling was that the last paragraph of the composition said“deserve it.” ”Why? It's said that Fahai used Leifeng Pagoda to crush the WhiteSnake Lady, so it deserves it.

The beautiful scenery of the West Lake has passed. Tomorrow is a new day. Ihope there will be a better one waiting for us tomorrow. Let's starttomorrow!

People often say: “heaven on earth, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.” Hangzhouis beautiful because of the West Lake. So my uncle took my cousin and me to theWest Lake in the summer vacation.

When we arrived at the West Lake, we first saw the water in the lake. Thewater was very clear and pure. It looked like a big mirror. The shimmeringsurface of the lake was shining in the sun. Lotus blossoms on the surface of thelake come out of the big disk, just like a girl dancing in the breeze. Then Isaw the green weeping willows. The green willows were like a girl's beautifullong hair, and like a loving mother's soft hand gently stroking the lake and theembankment.

Then, we came to the famous “Huagang fish watching” and saw a lot of redcarp, just like huoshaoyun. I went to buy bread crumbs and threw them down. Thefish came and rushed to eat bread crumbs. The calm of the lake was immediatelybroken. Looking at the group of red carp in front of me, I really wanted to rushinto the water and embrace them.

Having seen “watching fish in Huagang”, we took a boat to “three poolsreflecting the moon”. It is said that there are three stone towers in the WestLake, forming three pools. Whenever the moon shines high, there will bereflection in the water, so it gets its name.

At this time, the sun is setting and the setting sun is shining all overthe West Lake. We reluctantly look back at the West Lake left behind. Wesincerely wish the West Lake bluer sky, greener grass, clearer water and morevisitors.


Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to the famous Hangzhou West Lake. Let me introducemyself first. My name is Chen. You can call me Chen Dao. Today, I will take youto visit three scenic spots, LIULANG Wenying, Changqiao Park and Huagang fishwatching

Now, our bus is driving on Nanshan Road. The first stop is LIULANG Wenying.Why call it willow wave warbler? When we get to the scenic spot, let's feel ittogether

You see, here are willow warblers. Willows are planted on both sides of thebank. When a gust of wind blows, those willows dance like a dancer. They arevery beautiful. Listen to the “chirp” sounds. They are the music of birds' joy.They are like Miss Liu's musicians who accompany willow. If you want to relax,just walk along the Bank of the lake and you will be intoxicated.

Now let's continue to go south and come to Changqiao park. Although it iscalled long bridge, in fact its bridge is not long. The small bridge inChangqiao park is very quiet. If you want to stay away from the noise of thecity, it's very comfortable to listen to the birds and smell the fragrance ofosmanthus. Now let's have a rest. We can take photos, but we must not fallbehind!

Now we have left the long bridge and moved on to the famous flower harborfor fish watching. Now is the golden autumn season, is also the time ofchrysanthemum open, into the park, you can enjoy, but do not trample on theflowers and plants. Huagang fish watching is not only beautiful for flowers, butalso beautiful for fish. You can buy some fish feed there to feed these lovelyfish. Now we are free to move around. We will gather at the gate at 3 p.m. ontime. Please pay attention to safety!

I'm glad that you can all come back here on time. Today's tour is over. Thebeauty of the West Lake is beyond counting. You are welcome to visit again.Finally, I wish you a good journey, goodbye!


Hello! I'm Chen Yu'an, the tour guide. You can call me Xiao Chen. Welcometo Hangzhou West Lake, one of the top ten places of interest in China. HangzhouWest Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The scenic area consists ofone mountain (isolated mountain), two dikes (suti and Baidi), three islands(Ruan gongdun, huxinting and xiaoyingzhou), five lakes (waixi lake, Beili lake,Xili Lake, Yuehu Lake and Nanhu), and ten sceneries (wind lotus in Quyuan,autumn moon in Pinghu, snow in broken bridge, willow warbler, Leifeng Xizhao,Nanping evening clock, fish watching in Huagang, spring dawn in suti and doublepeak cloud arrangement). There are so many scenic spots that you can't finish inone day. I'd like to recommend one, such as broken bridge and residual snow. Haha! Needless to say, you must know that this is the place where white lady andXu Xian meet. It must be good to have a picnic by the lake! But remember not tolitter! At the same time of the picnic, I will tell you a story: in ancienttimes, there lived a fairy on both sides of the Tianhe river. The one in theEast was called Yulong, and the one in the West was called Jinfeng. They arevery close and play together every day.

One morning, they got up early. Jade Dragon into the river, Jinfeng fly tothe sky, swim, fly, unknowingly came to a Fairy Island.

“Jade dragon, jade dragon!” Jinfeng suddenly exclaimed, “look how beautifulthis stone is!” it's really a shining stone! Yulong happily said, “Jinfeng, wehave found immortal stone. If we can grind it into a round bead, I'm sure itwill become more brilliant. At that time, it may become the most precioustreasure in the world. ”

Thus, the jade dragon and the Golden Phoenix immediately polished theimmortal stone into a round bead. They also found the water in the Tianhe Riverand washed it brighter, making it the most beautiful thing between heaven andearth.

This matter was known by the greedy queen mother. She sent a confidant tosteal the Pearl one night and lock it in the deep palace. One day, the queenmother lived. During the dinner, she took out the treasure to open the eyes ofthe immortals, and they were all amazing. Yulong and Jinfeng did not attend thebanquet that day.

However, they were sitting in tears on the Fairy Island when they suddenlyfound a bright light in the sky. They felt that the light was very similar tothe light of the Pearl. So they followed the light to the fairy palace and foundthat the jewel was in the hands of the queen mother. They were so angry thatthey rushed up to grab the jewels. How can the queen mother let go and protecther.

As a result, the Pearl fell to the world. Yulong and Jinfeng rushed tocatch up, but it was too late. The Pearl had touched the ground. In a moment, itturned into a crystal clear lake - West Lake. Reluctant to leave it, Yulong andJinfeng have become two peaks on the Bank of Xizi lake, Yulong and Fenghuang,guarding the Pearl of China, the West Lake, day and night. Now you should knowwhy the West Lake is so beautiful. As the saying goes, “there is heaven onearth, and there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth”. Today, you are lucky to cometo heaven on earth. Please have a good time. I wish you all a happy smile. Youdeserve it. OK, no joke.

Have a good trip!

































篇14: 西湖介绍作文300字




























The West Lake 西湖

Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. is famous for many places of interest. The West Lake is the best among them. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in China, even in the world. Everyone will fall in love with it as soon as they get here.

If you come here in spring, the trees turn green, and the grass comes out. There are all kinds of flowers on both sides of Sudi and Baidi. And you will feel happy when y ou go boating on the lake. In face, the lake has different beauties in different sesons, Now it is known to people all over the world.










篇18: 介绍西湖的导游词













据史料记载。西湖原是东江与西枝江的低洼处。宋志平三年(1066年)开始,陈称任惠州知府时,发现西湖没有合适的湖堤,他就带领百姓修筑湖堤,建拱桥,立亭宇,使得初步形成西湖美景。 1094年。苏东坡被贬到惠州,将皇后赏给他和其侍妾昭云的黄金捐献出来。修建了一条横贯平湖与丰湖之间的林荫大道“苏堤”。 此后,历史不断修建。 1992年政府投资1.2亿元,对西湖进行修建。许多阁厅楼台隐现于郁郁葱葱的树木和万紫千红的花絮中,形成五湖六桥十佳景。(三次改造)




是惠州西湖的标志建筑之一。它是一座八角形七层楼格式佛塔,宝塔高37.37米。原泗洲塔始建于唐末,后年倒塌,明万历四十六年(16)重建 。1989年全面维修成现状。 (一更山吐月,玉塔卧微澜。正似西湖上,佣金门外看。冰轮横海阔,看雾入楼寒。)因此玉塔微澜成为惠州西湖八景之一。
























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