江苏省阜宁中学届高三英语一轮复习教学案 (译林牛津版高三英语必修五教案教学设计)

克里斯汀薇诺娜 分享 时间: 收藏本文

【简介】感谢网友“克里斯汀薇诺娜”参与投稿,以下是小编帮大家整理的江苏省阜宁中学届高三英语一轮复习教学案 (译林牛津版高三英语必修五教案教学设计)(共12篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。



1. _____________________ 辩论 2. _______________________ 环境

3. _____________________ 减少 4. _______________________ 未经处理的

5. _____________________ 胃 6. _______________________ 生态的

7. _____________________ 建立 8._______________________ v. 破坏

9. _____________________ 努力 10. _____________各种各样 ____________v.

11. ____________________ 设备 12. ______________________ n.农业

13. ____________________ 措施 14. ______________________ n. 组织

15._____________________ 管理 16._______________________ adj.经济的

17._____________________ 明显地 18. ______________________ 技术员

19._____________________ 强有力地 20. ______________________ 有益的


1. They made a clear _________ (state) that nobody is to enter the lab without permission.

2. After a short ______________ (inspect) of the ruins in Yushu County, Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting immediately.

3. Unfortunately, the fire caused the ______________(destroy) of the books in his father’s study.

4. The expert told us that personal contact was ____________ (benefit) to the promotion of understanding.

5. When shopping, what is your regular practice _______(concern)the terms of payment.

6. It’s reported that there is a 30% ___________ (decrease) in the unemployment rate in that city.

7. Please remain _____________ (seat); the winner of the price will be announced soon.

8. This kind of animal __________ (lay) its eggs in water.


1. ___________________ 忧虑 2.____________________ 与.....有关

3. ___________________ 采取行动 4.____________________ 集中, 关注

5. ___________________ 导致 6. ____________________ 消除

7. ___________________ 另外 8. ____________________ 用尽

9. ____________________ 依靠 10. ___________________ 储备有....

11. ____________________ 在进行中 12. ___________________ 认为是

13. ____________________ 只要 14. ___________________ 为...所在地

15. __________________________________________ 随着工农业的发展


1. debate n. vt.&vi. open the debate __________ beyond debate _________

1)______________________(经过长久的争论), he was chosen captain of our school football.

2)The government ___________the education laws.(政府正在讨论教育法规)

______________________ 与某人讨论某事

考虑做....../ 是否做..... debate ______________/________________

He ______________(他正在考虑去....还是...)go for a walk or to visit a friend.

2. lay vt. & vi. 1)产卵,下蛋 2)铺设,摆放 3)安排,拟定

那个下了蛋的母鸡正躺在地上休息。 ___________________________

_______________(铺设了一条新的铁路)between Beijing and Tibet already.

The government ___________________ (制定了一些制度)to decrease the loss the financial crisis has brought.

lay stress/emphasis on sth. ____________ lay the blame on ____________

lay sth. aside ________________ 一个下岗工人_________________


lay→_______→_______→__________ (摆放)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (躺,位于)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (说谎)


①She ______ the baby down gently on the bed.

②The little girl ____on the grass _____that she had ____the book on the table.

③The hens began ______eggs in October.

④He ______his failure to his lack of experience.

3. approach vt. & vi. ______________ n.___________________

①_________________________(随着12月25日的临近,…), people began to

jump into the Christmas rush.

②Sometimes we can use __________________________ the same problem.


③_____________________________(学英语最好的方法)is to practice more.

辨析: approach/way/method/means

①He adopted a different __________ to the problem.

②Driving a car is a popular ___________ of transportation.

③There are various _____________ of payment.

④She had a strange __________to make us happy in her class.

4. expand vt. & vi. _______________________

①He is thinking of __________________ in South Africa.(扩展他的生意)


辨析: expand/enlarge/spread

①Metals _________when they are heated.

②I want to _________ the lawn.

③Bad news faster than good news.

5. appreciate vt. _____________ n. 欣赏 _______________ adj. 欣赏的,感激的

① by his employer.


② (你无法欣赏中文诗) if you don’t understand its rhythm and cultural background.

appreciate sth. /doing sth..= ___________________ ; ~ it if……


I really ________________________/ ___________________________.

_________________________________________ 请你把音乐声调小点儿好吗?

6. raise vt.

________________________________________ 将一艘沉船吊到海面上来

____________________抚养孩子 __________________ 提出一个新问题

raise some money for the quake relief _______________________

rise vi. ________________/ ________________ / ____________

①He __________________________________ gladly.(起身欢迎我)

②The smoke from our fire ________________(升起)in the still air.

arise vt.&vi.(pt.___________ pp. ___________) 发生,出现 arise from(= _________________)

①He______________ (他提高了噪音) to make himself heard.

②His voice _________________________________ 他的噪音由于生气而提高。

③The accident ________________________________ his drunk driving.

7. decrease vt. 降低,(使)减少 反义词:______________________

n. 减少,减少的数量

①The population of the village __________________________________


②There ___________________in the annual birth rate _______________.


8. beneficial adj. n.____________ v.________________

vt.&vi. 对……有益 得益于……

The plants benefited from the rain. =

n. for the benefit of sb.

be of benefit to...(= )



9. concern vt. n. _____________ adj. ___________ prop. ___________

a concerned look all the people concerned

a book (与孩子教育相关的)

The boy’s poor health _________________ his parents.

be concerned _________/ ____________________________sth. (与......有关/关心)

①I am not concerned the matter any longer.(我不再与此事有关。)

②She felt (非常担心) her child’s safety.

用concern 适当形式填空。

1)The letter is chiefly with export goods.

2)The news your brother.

3)He is for her safety.

4)We read stories visitors from other space.

5) (就我而言), you may do whatever you like.

10. prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止

禁止某人干某事 / / / /

We must take measures (防止大气污染)

11. rely on 依赖,信任近义词组:___________ rely on it that….

_________________________________________________ 依赖某人做某事

You ______________________ he won’t let out the secret. 你可以放心,他不会泄露秘密的。

_____________________________________finish the task today. 我相信你今天能完成任务。

12. cut back on

①In a gesture to keep healthy, I had to _____________________________________(少抽烟)

② With Father laid off, my family ________________________________(必须削减开支)。


1. The world’s population has grown to more than six times (18的人口)。

①Our new square is _________________________________ the old one. (老广场的两倍大)。

②We have _____________________________( 比你多五倍的书)。

2. But I _________ agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.

Jimmy, ____________________________________ (下次务必再细心些)。

3. My suggestion is _____________________________ (我们必须缩减生产规模)。

4. (很显然) you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

课 堂 检 测


1. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double it was five years ago.

A. that B. than C. which D. what

2. The government has announced plans to cut back defense spending 10% next year.

A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to

3. -I’m still working on my project.

-Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing

4. His long absence from school our fears about his safety.

A. added B. improved C. raised D. attached

5. The experts is ________ the work finished last week.

A.assessing B.assuring C.assigning D.assembling



I think the key __________________the problem is to cooperate rather than quarrel.


We still have a _________________ to solve all the problems __________ the pollution.


_____________________ he is guilty according to the evidence.


_________________in the park is _____________________________.

5.This plan sounds a good idea, but _______________ (得拭目以待)whether it works.


, we had to walk home.

7. 要是他明天不来怎么办?(what if)

8. 要是你能帮我解决这个技术问题,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciate .



1. debate 辩论 2. environment 环境

3. decrease 减少 4. untreated 未经处理的

5. stomach 胃 6. ecological 生态的

7. establish 建立 8.destroy 破坏

9. conservation 保护 10. variety 各种各样 vary v.

11. equipment 设备 12. agriculture n.农业

13. measure 措施 14. organization n 组织

15.management 管理 16.economic adj.经济的

17.apparently 明显地 18. technician 技术员

19. forcefully 强有力地 20. beneficial 有益的


1. They made a clear statement (state) that nobody is to enter the lab without permission.

2. After a short inspection (inspect) of the ruins in Yushu County, Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting immediately.

3. Unfortunately, the fire caused the destruction(destroy) of the books in his father’s study.

4. The expert told us that personal contact was beneficial (benefit) to the promotion of understanding.

5. When shopping, what is your regular practice concerning(concern)the terms of payment.

6. It’s reported that there is a 30% decrease (decrease) in the unemployment rate in that city.

7. Please remain seated (seat); the winner of the price will be announced soon.

8. This kind of animal lays (lay) its eggs in water.


1. be concerned about/ for 忧虑 2. be associated with 与.....有关

3. take action / measures.. 采取行动 4. focus on 集中, 关注

5. result from/ lead to/ arise from … 导致 6. wipe off 消除

7. in addition 另外 8. run out ( of) 用尽

9. rely/ depend on 依靠 10. be stocked with 储备有....

11. under way 在进行中 12. think of ….as 认为是

13. as / so long as 只要 14. be home to 为...所在地

15. With the development of agriculture and industry随着工农业的发展


1. debate n. vt.&vi. open the debate 自由辩论 beyond debate 毋庸辩论

1)After a long debate(经过长久的争论), he was chosen captain of our school football.

2)The government is debating the education laws.(政府正在讨论教育法规)

debate with sb. about ath. 与某人讨论某事

考虑做....../ 是否做..... debate doing sth./ whether to do sth.

He is debating whether to (他正在考虑去....还是...)go for a walk or to visit a friend.

2. lay vt. & vi. 1)产卵,下蛋 2)铺设,摆放 3)安排,拟定


The hen which has laid an egg is lying on the grass, having a rest

A new railway has been laid (铺设了一条新的铁路)between Beijing and Tibet already.

The government has laid some laws (制定了一些制度)to decrease the loss the financial crisis has brought.

lay stress/emphasis on sth. 强调 lay the blame on 归咎于

lay sth. aside 搁置一边 一个下岗工人 a worker laid off


lay→laid →laid →laying (摆放)

lie→lay → lain →lying (躺,位于)

lie→lied → lied →lying (说谎)


①She laid the baby down gently on the bed.

②The little girl lying on the grass lied that she had laid the book on the table.

③The hens began laying/ to lay eggs in October.

④He laid his failure to his lack of experience.

3. approach vt. & vi. 临近, 靠近n. approach

①With the approach of December 25. (随着12月25日的临近,…), people began to

jump into the Christmas rush.

②Sometimes we can use different approaches to the same problem.


③The best approach to learning English (学英语最好的方法)is to practice more.

辨析: approach/way/method/means

①He adopted a different approach to the problem.

②Driving a car is a popular means of transportation.

③There are various ways/ methods of payment.

④She had a strange way to make us happy in her class.

4. expand vt. & vi. 膨胀,扩大

① He is thinking of expending his business in South Africa.(扩展他的生意)

② Water expands when it freezes.水结冰时体积膨胀。

辨析: expand/enlarge/spread

①Metals expand when they are heated.

②I want to enlarge the lawn.

③Bad news spreads faster than good news.

5. appreciate vt. appreciation n. 欣赏 appreciative adj. 欣赏的,感激的

①His abilities are not fully appreciated by his employer.


②You can’t appreciate Chinese poetry (你无法欣赏中文诗) if you don’t understand its rhythm and cultural background.

appreciate sth. /doing sth..= thank sb. for sth. ; 注意:appreciate it if……


I really appreciate your timely help./ thank you for your timely help.

I will appreciate it if you will turn down the radio a little. 请你把音乐声调小点儿好吗?

6. raise vt.

raise a sunken ship onto the surface of the sea 将一艘沉船吊到海面上来

raise a child 抚养孩子 raise/ put forward a new question 提出一个新问题

raise some money for the quake relief 为地震灾区募捐

rise vi. rose risen rising

①He rose to welcome me gladly.(起身欢迎我)

②The smoke from our fire rose straight (升起)in the still air.

arise vt.&vi.(pt. arose pp. arisen ) 发生,出现 arise from(= result from )

①He raised his voice (他提高了噪音) to make himself heard.

②His voice rose with anger. 他的噪音由于生气而提高。

③The accident arose / result from his drunk driving.

7. decrease vt. 降低,(使)减少 反义词:increase

n. 减少,减少的数量

①The population of the village decrease by 120 to only 1124.


②There has been a decrease in the annual birth rate in the past few years..


8. beneficial adj. n. benefit v. benefit

vt.&vi. 对……有益 benefit sth. 得益于……be nefit from

The plants benefited from the rain. = The rain benefit the plants.

n. for the benefit of sb. 为某人着想

be of benefit to...(= be beneficial to…)


Is this diet beneficial to you?

9. concern vt. n. concern adj. concerned prop. concerning

a concerned look 关切的表情 all the people concerned 所有相关人员

a book concerning the education of children (与孩子教育相关的)

The boy’s poor health concerns his parents.

be concerned with sth. / about ( for, over) sth. (与......有关/关心)

①I am not concerned with the matter any longer.(我不再与此事有关。)

②She felt quite concerned for/ over/ about (非常担心) her child’s safety.

用concern 适当形式填空。

1)The letter is chiefly concerned with export goods.

2)The news concerns/ is concerned with your brother.

3)He is concerned for her safety.

4)We read stories concerning visitors from other space.

5)As far as I am concerned (就我而言), you may do whatever you like.

10. prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止

禁止某人干某事 prohibit/ prevent/ stop/ keep.. sb. from doing sth.

We must take measures to prohibit the air from being polluted. (防止大气污染)

11. rely on 依赖,信任近义词组:depend on rely/ depend on it that….

rely on sb. for sth/ to do sth. 依赖某人做某事

You can rely on it that he won’t let out the secret. 你可以放心,他不会泄露秘密的。

I rely on you to finish the task today. 我相信你今天能完成任务。

12. cut back on

①In a gesture to keep healthy, I had to cut back on smoking (少抽烟)

② With Father laid off, my family had to cut back on expense. (必须削减开支)。


1. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was (1800年的人口)。

①Our new square is twice larger than/ as big as/ the size of the old one. (老广场的两倍大)。

②We have five times as many books as you. ( 比你多五倍的书)。

2. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.

Jimmy, do be more careful next time. (下次务必再细心些)。

3. My suggestion is that we (should) cut back on our production. (我们必须缩减生产规模)。

4. It’s apparent that (很显然) you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

课 堂 检 测


1. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double it was five years ago.

A. that B. than C. which D. what

2. The government has announced plans to cut back defense spending 10% next year.

A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to

3. -I’m still working on my project.

-Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing

4. His long absence from school our fears about his safety.

A. added B. improved C. raised D. attached

5. The experts is ________ the work finished last week.

A.assessing B.assuring C.assigning D.assembling



I think the key to solving the problem is to cooperate rather than quarrel.


We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the pollution.


It’s obvious/ apparent he is guilty according to the evidence.


Picking the flowers in the park is prohibited/ forbidden.

5.This plan sounds a good idea, but remains to be seen (得拭目以待)whether it works.


Not catching the last bus , we had to walk home.

7. 要是他明天不来怎么办?(what if)

What if he doesn’t come tomorrow?

8. 要是你能帮我解决这个技术问题,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciate it if you can help me to solve the technical problem.

篇3:江苏省阜宁中学届高三英语一轮复习教学案 (译林牛津版高三英语必修五教案教学设计)


编 号:020 课 题:M5U2

编 写:冯乃芳 审 核:邹 超


1. _____________________ 辩论 2. _______________________ 环境

3. _____________________ 减少 4. _______________________ 未经处理的

5. _____________________ 胃 6. _______________________ 生态的

7. _____________________ 建立 8._______________________ v. 破坏

9. _____________________ 努力 10. _____________各种各样 ____________v.

11. ____________________ 设备 12. ______________________ n.农业

13. ____________________ 措施 14. ______________________ n. 组织

15._____________________ 管理 16._______________________ adj.经济的

17._____________________ 明显地 18. ______________________ 技术员

19._____________________ 强有力地 20. ______________________ 有益的


1. They made a clear _________ (state) that nobody is to enter the lab without permission.

2. After a short ______________ (inspect) of the ruins in Yushu County, Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting immediately.

3. Unfortunately, the fire caused the ______________(destroy) of the books in his father’s study.

4. The expert told us that personal contact was ____________ (benefit) to the promotion of understanding.

5. When shopping, what is your regular practice _______(concern)the terms of payment.

6. It’s reported that there is a 30% ___________ (decrease) in the unemployment rate in that city.

7. Please remain _____________ (seat); the winner of the price will be announced soon.

8. This kind of animal __________ (lay) its eggs in water.


1. ___________________ 忧虑 2.____________________ 与.....有关

3. ___________________ 采取行动 4.____________________ 集中, 关注

5. ___________________ 导致 6. ____________________ 消除

7. ___________________ 另外 8. ____________________ 用尽

9. ____________________ 依靠 10. ___________________ 储备有....

11. ____________________ 在进行中 12. ___________________ 认为是

13. ____________________ 只要 14. ___________________ 为...所在地

15. __________________________________________ 随着工农业的发展


1. debate n. vt.&vi. open the debate __________ beyond debate _________

1)______________________(经过长久的争论), he was chosen captain of our school football.

2)The government ___________the education laws.(政府正在讨论教育法规)

______________________ 与某人讨论某事

考虑做....../ 是否做..... debate ______________/________________

He ______________(他正在考虑去....还是...)go for a walk or to visit a friend.

2. lay vt. & vi. 1)产卵,下蛋 2)铺设,摆放 3)安排,拟定

那个下了蛋的母鸡正躺在地上休息。 ___________________________

_______________(铺设了一条新的铁路)between Beijing and Tibet already.

The government ___________________ (制定了一些制度)to decrease the loss the financial crisis has brought.

lay stress/emphasis on sth. ____________ lay the blame on ____________

lay sth. aside ________________ 一个下岗工人_________________


lay→_______→_______→__________ (摆放)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (躺,位于)

lie→_______→_______→__________ (说谎)


①She ______ the baby down gently on the bed.

②The little girl ____on the grass _____that she had ____the book on the table.

③The hens began ______eggs in October.

④He ______his failure to his lack of experience.

3. approach vt. & vi. ______________ n.___________________

①_________________________(随着12月25日的临近,…), people began to

jump into the Christmas rush.

②Sometimes we can use __________________________ the same problem.


③_____________________________(学英语最好的方法)is to practice more.

辨析: approach/way/method/means

①He adopted a different __________ to the problem.

②Driving a car is a popular ___________ of transportation.

③There are various _____________ of payment.

④She had a strange __________to make us happy in her class.

4. expand vt. & vi. _______________________

①He is thinking of __________________ in South Africa.(扩展他的生意)


辨析: expand/enlarge/spread

①Metals _________when they are heated.

②I want to _________ the lawn.

③Bad news faster than good news.

5. appreciate vt. _____________ n. 欣赏 _______________ adj. 欣赏的,感激的

① by his employer.


② (你无法欣赏中文诗) if you don’t understand its rhythm and cultural background.

appreciate sth. /doing sth..= ___________________ ; ~ it if……


I really ________________________/ ___________________________.

_________________________________________ 请你把音乐声调小点儿好吗?

6. raise vt.

________________________________________ 将一艘沉船吊到海面上来

____________________抚养孩子 __________________ 提出一个新问题

raise some money for the quake relief _______________________

rise vi. ________________/ ________________ / ____________

①He __________________________________ gladly.(起身欢迎我)

②The smoke from our fire ________________(升起)in the still air.

arise vt.&vi.(pt.___________ pp. ___________) 发生,出现 arise from(= _________________)

①He______________ (他提高了噪音) to make himself heard.

②His voice _________________________________ 他的噪音由于生气而提高。

③The accident ________________________________ his drunk driving.

7. decrease vt. 降低,(使)减少 反义词:______________________

n. 减少,减少的数量

①The population of the village __________________________________


②There ___________________in the annual birth rate _______________.


8. beneficial adj. n.____________ v.________________

vt.&vi. 对……有益 得益于……

The plants benefited from the rain. =

n. for the benefit of sb.

be of benefit to...(= )



9. concern vt. n. _____________ adj. ___________ prop. ___________

a concerned look all the people concerned

a book (与孩子教育相关的)

The boy’s poor health _________________ his parents.

be concerned _________/ ____________________________sth. (与......有关/关心)

①I am not concerned the matter any longer.(我不再与此事有关。)

②She felt (非常担心) her child’s safety.

用concern 适当形式填空。

1)The letter is chiefly with export goods.

2)The news your brother.

3)He is for her safety.

4)We read stories visitors from other space.

5) (就我而言), you may do whatever you like.

10. prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止

禁止某人干某事 / / / /

We must take measures (防止大气污染)

11. rely on 依赖,信任近义词组:___________ rely on it that….

_________________________________________________ 依赖某人做某事

You ______________________ he won’t let out the secret. 你可以放心,他不会泄露秘密的。

_____________________________________finish the task today. 我相信你今天能完成任务。

12. cut back on

①In a gesture to keep healthy, I had to _____________________________________(少抽烟)

② With Father laid off, my family ________________________________(必须削减开支)。


1. The world’s population has grown to more than six times (18的人口)。

①Our new square is _________________________________ the old one. (老广场的两倍大)。

②We have _____________________________( 比你多五倍的书)。

2. But I _________ agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.

Jimmy, ____________________________________ (下次务必再细心些)。

3. My suggestion is _____________________________ (我们必须缩减生产规模)。

4. (很显然) you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

课 堂 检 测


1. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double it was five years ago.

A. that B. than C. which D. what

2. The government has announced plans to cut back defense spending 10% next year.

A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to

3. -I’m still working on my project.

-Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing

4. His long absence from school our fears about his safety.

A. added B. improved C. raised D. attached

5. The experts is ________ the work finished last week.

A.assessing B.assuring C.assigning D.assembling



I think the key __________________the problem is to cooperate rather than quarrel.


We still have a _________________ to solve all the problems __________ the pollution.


_____________________ he is guilty according to the evidence.


_________________in the park is _____________________________.

5.This plan sounds a good idea, but _______________ (得拭目以待)whether it works.


, we had to walk home.

7. 要是他明天不来怎么办?(what if)

8. 要是你能帮我解决这个技术问题,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciate .

篇4:届高三英语一轮复习教学案 (译林牛津版高三英语必修四教案教学设计)


序号:018 课题:M4U3

编写人:孙雪雪 审核人:裴如东


1.real (adj.)→ really (adv.) → realize (vt.) → reality (n.)

2.deliver (vt.) → delivery (n.) 3.burn (vt.) → burnt (adj.)

4.announce (vt.) → announcer (n.) → announcement (n.)

5.industry (n.) → industrialize (vt.&vi) → industrial (adj.)

6.employ (vt.) → employer (n.) → employee (n.) → employment (n.)

7.satisfied (adj.) → satisfy (vt.) → satisfactory (adj.) → satisfaction (n.)

8.imagination (n.) → imagine (vt.) → imaginable (adj.) → imaginary (adj.) → imaginative (adj.)

9.determine (vt.) → determined (adj.) → determination (n.) 10.guide (vt.) → guidance (n.)


1.He thought her perfect, but in reality (real) she was selfish and vain.

2.There is a radar station monitoring (monitor) enemy planes at the top of the mountain. .

3.Their proposal (propose) to build a new building has finally been rejected.

4.I left him, determined (determine) never to set foot in that house again.

5.He hasn’t much imagination (imagine).

6.Last night I was watching TV in the sitting room when I smelt something in the kitchen burning (burn).

7.He watched the children’s performance with great satisfaction .(satisfy)

8.I didn’t get much of an impression (impress) of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.

9.Are the children safely (safe) fastened into their seats, darling?

10.Her idea is of central (center) importance in the development of the theory.


1.传递 pass on 2.与…相连接 be connected to

3.发出(气味,热等) give out 4.提出(观点,议案等) put forward

5.最后的但同样重要的 last but not least 6.被控告犯……罪 be accused of

7.关闭,使停止,使倒闭 close down 8.发现,(偶尔)遇见 come across

9.传达 get sth across 10.以…为背景 be set in


1.reality n. 现实,事实

1) In reality/ …, (实际上) he is not completely wrong.

2) We must make the most of our time to turn our dreams into realities/ realize our dreams/ live our dreams/ make our dreams come true.(实现我们的梦想)

3) The failures in his career brought him back to reality. (工作上的失败使他面对现实)

拓展: realization n.实现;明白,认识,体会

The next year saw / witnessed (见证) the realization of all my dreams.

= The next year, all my dreams came true/ were realized / were turned into realities.

2.proposal n.[C]


The government put forward/ came up with a proposal (提出建议) to improve public transportation.


receive a proposal from sb. make a proposal to sb.

propose v. 建议,提议

注意:proposal和propose后接从句表示“建议”时,从句要用(should) do的虚拟语气。

1)The proposal that public transportation (should) be improved (improve) was accepted by the government.

2) He proposed that the book (should) be banned (ban).

3.give out

1) 分发The teacher gave out the examination papers.

2) 发出(气味,热,信号,叫声等)The roses gave out a sweet perfume.

3) 宣布He gave out the news in an excited (excite) voice.

4) (人)身体垮;(机器失灵)Tom’s legs gave out and he couldn’t run any farther.

5) 被用完,耗尽We had just reached home when the petrol gave out / ran out/ was used up.

Our food had C , and we had to return to the camp.

A. given in B. given away C. given out D. given up

4.deliver v. delivery n.

① The postman delivers letters (送信) every day.

② The doctor delivered Mrs. Jones of twins.

③ He delivered/ made/ gave an important speech (作了一个重要的演讲) at the meeting.

④ deliver …from… = save/ rescue …from… 把…从…解救出来

5.impress vt.

① impress the words on the cloth 在布上印字

② △ impress sb. The book didn’t impress me at all. (根本没有给我留下什么印象)

△sb. be impressed by / at / with

我被他的表演深深地打动了。 I was deeply impressed by his performance.

△ 使某人牢记某事 impress sth. on sb. impress sb. with sth

He impressed the importance of the work on me /on me the importance of the work /me with the importance of the work. (他使我牢记这份工作的重要性。)

impression n.

leave / make an impression on / upon sb. =leave sb. with an impression 给某人留下…的印象


The beauty of the city left/ made a deep impression on me.

The beauty of the city left me with a deep impression.

6.responsible adj. responsibility _ n. 责任,职责 the sense of responsibility/ duty_ 责任感

① It isn’t I who am responsible for (负责) the accident.

②The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance (出席).

③Give the job to a responsible man.

7.employ vt.雇佣;使用

1) We employed him as a cook. (雇佣他做厨师)

2) He employed / spent all his free time in playing.

be employed in / employ oneself in = be engaged in 忙于、从事某活动

他从事英语教学工作。 He was employed/ employed himself in teaching English.

employer n. 雇主,老板 employee n. 雇员

employment n. 雇佣,就业 unemployed adj. 没有工作的,失业的

in / out of employment 有工作/失业

8.accuse vt. 控告;指责

accuse sb. of sth. / sb. be accused of sth. charge sb. with sth. sue sb. for sth.控告某人某事

他被控告偷了钱包。 He was accused of/ charged with sued for stealing the wallet.

punish / scold / criticize / praise / thank / admire sb. for sth.

9.rescue vt. / n. 解救,援救

vt. rescue / save / deliver sb. from sth. 从…中把某人解救出来


The firefighters rescued ten children from the burning house.

n. a rescue team 营救队 come / go to one’s rescue 来 / 去援救某人

10.come out; come about; come back; come down; come in; come from; come on come up with

①When will his new book come out ? ②The price of the oil has come down dramatically.

③The passage she quotes comes from Shakespeare. ④The whole poem is coming back to me now! ⑤How did this dangerous situation come about?

11.put forward

① The idea that you put forward / came up with (提出)at the meeting is wrong.

② May I put your name forward as the Chairman?

③ Put / Set the clock forward by ten minutes.


1.not only…but (also) 当此结构连接两个句子,且not only分句放在句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后面的句子仍用陈述语序。

I think not only does he work faster (他工作得更快), but also he works better.

A people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.

A.Not just will help be given to B.Only help will be given to

C.Not only will help give D.Help will be given only to

2.It’s ( about / high ) time that sb. did… / should do…“是该做…的时候了” (从句常用虚拟语气。)

该到我们努力学习的时候了。 It’s (about/ high) time that we studied/ should study hard.



A 1.--- Why was Mr. Green fired by the shop?

--- He was ______ of cheating customers.

A. accused B. complained C. announced D. claimed

B 2.My cell phone is old and it is high time that I ______ a new one.

A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. am going to buy

A 3.Many a quarrel ______ through a misunderstanding. So you should talk more with him.

A. comes about B. comes across C. come about D. come up

B 4.It has been that the Olympic Games will be held in London. .

A. accepted B. announced C. appointed D. assured

A 5.--- Lily, my beautiful flower died.

--- It ______ for a long time.

A. hadn’t been watered B. hadn’t watered C. hasn’t been watered D. hasn’t watered

C 6.Not only ______ about the food, but also he refused to pay for it.

A. the customer complained B. complained the customer

C. did the customer complain D. does the customer complain

C 7.He _____ the suggestion that the working time should be shortened to eight hours a day, but was refused by his leader.

A. put aside B. put through C. put forward D. put out

篇5:高三英语一轮复习讲学稿 导学案(译林牛津版英语高三)

高三英语集体备课讲学稿 12/1/

M3 U1 课文内容

一.Integrating skills

Passage A: Reading:

When Polly left home that morning, the city was already ___________ __________ a grey mist. After work, she stepped __________ __________ the fog and wanted to take her usual bus. But the fog is too thick for the bus to run ___________ far. So she ___________ an underground train. While on the train, she sensed that she was followed by a tall man. How she wished _________ someone _________ __________ ____________ to help her, but fear __________ ___________ _____________. To her surprise, the man turned out to a kind blind man who wanted to help people in the fog. He thought it gave him a chance to _________ _________ other people’s help. So he is a grateful helper.

Passage B: Project:

There are many types of sharks, but only about 30 types of sharks have ever been reported ____________ ___________ human beings. The chances of being attacked by a shark is small ____________ ___________ other dangers. Many more people drown in the ocean every year than ___________ ___________ by sharks. There are three types of shark attacks. Two of them are more likely ____________ ____________ ____________ for humans. However, if you __________ the advice, you will be safer: for example, hit the shark _________ _________ nose; ___________ your finger __________ the shark’s eye.


1. deserted (adj.) →(v.)

2. observe (v.) → (n.) (adj.)

3. stressed (adj.) → (n./vt.)

4. confidently (adv.) → (n.) →(adj.)

5. reduce (v.) → (n.) →(adj.)

6. accept (v.) → (n.) → (adj.)

7. truth (n.) → (adj.) → (adv.)

8. related (adj.) → (v.) →(n.) → (n.)

9. deeply (adv.) → (adj.) →(n.) → (vt.)

10. deadly (adj.) → (adj.) → (n.) → (v.)

三.Important sentences

1、 Polly found herself ___________ ___________ ___________ a man standing with his hand ___________ on her arm.(波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。她盯着他看。)

2、 “Ah, twenty! A nice age __________ __________.(啊,二十岁!多好的年龄啊!)

3、 ___________ ____________(一旦出来) in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.

4、 ___________ ___________ ____________ the steps here.(当心)

5、 She could feel her heart ____________ ____________ _____________(因……害怕而跳动).

6、 When __________(攻击) in this way, the shark ___________ __________ (等)you to swim by and attacks you suddenly.

7、 The face that she saw was ___________ of an old man.

8、 There was no one ___________ ____________.(在视线范围之内)

9、 The shark bumps you to find out if you are ___________ ___________ ____________ ______________.(适合于吃)

10、 The tall man was ____________ _____________ _____________.(到处都看不见)

四.Multiple choices

1、 Their demand is the good use we_________ our spare time for our study of science and technology.

A. make from B. make of C. make out D. make into

2、 In hilly, dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops, it makes very good _____________ to keep sheep or goats.

A. sense B. senses C. reason D. reasons

3、 The bus didn’t arrive on time. Timmy waited anxiously and _______ his watch from time to time.

A. stared at B. glared at C. glanced at D. peered at

4、 To solve the problem of feeding the world, scientists are developing new types of plants which are less likely to be _________ by pests and diseases.

A. attracted B. attacked C. accepted D. accessed

5、 ---How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

---Well, I ___________ somehow.

A. get along B. come onC. watch out D. set off

6、 They built a wall to avoid soil __________.

A. to wash away B. washing away

C. to be washed away D. being washed away

7、 The theory he’s stuck __________ us that earthquakes can be forecast.

A. to proves B. to proves to C. to prove D. which proves to

8、 ___________ Bill’s flat with our small one, I found his seemed like a palace.

A. Compared B. compared to C. Comparing to D. Comparing

9、 She is a kind and beautiful girl and I think she is really fit ________ you to get married ________.

A. of; with B. for; to C. for; with D. of; to

10、 Please go and get the dictionary by yourself. It’s ________ you put it last time.

A. there B. where C. there where D. on there



Covered in; out into; that; took; for; to come along; held her still; pay back


As attacking; compared to; are bitten; to be deadly; follow; on the; Stick in


1.desert 2.observation observational 3.stress 4.confidence confident

5. reduction reductive6. acceptation acceptable 7.true truly

8. relate relation relationship 9. deep depth deepen 10.dead death die dying


1. staring up at; resting 2. to be 3. once out 4. watch out for 5. beating with fear 6. attacking; waits for 7. that 8.in sight 9. fit to be eaten 10. nowhere to be seen



Unit Two Module Seven Fit for life 编制审校:张克印

Ⅰ.Word checkpoints





















Ⅱ.Useful phrases

1. open up 打开

2. heart attack心脏病发作

3. in large quantities 大量地

4. mass production 批量生产

5. put through 接通(电话)

6. decide on对……做出决定

7. turn up 出现,到场,到达

8. split up分裂,分离,划分开来

9. a handful of少数的,少量的

10. let out 发出

11. focus on 集中于(某事物)

12. carry out 执行;实施;完成

13. mass production 大量生产

14. see through 看透;识破

15. try out 试验

16. put off 推迟;推延

17. put up with 忍受

18. look down upon轻视;看不起

19. make out 分清;认出来

20. in addition 除……之外;另外

21. figure out计算出;解决;合计(为)

22. be fundamental to 对……是必要的;对……是根本的

23. have an influence on 对……产生影响

24. go away走;开离开;消失

25. leave behind 忘带;留下;超过

26. save one’s life 救某人的命

27. talk over (彻底而严肃地)商议,商量,讨论

28. set up设置,树立,建立,设立,创办

29. go wrong 犯错;弄错,走错了路;出了毛病,坏掉

30. take measures to do sth采取措施做某事

31. keep healthy保持健康

32. if so 如果是这样的话

33. increase to增加到……

34. come true 实现

Ⅲ.Important sentences

1.If you (打开任何一个药柜)in the world, there is a high (很可能) that you will find aspirin and penicillin.

2. (正是在18)a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced ASA from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father.

3. Not only has aspirin (挽救了很多人的生命) by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things.

4. However, it was not until World War II that two other scientists

(得以运用)new chemical techniques to purify it.

5. If penicillin had not been available, many people would have (死于) bacterial illnesses or even minor wounds.

6. The date that aspirin was invented is given by medical historians as 1897, but in fact, 3,500 years ago, some recipes (推荐饮用)a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.

7. However, in 1971, Smith and Willis from the UK proved that aspirin was a blood-thinning medicine, and in 1977, a study (进行) in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke, which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain ( 爆裂)suddenly or are (梗塞).

8. (十多年后)someone else turned penicillin into the drug of the 20th century.

9.It was fundamental to (拯救了成千上万人的生命)and is one of the most important medicines of contemporary society.

10. In the West, acupuncture has (变得非常受人欢迎), as has chinese traditional herbal medicine.





(1)动词+介词:listen to, look at, account for等。

(2)动词+副词:go on, come out, bring about等。

(3)动词+副词 + 介词:go on with, look forward to, catch up with等。

(4)动词+名词:have a look, find application, take place等。

(5)动词+名词 + 介词:pay attention to, give rise to, make use of等。

(6)及物动词 +(宾语)+ 介词 + 名词:put…into practice, bring…to a close等。

(7)及物动词 +(宾语)+ 介词 +(介词宾语):change…into, combine…with等。

(8)连系动词 + 形容词 + 介词 +(介词宾语):be equal to, be full of等

1. _______ and tell us. We are all anxious to know how the story ends up.

A. Hold on B. Carry out C. Speed up D. Go ahead

2. -The meeting has begun and _____ he will come.

-Of course, He is sure to come. He’ll speak at the meeting.

A. I believe B. I hope C. I think D. I doubt if

3. Harry, would you _____ the story at the point where John left off yesterday?

A. finish up B. do up C. pick up D. take up

4. I’m putting on weight. The doctor has warned me to_____ sugar.

A. keep up B. keep back C. keep off D. keep away

5. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _____ his health.

A. take up B. pick up C. carry up D. make up

6. These teenagers don’t know much of the world yet; that’s why they are so easily _____ .

A. taken in B. taken up C. taken on D. taken off

7. The market for used computers is getting larger and larger as the years _____ .

A. get on B. run on C. push on D. go on

8. I hope scientists will_____ with a cure of SARS.

A. come about B. come up C. bring about D. get along

Ⅴ.Integrating skills

1.Passage A(Reading)

Two life-saving medicines

Aspirin Penicillin

3500 years ago Drinking a certain tea was

1 . Reducing body pains In 1928 Fleming

5 penicillin. Helping in treating wounds and illness.

2500 years ago A certain juice was drunk. Reducing fever and pain.

In 1897 Aspirin was

2 . Not until World War Ⅱ

In 1900 Tablets of aspirin were

sold in shops. One of the first

3 to be sold as a standardized tablet. Flory and Chain 6

to purify it.

It was a

7 come true. Saving many lives during the war.

In 1950 Aspirin appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. Becoming the


painkiller. In 1945 Fleming, Florey and Chain 8

the Nobel Prize. Becoming the


“wonder drug”

10 of these medicines have saved millions of people’s lives since they were invented.

2.Passage B(Project)

One of the most 1 Chinese medical treatments is Chinese acupuncture. It was 2

over 2,000 years ago and has been 3 in China for about 4,000 years. As acupuncture developed, nine different kinds of needles 4 , which were 5 6 different materials. The 7 of acupuncturists now use stainless steel needles.Acpuncture 8

putting 9 10 into the skin at certain points on the body, which have 11

from the original 365 points to about 2,000. Acupuncturists adopt 12 to looking at the colour of your skin and your tongue, 13 to your breathing and 14 your pulses.Many 15 16 can be treated by acupuncture. You can now find many acupuncturists in many different countries. 17 it is not clear how acupuncture 18

and 19 pain, yet it has become a truth that acupuncture has been very 20 , just like Chinese traditional herbal medicine.

Ⅵ.Multiple choices

1. It’s a good habit to make the difficult point which you can’t understand..

A. a note of B. notes to C. notes for D. a note for

2. It was dark; we decided to for the night at a farmhouse.

A. put away B. put down C. put up D. put on

3.Not only _____ interested in football but ____ beginning to show an interest in it .

A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students

C. is the teacher himself; are all his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are

4. ----How long do you think it will be ____ China sends aother manned spaceship to the moon?

----Perhaps two or three years.

A. when B. until C. that D. before

5.There ____ no need ____ him _____ come here; he can manage it.

A.is;to;to B.is;for;to C.has;for;to D.are;for;to

6.Our teacher often recommended not_____mobile phones. At school.

A.using B. to use C.use D.used

7. We can learn by ____ that oil and water do not mix.

A. experiment B. try C. trial D. test

8. He accidently ____ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out

9. Why! I have nothing to confess. ____ you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is

10. Hearing the news that his son was found, she breathed a sigh of .

A. excitement B. relief C. joy D. belief

Unit Two Module Seven Fit for life 编制审校:张克印

Ⅰ.Word checkpoints

1. historian n. 历史学家

2. physician n. 医生,内科医生

3. trial n. 试用;试验;考验

4. best-selling adj. 畅销的

5. block vt. 阻塞,阻挡,使不通;妨碍

6. length n. 长度

7. contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的

8. note vt. 发现,注意到;记录

9. application n. 应用,运用;申请

10. name vt. 命名,给……取名

11. wonder adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,神奇的.

n. 奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶

12. relief n.(病痛、忧虑、负担等的)减轻,缓解;轻松;救济,救助

13. potential adj. 潜在的,可能的

14. arrangement n. 安排;排列

15. pleasure n. 愉快,快乐;乐事

16. adjustable adj. 可调节的

17. recommend vt. 推荐

18. function n. 功能,作用

19. addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺,入迷

20. insert vt.插入

Ⅱ.Useful phrases

1. open up 打开

2. heart attack心脏病发作

3. in large quantities 大量地

4. mass production 批量生产

5. put through 接通(电话)

6. decide on对……做出决定

7. turn up 出现,到场,到达

8. split up分裂,分离,划分开来

9. a handful of少数的,少量的

10. let out 发出

11. focus on 集中于(某事物)

12. carry out 执行;实施;完成

13. mass production 大量生产

14. see through 看透;识破

15. try out 试验

16. put off 推迟;推延

17. put up with 忍受

18. look down upon轻视;看不起

19. make out 分清;认出来

20. in addition 除……之外;另外

21. figure out计算出;解决;合计(为)

22. be fundamental to 对……是必要的;对……是根本的

23. have an influence on 对……产生影响

24. go away走;开离开;消失

25. leave behind 忘带;留下;超过

26. save one’s life 救某人的命

27. talk over (彻底而严肃地)商议,商量,讨论

28. set up设置,树立,建立,设立,创办

29. go wrong 犯错;弄错,走错了路;出了毛病,坏掉

30. take measures to do sth采取措施做某事

31. keep healthy保持健康

32. if so 如果是这样的话

33. increase to增加到……

34. come true 实现

Ⅲ.Important sentences

1.If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probablity that you will find aspirin and penicillin.


2. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced ASA from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father.

正是在1897年,一位名叫Felix Hoffmann的欧洲药剂师从其他化学物质中提取ASA制成药物,为自己的父亲治病。

3. Not only has aspirin saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things.


4. However, it was not until World War II that two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.


5. If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from bacterial illnesses or even minor wounds.


6. The date that aspirin was invented is given by medical historians as 1897, but in fact, 3,500 years ago, some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.


7. However, in 1971, Smith and Willis from the UK proved that aspirin was a blood-thinning medicine, and in 1977, a study carried out in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke, which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain burst suddenly or are blocked.

但是,1971年,英国医生Smith 和Willis证实阿司匹林是一种能够稀释血液的药物。1977年,美国的一项研究证明,阿司匹林中的化学物质ASA能预防中风。中风是由于大脑血管爆裂或梗塞而产生的一种突发疾病。

8.It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the drug of the 20th century.


9.It was fundamental to saving many thousands of lives and is one of the most important medicines of contemporary society.


10. In the West, acupuncture has become very popular, as has chinese traditional herbal medicine.



1-5 DDDCB 6-10 ADB

Ⅴ.Integrating skills

1.Passage A(Reading)

Two life-saving medicines

Aspirin Penicillin

3500 years ago Drinking a certain tea was recommended. Reducing body pains In 1928 Fleming discovered penicillin. Helping in treating wounds and illness.

2500 years ago A certain juice was drunk. Reducing fever and pain.

In 1897 Aspirin was invented. Not until World War Ⅱ

In 1900 Tablets of aspirin were sold in shops. One of the first medicines to be sold as a standardized tablet. Flory and Chain managed to purify it.

It was a dream come true. Saving many lives during the war.

In 1950 Aspirin appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. Becoming the


painkiller. In 1945 Fleming, Florey and Chain shared the Nobel Prize. Becoming the powerful “wonder drug”

Both of these medicines have saved millions of people’s lives since they were invented.

2.Passage B(Project)

1. famous 2. developed 3. practised 4. appeared 5. made

6. of 7. majority 8. involves 9 . stainless 10. needles

11. ranged 12. approaches 13. listening 14. checking 15. medical

16. problems 17. Although 18. reduces 19. relieves 20. popular

Ⅵ.Multiple choices

1-5 ACDDB 6-10 ACABB

篇7:高考一轮复习教学案:模块5 Unit 1(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修五教案教学设计)

序 号:031 课 题:M5U1

编写人:万瑶 审核人: 吉益琴

1. betray―betrayed―betrayed 出卖/背叛

betrayal n. 背叛,告密 betrayer n. 背叛者,告密者

①betray sb./sth. to… 向……出卖/泄露某人/某事



②betray oneself 暴露出本来面目。

He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.

2. overlook vt. 忽略,忽视;俯瞰

①俯视 My room overlooks the sea.

②忽略,忽视,不理会 My calculation was wrong because


③原谅,宽恕,不追究(过错等) 不追究某人的过错

3. admit

admitted adj. 公认的;被承认的

admission n.

①vt. 承认 admit

汤姆承认他犯了错误。Tom admitted that .

他承认他撒了谎。He admitted .

He admitted that his comprehension was weak.

You must admit the task to be difficult.

②vt. 接纳,招收 be admitted to/into 获准进入,被……录取


③vt. 容纳 =

The theatre can admit only 100 people.

4. keep one's word/promise 信守诺言 break one's word/promise 食言

用言语 have (no) word

和某人交谈 和某人吵架

= that is (to) say = namely 换句话说

= in short 总之 逐词地,原原本本的

① that they won the football game. 消息传来他们赢得了足球赛。

②My answer is, , no.

③She never questioned him about his troubles .

④I with my girlfriend last night. She says she never wants to see me again.

⑤Please translate English sentences .

⑥I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else-

, I was wasting my time.

5. swear swore sworn swear at sb. 咒骂某人

6. focus

①n. 焦点,关注点,焦距

Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.

②vi./vt. 集中注意力;聚焦


We must focus our attention on urgent problems.

7. mean

①adj. 刻薄的,卑鄙的,吝啬的


It is mean of sb. to do sth.

He apologized for . 他为对我不仁而道歉。

to tease her. 你戏弄她真是卑鄙。

He is . 他很吝啬。

②vi./vt. a) 意思是…… 那个标记是什么意思?

b) 意味着→mean doing sth./that


Missing this test Beijing University.

c) 意欲,打算→mean to do sth.


, but an unexpected guest came to my home.

d) 拓展:means n. 手段,方法(单复数同形)

①-Can I borrow your car?

-By all means.

②Thoughts can also be expressed by means of music.

③I am satisfied with my present income.


8. stand 接受,忍受 stand sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事


This color won't stand washing.

He could not stand the boy interrupting all the time.

同义单词或短语:bear/put up with/do with

代表 突出,显眼 支持某人

stand on one's head/hands stand on one's own (two) feet/legs

课 堂 检 测

序 号:031 课 题:M5U1

编写人:万瑶 审核人: 吉益琴


1.I feel (背叛) by my friend.

2.At first he denied stealing the money, but later he it.

3.I face a . I don't know whether I should accept her invitation or not.

4.They argued with each other then, but later she him.

5.We are both very (学习良好的) and like to study.

6.They are (妒忌) of his wealth.

7.I didn't feel like I was (忽视) my studies, but maybe I could work harder in maths.

8.Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a argument.


9.We should try not to make ourselves by difficulties.

10.The famous scientist sat before the computer all the morning, totally in his essay.

11.Having apologized for his wrong doing in advance, the naughty boy hoped

(not) by his strict father.

12.Although there may be dangers ahead, the chance is worth .

13.She pretended him for what he had done to her, but actually she was still a little bitter.

14.There are examples of the disabled in public.

15.He had no choice but for help when in danger.

16.In the hall sat the audience, who their attention on the lecture and made notes at the same time.

17.He argued with his friend, never to talk with him.

18.He regretted English, because he failed the test and had to sit for the test again.


19.My uncle offered to help me, but I told him I would rather .

20.They were all attractive, but she from the others.

21.In return for this, the beggar and sang songs.

22.GNP gross national product.

23.Please remember I'll you whatever happens.

篇8:高三一轮复习教学案:模块2 Unit 1(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修二教案教学设计)

09高三英语一轮复习教学案 08.11.20

编 号:004 课 题:M2 U1

编写人:徐爱俊 审核人:陈尚琢


1. unexplained 无法解释的 un+p. p构成形容词 eg:

不被注意的__unnoticed ____ 未完成的___unfinished__ __

不受惩罚的__unpunished___ _ 未受教育的__uneducated______

未被回答的__unanswered________ 未说的____unsaid_____

未知的______unknown__ ___ 未做的____undone____

2.search 搜索,搜寻,搜查

n. in search of a search for

1) They all went out in search __of___ the lost child.

2) Many volunteers joined in the search ___for__ the escaped prisoner.

vi./vt. search for …… search sb./sth. for sth.

1) The rescuers are trying their best to _search for the survivors in the earthquake___.


2) The famous detective is searching every coner of the house to find valuable clues.


3) The police _are searching the susoect for the missing necklace__.


3.due to 因为,由于

1)近义词组有:_thanks to_ _because of_ _on account of _owing to_ _as a result of_


_When is the rent due_?何时应付房租?


The train is due to arrive at 1:30. _火车预计在1:30 到达。

The plane is __due to take off at five in the morning__预计早晨5点起飞。

The wages _due to workers_(该付给工人的)will be paid off tomorrow.

4.show up 出现,露面

选词填空:show … around / show off/ show up

1)Gary was looking for an opportunity to _show off_ his boxing skills.

2)Tim _showed_ us _around_ our new campus while we were waiting for Mike.

3)I was almost asleep when he finally _showed up_.

5.good-looking 相貌好看的 adj.+V-ing (翻译下列合成形容词并说出构成词的词性)

相貌丑陋的__ugly-looking__ 中国设计的__Chinese-designed________

脾气随和的,随便的__easy-going_ 深远的__far-reaching____

热爱和平的_peace-loving__ 十英尺深的__ten-foot- deep____

国有的__state-owned___ 广泛使用的__widely- used______

There was nothing in the room but a __A__________ chair.

A. three-legged B. three legged C. three-legs D. three legs

They ran into a huge _____C________.

A. house of two story B. house two storied

C. two-story house D. two-stories house

6.research: n./vi.

1) We have been researching for 3 years without results.


2) My research is directed towads finding a cure for high blood pressure.


3) He has been doing research __D_______ economic development of our countries for many years.

A. for B. about C. in D. into

7.possibility n. adj. __possible_________ adv. __possibly____

1) possibility 的用法

possibility 作不可数名词,意为“可能性,可实现性”


The possibility of success/rain 成功的/下雨的可能性

_Is there any possibility_ (有可能)that he’ll be elected chairman?

2) 作可数名词,意为“可能发生的事”“可能有的事”“可以想象的事”



It’s _possible for Liu Xiang to set a world record in the next Olympic Games.

Liu Xiang is _likely________ to set a world record in the next Olympic Games.

It is _probable_________ that he forgot all about it.

8.翻译各句中的make up

1) Oh, she wouldn’t make up stories like that . _编造__

2) I n Los Angeles, minority groups make up 64% of the population.__形成,组成_

3) She took over 30 minutes to make up. _化妆_

4) I was trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.__弥补_______________

5) They quarrelled with each other but soon made up. __言归于好_______________

篇9:高三英语一轮复习讲学稿M3 U2 导学案(译林牛津版英语高三)

高三英语集体备课讲学稿 12/9/

M3 U2

一、Integrating skills

Passage A(Reading)

English is a language with many ____________ rules. Before the middle of the 5th ____________, people in __________ all spoke Celtic. Then three Germanic tribes from the European mainland and the Vikings from the Scandinavian countries invaded Britain. They ________ what we now call Old English. As a result, many pairs of words and phrases have ___________ meanings in English. After the Normans conquered England, French was spoken in this country together with English, which ___________ in even more pairs of similar words.

_________ English included many Latin and Greek words. ___________ also underwent huge changes. It is certain that this _________ will continue, and people will keep ___________ new words and new ways to say things.

2、Passage B(Project)

The Chinese language _________from many Western languages in that it uses _________which have meanings and can stand ________as words. Chinese people invented numerous characters to _________ideas, objects or actions. There is a ________that says that a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing. Some characters have been _________and others have been developed from _________into _________forms. The pictograph for a mountain was ________three peaks together. This became one peak and three lines and ___________turned into the character used today.


1.reflect vt.→__________(n.) 2.confuse vt. →__________(adj.) →__________(n)

3.conquer v.→__________(n.) 4.simplify vt. →_________(adj.) →_________(n.)

5.invade v. →__________(n.) 6.create vt.→__________(adj.) →__________(n.)

7.pronounce v.→__________(n.) 8.represent vt. →_________(n.) →_________(adj.)

9.indicate vt.→__________(n.) 10.different adj. →__________(vi)→__________(n.)

三、Important sentences

1、 The language______ ______(由---组成)an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of Denmark and Norway.

2、Many factors_________ _______(起促成作用)the development of this new type of English.

3、Despite the fact, French still______ ______ _______ ______(对---有影响)the English language.

4、By the latter half of the 14th century, English_______ _____ _______(被采用)all classes in England.

5、But the question is______ _______(如果---怎样?)I still cannot understand the meanings.

6、He_______ ______ _______(制定一项标准)for how people were to speak English。

7、Traveling to Beijing_______ _______(占用了) a lot of time.

8、_________ ________(并非所有的)characters are used to describe objects.

9、The Chinese language differs from many Western languages_______ _______(因为)it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.

四、Multiple choices

1、 We had to wait half an hour _______ we had already booked a table.

A. despite B. although C. until D. before

2、 Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _____ it was 20 years ago, when it was so poorly equipped.

A. what B. thatC. why D. which

3、 He was born in Beijing and _____ in Shanghai.

A. rose B. raised C. brought D. lifted

4、 Many foreigners find the Chinese customs rather ______.

A. confuseB. to confuseC. confusedD. confusing

5、 He is always working very hard. It is ___ that he will pass the college entrance examination.

A. sureB. certain C. surely D. certainly

6、 In Britain today, women _______ 44% of the workforce.

A. take up B. pick up C. make up D. give up

7、 Papermaking began in China and from here it _______ to North Africa and Europe.

A. spread B. promised C. accessed D. developed

8、 ---Nancy is not coming tonight. ---But she________!

A. promisesB. promised C. will promise D. had promised

9、 She has successfully _____ a career with bringing up a family.

A. joined B. connectedC. managedD. combined

10、 _____ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires

I 重点短语

throughout(+ place / time) ~ the country / the night

1. all over + place ~ the country

all through + time ~ the year

~ CCTV news收听中央电视台新闻

~ the passengers接乘客

. pick up ~ English学英语

2. ~ a wallet on the ground 捡起地上的钱包

~ the information(偶然地)得到那个消息

pick out 选择;分辨出

contribute …to… ①把……捐给…… contribute a lot of money to the charity

②投稿……给…… contribute some assays to a magazine

contribute to ①对……有贡献、有助于 Proper exercise contributes to good

3. health

②是……的原因之一 Careless driving contributed to this accident.

make a contribution to 对……有贡献

obey / break the rule

as a rule 一般说来、通常

4. rule make it a rule to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth. 规定有做某事的习惯

under the rule of

by rule 按规定地

rule out 排除……

①举起 ~ your hand / a box

②提高(音量、价格、程度等) ~ the standard of living/ one’s voice/ the bus


5. raise ③种植(农作物等)、饲养(家禽等)、抚养(子女)~ wheat/ sheep/ five children

④筹集(资金)~ money

⑤唤起、引起 ~ a few laughs / fears

⑥提出(问题等)~ a question

adopt ①采取、采纳 ~ a new teaching method / one’s idea

6. ②收养(某人) They are not my real parents, I am adopted.

adapt ① ~ (oneself) to 适应……

②adapt sth (for sth) 改编……(为……之用)

7. be made up of = consist of = be composed of 由……组成

8. despite = in spite of 后接短语

though / although 后接从句

9. process [U,C]过程、程序 the ~ of development / making cake

in (the) process of在进行中


depend on + sb. to do sth.

it that-clause


You can’t depend on him to come on time.

10. = You can’t depend on his coming on time.

= You can’t depend on it that he will come on time.

It (all) depends. = That (all) depends. (口语)那得看情况(而定)。

be dependent on 视……而定、取决于……

promise sb. sth.

promise to do sth.

promise that -clause

make a promise

11. promise = give a promise 许下诺言

keep / break a promise 守/违约

carry out a promise 履行诺言

promise (to be) +名词或形容词 : 有望……

12. difficulty n. 作抽象意义时[U]; 作具体意义[C]。

with difficulty ; without difficulty

get / run into difficulties

out of a / the difficulty ; in a difficulty


have some [much , little ,no] difficulty (in) doing sth.

find some [much , little ,no] difficulty (in) doing sth.

There be difficulty (in) doing sth.

care about 关心、在乎 (常用于否定、疑问或条件句中);后接从句时about要省略。

13. care for 关心、照料、喜欢、愿意(用于肯定句、疑问句中,不用被动)

care to do sth.想要、愿意 (用于否定句、疑问句)

①[U] 接近……的机会 Every student has free ~ to the library.

14. access ②[U] 通道 This is the only ~ to the village.

③[U] (向场所等)接近~ to the cinema is quite easy.

①指行动的总称是不可数名词 What we need now is ~, not thought.


He has done a mad ~ recently.

15. action ~s speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩;行动胜于空谈

③take action 采取行动

④in action在起作用;活动中

⑤put… in/ into action把……付诸实施

as a whole 表示把某事或某几件事当作一整体来看。即可作状语,也可作定语。

We must examine these problems ~. 我们把这些问题作为一个整体来考察。

16. That was her final judgment on the story ~. 这就是她对整个故事的最后判断。

on the whole = considering everything; general “总的说来”、“大体上”。一般作状语。~, I’m in favor of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法。

①朝……的方向 要用in … direction, 介词用in,不用to。

②“在……的帮助下”要说with the help of…;

17. direction 但“在……指导下”要说 under the direction of


II 重点句型

1. It is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.

2. Despite/ In spite of this fact, French still had an impact on the English language

3. As a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.

4. It happened that my new neighbor comes from my hometown.


【例1】 He had to earn enough money to ______ his big family.

A. feed B. raise

C. rise D. support

【例2】 Many people in the west make _____ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.(泰州4月模拟卷)

A. this B. it

C. that D. them


1. Don’t worry. You’ll ________ after such a bad disease.

A. take up B. pick up C. put up D. give up

2. - If he works harder, he ________ to succeed in science.

-Yes. He is _______ diligent than clever.

A. hopes; much more B. wishes; no more

C. promises; more D. will be able; rather

3. This test ____ a number of multiple choice questions.

A. is consisted of B. consists of C. composes of D. is made of

4. She ______ five hens and _______them three times a day.

A. raises; fed B. raised; raised C. fed; fed D. fed; raised

5. ―Are you leaving this weekend or next Monday?

―That _______ the weather.

A. is depended on B. is relied onC. depends on D. relies on

6. There is no need to leave a tip. Service ______ in the bill.

A. includes B. is includedC. is contained D. contains

7. _______, the meeting was a success.

A. On whole B. As a wholeC. As the whole D. On the whole

8. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _______ in the last six months.

A. added B. jumped C. raised D. gathered

9. _______ high price, demand for this new type of family cars is still very high.

A. Thanks to B. Because of C. In case of D. Despite

10. For the whole year the nation, struck by unwanted war, was in a ______ of grief and indignation.

A. situation B. position C. condition D. state

11. There is a small group of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find ______.

A. confusing B. confused C. to confuse D. being confused

12. Eating too much fat _____ heart trouble and causes high blood pressure.

A. attended to B. adopts to C. contributes to D. relates to

13. With the development of science and technology, the _____ of living has become higher than ever.

A. pattern B. style C. model D. standard

14. ― Would you please lend me some money?

― Sorry. It ________ that I didn’t have any extra money with me.

A. happened B. looked C. turned D. appeared

15. The twin brothers are similar ________ they both like swimming.

A. except that B. in that C. in whichD. so that


Clint Eastwood will receive the Directors Guild of America’s (DGA, 美国导演协会) highest honor, the lifetime achievement award, at a Hollywood ceremony in January. That is, 16 golden statuette (小塑像) will 17 Clint Eastwood.

Eastwood has won four Oscars - 18 two for best direction, for 1993’s Unforgiven and ’s Million Dollar Baby - and is regarded 19 the greatest active American film-maker of his 20 without question.

“As one of 21 prolific, versatile 22 in the history of 23 , there isn’t a genre that Clint Eastwood hasn’t mastered in the more than 25 films he has directed over the past 35 years,” DGA president Michael Apted 24 , “His ongoing body of work continues to touch generations of moviegoers and bring 25 into movie theatres. He does it all with great class, intelligence and style.”

Eastwood’s 26 skills are clear in all his works 27 include 28 critical and commercial successes as Mystic River, The Bridges of Madison County, Play Misty for Me, and his 29 Oscar-winning 30 , and it would take a brave person to bet against him expanding his collection of 31 statuettes.

He recently wrapped filming on Flogs of Our Fathers, an emotionally charged account of the six soldiers who raised the US 32 at the critical 33 __battle of Iwo Jima (硫磺岛). The film is expected to open towards the end of in a calculated move to position it as a strong awards 34 .

The DGA ceremony is set 35 on January 28, 2006.

16. A. more B. another C. extra D. else

17. A. belong to B. belong C. have D. be had

18. A. consist ofB. consisted C. including D. included

19. A. as B. which C. for D. with

20. A. aged B. generation C. history D. company

21. A. mostly B. most C. a most D. the most

22. A. makers B. actors C. directors D. pianists

23. A. a commercial B. the commercial C. medium D. the medium

24. A. added, saying B adding, said C. said, adding D. said. added

25. A. views B. huge viewersC. a large audience D. huge audience

26. A. praiseworthy B. praise C. praiseful D. praised

27. A. / B. which C. it D. that

28. A. suchB. soC. quite D. very

29. A. six B. two C. five D. seven

30. A. filmsB. plays C. TV plays D. music

31. A. golden B. silver C. copper D. glass

32. A. flagB. hands C. caps D. guns

33. A. Iraq War B. War of Independence C. Second World War D. First World War

34. A. director B. competitorC. artist D. film-maker

35. A. occur B. happening C. take placeD. to take place



After a 13-year ban on the sale of fireworks in Beijing, Kang Guoliang, 51, was able to start his old trade again yesterday.

As a salesman in Xinhui store in Dongcheng District, he is happy about the increasing number of buying fireworks wrapped in red paper - a color standing for happiness and good luck.

“Fireworks are available for the first time in town for more than a decade,” Kang said happily. “People will buy them.”

The store has 300 boxes of fireworks piled up and is open 24 hours at the moment. Residents are buying the fireworks and firecrackers for the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on February 18.

Citywide, 2,116 registered stores and retailers, 585 in the centre and 1,600 on the outskirts are trading fireworks in the Chinese capital. Sales of fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road started yesterday and will last until March 4, Xinhua reported. Among the stores, 117 stores are permitted to operate 24 hours. About 600,000 boxes of firecrackers worth more than 100 million yuan have been carried to registered stores.

The Chinese capital began a ban in 1993 to reduce fireworks-related deaths and fires during the holiday season. Last September the ban was removed in response to residents’ fondness for fireworks when celebrating Spring Festival.

According to new rules, Beijing residents are allowed to set off fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road all day on Lunar New Year’s Eve and Lunar New Year’s day, from 7 a.m. to midnight every day from February 19 to March 4.

“Spring Festival without fireworks is not Spring Festival,” said Sheng Hefei, who was buying fireworks in the store. “It was fun to light the firecrackers when I was little,” he said. “The sound and view of fireworks make a real holiday.” However, not all residents welcome the return of firecrackers because of injuries, pollution and noise. “My child is scared of the sudden sound of firecrackers, and it is annoying to hear it all night long,” complained Lu Jun, a local resident.

(China Daily 02/11/2007)

36. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Beijing fireworks sales start after a 13-year ban.

B. People go to buy fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing.

C. Beijing residents welcome the return of firecrackers.

D. Many stores began to sell fireworks and firecrackers.

37. How many days will the sales of fireworks last?

A. 14 days. B. 12 days.

C. 16 days.D. 23 days.

38. We can learn from the passage that ____________.

A. every Spring Festival falls on February 18

B. Beijing residents can set off fireworks everywhere

C. fireworks are allowed to be sold because people like them.

D. from February 19 to March 4, Beijing residents can set off fireworks all day

39. What is the writer’s attitude towards the sales of fireworks in Beijing?

A. Negative B. Not mentioned

C. Positive D. Satisfactory


People will soon cool their homes with power from the burning desert sun. Deserts are becoming hot spots for solar thermal (热的) power in which futuristic troughs (低谷期) pay more attention to the sun's rays and create steam to run power-producing turbines (涡轮机) at power plants.

Tiny experimental plants built in the 1980s in California ran into problems when energy prices dropped. But as oil, natural gas and electricity costs soar, companies are racing to build commercial solar thermal plants that are the size of power plants.

Limits on emissions (释放) of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels have also promoted the new technology. Utah-based International Automated Systems Inc. signed an agreement to build a $150 million, 100-megawatt power plant for Solar Renewable Energy in Nevada. And North Carolina-based Solargenix will break ground on a 64 MW, $100 million solar thermal plant called Nevada Solar One.

Currently, all the types of solar energy provide only about 1 percent of U. S. power. One problem is price. Solar thermal at present costs about 12 to 15 cents per kilowatt hour, Westerholt said, compared with natural gas power which costs 10 cents per KWH. But as production grows, solar companies expect costs to slip to 8 cents per KHW in five years.

Solar thermal is expensive compared with wind energy and fuels. But it does have advantages. Power from the desert sun is more reliable than wind power during the day. And unlike fuels, it has no greenhouse gases.

And solar thermal is growing globally. A white paper says that by 2040 solar power could satisfy more than 5 percent of the world's electricity demand. The best places for it are Australia, the United States, Spain, the Middle East and North Africa, which could export power from the sun to Europe on high-tech power lines.

40. How many factors does the passage mention which affect the development of solar thermal power?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.

41. The underlined word “soar” ( in Paragraph 2 ) means ________.

A. dropped B. disappeared

C. limited D. increased

42. The passage mentioned Solargenix in order to show that _________.

A. limits on greenhouse gases can encourage new technologies

B. it will need lots of money to build Solargenix

C. Solargenix was a newly-built plant

D. the solar thermal power has its own promising future

43. According to the passage, which of the following energy supplies is more reliable and renewable during the day?

A. Wind. B. Oil.

C. The sun. D. Coal.

44. Which of the following will be the best title for the passage?

A. The Solar Thermal Power Age Is Coming.

B. More Measures Should Be Made for Solar Development.

C. Advantages for the Solar Thermal Power.

D. Solar Thermal Is Growing Globally.


370 S. Perry St., Denver, Colorado

Price: $164,500 For sale by: Resale Homes by Owner

Bedrooms: 3 Bathroom: 1 Garage: 1

Square Feet: l, 003 Lot Size: 2

Year Built: -

School District: -

Open House Date: -

Open House Time: -

Date Posted: January 21, 2007

Best value in Denver: This Garden style home is equipped with a grape vine that wraps around the front of the house. There is a small-unfinished basement, attic (阁楼) and an additional room in the garage. It is zoned (划成区域) R2 (two families can live here) and positioned at the back of the double sized lot (plenty of room to build) It is fully landscaped (美化) with sprinkler (洒水装置) system and privacy (独处而不受干扰) fence. It is 5 minutes from downtown. The neighbors are great, and security is good. Viewing anytime.

Home Features: Carpeted Floors ● Dishwasher ● Patio

Community Features: Public Transportation ● Wheelchair Access

36. If one dollar equals 8 Yuan, one square feet equals 0.093 square meters, how much does one square meter of the house cost?

A. About 15,140 Yuan. B. About 13,120 Yuan.

C. About 13,160 Yuan. D. About 14,150 Yuan.

37. During summer time, the front of the home may look _________.

A. green B. white

C. red D. black

38. Which of the following statements about the house is NOT true?

A. You will spend extra money to build a room in the garage after buying the house.

B. You can have enough room to enlarge your house after you buy it.

C. You don’t need to water the plants in the garden by yourself.

D. If you buy the house, you can also have the dishwasher and carpet.

39. What does the “Wheelchair Access” probably mean?

A. It’s a kind of sidewalk built for disabled people.

B. It’s an entrance to a house built for the disabled people.

C. It’s a street built for the disabled people to have a walk.

D. It’s a special path for the disabled people to get to the garage.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow blindness. Yet, with dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow blindness, when exposed to several hours of “snow light”.

The United States army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man’s eyes often find nothing to focus on in a broad space of snow-covered without-grass land. So his gaze continually moves and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding something, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become tired and the eye muscles ache. Nature makes up for this discomfort by producing more and more fluid (液体) which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until it makes eyes difficult to see clearly, and the result is total, even though for a short time, snow blindness.

Experiments lead the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts (侦察员) ahead of the troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark-colored objects ahead on which they can focus too. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop searching the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a continuous white land is overcome.

40. To prevent snow blindness caused by the strong light from snow, wearing glasses or not _________.

A. depends on whether the snow is white enough

B. makes no difference

C. makes much difference

D. depends on whether the snow is thick

41. When the eyes are tired, tears flow out __________.

A. to clear the vision

B. to make the eyes stop searching

C. to make the vision unclear

D. to produce more and more liquid

42. Snow blindness can be prevented by ___________

A. moving one’s gaze back and forth

B. walking ahead and keeping looking around

C. making up for the discomfort of one’s eyes

D. providing the eyes with something to focus on

43. What is the probable meaning of the underlined part “Their gaze is arrested.”?

A. They get something to look at.

B. They can only look at one spot.

C. Their eyes are clear.

D. They can’t see freely.



比较项目 城 里 人 乡 下 人

活动内容 去乡下钓鱼、旅游、远足 进城购物、看电影、听演唱会

出行方式 乘车、徒步、骑自行车 乘车

目 的 回归自然、放松自己、呼吸新鲜空气、锻炼身体 感受现代生活

1、 Passage A(Reading)

1. confusing 2. century 3. Britain 4. created 5. similar

6. resulted 7. Modern 8. Pronunciation 9. process 10. inventing

2、 Passage B(Project)

1、 differs 2、characters 3、alone 4、represent 5、legend

6、simplified 7、drawings 8、standard 9、originally 10、eventually

三、Important sentences

1、consisted of 2、contributed to 3、had an impact on 4、was adopted by 5、what if

6、set a standard 7、takes up 8、Not all 9、in that

四、Multiple choices



1. reflection 2. confused/confusing, confusion

3. conquest/conqueror 4.simple,simplification

5. invasion 6. creative, creation

7. pronunciation8. representation , representative

9. indication 10.differ, difference


1.B。此处的“pick up”意为“逐渐康复”。

2.C。promise这里指“有望……、可望……”,后接不定式。第二空考查“more… than…”结构,意为“与其说……不如说……”。

3.B。be made up of = consist of = be composed of 由……组成。


5.C。depend on作“取决于”解时,不能用于被动语态中。


7.D。as a whole意为“作为一个整体来看”,表示要从事物全貌来看、分析、考虑。on the whole意为“总的说来、大体上”。



10.D。in a state of … 意为“处于……状态”。

11.A。“which even some native speakers and writers of English find ____”在句中是定语从句,先行词words在从句中作find的宾语。此处是“find + 名词 +现在分词”构成的find复合宾语。

12.C。contribute to意为“是……的原因之一”。

13.D。the standard of living是习惯表达,意为“生活水平”。


15.B。in that意为“在于、因为”。

16.B。根据第二段Eastwood has won four Oscars可知已获得四次;再结合golden statuette。


18.C。分析结构可知,此空为非谓语动词,不能选A;加之four Oscars与其的主谓关系。

19.A。be regarded as是短语。


21.D。根据one of…可判断出应用最高级。




25.C。 a large audience意为“很多观众”。




29.B。根据前文1993’s Unforgiven and 2005’s Million Dollar Baby可知答案。




33.C。根据后文的Iwo Jima 及历史知识可知。


35.D。根据空前is set可知应为非谓语动词表将来。


37.D。根据第五段Sales of fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road started yesterday and will last until March 4和篇尾China Daily 02/11/2007得知时间是从2月10日至3月4日,又因为2月份共28天,因此是23天。

38.C。根据第六段第二句得知。A错在Every Spring Festival;B错在everywhere,应该是:within the Fifth Ring Road;D错在all day,应该是:from 7 am to midnight every day from February 19 to March 4。








36.D。计算过程为:(164,500×8)÷ (0093×1,003)≈14.150。

37.A。依据是“This Garden style home is equipped with ...”,葡萄藤爬满房子正面,到了夏天当然看上去是绿油油的。

38.A。A项错在车库里的小房间是已经存在的:B项的依据是该房子的宅基地其实是供两所房子用的(“Lot Size:2”/“double sized lot”),当然扩建空间很足;C项的依据是花园用的是自动喷灌系统;D项的洗碗机和地毯是作为“房屋特色”列入广告中的,自然是属于房屋的一部分。

39.B。结合生活常识应该能够判断“access”的意思是“通道,人口”,“wheelchair access”即是指专供残疾人使用的“无障碍通道”,如医院和公共场所所铺设的无台阶、斜坡型、可供轮椅出入的通道。

40.B。第一段第二句“Yet, with dark glasses or not…”提到戴不戴眼镜都会产生“雪盲”的症状,如头疼,流泪甚至雪盲。

41.C。第二段结尾部分“... makes eyes difficult to see clearly ...”说此时泪水流出来充满眼眶,眼睛看不清,导致雪盲。



One possible version:

As time goes on, both city people and country people have a lot of free time. They have different ways to spend their weekends.

After a stressful week of hard work, city people would like to go to the country and return to nature. They go fishing or traveling into the country while some go hiking into the country. Some people go to the country by car or by bike while others go on foot. They went to relax themselves, breathe fresh air and do exercise in the open air.

On the other hand, country people will drive into cities for shopping. They will see films or go to concerts on weekends. Country people want to perceive modern city life in this way.

篇10:高三英语一轮复习教学案+随堂检测:模块2 Unit 2(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修二教案教学设计)

编 号:007 课 题:M2 U2

编写人:王秀芹 杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1.astonish vt. 使吃惊

astonish sb be astonished at/to do sth

to one’s astonishment / satisfaction / confusion / fright / delight / comfort

1) What he said at the meeting _astonished everyone present.

2) We were astonished when we heard the astonishing news.

3) To the astonishment of everyone, the top student failed the exam this time.

4) He looked at me in astonishment . (吃惊地)

2.clothing / cloth / clothes / dress.

a piece of clothing 一件衣服 articles of clothing 几件衣服

children’s clothing 童装 冬装 winter clothing

food, clothing, and shelter 衣食住 男装店men’s clothing shop

a suit of clothes many/some/ a few clothes

put on one’s ~ / take off one’s ~

How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for a girl ?

a table cloth 一块桌布

My sister is wearing a red dress .

3.whatever pron. 无论什么,无论何事

名词性从句 = anything that

让步状语从句 = no matter what

孩子想要什么就给他什么是不妥当的。 It’s improper to gove a child whatever he wants.

Don’t change your plans, whatever happens. / no matter what happens.

whatever weather it is, we will go.

4.envy v. / n. 嫉妒,嫉妒或羡慕的对象

嫉妒某人的 envy sb. sth 成了……的羡慕对象 be the envy of

出于嫉妒 out of envy 嫉妒地,羡慕地 with envy

feel envy at 对…… 感到嫉妒

The boy’s new toy is the envy of his friends.

我们嫉妒他的好运气。 We envy jim his good fortune.

He said these words out of envy .

他对我的成功感到嫉妒。 He feels envy at my scuccess

5.view. n. 景色,视野,观点,见解 v.考虑,看待,观看

Standing on the top of the hill, you can enjoy a fine view of the West Lake.


After two hours’ driving, the Summer Palace came into our view .


From their point of view (按照他们的观点),the suspect should be sentenced to death.

短语: 在某人看来 fromone’s point of view

鉴于,考虑到 in view of

把…视作 view … as

初看 at first view

用view / scene /scenery /sight 填空

1) The police quickly reached the scene of the murder.

2) If you stand here, you’ll get a better view of the river.

3) The sunrise at Huangshan is a remarkable sight .

4) The West Lake is famous for its scenery .

6.look forward to + n / ving

We’re so much looking forward to receiving your letter .


1)The day we looked forward to came at last.(come)

2)The day we look forward to is coming (come).

3) He looked forward to see what was happening (看看发生了什么事).

短语: pay attention to / get down to / be / get used to / object to / turn to

stick to / devote … to / take to / be addicted to / appeal to / adjust to

7.total adj. / n. / v.

1)The club has a total membership of about 300.

2)The room was in total darkness (一片漆黑).

3)The repairs came to over $500 in total (总共).

4)Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year(总计为).


序号:007 课题:Module 2 Unit 2

编写:王秀芹 审核:张广军


1. We found the weather was s urpringly good.

2. The trip that he had last week was tiring and u ncomfortable .

3. Most students get tired of e ndless homework.

4. The beauty of the grassland makes many viewers s peechless .

5. Making an appointment with the doctor is a c ommon practice in some countries.

6. There are 56 students in our class in t otal .

7. In that area , people live in perfect h armony with nature.

8. The Olympic Games is a ctually a great success.

9. Police have stepped up their search for w itnesses of the accident who knew about it.

10. Police are looking into other possibilities.


1. Mr. Smith bought a new house , which was the of his neighbours .

A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride

2. Those flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them .

A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that

3. The good news we had looked forward to at last .

A. coming B. having come C. came D. comes

4. He sat against the wall and listened to the teacher .

A. close ; close B. closely ;closely C. closely ; close D. close ;closely

5. John may phone tonight . I don’t want to go out he phones .

A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that



Module2 Unit 2

编写人:杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1. 值得做某事 _____________

2. 在山脚下

3. 在黎明

4. 当心








1. 我和我哥哥一直忙于筹划假日。




5. 登山可能会让人觉得非常疲惫,随着高度增加,空气越发变得稀薄,很多人感到恶心。


Module2 Unit 2

编写人:王秀芹 审核人:张广军



2. 和….有共同点

3. 以……形式

4. 够不着

5. 扩大视野

6. 处于完全寂静中

7. 固定航班

8. 轮流做某事

9. 用完



1. 三条河流交汇在一起。

2. 在这个完美世界里居住着的人们发现了永葆青春的秘密。

3. 周围的森林是众多鸟儿和动物们的家园。

4. 在这个天堂一般的世界里,人们和大自然和谐相处。

5. 大自然给香格里拉提供了取之不尽用之不绝的天然宝藏,使得这片土地成了当地居民的幸福家园。

篇11:高三一轮复习教学案:模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrow(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修四学案设计)


1. a science fiction novel 一部科幻小说

2.with the development of science and technology 随着科学和技术的发展

3.a tourist destination in the future 未来的游客目的地

4.go on a virtual trip to Africa 去非洲的模拟旅行

5.be better than 比…更好

6.be set in 以…为背景

7. a sense of achievement 一种成就感

8.to enable the viewers to see a world of 3D animation 使观众能看到三维动画世界

9. in the direction of Shanghai 朝上海方向

10.pass the sense of touch on to the fingertips via thousands of sensors


11.be connected to the computer system 与电脑系统相连

13.provide teenagers with another way to experience the world


14.play the role of the captain 扮演了船长的角色

15.score the winning goal 进了决胜的一球

16.sign one’s name 签名

17.put forward an argument 提出一个论点

18 my–ninety-year-old grandfather 我的九十岁的祖父

19. a burning building 一座着火的楼房

20. provide a fantastic opportunity for the film-making industry


21.leave sb with a deep impression 给某人留下了深刻的印象

22.play an important role in 在….方面起着重要的作用

23. the growing popularity of the Internet 越来越受欢迎的英特王

24.druing the first few fears在头几年里

25. make a profit 盈利

26.end in failure 以失败而告终

27.encourage many other people to start online business 鼓励许多其他人创办网 络事业

28. give sb the opportunity to use the most up-to-date hardware


29. keep in touch with 与…保持联系

30. a power-free fridge 无需用电的冰箱

31. manage to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for three weeks.成功地把蔬菜和水果保持三

32. help reduce the amount of rubbish帮助减


33.last but not least 最后一点但不是不重要的

34.on display 在展览

35. be of great benefit to people 对人们很有益

36. be bored with/be tired of /be fed up with 对…厌倦

37. be situated /located in /on 位于

38. be accused of piracy 被指控盗版

39.voice one’s opinions 表达某人的意见

40. a type of writing based on fantasy and imagination 一种根据幻想和相像的写作

41.be widely recognized as the father of Chinese science fiction.被公认为中国的科幻之父

42. three young and inexperienced people trapped in lost spaceship 三个被困在失踪飞船里的没经验的年轻人

42. travel at a speed os 40,000 kilometers per second以每秒40,000公里的速度行驶


1.Imagine the viewer is a character in an interactive film set in the Himalayas.

2.Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.

3.An argument has been put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine.

4.Climbing Mount Qomolangma left me with a deep impression.

5.Mr Bezos thought that his efforts would end in failure.

6.These new technologies will be on display throughout the week At Tech Expo.

7.Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.

8.Project Hope in China has enabled thousands of poor children to go back to school.

9. In the 2008 Olympic Games, Chinese athletes won over 50 gold medals, ranking first in the medals table.

三、 重点归纳



I told her to set the dishes on the table. 我叫她把碟子放到桌上。

It was the old man who set the ladder against the wall. 是那位老人把梯子靠在墙上。

set意为 "使处于某种状态(位置)

I've set everything in order.我已使一切就绪。

Do you know what has set the dog barking? 你知道什么使那只狗叫起来了?


set an example to... 为......树立榜样

set about doing sth 着手做某事

set fire to 放火烧 be set free 释放 set up a club / a new school

set a trap for 为......设陷阱 set sail for Hongkong 航去香港

This film is set in London in the early 19th century . 这部影片以19世纪初期伦敦为背景。


1) They will set off for Paris next week. 动身去巴黎。

2) They will set out at dawn. 在拂晓出发。

3)Once I realized what was wrong, I set about correcting it. 着手纠正。

4)It is difficult for us to set up a school within a month. 我们在一个月内很难建立一所学校。

5)A slight push set the old man falling down on the bus. 使老人倒下。


delivered the criminal to the police. 把罪犯交给警察

deliver the mail / newspaper 投递邮件 / 送报纸

deliver a lecture. 发表演讲

delivered twins 生了一对双胞胎


He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告。

The youngman used tomake a living by delivering newspapers every morning.


3. burn vt. vi

The sun burns bright in the sky. 太阳在天空明亮地照耀着。

Dry wood burns easily. 干柴易燃。

The whole city was burned to the ground. 整座城市都被烧光了。

The soup was so hot that it burned my mouth. 这汤很热,以致烫伤了我的嘴。

The girl left the office with all the lights burning / on. 所有的灯亮着,女孩离开了办公室。


I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? (07全国卷)

A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt

Don’t forget you can still get ______ when you are swimming.

A.burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt

4.impress impression n. impressive adj.

impress… on sb. 把…印于…

impresssb.with sth. 使某人铭记某事

be impressed with/by 为…所感动

have / leave / make an impression on sb.

Have a good impression on sb.

have the impression that… 有…印象


1) I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打动了我。

2) My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。

3) The new teacher made a good impression on the students.新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。

4) I have the impression that I've seen that man before. 我觉得我以前见过那个人。

5) The actor ______us greatly with his wonderful performance and excellent English

A.moved B.interested C.impressed D.touched

5. announce / declare

declare 意为“宣称”,表示有信心地、正式地公开讲明某事,如公开宣布战争、和平、中立、意见等 。

如:The court declared him guilty .

Soon Germany declared war on France. 不久德国对法宣战 (不用 announce)

announce 意为“宣布”,不及 declare 正式,尤其将有益之事公之于众,如消息或新闻等。如: They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper.


It was announced that there would be a celebration on Sunday


He sent a telegram ______his immediate return to London.

A. announced B.announcing C.declaring D.declared

6.accuse vt.

be accused of = be charged with 指控


He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。

He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀。

The professor has been ________ of stealing his students’ idea and ________ them.

A.accused; published B.acccused; publishing

C.accusing; publishing D.accusing; published

7.voice / sound / noise 的区别


Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。

It’s high time we should voice our opinion. 是我们说出自己观点的时候了。

in one’s / voice

at the top of one’s voice

lose one’s voice


Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。


I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。

【练一练】 用voice / sound / noise填空

1)I heard the sound of running water nearby.

2)Stop making so much noise, otherwise the neighbour will start complaining.

3)The old man was having a sound sleep when suddenly a man broke into the house.

4)He cried for help at the top of his voice and soon his neighbour came to his help.

5)Just voice your opinion if you don’t agree with what I said.

6) After a hard journey, the lost child returned home safe and sound.

7) The little boy kept crying for two hours and finally lost his voice.


1.propose(建议)--proposal n. 2.interacte-(互动) ---- intrractive adj.

3.able ----enable v. 4.impress ---impression n. --- impressive adj.

5.announce ----- announcement n.

6.exhibit ---- exhibition n. 7.responsible --- responsibility

8.employ --- employment n. 9.popular --- popularity n.

10.south ---- southern adj. 11.experienced ---- inexperienced (反义)

12.safe --- safely adv. ---safety n.

Unit 3 Module 4 基础检测


1.The headsets are designed to enable the viewers to see a world of 3D animation (三维动画)。

The headsets are so designed as to make a world of 3D animation available to the viewers.

2. He seemed very confident during the interview, but in reality he was quite nervous.

He seemed to have great self-confidence when interviewed, but actually he felt very nervous.

3.It is high time that we should take effective measures to prevent this.

It is high time that we took effective measures to prevent this.

4.The inexperienced teachers are supposed to go abroad for further study.

Those who lack experience in teaching should go to foreign countries for further study.

5.The club will help you learn more about computers and offer you the chance to use the most up-to-date hardware.

The club will keep you well informed of computers and offer you the chance to use the latest


6.During the first few years the company didn’t make a profit and all his efforts ended in failure.

During the first few years the company didn’t make a profit and all his efforts were in vain.

7.An engineer from Jiangsu Province will be responsible for the project.

An engineer from Jiangsu Province will be in charge of the project.

8.I spent the whole day repairing the broken computer.

It took me the whole day to fix the broken computer.


1.---Who was the man talking to the general manager in the hall yesterday?

---A man himself a popular singer.

A.being called B.calls C.called D.calling

2.Upon hearing that I had been admitted into Qinghua University I jumped with _____.

A.thrill B.fright C.surprise D.terror

3. Mary smiled _____________ her mother did when she was Mary’s age.

A. as if B. what C. the way D. that

4.You may borrow the book, _________you don’t lend it to anyone else.

A. in good condition B.on no condition

C.on condition that D.in no condition

5.After the meeting, I _______ to write a report on our next term’s work.

A.set about B.set out C.set off D.set up

6.The interviewee _____ the manager with both his knowledge and his attitude.

A.impressed B.provided C.aided D.moved.

7.Follow your doctor’s advice, _______your cough will get worse.

A.or B.and C.then D.so

8.-Mike , I can’t start the car 学科网

-Let me have a look ! Oh , there _____ be something wrong with the engine 学科网

A.must B.shall C.can D.will 学科网

9.It is believed, according to some experts, that any new film filled with violence and sex won’t ________ for children.

A. do B. fit C. prepare D. suit

10.Now Linda was driving by the houses ________ her grandfather had described many times . A.which B.when C.whom D.where 学科网

11. ,most teenagers now listen to rock music.However, John prefers classical music.

A.In a word B.In general C.In particular D.In total

12.-Jack _______ taken to the hospital immediately.

-________, but all efforts made no difference.

A. ought to have been ; So he was B. ought to be ; So he ought to

C. ought to have been ; So he did D. ought to be ; So he was

13. The law requires governments to increase investment in public transport, which is now in poor condition, __________ services and encourage people to use public transport.

A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. having improved

14. ---I think the internet is playing an important role in our present life. Don't you thins so?

---Yes. .

A.Great minds think alike B.Facts speak louder than words

C.Two heads are better than one D.Talking mends no holes

15. It was not who is right but what is right, we all think, that __________. Which of the

following is not right?

A. counts B. matters C. accounts D. is of importance

16. -- The fridge I ______ in town yesterday works well again.

-- Thanks to the repairman, it saves you a sum of money for a new one.

A. repaired B. had repaired C. has repaired D. had had repaired

17. --Do you have any problems if you _______this job?

---Well, I’m thinking about the salary.

A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered

18. As it turned out to be a small birthday party, you _________ so formally.

A. needn’t dress up B. did not need have dressed up

C. did not need to dress up D. needn’t have dressed up

19. It was four o’clock in the afternoon _______ they got to the station.

A. that B. since C. when D. until

20. ---Will you be _________ this evening, Mary?

---That depends. I am afraid I will be with my manager together discussing a plan.

A. convenient B. suitable C. available D. efficient

21. A large proportion of rural work force is now serving in different lines in the city, ______

leaving the old and the children in nearly empty nestles (家).

A. then B. and C. so D. thus

22. Toys of the children today hardly bear any resemblance to ______ of ______ when we were

little kids.

A. that, ours B. those, us C. that, us D. those, ours

23. Tom couldn’t see there was any point in ____ they had been investigating, so he dropped out.

A. which B. where C. what D. that

24. --- Jack has spent an hour in the shoe shop. Hasn’t he decided which pair of shoes to buy?

--- Maybe. Young as he is, he is __________ about his appearance.

A. special B. curious C. particular D. serious

25. --- What happen ed to you on your way back to the hotel last Saturday ?

--- I lost my way in complete darkness , and ________things worse, it began to pour.

A. making B. to make C. having made D. made

26.The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make ____ it is.

A.what B.which C.how D.where

27.Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _____sight matters more than hearing.

A.when B.whose C.which D.where

28.Great changes have taken place in the museum. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago,

_____ it was poorly equipped.

A.what; which B.that; which C.what; when D.which; that


1.明天是否去野餐取决于天气。(depend on)

Whether we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow depends on the weather.

2. 为了梦想成真,很多学生现在都全身心地投入到高考准备中。

To realize their dreams, many students devote themselves to making preparations for the entrance examinations.

3. 所有的观众都被那部电影深深打动。毫无疑问它给我们留下了不可磨灭(everlasting)的印象。

All the audience were deeply touched by this film and there was no doubt that it left us with an everlasting impression.

4. 现在是你刻苦学习的时候了。否则你会后悔你今天所做的一切。

It’s high time you work hard at your lessons, otherwise you will regret what you have done today.

5. 学校图书馆给学生提供各种各样的图书,目的是使学生在课余时间通过广泛阅读拓宽他们的视野。

The school library provides the students with various kinds of books, the purpose of which is to enable the students to widen their horizons by reading widely in their spare time.

6. 大多数学生赞同每半个月回家休息的提议。

Most of the students are in favour of the proposal that the students should go home for a rest every half month.

7. 随着科技的迅猛发展,很多过去人们认为不可能的事都已变成现实。

With the rapid development of science and technology, many things people thought impossible in the past have become realities.

8. 你如果想掌握某一个词的用法,对你来说最好的方法就是在真实语境中使用它。

If you want to master the use of a certain word, the best way for you is to use it in real language situation.

默写单词和短语 Unit 3 Module 4

1.现实 2.特别的

3.人物 4.疲劳,疲惫

5.使能够 6.监控,监视

7.经,由 8.传感器

9.传送,传递 10.世界闻名的

11.决赛 12.欣喜若狂的

13.除…以外 14.战斗

15.机会 16.行业;工业

17.给…留下印象 18.投资

19.展品 20.announcement

21.liquid 22.resposibility

23.employ 24.popularity

25.bankrupt 26.rescue

27.fade 28.editor

1. 随着科学和技术的发展

2. 以…为背景

3. 一种成就感

8. 朝上海方向

9. 与电脑系统相连

10. 给青少年提供了另一体验世界的方法

11. 扮演了船长的角色

12. 进了决胜的一球

13 签名

14. 提出一个论点

15 我的九十岁的祖父

16. 一座着火的楼房

17. 给电影制造业提供了极好的机会

18. 给某人留下了深刻的印象

19. 盈利


21. 鼓励许多其他人创办网络事业



24. 最后一点但不是不重的

25. 在展览


27. 对…厌倦

28. 被指控盗版

29. 表达某人的意见

30. 以每秒40,000公里的速度行驶

篇12:大丰中学高三英语一轮复习学案:模块 4 Unit 1(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修四学案设计)

高 Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising (1)



(一) 词汇识记

1. 看书自查(P68 advertise - P68 trick sb into doing sth)

2. 试题检测

1. An advertisement usually uses p________ language and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service.

2. The company is p________ their new toothpaste by advertising on TV, radio, and in newspapers.

3. A crime was c________ last weekend and the police are looking into the case.

4. In this unit the students are asked to learn to develop an ad c________.

5. Our government has been using PSAs to e________ people for many years.

6. It is known to the public that advertisements are a good way to sell products and ________ (服务).

7. Do all the people believe that advertisements tell the ________ (完全的) truth?

8. PSAs often use attractive and ________ (新颖的) images and creative language to serve the public.

9. When some ads are shown on TV, the children will feel good about their nice ________ (评论) and remember the words easily.

10. When did China begin a ________ (全国性的) public service advertising campaign?

(二) 词汇运用

1. share

(1) vt. 共用;分享 常用于share sth. with / between / among …… 结构中

Would you ______________________________? 我们一起看报纸好吗?

The boy _________________________ other children. 和其他小孩一起玩玩具。

(2) vi. 分享;分担,常用于share in sth. (仅用于抽象名词,且in可以省略)

I will _________________ with you. 我会和你一起分担花费。

She shares (in) my trouble as well as (in) my joys. ________________________。

(3) n. 份额,分摊 (常用作不可数名词), 股份 (常用作可数名词)

What’s ___________________________? 我分担的费用是多少?

He bought 10000 shares in the company. _______________________________。

*链接 the lion’s share最大的份额 do / enjoy one’s share 贡献自己的一份力量

2. intended adj. ______________

the intended result ___________________ water intended for drinking _______________

(1) The book _________________________ children. 这本书是为了孩子们编写的。

(2) The book _________________________ children. 这本书是为了教育孩子们而编写的。

拓展 intend

(1) vt.想……, 打算,意图

intend to do sth

intend sb to do sth

intend that …

He _________________________ next year. 他打算明年到国外留学。

He intends his son _________________________. 他打算让儿子经营这个公司。

They intended that the plan ____________________________. 他们打算在本年内实施该计划。

3. lead

(1) vt. 领导,率领,带领, 致使, 过(某种生活)

He _____________________ in the late 1930s. 他在20世纪30年代后期领导了一项和平运动。

I led the blind man ______ the street.

He ________ / _______ life. 他过着幸福的生活。

Your explanation has _____________________ understanding. 你的解释使我了解清楚了。

(2) vi. 导致

Too much work and too little rest often _____________ illness.

(3) n. 领头,领先(地位), 指导,

be ________________ in the race 在赛跑中领先 take / lose the lead /

We _____________ the experiment __________________ of our teacher. 我们在老师的指导下开展试验。

*链接 lead sb. to do sth 导致某人做某事 lead the way 带路

lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子

4. complete vt. & adj.

(1) complete change __________________ in complete silence_________________

Work on the office building _________________________________. 办公大楼工程将于年底竣工。

We were ___________________ agreement. 我们意见完全一致。

5. satisfied adj.___________

be satisfied with = be pleased / content with 对……感到满意

(1) He ________________________ what he has got. 他对自己的所得从不感到满足。

(2) _________ the news, he gave ___________________. 听到这一消息,他满意地笑了。


(1) satisfy vt. _______________

satisfy one’s demand / curiosity _________________

(2) satisfaction n. ___________

get a feeling of satisfaction _______________ 令某人感到满意的是_________________

(3) satisfactory adj. 令人满意的,相当于satisfying

a satisfactory explanation _________________

(三) 词汇辨析

1. produce / product / production

produce 作动词使用,表示“生产”,指的是生产、制造的动作,另外produce还可以用作名词,专指农产品。

product 用作名词表示“产品”,指的是(天然的或人造的)产品或生产物。


(1) This film is an early ________ of the famous film director.

(2) The farmers nearby sell their fresh ________ at the market every morning.

(3) We customers are quite satisfied with the ________ by that company.

(4) A manager is generally a person in charge of process of ________.

2. cure / treat


treat治疗, 医治,但只表示治疗的过程,不一定治好。

(1) 这种病目前尚无确切的治愈方法,但可医治。


This illness can not be ________ easily. 这种病不容易治愈。

The soldier’s wounds ___________________ in the army hospital. 士兵的伤在陆军医院得到了很好的治疗。

3. special / especial / particular

special adj. 特殊的,专门的,特别的,(反义词:ordinary),强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。

especial adj. 特别的,主要的,突出的(反义词:common), 强调的是重要性。

particular adj. 特别的,讲究的,挑剔的,强调“特别的,个别的,与众不同的”。

You must have ________ permission to enter this room.

He solved the problem of ________ importance.

It happened on that ________ day.

She is always ________ about what she wears.


1. We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.

(1) My grandfather _____________________________________________. 我祖父不习惯生活在嘈杂的城市。

(2) They are ________ good boys ________ the teacher never scold them at all.

(3) It was ________ tall a building ________ I had to go up by lift.

(4) It was ________ a tall building ________ I had to go up by lift.

(5) I can’t imagine ________ little worms can eat ________ many leaves in ________ a little time.

2. Not all ads play tricks on us though.

(1) _______________ in our class have passed the exam. 我们班不是所有的学生都通过了考试。

(= ________ the students in our class _____________ passed the exam.)

(2) This is the third time that Jack _____________________ in the driving test. He is not discouraged, ________. 这是杰克第三次没能通过驾驶考试,不过他并不气馁。

3. All of these ads are meant to be helpful, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.

(1) The book _______________________________ raise people’s awareness of environmental protection. 这本书旨在提高人们的环保意识。

(2) His advice _______________________ help you ______________ the difficulties.他的建议旨在帮助你克服困难。



1. -How is everything going on with you in Europe?

-Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, ______. (’05江苏)

A. though B. instead C. either D. too

2. Not once in these years ______ the prices of these products.

A. we changed B. have we changed

C. did we change D. we have changed

3. When ______ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.” (’05福建)

A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered

4. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ______ they are different from your own. (’05湖南)

A. until B. even if C. unless D. as though

5. It is quite ______ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. (’05天津)

A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable

6. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. ______, their political influence should be very great. (’06广东)

A. As a result B. as usual C. Even so D. So far

7. At the meeting they discussed three different ______ to the study of mathematics. (05江苏)

A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways

8. -The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

-Don’t worry. We have already ______ two thirds of it. (’06四川)

A. get down B. got through C. given in D. given away

9. ______ this cake, you will need 2 eggs,175 g sugar and 175 g flour. (’06广东)

A. Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making

10. -Can the project be finished as planned?

-Sure, ______ it completed in time, we will work two more hours each day. (’05上海)

A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get

11. It was not a serious illness, and she soon ______ it. (’04天津)

A. got over B. got on with C. got around D. got out of

12. When ______, the museum will be open to public next year. (’02上海春招)

A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed


be aware of fall for trick sb. into doing sth be satisfied with up to

be bored with be concerned with appeal to have … in mind get sth. across

1. The film ____________ young people.

2. It took me an hour to ________ my intention ________ to her.

3. Being a student, you should always ________ school rules _________.

4. He ________ not ________________ the danger, when the car came toward him.

5. I ______________________ the service in this hotel, so I decided to make a complaint.

6. Don’t ____________ his word. He is cheating you.

7. They ________ me ______________ (buy) lots of products that I didn’t need.

8. My car can take __________ five people.

9. When designing an advertisement, you must know what your target audience _______________.

10. I ___________________ the film, so I decided to leave the cinema before it ended.

Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising (2)


一、 词汇识记

1. 看书自查(P9 publisher – P18 approach)

2. 试题检测

1. He said that readers wouldn’t believe the writer’s u________ way of thinking and rich imagination.

2. When it is c________ to you, would you come and visit us?

3. We are told that all kinds of books are a________ in our school library.

4. Meeting my best friend after so many years was an u________ moment.

5. It is ________ (极其) important to learn as many words and phrases as possible for English


6. DGS nap allows you to take photographs ________ (不间断地) for up to 6 hours.

7. We must ________ (更新) our packaging in order to attract more young customers.

8. An ad campaign is an organized program of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach

a ________ (特定的) audience.

9. I’m (真诚地) sorry that things had to end like this.

10. The Mp4 he bought yesterday is very _________ (时髦).

二、 词汇运用

1. recommend

(1) vt. 推荐,介绍

Would you ____________ a good dictionary ________ me? 你能给我推荐一本好字典吗?

We ___________ him _______ our monitor.

(2) vt. 劝告,忠告, 建议

recommend doing sth.

recommend sb. to do sth

recommend that sb. (should) do sth

I recommend___________ by subway. 我建议坐地铁去。

I recommend_______________________ by subway. 我劝你坐地铁去。

I recommend that ______________________ by subway. 我劝你坐地铁去。

2. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的

(1) ____________________________________? 四点钟方便吗?

(2) _______________________________________ if I come at 5 o’clock? 如果我下午五点来拜访你方便吗?

3. determine vt. 决定,确定

(1) determine + n.

He ______________________________ of the novel. 他决定了新小说的书名。

(2) determine + 疑问词 + to do

Have you ___________________________ next Sundry? 你已决定好下个星期去哪里了吗?

(3) determine to do sth

My father _______________________. 我父亲已决定戒烟。

(4) determine sb. to do sth

The news that she was in trouble ___________________________________. 她陷入困境的消息使我决心立即采取行动。

(5) determine that (should + 动词原形)

We were determined that ____________________________________________. 我们决定不让这种事情再发生。

4. approach vt. & n. ________________________

(1) The time for graduation ____________________. 毕业的日子近了。

(2) His work is ___________________________. 他的作品近乎完美。

(3) He presented ___________________ to solve the problem. 他提出了一个新方法去解决这个问题。



1. At the meeting, they discussed three different ______ to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways

2. My ______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.

A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought

3. All these gifts must be mailed immediately ______ in time for Christmas.

A. in order to have received B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving

4. The manager had fallen asleep where he ______, without undressing.

A. was laying B. was lying C. had laid D. had lied


1. 即使他不愿意,他还是不得不和陌生人在旅馆同住一个房间。假期来这个小镇旅游的人

太多了。(even if, share)


2. 电视中时尚产品的广告似乎对女性比男性更有吸引力。(appeal to)


3. 遗憾的是,许多家长并没有意识到兴趣爱好在学习生活中的重要性。(be aware of)


4. 这些话的目的不是为了伤害你,而是为了鼓励你。(be meant to)


5. 万圣节时,孩子们可以对那些拒绝给他们糖果的邻居搞恶作剧。(play tricks on)


6. There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign. (L27, P18)


Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising (3)



1. - What about attending the English corner while learning spoken English?

- Personally, ______.

A. it’s up to you B. it makes sense

C. it’s hard to say D. it’s out of the question

2. The flood and the infection ______ brought along really made the villagers suffer a lot.

A. it B. that C. which D. what

3. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent ______ at the end of last March.

A. has been launched B. having been launched

C. being launched D. to be launched

4. Science is more than a collection of unrelated facts; to be meaningful and valuable, ______

must be arranged to show generalized character.

A. which B. it C. those D. they

5. Smell is one of the ways ______ we have of knowing about our world and enjoying what it has for us.

A. that B. what C. in which D. how

6. -$500, but that is my last offer.

-OK, it is a ______.

A. cost B. price C. reward D. deal

7. As senior 3 students, it is the most important to ______ a good state of mind in face of failure.

A. keep up B. keep on C. keep out D. keep of

8. The theory he’s stuck ______ us that earthquakes can be forecast.

A. to prove B. to proves C. to proves to D. which to prove

9. When I walked in, Professor Li was sitting at his desk, the newspaper ______ before him.

A. spreads B. to be spread C. spread D. was spreading

10. -Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

-Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want

11. Dolly, ______ sheep, the world’s first cloned animal, was given ______ shot to end her life on Feb.14 because she was suffering from a lung disease common in much older sheep.

A. /, a B. the, a C. a, the D. a, a

12. There are a lot of computers being shown in the ______Center.

A. computer B. computers’ C. computers D. computer’s

13. - How soon will your mother’s birthday be?

- ______.

A. This Friday B. On July 4 C. A week away D. Tomorrow

14. My old teacher ______ often go hunting when he lived in the mountain areas.

A. would B. should C. could D. might

15. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads ______ rising these days.

A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping


My parents fixed in me the ideas of family, faith and patriotism (爱国主义) when I was young. 16 we struggled to make ends meet, they 17 to me and my four brothers and sisters how 18 we were to live in a great country with 19 opportunities.

I got my first real 20 when I was ten. My dad injured his back working in a factory and had to be 21 as a hairstylist. The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a(n) 22 on his rent for cleaning the parking lot (停车场) three nights a week, which meant getting up at 3 a.m. To pick up waste, Dad used a little 23 that looked like a lawn mower (割草机). Mom and I emptied garbage cans and 24 waste by hand.It took two to three hours to clean the lot. I’d 25 in the car on the way home because of tiredness.

I did this for two years, but the 26 I learned have lasted a lifetime. I 27 discipline and a strong work ethic (道德准则), and learned at a(n) 28 age the importance of balancing life’s 29 interests -– in my case, school, housework and a job.This really 30 during my senior year of high school, when I worked 40 hours a week at a fast-food restaurant while taking college-prep 31 .

The hard work 32 . I attended the U.S. Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in 33 and business from Harvard. 34 , I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California State Assembly (会议). In these jobs and in everything else I’ve done, I have never forgotten those 35 in the parking lot.

16.A.Now that B.If only C.Even D.Even though

17.A.stressed B.announced C.suggested D.admitted

18.A.important B.surprising C.fortunate D.satisfying

19.A.several B.limitless C.fewer D.instant

20.A.chance B.dream C.success D.job

21.A.retrained B.regarded C.considered D.respected

22.A.increase B.order C.discount D.explanation

23.A.bag B.machine C.knife D.stick

24.A.brought up B.gave up C.made up D.picked up

25.A.sleep B.talk C.study D.sing

26.A.knowledge B.information C.lessons D.skills

27.A.cancelled B.acquired C.evaluated D.forgot

28.A.common B.legal C.old D.early

29.A.competing B.developing C.supporting D.increasing

30.A.turned B.changed C.helped D.improved

31.A.measures B.courses C.messages D.tours

32.A.came true B.took off C.went ahead D.paid off

33.A.law B.medicine C.science D.arts

34.A.However B.Indeed C.Later D.Before

35.A.people B.nights C.cars D.opportunities



While in-car satellite navigation systems are considered a great surprise of the technological age, they are also destroying our ability to read maps and weakening our very sense of self, according to one of the nation’s leading geographers.

Rita Gardener, president of the Royal Geographical Society, said, “If you are looking at a road map of Great Britain, apart from looking at roads, you will get a feel for the natural environment you are moving through and that will tell you something about the economy and the history.”

“An ability to place oneself in a spatial (空间的) setting in this way is important,” Dr Gardner added, “because it provides an insight (洞察力) into the societal, environmental and economic changes that govern all our lives. It also sharpens our hunter instincts (本能) and sense of discovery.”

“Look, for example, at a map of rural East Anglia,” she said, “and you will see the route from Cambridge to the coast with the A14 running through it. You’ll see that Bury St Edmunds has grown dramatically in the last 15 years because there are lots of new development and new light industry. This tells you that it is on the route between the Midlands and the coast at Harwich and it has benefited from increased traffic to the Continent.” She said, “You would get none of that information from a sat-nav.”

While emphasizing the importance of being able to read a map, Dr Gardner is less concerned about teaching children to memorize maps of continents, rivers and capital cities. A recent survey by National Geographic Kids magazine found that 20 per cent of children in Britain cannot find their own country on a world map, she said.

“It is much more important that kids know about major continents and different climate zones than that they know the name of a particular country, providing they know how to look it up in a map.”

“What’s important is that when they fly on holiday from Manchester to Malaga, they have an understanding that they are moving into a different geographical zone and they know why the Mediterranean landscape is different from what they see at home,” she said.

36.The passage mainly deals with _____.

A.the importance of geography knowledge in our life

B.the differences between sat-nav systems and maps

C.the importance of the ability to read maps

D.the advantage of a sat-nav system

37.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 4?

A.Harwich B.Midlands

C.Bury St Edmunds D.East Anglia

38.In Dr Gardner’s opinion, kids in Britain _____.

A.should memorize all the continents, rivers and capital cities in maps

B.had better fly to Malaga to realize different landscapes between Mediterranean and UK

C.should master some basic principles of geography

D.can turn to a sat-nav for help for a lack of geography knowledge

39.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The road map tells us more than just the route from one place to another.

B.We can tell the history and economy of a region with the help of a sat-nav.

C.A sat-nav contains as much information as a map.

D.Children who know about different climate zones can find their own country in a world



We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming (把……按能力分班)pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect for their total personality.

We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.

In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.

Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

Develop the abilities of pupils:● develop their full abilities, not their (1) __________

● value personal qualities

● (2) __________

pupils-streamed teaching (disadvantages) (3) __________ teaching (advantages)

● not (4) __________ the fact that children develop at different rates

● have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child

● (5) __________ the pupils who are at the bottom of the top grade

● rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability

● only one aspect for pupils’ total personality ● (6) __________ pupils’ full abilities.

● give them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop

(7) __________

● learn how to cope with (8) __________

● learn how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate (9) __________.

● learn from each other

(10) __________ from the teacher.

● do this at their own speed

Key (1)

单词拼写1. persuasive 2. promoting 3. committed 4. campaign 5. educate

6. services 7. complete 8. original 9. comments 10. nationwide

1. share

(1) share your newspaper with me?

shares his toys with

(2) share (in) the cost


(3) my share of the expenses


2. intended(更正intend sb to do sth)

预期的效果 饮用水

is intended for

is intended to educate

intended to study abroad

to run the company

should be carried out within this year

3. lead

(1) led a peace movement


led me to a clear

(2) leads to

(3) in the lead 带头/落后

carried out under the lead

4. (1) 彻底的变化 万籁俱寂

will be completed at the end of the year

in complete

5. satisfied

is never satisfied with

Hearing a satisfied smile

(1) 满足某人的需要/好奇心

(2) 获得满足感 to one’s satisfaction

(3) 令人满意的解释


1. production produce products production

2. There has been no known cure so far but this illness can be treated.

cured were well treated

3. special especial particular particular


1. (1) is not quite used to living in the noisy city

(2) such that (3) so that

(4) such that (5) such so such

2. (1) Not all the students

All haven’t

(2) has failed though

3. (1) is meant to

(2) is meant to, overcome



Key (2)

1. unique 2. convenient 3. available 4. unforgettable 5. extremely

6. continuously 7. update 8. particular 9. sincerely 10. fashionable


1. recommend

(1) recommend to

recommend as

(2) going / you to go / you should go

2. convenient

(1) Will 4 o’clock be convenient?

(2) Is it convenient for / to you?

3. determine

(1) determined the name/title

(2) determined where to go

(3) has determined to give up smoking

(4) determined me to take action at once

(5) this should never be allowed to happen again

4. approach

(1) is approaching

(2) approaching perfection

(3) a new approach

经典回放 A A C B

1. Even if he did not want to, he still had to share his hotel room with a stranger. There were too many tourists in the town during the holiday.

2. Commercial advertisements on TV about fashionable products seem to appeal more to women than men.

3. It’s a pity that parents are not aware of the importance of hobbies in a student’s life.

4. These words are not meant to hurt you, but to encourage you.

5. On Halloween, children can play tricks on neighbours who refuse to offer them sweets.

6. 在策划广告宣传活动时,你会发现有很多不同的手段让你将信息传达给目标受众。

Key (3)







1. academic ability

2. value social skills

3. mixed-ability 4. take into account

5. discourage 6. contribute to

7. leadership skills 8. personal problems

9. effectively 10. as well as

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